AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Archives by lightningmatrix


Chapter 7

"Hey, De'voir, you awake?" The young Gardevoir sat up in her bed, finding herself staring straight into the aquamarine-colored eyes of her friend Kimberly. "Heh, sorry about that." Kimberly straightened up, showing her full height as well as the orange wings coming out of her back. De'voir stared at the Charizard for a while, then suddenly realized that Kimberly must have called her up for something. "It's not a problem. Did you call me up for something?" Kimberly nodded, "Yeah, Mark's looking for you. It's already 10 in the morning, so we're going out for breakfast, I guess."

"Ahh...perfect." De'voir put down her comb, and looked at herself in the mirror. It had already been a week since she became human-like, and she had gotten quite used to it. Thanks to her trainer's efficient training, and her devotion to the training, she had become fairly agile on her feet, since she now had them. In that week, they had gotten into many fights with Team Aqua, and she knew that they would definitely be back, so De'voir and the other pokémon had been training hard to be able to fight off whatever Team Aqua might throw at them.

"De'voir, are you done?" De'voir snapped out of her thoughts. "Ah...yeah, I'll be right down!" De'voir brushed her teeth, washed her face, put her towel back onto the towel rack, and ran downstairs. Since she did not want to keep her trainer and the others waiting, she used her psychic powers to jump down entire flights of stairs at once. However, the rest of the group was waiting for her- at the bottom of the stairs. When she realized this it was already too late. She crashed- right on top of her trainer! De'voir helped Mark up, apologizing at the same time. "'s alright, it was an accident." Mark got up slowly, brushed off some dust from his coat, then the group set off, looking for a place to eat in Mauville City.

After breakfast, the group went straight to the Mauville gym. "Sorry, we're not in right now, but please leave a message at the Magnemite's shock. Wahahahaha!!!" Upon reading the sign outside the gym, they were a little puzzled. "Shock? What shock?" Suddenly, a huge bolt of electricity shot out from the gym, directly hitting Sean! "Ohh...THAT shock..." J.C. was busy reading a guide book. "Yeah, this gym's type is electric pokémon, which means that Kimberly would have some trouble here." Kimberly looked like she agreed with J.C., until Sean spoke up. "Heh, she'll be fine, I trust her." At that comment, Kimberly smiled, and the group set off, looking for something else to do to buy time.

Later that day, after a lot of training, the group was once again standing outside the gym. However, the doors were still closed. "Hey!" Mark spotted an old man walking by. "Excuse me, but could you tell us where the gym leader is?" The old man's face broke into a smile. "You're looking at him, kid! Wahahahaha!!!" The group looked shocked. "I suppose you'll be wanting a gym battle then? Well then come on in! I had to close the gym as not many people were coming in to challenge me."

"This will be a two on two battle! The first one to run out of pokémon loses the match!" Sean smiled, as he only had one pokémon with him. Kimberly just stood on the battlefield, with her hands in her pockets, not even facing Wattson. "Magneton! I choose you!" The electric-steel Pokémon appeared out of a flash of light, instantly charging at Kimberly! Suddenly, Kimberly vanished, just before the Magneton struck her. When she reappeared, there were about seven more copies of her! Sean smiled-he had not said anything, but the independent Charizard had used Double Team on her own, and was quite adept at fighting without commands. "Flamethrower!" Kimberly nodded (well, more like all of Kimberly's copies nodded with her) The red-hot blaze stream of fire shot out of Kimberly's mouth, but the Magneton was too confused by the many copies, so it could not tell which Kimberly was the real one, or more specific, which Flamethrower it should dodge; so it just stood there, getting consumed by the fire! When the flames lifted, the Magneton just lay there, unconscious. "Magneton is unable to battle! The round goes to Sean!" Wattson just continued to smile. "Raichu! Go!" The electric mouse pokémon stood there, with sparks flying from its cheeks. Right off the bat, the Raichu started to glow yellow, then let loose a huge bolt of electricity- aimed right at Kimberly! The bolt hit Kimberly directly, but then something strange happened- the electricity went right through Kimberly! "What?!" Wattson was sure that the Thunder had hit directly, and so did everyone else watching (Mark, De'voir, J.C. and Nicholas). Sean smiled. "At the last second, Kimberly instinctively used Double Team." Kimberly smirked in confirmation.
Wattson smiled again. "Wahahahaha!!!! That was a good on your part, kid, but you won't beat me so easily!!!!" Sean and Kimberly had already known this, so they had trained hard for the battle. However, things were easier said than done- every time Kimberly used Flamethrower, the Raichu dodged it by bracing itself and using its tail as a shield. "Kimberly! Earthquake!!" Hearing Sean's words, Kimberly knew what to do; she just hoped it would work. "I'm no longer as big as I used to be, in fact now my body is more feminine, so much like a human girl's that I doubt that if I stomp my foot it'll create an earthquake." Suddenly, she recalled all that she and Sean had gone through to learn the attack, even if they did not have enough time to perfect it. "That's right, Sean's counting on me to do it, and as his Pokémon, I can't let him down." Crouching down, she put her hand on the floor, and then suddenly pushed it down with a lot of force. It worked like a charm- a huge shockwave was generated, causing the Raichu to lose its balance, creating an opening for Kimberly to nail it with a Flamethrower.

"Raichu is unable to battle! The round goes to Sean!" Upon hearing the referee's words, Sean let out a deep breath; he had also hot been completely sure if the attack would work, but he had trusted Kimberly, and it was a success. Wattson walked over, "Good job kid! Looks like you were able to do it! I'm sure you and Kimberly worked hard to learn that Earthquake attack, and so I'm proud to present you with this- the Dynamo Badge!" Sean reached out and took the badge from Wattson, then stepped back to let the others challenge Wattson.

That night, the group fell asleep quickly, exhausted from fighting hard. It was worth it, though, as all of them won a Dynamo Badge. They slept peacefully that night, knowing that the next challenge was just around the corner.
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