AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Archives by lightningmatrix


Chapter 10 & 11

"Your Pokémon are going to burn." Sean smiled calmly as he successfully provoked both his first Battle Tent opponent and his Forretress, causing his opponent to simply say, "Well, you gonna fight or not?" Sean smiled, reached his arm to his waist, and took one of the three Pokéballs off his belt, and threw it. Out of the Pokéball came a girl, with long, golden hair, which rivaled her trainer's own, wearing a yellow coat, over a red shirt, and long black pants. Sean's opponent was quite surprised. "A...human?" Aegis laughed slightly. "I may look like this, but I'm still a Ninetales." Mark and J.C. thought to themselves for awhile. "If she's a Ninetales, and Kimberly's a Charizard, then maybe all his Pokémon are fire type?"

As the battle began, the Forretress wasted no time in attacking, firing a powerful Zap Cannon straight at Aegis! Dodging it, (seriously, it's Zap Cannon, what did you expect?) Aegis' body started to glow a slight red, as she began to prepare her attack. Seeing this, the Forretress used Rock Polish, allowing it to slide along the floor of the battlefield much faster. Suddenly, Aegis let loose a powerful Heat Wave, enveloping the Fast(ish) Bug-Steel Pokémon, wiping it out in one hit.

The opponent's next Pokémon was a Machoke, which also attacked as soon as the battle began, with a Cross Chop. Unable to avoid it, Aegis took the hit, but managed to jump back to avoid the full brunt of the attack, then closed her eyes and stood still. The Machoke tried to attack again, but felt his body unable to move. Mark and J.C. were surprised that Aegis, a Ninetales, could pull off such a move. "Extrasensory..." After a few more Extrasensory attacks, the Machoke too, fell in defeat.

The third and final Pokémon was a Slowbro, causing a type disadvantage to the Fire-type Ninetales, yet Aegis stood there, eyes closed, smiling to herself. Sean, who all the while had been worrying about Aegis, leaned back in his chair and muttered softly to himself. "It's over..." Aegis opened her eyes, revealing them to be glowing a dark pink color. Seeing this, the Slowbro thought she was going to use another Extrasensory, and thus braced itself for the Psychic type attack. Yet, to everyone's surprise, Aegis fired a Dark Pulse, straight at the Slowbro, knocking it out instantly.

As the first opponent ran out of the room, Aegis walked back to her trainer, with a big smile on her face, hoping to be praised, and to her surprise, Sean pulled her towards him and pressed his lips against hers. When he broke the kiss, Aegis was a little surprised, but turned a slight reddish colour. "Great job, Aegis. Is it okay if I let one of the others take the next battle?" Aegis, satisfied with both the battle and the kiss, nodded slightly.

As the next battle started, the rest of the group watched intently, knowing that the next Pokémon would be one of Sean's other unknown two Pokémon. Sean's opponent grinned, and threw out a Pokéball which contained a large Kingdra! Sean just smiled, and threw out a Pokéball, saying, "Your turn, Mia!" When the Pokéball's light vanished, there stood a beautiful girl, having a just as captivating appearance as Aegis. This girl had reddish-pink hair, wearing a pale yellow blouse, and a blue and red skirt. It was rather easy for Mark and J.C. to guess what Pokémon Mia was. "M-Milotic..." Sean's opponent this time around was also surprised about Sean using a "human", but simply shrugged and told his Kingdra to continue. Mia brushed back her hair with her hand, then opened her mouth, and released a huge Dragon Pulse. The Kingdra countered with its own Dragon Pulse, both cancelling each other out. Wasting no time, the Kingdra prepared to fire a Flash Cannon, but got hit by another Dragon Pulse instead! Mia had rapidly fired two Dragon Pulses, one after the other. The Kingdra, having been taken by surprise, was knocked out.

The opponent's second Pokémon was a Vileplume, giving Mia the type disadvantage. The Vileplume was crazy-fast, releasing Petal Dances over and over, but Mia obviously didn't want to get hit, so she dodged all three, then firing an Ice Beam when the Vileplume was in a confused state. After getting hit, Vileplume used Synthesis, causing it's wounds to heal, much to Mia's dismay. Annoyed, Mia used Surf, then Ice Beam when the wave hit the Vileplume, causing the Vileplume to be trapped in a large block of ice, letting Mia win by default.

Mia's last opponent was a Golem, giving Mia the type advantage. Mia readied herself to fire a Hydro Pump, but the Golem used Explosion before she could fire, AT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BATTLEFIELD. And thus, Mia won the third fight, and Golem got scolded badly by its trainer. Mia walked back to Sean and to his surprise, pushed him against the wall and kissed him passionately. When Mia broke the kiss, she got hit by a Dark Pulse, courtesy of a very angry Aegis. Sean brushed himself off, and proceeded to quell the fight between the two.

When the third battle commenced, Sean's opponent sent out a Ariados, causing J.C. and Arachne to be slightly unsure of who to root for. Sean let a slight sigh, "Oh man, it's too easy for you, isn't it, Aria?" With that, Sean sent out his fourth Pokémon, a girl with long blue hair, tied in a ponytail, tied a second time to become two, wearing a blue and white ninja suit. J.C. seemed puzzled. "" Mark shook his head. " Altaria." Aria, unable to wait any longer, struck first, by opening her mouth, and firing a Flamethrower, roasting her surprised opponent, then finishing it off with an Earthquake.

The next battle was with a Raichu, defeated in quickly by Aria's speed and Earthquake attack. The last opponent, to Aria's surprise, was an Altaria. "Oh, another Altaria... Let's see who's stronger between us, ~hmm~?" Aria instantly used an incredible Draco Meteor, crushing her weaker opponent flat, instantly. Aria smiled, slightly disappointed. "Next time...get stronger, ~hmm~?" As Aria walked back to Sean, she surprised him as well by wrapping her arms around his shoulders, and much to Aegis and Mia's chagrin, kissing him. After the three Pokémon were calmed by Sean, they proceeded to the spectator stand to watch J.C.'s match.

Finally, it was J.C.'s turn to fight. Running his fingers through his hair, he addressed his opponent.

"Shall we begin?"

Running his fingers through his hair, J.C. simply watched his opponent, as he waited calmly for a reply. After a few seconds, he decided to start first. With a swift motion of his right hand, the Pokéball on his right bracelet came open, releasing onto the battlefield Erika, whom the rest of the group had gotten to better know over the previous day as J.C.'s first and strongest Pokémon, Erika "Spyke" Silverthorne. Having seen Sean's battles previously, his opponent decided to not try to guess what she was, and rather to just fight. Upon his opponent sending out a Zangoose, J.C.'s first match commenced.

Sean, this time sitting in the spectator seat, was feeling a slight tinge of anticipation, as he wanted to know how J.C.'s strongest Pokémon was. Mark too, wanted to see her power quite badly. After all, all they knew had been told to them by Arachne, J.C.'s second Pokémon, yet they had never even spoken to the seemingly apathetic girl, let alone see her battle.

Wasting no time, the Zangoose rushed forward with a Close Combat attack, attempting to claw Erika to shreds. However, Erika seemed to pay no attention to her opponent, calmly using very subtle movements to efficiently dodge every single attack that the Zangoose threw at her, all the while walking slowly to the centre of the field. All of a sudden, Erika's eyes shifted to her opponent, and the sash around her yukata came to life, seemingly forming two huge hands, which seemed to be under Erika's control! With a quick motion, the sash grabbed her opponent, and in single shot, lifted her opponent off the ground, and floored it instantly. Sean's Pokémon, Aegis and Mia especially, started to ask Sean what kind of demonically powerful move Erika had just performed, to which Sean, still trying to figure out for himself, replied, "I...I'm not sure, but I think that was...Counter."

With the entire audience, including the judge, in shock, Erika simply shifted her gaze yet again, to the judge. "Well?" Snapping out of it, the judge quickly declared Erika the winner, who then proceeded to use the same technique to knock out the rest of the opponent's Pokémon. When she returned to J.C., he showed her concern, even though she clearly had not a scratch on her. "I'm fine, Master. Please, let me take on the other opponents as well." Erika looked at J.C., as he asked why she was so eager, and replied, "W-well, it's been so long since I've fought for you, Master." J.C. then smiled, and patted her on the head, saying, "Sure."

Defeating the second opponent and the first two Pokémon of the third opponent just as easily, Erika started to fight her last opponent, a Ninjask. The speedy Pokémon shifted its position around the field quickly, almost too fast for the eye to see. Erika, still emotionless, closed her eyes, and did not even move. Seeing a chance, the Ninjask moved in for a Fury Cutter, but Erika dodged it at exactly the moment it was going to strike, and her sash smashed her opponent into ground, leaving a crack in the ground, like a Hariyama had just fallen from the sky. With J.C. declared the winner, the group decided to leave the Battle Tent and go for lunch.

After lunch, the group decided to train together a little. Mark and De'voir decided to watch, while Sean and J.C. had a one on one battle. Sean chose to use Kimberly for the fight, while J.C. released Erika onto the field. When the battle began, Kimberly started off strong, smashing the ground open with a devastating Earthquake. Erika jumped to dodge the attack, but Kimberly followed suit, attempting a powerful Crunch on Erika! In response, Erika's sash flew out and hit Kimberly square in the stomach with Payback. As Kimberly crashed to the ground, Erika landed gracefully on the ground, still showing no sign of emotion. Kimberly quickly got up, and rushed towards Erika for another Crunch. Erika walked forward as well, while getting ready to Counter. Suddenly, Kimberly opened her mouth and fired her Flamethrower at Erika, who could not react in time, and got hit full on! As Erika fell, to everyone's surprise, Kimberly crashed to the floor as well! With Erika's Destiny Bond, the match finished as a draw.

As the trainers relaxed in their individual hotel rooms that night, Sean and J.C. drifted off to sleep quickly, exhausted from the day's events.
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