AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Archives by lightningmatrix


Chapter 5 & 6

"Ahhhh........." De'voir took a deep breath as the ferry that the group had boarded from Dewford Island landed in Slateport City. " air......" Mark smiled, because he knew how excited De'voir was, they had never been to a city as big as Slateport.

Wondering what they should do first in Slateport, Kimberly dragged a reluctant Sean off towards the market, wanting to go see the shops. De'voir and Mark walked away from J.C., leaving him alone with Nicholas on his wrist.

A while later, Kimberly and Sean met the group in a park, with Sean holding a huge amount of shopping bags and boxes. "She used up almost all my money..." Sean let out a sigh, and dropped the bought items on J.C., crushing him to the floor. "Argh..." J.C. passed out.

"Hey guys, look at that!" Mark pointed to a large group of blue and white clad people lining up outside the oceanic museum. "Aren't they Team Aqua?" The group nodded. "Wha? What did I miss?" J.C. got up, looking a little dazed. The group told him about the group of people blocking the oceanic museum entrance. "Awww, that's too bad, we've already tried delivering the package to Captain Stern's office and it turns out he's in the oceanic museum." De'voir nodded. "So, now how are we supposed to get the package to him?" Mark thought for awhile. "I guess we'll have to wait."

Awhile later, the group met back outside the museum and saw that the Team Aqua men were no longer outside, so they went in. They each paid the 50p entrance fee, (Mark and Sean paid 100p because they didn't want to call back their pokémon into their balls.) and went into the first floor gallery. The sight that greeted them shocked them a little: Team Aqua members everywhere- looking at the exhibits, muttering to themselves about how much each exhibit was worth and wondering whether or not to steal each exhibit.

After a while, the group realized that the members were just minding their own business, and not bothering anyone, so the group decided to split up and look for Captain Stern.

They found him on the second floor, looking at early versions of submarines through a glass case. "Captain Stern?" The captain looked up. "Yes, who's asking?" "We have a package from Devon for you." Upon hearing this, the captain smiled. "Ah! I've been waiting for that!" Happily, he took the package from Mark, and started to open it, like a child on Christmas, when two Team Aqua men rushed up and took out their Pokéballs. "Captain Stern...we finally found you...kindly fork over the Devon Goods, and we won't hurt you." The Team Aqua grunt's Mightyena growled and bared his teeth. "Leave the captain alone!" Mark yelled at the two grunts, who looked at each other and smiled. "The boss said that if you three-he gestured to the three trainers- should ever interrupt Team Aqua's business again, we were to "deal with" you.

Without warning, the Mightyena fired a Dark Pulse from its mouth, not at the pokémon, but at Mark! De'voir, realizing what was going to happen, pushed Mark to the floor, taking the Dark Pulse directly to her back. "Ahhhh!!!!!!" De'voir screamed, and collapsed onto Mark, but held onto him tightly as she was still trying to protect him, living up to Gardevoir's Pokédex entry of sacrificing herself to save her trainer. "De'voir? De'voir?" Mark said over and over, while trying to find a sign, a pulse, anything that showed that she was still alive.

Kimberly and Sean turned to the two grunts, who got chills down their spines. Sean felt the rage boiling up in him, as did Kimberly-they had both seen the Team Aqua grunts try to kill their friend and hurt another of their friends. "Chaos Flare!" Kimberly unleashed the attack that the two had created in the Magma Labs, which created a huge purple, black and green fireball, which smashed into the grunt's Mightyena and Crobat, smashing them to the floor, the shockwaves shattering all the glass nearby. The grunts looked at each other, then looked at their Pokémon, and ran away. Kimberly then collapsed from the energy used for the attack, but Sean caught her.

Just then, De'voir opened her eyes, and saw that Mark was crying with his eyes closed. She reached out and touched his cheek and Mark suddenly opened his eyes, smiled and embraced De'voir, which surprised her a little, but she soon hugged him back.

Meanwhile at Team Aqua HQ......

"Argh!!!!! How could we fail to beat them again?!" Then the shadowy figure then pressed a button on his desk. "Amber, Ruby, Amethyst, time to move out." The figure then put his hands together. "Soon, soon you'll meet your end..."

Back at Slateport City...

"So, now that we've delivered the package, where to?" Mark was reading the map. "Well...Mauville City is the next city with a gym..." So, the group all agreed to go to Mauville City.

"Ahhh...Mauville City..." The group had finally reached Mauville City, after walking through a densely overgrown walkway, seeing as how they had no bicycles to ride on the upper bridge of Mauville City. Brushing dirt off their legs, they walked into the city, eagerly anticipating their gym battle.

"Wahahahaha!!!" The group looked up in surprise, finding themselves looking at three people in Team Aqua uniforms. De'voir suddenly realized something- even though they were all wearing the standard bandana and striped shirt, instead of blue, the man was wearing red ones, and one of the women had orange variations, while the other had purple. They also all had a bracelet on their left wrist, each embedded with a different gemstone: ruby, amber and amethyst.

"Heheheh...we're sorry, but the boss told us to get rid of you." Upon hearing this, the whole group tensed themselves for battle, and J.C. reached for his bracelet. ", aren't you? I like that in a guy..." De'voir realized that the woman with the amethyst woman was staring strangely at her trainer and she tensed up even more.

" cute! The Pokémon likes her trainer!" Upon hearing this comment from the amber woman, De'voir quickly let go of Mark, and there was an awkward silence. (Not really, as the rest of the group tried hard not to laugh, but Kimberly let go one little "Bthhahahaha") The man with the ruby was clearly not as willing to taunt his prey. "Well, shall we get started? I'm Ruby, this is Amber and this is Amethyst, we'll be your executioners for tonight." The gang knew that if they fought in the city, the building would probably get ruined and people could get hurt, so they ran towards the outskirts of the city, with the Team Aqua people following them in close pursuit.

As soon as they stopped running, the three Team Aqua members cornered them. "Finally, lets fight!"

Ruby sent out a Ludicolo and Amber sent out a Slowbro. Amethyst, on the other hand, pressed a button on a remote, calling a Meganium to her side. The Meganium, however, had a strange black collar on her neck. "Haha! This usually makes trainers unable to attack my Meganium- I didn't even capture it, I just use a shock collar to make it obey me!"

The battle went down quite simply for the other two Team Aqua members- Mark and De'voir quickly finished off the Ludicolo with a Thunderbolt, while Sean and Kimberly brought down the durable Slowbro with a few Crunch attacks. "Pbtth...Ack! Sean, that Slowbro tasted horrible!"

J.C. and Nicholas, on the other hand, were having a much harder time with the Meganium, since it was being forced against its will to fight, Nicholas and J.C. could not bring themselves to hurt it. "J.C., it would be easier to just catch the Meganium, wouldn't it?" J.C. thought for a while. "Alright, let's try."

Under J.C.'s command, Nicholas fired a Shadow Ball, followed by a couple of quick Petal Dances. After that, Nicholas was a little confused and dizzy, but his Persim Berry cured him before the Meganium could counter-attack, and he finished her off with a Shadow Ball. "What!? How did you defeat my Meganium?" Amethyst quickly recovered. "Ahhh...never mind, I have a lot more pokémon back at base. This useless one, on the other hand," She gestured at her Meganium, lying on the ground, unable to move, "This useless one, on the other hand, is no longer needed."

She pressed another button on her remote, causing a missile to fire out from behind her, heading straight for the Meganium! The Meganium was frozen with fear (Actually, just frozen to the spot because of Nicholas's Shadow Ball), when suddenly J.C. pushed her out of the way and Nicholas hit the missile with a Shadow Ball, causing it to explode in midair! Removing the collar, J.C. got up, and the Meganium stood up and glared at her former "trainer". Frightened, Amethyst ran, dragging along an unconscious Ruby and Amber.

De'voir straightened up, brushed some dust off her skirt, and walked back towards Mark. The group got back together, J.C. bid farewell to the Meganium, since they didn't catch it after all, and they started walking back to Mauville City, now too exhausted to go to the gym, so they checked into a hotel, went into their rooms, got into bed and quickly fell asleep, eagerly anticipating the next day.
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