AGNPH Stories

Maylabay's Thunderstorm by Daneasaur


Chapter 1

Maylabay's Thunderstorm.

This is something both written for Nicobay for his contest, and also was in the planning for just the heck of it. This is a Sequel to Nicobay's Thunderstorm and takes place a few months afterwards. The characters involved are Nicobay, His Umbreon father Skrien, His younger sister Maylabay, and my creation, Thunder, who you can see in my Furaffinity gallery under legionbeast. This lemon has acts of M+M and M+F and incest. Now, please enjoy!


Dear Maylabay,

It is rare to lay eyes on such beauty. I'm enamored by the way your leaf shines in the sunlight, how your legs are so strong, and how your body has such a pretty coloration. I am eager to meet with you in person. Please come to Nicobay's house so we can get to know each other.

-Signed, Your admirer.


Maylabay giggled as she read the message. She had gotten up earlier then her parents and had stepped outside to gather some sunlight to wake up when she stumbled over a piece of wood. Square in shape, it had words carved into it, the message she just read.

"Mom? Dad?!" she said as she used a vine to grab the piece of wood and run back into their house. "Hello?" she said back before she spotted her father walking out of the den area where he and his wife slept.

"Shhhh... We had a... busy night and your mother wants to keep sleeping. Now, what is it?" he asked at a hushed tone. Mayla showed him the wood piece as she blushed. He read the whole message, mouthing it all silently before finishing it and getting a skeptical look on his face. "Well, it looks like someone wants to meet you, and it's probably a friend of Nico. I take it you want to meet them?" Mayla was about to answer, but just blushed and nodded her head. Skrien smiled at her. "Okay my dear. Go ahead, you have my permission."

"But daddy..." she spoke up. "I'm... not sure I'll like them... Can you come along?" she said, giving him her best puppy dog eyes. Skrien just chuckled.

"Okay okay, I'll be with you." he said as Mayla's face brightened up and took the wooden note into her room and set it aside before bouncing out the front door, excited like a dog or a giddy kid at the idea of meeting someone new, but Mayla had different thoughts.

"It's gotta be from Nico!" she thought to herself as she and Skrien walked the path to Nicobay's house. "He is finally accepting me as a lover and wants to tell me in person!" she kept thinking, letting her imagination carry her away, even a naughty twinge in her nether region and a faint aroma of her sweet scent wafted in the air. Skrien picked it up, but just chuckled and shook his head. She always got like this around and about Nico ever since she was old enough to mate, and despite how delicious it was, he was also used to her scent enough to control his urges.

Skrien looked up at the sky through the trees, noting a mostly clear sky with maybe a wispy white cloud here or there in the midday sky. It looked to be shaping up like a great day.

Soon enough, they climbed the hill that Nico's house was atop and, just as Skrien was about to knock on the door, Mayla jumped in front of him and slammed on the door a few times with her strong front legs.

"Nico! I'm here! I got your message!" she shouted, though Skrien gave her a funny look. That message never said it was from Nico... Nicobay soon opened the door and smiled seeing his father and sister.

"Dad! Sis!" he shouted in return, nuzzing first his father, then his sister, who wanted the nuzzle to last a little too long for his comfort. "Easy, easy Mayla!" he said, managing to pull a ways away from her. "What's this about a message?" he asked his father, but his sister spoke before he could.

"The message you sent me! The one saying how pretty I am!" she shouted, her face with a near permanent smile plastered onto it. Skrien sighed.

"I'll explain once we're all inside, okay?" Nico nodded and stood aside as Skrien walked in first, followed by Mayla, who decided to rub the side of her body along Nico's chest before flicking her tail up as high as she could get it, hoping he'd look at it. The whole act making Nico a little horny, but also making him roll his eyes. Mayla had always been enamored by her older brother, always looking up to him and finding him handsome. However, she was a little too attached to him for his liking. Granted, it was not terribly uncommon for Nicobay's entire family to engage in the occasional incestuous orgy during peak mating seasons when both Mayla and their mother were both emitting massive doses of pheromones, but Mayla developed a heartfelt crush on Nico that didn't go both ways, leading her to always try and convince him that she was destined to be his mate... One of the reasons Nicobay moved out as soon as he could. It wasn't that he didn't like her, he just felt she could find someone better as he never had plans to settle down... Somewhat marking him as the slut of the forest, not that he complained.


The conversation went a little better once all three were sitting comfortably, and by comfortably, that was with Mayla and Nico sitting across the main room from each other with Skrien in the middle. It made Nico feel better, but Mayla was acting like she was sitting on pins and needles and giggling to herself as she stared at Nico. Skrien broke up the tension with a small cough.

"Okay... here is the story. Mayla found a piece of wood this morning outside of our house with a message cut into it. The message was addressed to her and was telling how... whoever wrote it, wanted to meet her here." he said as Nico paid attention. "Now, did you or a friend of yours make that message?" Nicobay shook his head.

"Not that I know of." he said simply, thinking a bit. Mayla calmed down, knowing that her brother wouldn't lie, it just wasn't part of who he is. She finally spoke up.

"Well... if it wasn't you..." she thought for a moment. "Did any of your friends talk about how they... liked me?" she said as she blushed softly. Nico was thinking for a moment before me muttered something.

"Hmm... As far as I know... It was only..." his eyes went wide and he blushed furiously as he remembered who had said it as the memories from several months back flooded his mind. He had to fight back an errection, but Mayla and Skrien were puzzled as to why he'd stopped talking.

Before Skrien or Mayla could say anything though, everyone's thoughts were washed away by a flash and a loud crack of thunder as a near torrential thunderstorm whipped up. Nicobay got up in a hurry and quickly blocked his windows. Nico gave a sigh when he was finished, but Skrien was looking confused.

"Kids... I think we have a problem." Mayla and Nico looked at him curiously. "There were no storm clouds when we were walking here, and we haven't been here long enough for a storm to sneak up on us." He took a couple of steps to one of the windows and peeked through a crack, and sure enough, the sky was black and pouring rain. "This is not a natural rain..." he said softly. Mayla wasn't sure what to think, other then to hurriedly snuggle up with Nico for comfort. Nico however was now positive he knew who made the letter. But he couldn't keep it a secret, could he? No... He had to tell them.

However, just as he opened his mouth, there was a very bright flash of lighting and blast of thunder that rattled the whole house. Skrien, who was looking out a window at that time, grew wide eyes and shook his head before looking again. He too was about to speak, before a loud knocking was heard on the door, making Mayla jump, nearly knocking her brother over. Skrien grew agitated and looked at the front door with an almost furiously angry look in his eyes, but also a hint of puzzlement. Nicobay on the other hand just swallowed hard, gently pushing Mayla out of the way and walked up to the door, before Skrien barked at him.

"Nico! What do you think you're doing!? You have no idea what creature is on the other side of the door!" he said, almost furious, but also worried.

"Don't worry dad..." Nico said with a sigh. "I... Actually know him very well." and before anyone could speak, he had opened the front door to his house, revealing the oddly majestic figure of the elemental who had visited Nico several months ago. "Dad, Mayla... This is Thunder." Mayla was huddled in a corner and couldn't see the figure very well, but was soothed when he spoke.

"Greetings again Nicobay. And to you as well, mighty Skrien and beautiful Maylabay." he said with a soft rumble before turning his red eyes to Nico, water still running down his frame. "May I come in?" he said, flashing his sharp teeth in a small grin. Nico nodded, allowing Thunder to walk into the house and slowly drip dry as Nico shut the door behind him.

"Nicobay..." Skrien said softly, almost more menacing then when he was yelling. "How do you know of this being? Why does he know all of our names?" Nicobay took a breath and was about to answer before Thunder raised his golden hand and placed a single finger on Nico's mouth, silencing him.

"I will be more then happy to answer your questions." Thunder said softly as he walked slowly though Nico's house, not making any sudden movements before he lay himself down with his back propped against a wall with his legs splayed and his tail in front of him, showing his white underbelly and also giving a sign to Skrien that he was not a true threat with his rather submissive posture. Thunder also made certain to get as close to Mayla as he could without scaring her, who was about 3 feet away behind Nico's bedding, leaving Nico to walk up next to his father. "I have watched your entire family, Skrien, and I am thrilled at it. All of you are fantastic and show such... Love and devotion, something that is rare. More rare then it should be." he said softly. "I am an elemental... Similar to your gods here, such as the ruler of time, the one of space, the original one, though quite different at the same time, as I am no pokemon." This caused Skrien to calm down and Nico to blush.

"And why are you here?" Asked Skrien as he sat down.

"I come here to feel alive. Imagine a life trapped in one's own thoughts, like being trapped in a bubble where you can not touch anything, see anything, feel anything. You can only... sense what is around you and your own thoughts. So I say again. I come here to feel alive." he stated.

"So... How does my son know of you?" Skrien asked, to which Nico blushed furiously and swallowed hard. Sure, Nico was known for being more then a little slutty, but he didn't brag about it.

"I came here several months ago to feel alive." he said with a nearly sadistic grin.

"And by that you mean?" asked Skrien.

"I came here to make a friend and to experience the pleasures of the flesh." Nico and Skrien were about to speak, but Thunder cut them off by continuing. "We had a full night of hot, erotic, delicious sex." he said, licking his lips. Nico wanted to pass out and die on the spot from embarrassment, Mayla blushed at the story, and Skrien rolled his eyes, as if he already knew the answer.

"So I take it you are the one who sent the note to my daughter?" Skrien asked as Mayla blushed redder. "And you're just sending it to get a quick fuck out of her?" he said with no remorse, feeling protective of his daughter. Thunder almost seemed to have a hurt expression on his face.

"Oh, never. I'm not so shallow as to make a simple ploy such as that. If all I wanted was a quick fuck, I would have swooped down and raped her senseless any of the times she was alone." he said, making Mayla both nervous yet relieved. Skrien was silent for a moment before nodding.

"You have a point. Still, how can you be trusted?" Thunder just grinned and wiped his face, wiping free the last traces of the rain on his hide.

"Why, I didn't force anything on Nico when he was all alone, now did I?" Nico was suddenly the center of attention as everyone was looking at him. "You remember, don't you? How you were so horny after seeing me laying just like I am now. How you wanted so badly to suck my hard, throbbing cocks..." Thunder said, every word dripping with a lusty curl that seemed to make the room simply FEEL erotic, and ever word brought back those hot and heated memories to Nico, quickly bringing out a raging errection and forcing him to release his sweet aroused scent. However, in all this, neither Skrien nor Mayla questioned the fact that Thunder had referred to his penis in a plural term. "Then you just wanted more and more. You wanted to feel yourself get fucked deep and slow, getting so wonderfully stretched until you were simply fucked into one of your greatest mind bending orgasms of your life. And all the while, I stayed with you until you were awake and knew it was no mere dream." Thunder said while licking his lips.

Nicobay's face was flushed, both from embarrassment, but also from raging hormones telling him to have another wonderful fuck. And he wasn't the only one. The story also got Skrien's attention, and it also didn't help being next to Nico when he practically exploded his pheromones all over him. Every pore in Nico's leaves were emitting his thick odor, and unlike Mayla, whom he'd grown used to, Nico had been away and smelling this odor, even from another male, made his mind haze and cloud with the simple desire to play the role of an aggressive male and claim his bitch. Skrien turned his head slowly, a nearly feral lust glinting in his eyes as he stared at Nico, who was sporting a full errection with a drop of pre escaping the tip, tail hiked high, and his eyes half lidded as he became drunk off his own lust. Skrien also quickly sported his own throbbing errection, which was known in his family for being unusually large for his species, easly as big, if not bigger then Nico's own cock. Skrien stood and growled at Nico, who only responded by giving him a look in his direction.

"Present your ass to me, you fucking slut!" Skrien hissed through clenched teeth. Despite having a calm head most of the time, when he was presented with a sexual encounter, he always became an aggressor and was very vulgar, but it somehow greatly pleased any of his mates. Nico was so lost that he just nodded and stood, turning his backside to face Skrien as he lowered his front half, resting his chest on the ground and straining to lift his tail even higher then it already was, revealing his tight anal pucker and cock dangling between his thick legs.

"That's it, you little whore..." He said as he licked his lips before wasting no time in mounting Nico's backside, gripping the sides of his hips with his paws and pressing his cock against Nico's pucker, the orifice almost seeming to want to swallow his cock as it quivered and pulsed slightly to his touch.

"Tell me you want it, slut..." Skrien said softly, licking his lips. "Tell me how badly you wanna get fucked. BEG me to shove my cock deep into your ass, you little fucking whore!" Nico turned his head back with a pleading look in his eyes and his tongue hanging out.

"I-I want it..." He muttered softly, clenching and wiggling his ass as he wimpered, feeling the cock on him yet not pressing in. His insides ached to feel full and his cock was drooling pre onto his floor. "PLEASE!" he shouted, closing his eyes. "Please fuck me like a little bitch! I NEED to feel your cock in me until I CUM!" Nico nearly screamed in lust and need.

"Then... TAKE IT BITCH!" Skrien yelled back as he shoved all of his hard cock into Nico's wanting ass in one hard thrust. Nico moaned and squeaked at the same time as Skrien didn't exactly have a lubed cock, but that didn't stop either of them as his insides were still slightly moist and oh so hot and welcoming, enough for both of these sex crazed fiends. Skrien wasted no time in furiously pumping his long and thick cock in and out of Nico's tight insides, his walls fighting to keep him out, and yet pulling at him to not let him leave. Every hard thrust smashed Skrien's swelled knot against his son's pucker, far too dry to get in, but smashing his prostate and giving Nico a buzz he rarely felt as he began moaning like a female in deep heat, squeaking and writhing in a high pitched voice that rivaled Maylabay's. His cock kept spurting thick globs of cum on the floor ever time Skrien smashed his knot against his pucker. Nico extended his vines and was about to start stroking his aching cock when Skrien snarled at him.

"No you don't, bitch!" he said with a snap. "You're my bitch and you're gonna cum from just my cock! Now moan, you little slut!" he said as he dug his claws into Nico's hips. Nico quickly retracted his vines and began squealing again, his body writhing in lust as his insides were pummeled and shifted by the large cock invading his body. Skrien was personally enjoying this to the fullest. Granted, he loved his wife and she was an incredible person to mate with, Nico was smaller and his insides were so tight it almost hurt... But that was the buzz of doing it with him. Skrien shivered as he kept up his deep fucking his own son.

"Tell me you want to feel my cum, little slut! Beg me to pour my cum into you and make you my bitch!" Skrien demanded as he could feel his orgasm careening towards him. Nico could feel it too, his own orgasm shooting through his system.

"YES! Make me your little bitch! Cum in me, PLEASE!" Nico screamed. He was rewarded by Skrien slamming his hips into him several very hard times before holding him extremely tight and snarling deeply as his insides quivered before his cock began throbbing, his insides spilling out a load he never knew he had, blasting and splashing sticky ropes of hot canine seed along Nico's insides. Nico squealed in turn as he felt the super hard pressure against his prostate and the hot globs of his father's cum pouring and spraying his insides, easily shooting Nico into his own mind bending orgasm as his cock sprayed like a hose and drenched the floor under him with his own hot seed, spurred on by one fucking amazing experience. Nico quivered, but lost the strength to keep his ass raised and he crumpled forward, his hips landing in the hot cum with a wet splat as he lay his head down and essentially passed out. Skrien followed him by collapsing on his son's back with his cock still buried in Nico, the events of last night with his wife and now finally catching up with him, effectively knocking him out as well.


The erotic scene was watched in silence by both Mayla and Thunder. Mayla had seen this happen before, but not so... fierce. She looked at the stranger and grew a bit spooked.

"You... You did something to them... Didn't you?" she said, a little more worried then she was before. Thunder gave her a puzzled look before smiling and chuckling.

"Oh, no, I didn't do anything to them. That was all their idea, not mine." he said, admiring the cum puddle the two were laying in before looking back at Mayla. "Besides, I'm sure you enjoyed it." he said, noting how her thighs were clenched together, her crotch was inflamed, and a few spots of wetness were on the floor behind her. Mayla blushed at this and turned her head away from him.

"Y-you're... You just want to get sex, don't you?" she said, making herself unhappy as she fought Nico's still apparent hormones in the air, and even generating her own, but resisting it quite well to keep thinking straight.

"Oh, no, you have me wrong, sweet Mayla." he said, beckoning her over to him with his flesh hand. "I meant every word I carved into that block of wood. You really are a beautiful creature, your skin is beautiful, your leafs are so bright and full of life... and your legs are so strong and admirable." He said with a soft smile. "I do admit, it would be a thrill and a pleasing experience to mate with you, but only if you want to." he said as he saw Mayla slowly moving over to him, but stopping halfway, a fierce blush on her face.

"But... I mean... You're just gonna leave, aren't you? Like, we'd do it and you'd be gone after you had your fun." she said.

"I don't deny that I will have to leave." he said softly. "All creatures must eat, sleep, and live. I have an extra duty to maintain the balance of the world. Imagine if all things stopped making sound." he said as he looked into her eyes and rolled over onto all fours, slowly crawling up to her. "There would be no talking, no singing, no sound of the soil moving under your feet, no sound of birds chirping, not even the sound of your own heart beating." he said softly, crawling until his snout was almost touching hers. "It would be a terrible place... But do not think of me as cruel. I will visit when I can and bring these experiences to you, but only if you wish." he said, his hot breath on her snout smelling like rainwater. Mayla blushed and broke eye contact before speaking.

"A-all right... I... I DO want this... Just... Be nice with me." she said softly before looking at him with her eyes half open and her face so crimson that it could be mistaken for a tomato on a vine. She had sex before, sometimes with her father and times when she managed to talk/molest Nicobay into it, but one thing was certain; she would never have sex if she really didn't want it.

"I promise, I will treat you as tenderly as I can." he said softly as he ran his pointed claws of his left hand down her neck gently, pricking and almost tickling her skin, earning a soft groan from Mayla.

"I... I thought we were just gonna mate." she said softly.

"Pleasure of the flesh is not just of simply mating. I want to make you feel very good." he said as he ran his lips along her neck, gently nipping and softly biting her skin before licking the imaginary wounds he created on her. She shuddered and took a hard breath, her legs starting to fail her, but before she could fall, Thunder grasped her sides and gently lay her on her back in Nico's bed material. She looked up at him and managed a soft smile before giggling as she felt Thunder gently licking at her belly, his wide tongue making broad strokes on her skin.

"Hehehe! S-stop that! It tickles too much!" she said, trying to hold back a tickle fit, but her laughing slowly rolled onto soft moaning as Thunder worked his tongue lower onto her body, slowly moving down to lap at her lower belly, and all too soon for her, felt his hot tongue caressing the sensitive area around her sex, but not actually touching it. He gently twisted and turned his tongue, lapping at the back of her legs, pressing in the place between her sex and her thighs, even badly teasing the small space between her sex and anal pucker in his quest to lap up all traces of her sweet nectar of arousal before he slowly pulled back and looked at her. Her face was still flush, but completely with arousal, panting heavily and even heaving her hips a little to get to feel that all over again.

"It... it feels so good... M.. More... Please..." she begged softly. Thunder just smiled at her and nodded, grasping both of her back legs behind the knee and lowering his snout to her sex. He breathed on it gently, watching as her sex twitched and squeezed out more fluids as her arousal burned at her, but then she screamed when she felt the warm muscle of his tongue as it dragged heavily across her sensitive sex, making her quiver and writhe in an orgasm that had been building up since he started. He didn't stop, though he kept her legs held tightly as he lapped firmly at her sex, taking his time to enjoy her flavor and the sexy squeaking and screaming she made as this new being molested her in such a pleasurable way. She wasn't certain if she had many little orgasms or one long one as she constantly felt the pangs of pleasure rocketing from her groin and through her body, before it gently faded and a cool sensation wafted across her sex lips. She looked up only to be greeted by a kiss on her lips from her new lover, one that she had every intention to return in full as she was nearly the aggressor, sticking her tongue as deep as she could into his muzzle and tangling it with his own tongue as he did the same, soft moans coming from her as a deeply pleased rumble rolled from Thunder's chest. Malya was running out of breath and reluctantly pulled away from the kiss, though a long strand of their saliva still connected them for a few moments before breaking. She was panting, but smiling, and was about to speak before Thunder lifted a single golden finger to her mouth, silencing her.

"Just relax. We've only just started." he said softly before guiding his and her eyes to look between his legs, at which point, Mayla's eyes grew wide. Exposed and proud of themselves were both of Thunder's erects cocks poking from his body, proudly hard and side by side, coated with a thin layer of his own lubricant and both dripping small drops of pre. Mayla looked at Thunder with a worried face.

"What... But I..." was all she could say before Thunder spoke.

"I'm not going to make you take anything more then you can handle." he said as he gave her lips a quick peck before nibbling the underside of her jaw, making her squeak softly. She looked down to see him stroking both of his cocks, one in each hand, before biting her lip and looking back up at him.

"O-okay... Just... be careful." she said softly, to which Thunder nodded slowly, and only kept his grip on his right phallus, his left hand gripping Mayla's leg to encourage her to keep them open. She shivered a little when she felt the head of his warm cock touch and gently rub her sex, helping bring the fires of her arousal back. However, Thunder threw a firecracker into that fire as he eased his cock into her soft and severely heated body. Mayla threw her head back in a silent scream as she felt her walls being stretched so pleasurably by his phallus. Sure she mated with Skrien, Nico, and a couple of others, but it had been a really long time since she had really mated, and the feeling of a real phallus was better then her vines any day. She writhed gently at the fulfilling feeling of his phallus sinking into her, awakening her deeper recesses and caressing her walls. The sensation faded when she heard a soft breath above her and the feel of Thunder's thighs pressing against her own, his right phallus totally buried in her to the hilt, while his left phallus was resting somewhat on her belly, giving her an idea of just how deep inside of her he was. She gave the view a hazy look before looking up at Thunder, who was eyeing her intently.

"I... I want more... More... Please." she muttered softly. Thunder replied with a smile before gently gripping her hips and slowly sliding his cock out of her, stopping at about halfway before sliding back into her, causing him to sigh in pleasure and make her moan softly. "It's... It's so good..." she said, dazed with pleasure as Thunder just kept smiling as he continued gently pumping his cock into her insides, taking pleasure in not only the act, but her squeaks and moans of joy, the sight of her sex gripping his one phallus, and the feeling of his other phallus rubbing along her strong belly. Mayla shuttered fiercely during her gentle writhing and just moaned out louder as her insides clamped down and writhed as her body washed her through yet another orgasm, her lips spilling free more of her liquids. Thunder smiled at this and licked his lips before placing a soft lick on her nose and shifting his position a little, leaning back and gripping her wide hips before mating her at a faster pace, a now wet squishing sound coming from her sex, his other cock bouncing against her belly, and Mayla making a loud squeak each and every time he thrust himself into her.

"YES! Like that!" she cried out at the more fiery feeling of the quicker thrusting in her sensitive body, her clit standing out like a big red button as Thunder continued his deep probing. However, her clit did not go unnoticed to Thunder. He placed a single golden finger on her clit, which in it's self, made Mayla writhe even harder, but the next feeling made her nearly go insane with pleasure... His entire golden hand was vibrating! She had never felt anything like it. Her eyes shot open and mouth opened wide to scream, but only a small squeak came out before her body began writhing fiercely, quivering and thrusting her hips before her sex suddenly sprayed out copious amounts of fluid all over and around Thunder's penetrating meat. Her vision exploded into a black sky with many twinkling stars, the only thing she could hear was her ears ringing, and the only thing she could feel was the numbing pleasure coming from her sex. Thunder chuckled and removed his finger from her sex, ceasing the vibrations and remained hilted in her until she calmed down, which took a while as she lay there panting deeply with her eyes watering from being blindsided by so much pleasure. She finally gained enough composure to speak. "That... Was... So GOOD!" she said, not able to focus her eyes quite yet, the world a blur.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Thunder said, gently rubbing one hand across her belly to help her calm down. It took her a bit longer, but she looked up at him after her eyes cleared.

"It felt so good... I'm going to let you do what I only let Nico and Dad do once..." she said with a blush. "I... I want both of them... in me... I want the other one... in my tail hole." she said, still shy, despite having just had one heck of a mind blowing orgasm with this person. Thunder leaned forward and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

"If you really want it." he said softly, and he was responded to by Mayla nodding her head very quickly, a smile of excitement on her face. The sight caused Thunder to chuckle again and slowly slide himself out of her sex until only the tip of his right cock was in her, making Mayla shiver, but she quickly stiffened up when she felt him using his hand to rub the tip of his left cock against her tail hole, her splashing orgasm providing more then enough lubricant for him to gently ease the tip of his cock into her backside, earning another squeak out of her.

"Yes... Like that..." she said softly. "Now... all in me... give me all of it..." she said laying her head back, waiting for Thunder to respond. The only response she got was the feeling of his hands grabbing her hips as he slowly moved his hips forward. She bit her lip at the feeling of both of her holes being slowly invaded by his throbbing lengths, and she stiffened up a bit until she heard him sigh and felt his hips against her's once again.

"Mmm, you like?" he said softly. Mayla was silent for a moment before she looked up at him with her eyes watering and a smile on her face.

"Yes... D-do it... Please." Thunder needed no more coaxing and slid back until only the tips of his cocks were in her sex and tail hole before he smoothly thrust them back into her body, earning a very loud moan from Mayla. He repeated it, slowly sliding out of her before sliding quicker back into her, and was greeted by another loud moan. Then he did it again... She nearly screamed... He did it faster... Her body quaked. He soon was no longer taking pauses in his thrusts, continually moving in and out of her warm body's holes, and every time he hilted back into her, he was greeted with a scream of pleasure, a shiver of delight, and a splash of fluids on his cocks from her sex. But, they needed more. Both of them. So much foreplay and warming up had brought Thunder to a boil as his mate felt the same, her body quivering, writhing, and desiring to feel more. This was all accomplished with Mayla saying only one word.


That was all the go ahead Thunder needed as he leaned over her and began to deeply ream out both of her holes to his wish, Mayla's voice getting caught in a raspy screaming moan, unable to tell what she wanted to do more as she felt like her insides were being churned into a sweet mix of pleasure that was rising up faster then she expected. Thunder in turn was also edging on his climax, his only warning being his voice rumbling like thunder in the clouds, slowly getting closer, making the whole room vibrate. Both of them teetered on the edge of their orgasm like a hair teetering on a knife's blade...

It hit. Oh boy did it hit.

Mayla shrieked out louder then before as her body began writhing uncontrollably in sexual fervor, before her voice was drowned out by what sounded like a smashing thunder crack in Nico's living room as Thunder climaxed and roared out in full, both of his cocks throbbing and pulsing, every pulse sending thick gobs of his hot seed into Mayla's insides, creating warm rushing sensations for Mayla to add to her already mind numbing rush of pleasures.

All too soon, or perhaps not soon enough for Mayla, the pleasure dwindled, leaving small pulses of pleasure running through both their bodies. However, Mayla was once again greeted by the black starry sky in her vision and soon passed out, collapsing completely with Thunder still hilted in her holes. Another thing which caused him to chuckle.


Nico was the first to wake up, finding himself sleeping in his bedding and completely clean, with Skrien laying next to him, also spotless. Across the room, he spied Mayla asleep in the guest bed with Thunder laying next to her, wide awake and gently stroking her back with his flesh hand. He only stopped to place a block of wood next to Mayla's head.

"Sorry Maylabay. I wanted to be here when you woke up, but I need to leave to attend to my duties." he said, giving her a kiss on her forehead before standing up and walking towards the front door, but not before he spied Nico looking at him. Thunder smiled at him. "Make sure she gets that note I left her." was all he said as he opened Nico's front door, the sound of rain completely stopped as sunshine poured through the doorway. However, the sunshine was enough to wake Skrien, who looked around before seeing Thunder leaving out the door, turning back to look at Nicobay's house before raising his right hand to the sky and vanishing in a flash of lightning, only a soft rumble of thunder in the distance.


A day had passed and Mayla and Skrien said their goodbyes to Nico, Mayla's still lingering longer then Nico wanted, before the father and daughter began the walk home.

Mayla was holding the block of wood in one vine, reading what was cut into it over and over again, giggling like a little girl with a secret. Skrien had to smile at her.

"What's so amazing?" he said. Mayla replied with a chuckle.

"Not telling!" she said in a teasing voice, which Skrien fully expected. Still, she had to read it again:

"Dear Mayla,
I'm sorry about not being around when you woke up, but I had to return to my ever present duties. I want to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed our time together, though it may be a great deal of time before we meet again. Instead of feeling upset, try remembering the night we spent together and think of the time we shared as opposed to the time we are apart. Take care of yourself and your family.

Signed, Thunder.

PS: If you're ever feeling down, just think of watching Nicobay and Skrien together. I know that made me laugh."



WOOOO WEEE! I'm sorry all who were waiting for this. I wanted to make sure this wasn't half assed.

I hope everyone enjoys it.

PS: It's 13 pages long... I think it's my longest story to date.
Chapter End Notes:I don't care if people hate Nico. I wrote this story because I wanted to.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.
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