AGNPH Stories

Always Meant To Be by angelonight


Story Notes:

Okay I went back through the story and fixed as many of the mistakes I could find. I also changed a few things so they would make more sense and extended a few scenes. Enjoy.

Sunday Night

Disclaimer: I do not own the Pokémon franchise or any of it characters, locations, ECT.
Everything else is of my own work.

Sunday Night

Paul watched as his best friends back arched back at an impossible angle as her orgasm rippled through her body, her mouth hung open in a silent scream of ecstasy. He knew her and how her Lopunny body reacted very well. So he was not surprised when he reached down between them and started to rub his thumb in small circles just about an inch above her hooded treasure that her body jumped and prolonged her pleasure. It also caused her insides to quake more which in turn brought him over the edge as well.

Slamming his head back into his pillow he thrust up deeper in to her and deposited his doomed seed into her wanting womb. This too furthered her bliss. When they both finally came down she relaxed her body and leaned forward laying out on top of him her small breasts pressed against his chest, her legs still straddling his. As they laid there basking in the after glow he felt her little hands start to gently rub his sides and then come to a rest on his shoulders where they continued to rub. In turn he brought his own hands up and gently started to stroke her back all the way down to her ample butt. When he felt her jump as his hands brushed her ass he had to remind himself to be careful. Her sex drive was on a hairs trigger these days so unless he wanted to go at it for another hour with her he need to stop. Gradually her breathing settled into a deep and even pace.

"Cream you can't go to sleep, we do have real studying to do tonight."

The Lopunny on top of him mumbled something incoherent at first than responded.

"Just five more minutes." She said with a hum as she turned her head slightly and flicked her tongue over one of his nipples.

He knew what she wanted to do, the same thing they had done two to three times a day since they had both hit puberty and he had accidently evolved her. And every day had pretty much gone like today had. Today they were supposed to be studying for a history exam at the end of the week. Instead as soon as they had gotten in to his bed room after school she had shut and locked the door. Not that he was complaining. A lot of other human boys at school would kill to have the kind of relationship that he and Cream had.

Cream rolled off of him, her legs must have started to get sore or something. She didn't get off the bed to get dressed so they could study. Instead she waited for him to roll on to his side and then she snuggled her bare back up against his bare chest. When he draped his arm over her waist she rested her arm on his and interlaced her fingers with his, bringing both of their hands to a rest on her stomach.

Yes Paul considered him self very lucky indeed. Cream and he had been friends since they were in diapers because their mothers were best friends. By the time they were in kindergarten they too were best friends. All through grade school and middle school they were inseparable. This caused lots of fights with other 'Mons as well as humans since at that age neither group really understood the other. But they didn't care. By the end of middle school they had added two more friends to their little group. Luca, a rather competitive Riolu. And Blake a kind of loner, standoffish Eevee, till you got to know him. Once you did you discovered his passion for art and music.

It was during the summer break between Middle school and High school that their relationship began to change. Cream would get these funny unexplainable feelings every so often and become more clingy to him. Luca and Blake joked that Cream was falling for him. They would just laugh and go back to what they were doing. One night towards the end of summer Cream had snuck out of her house and made her way to Paul's. Climbing to the second floor where his bed room was she had woken him and invited herself in claiming she just really wanted to be held.

Being young and ignorant kids that they were Paul had gone back to bed and invited Cream in to bed with him where he proceeded to do just that and held her. In his half awake state he was not aware that his hand had eventually slipped up her night-dress and had started to caress her soft belly. Cream had rolled over to look up in to his heavy-lidded eyes and kissed him gently on the lips. Everything went down hill from there, and all too soon Paul found his face between her legs, his mouth working her virgin lips. They would both remember that instant when her first orgasm ever hit her and she cried out in bliss. For when they woke the next morning it was to the sound of surprised shouting. Paul had gone to sleeping eating out a Buneary, but woke up cuddling a Lopunny.

His parents had been a little upset, as had Creams. They were fairly certain though that they had not done the deed, just fooled around. His parents were upset that he had done such a thing at such a young age. To that he had rolled his eyes, he knew plenty of other fifteen year old boys both human and 'Mon that had already had sex. The only thing that Creams parents were really upset about was that now they had to go out and buy Cream all new clothes the week before the school year started.

Paul's parents decided that it was only fair that he pitched in and helped buy the said new clothes since it was partly his fault that she had evolved. Creams parents had another stipulation. Since they were both Lopunny they knew that their daughter's new body was going to mature rather quickly now and it was going to be Paul's responsibility to help her with her urges.

His parents hadn't liked the idea at first, but after a short debate about how it was nearly impossible for him to get her pregnant as well as she really wanted to finish school which would be hard to do with her hormones making her want to jump every male in sight, they had eventually relented. So it came to pass that he spent the rest of the day helping her get new clothes on his dime, which he didn't mind, and he had started to help her scratch her itch as she put it. And she ended up having a lot of scratches that needed itching.

Paul came back to his senses as he heard Cream start to snore. Heaving a deep sigh he gave her a gentle nudge, at this rate no studying would get done and he couldn't afford any more bad grades. That was another thing, Cream was very intelligent. Some times he seriously thought she only pretended to be naïve. When shaking her wielded no results he resorted to his guaranteed way of waking her up. Removing his hand from hers he scooted back a bit and slapped her well endowed ass. Cream woke with a start, nearly jumping out of bed.

"What did you do that for, you ass?" Cream asked as she stood up rubbing her butt where he had smacked it.

Paul took a moment to answer her as he took in the sight of his best friend's body. Like all Lopunny she was covered from head to toe in light brown fur except for her ears, calves, feet, wrists, and eye brows those were covered in a cream-colored fluff. As she bent over to pull up her jean shorts Paul's breath caught at the sight of her lushes ass, and her Lopunny trade mark thighs. They were perfectly curved and went on forever. He loved watching her wiggle her butt into her tight hip huggers that she always wore.

As she bent to retrieve her tank top Paul sat up and clasped the loop just behind her tail to help keep her pants comfortably in place. Running a hand down those marvelous thighs of hers elected a soft hum that let him know that the earlier swat on the butt was forgiven. She proved this by turning towards him and stretching her arms luxuriously above her head as she put her tank top on, putting her A cups right in his face to tease the shit out of him.

She wasn't the only one that could tease. As soon as her shirt was covering her eyes and she stopped to feed her ears through the collar Paul made his move. Quickly he drew her towards him, wrapping his arms around her small waist and kissed her belly. This caused her to stop. Paul than stood up and leaned in taking the nipple of one of her A cup sized breasts in to his mouth. Cream gasped with excitement.

"I thought you wanted to study?" She said coyly her shirt still resting just above her chest.

Paul stopped suckling her tit and kissed her instead.

"I do, I just couldn't help my self. You know how much I love your boobs."

"It's not just my boobs you love. Now get dressed, I'm going to grab something to eat. Should I tell your mom I'm spending the night while I'm down there?"

Paul fetched his boxers and thought for a second.

"Sure why not."

Cream gave a little giggle and bounce as she left his room. Yes he truly was lucky. While Cream was getting some thing to eat Paul got dressed and set up their study materials on a small table he had in his room. When she came back she had a plate of cookies and a couple of lemon aids. Together they sat at the table and studied with next to no incident. Being young though they would occasionally nudge each other out of fun.

Cream knew Paul as well as he knew her and could tell when he was struggling to under stand something. His little body movements were like an open book to her. School had always been easy for her since she was always able to grasp new things quickly and thoroughly. So school usually got really boring for her, which usually caused her to day dream. When her and Paul had become intimate she had something new to study. Like now she watched Paul's face scrunched up in confusion, and the extra creases around his eyes indicated he was starting to get a really bad headache. They had studied for several hours, skipping supper in the process.

"What's troubling you?" Cream asked quietly, and sweetly. She also rubbed her soft foot up and down his leg, an act that almost always had a calming effect on him.

"I can't find this date in the book." He responded rubbing his eyebrows.

A very tell-tale sign that it was a bad one coming on. Cream got up from her seat and walked around behind him to see what note he was talking about. Cream took a second to read the note and then flipped the pages in the book back a few and used a post-it-note to show where he should read. Paul leaned forward to start reading, however Cream placed one delicate hand over the page and used the other to close the book.

"I think that is enough for one day." Cream said gently taking both of his hands in both of hers.

With little coaxing she guided him back to his bed where she sat down towards the head with her legs spread wide. She made a little patting motion on the area of bed between her leg where she wanted him to be. Paul knew what she intended and with a small smile crawled up between her legs. Paul gave her a kiss on the lips before he turned around and sat between her legs.

Gently Cream pulled him back into her embrace. Paul could feel her small breasts press into his back as he leaned backwards so she could do her thing. Gently Cream placed her delicate fingers to his temples and started to message them. Creams touch and the sound of her heart soon had Paul relaxing deeper into her embrace. When she was done she draped her arms lovingly around his shoulders and snuggled her head against his.

"Feeling better?"

"Yes much, thank you Dear."

They continued to lay there holding each other. Secretly they both enjoyed the cuddling more than the sex. It gave them both such a full filling feeling, as well as a sense of belonging to something special. Of course being young and stupid neither one ever told each other so.

Paul was enjoying the feeling being held as his head was resting in-between Creams small mounds, the sound of her heart beating had a very soothing effect and soon his headache was gone. Absent mindedly he started to rub his hands up and down the cream-colored fluff on her shins.

"What's the matter Paul?" Cream whispered in to his ear, her warm breath on his neck giving him a slight tingle.

"Nothing." He responded continuing to rub her legs.

"I know your lying to me." She said giving his cheek a teasing lick than kiss.

Paul laid there for a few minutes in silence listening to Creams heart beat. She could tell from the neutral expression on his face that he was trying to put his words together properly. She knew better than to force him.

"You know that school is having a Valentines Day dance this Saturday, right?"

Creams eyes got wide and her heart started beating faster. She knew very well that this Sunday was Valentines Day, and school was having a Big, no make that HUGE dance on Saturday for the students. She really wanted Paul to ask her to the dance. She had dreamed of it even. They would party and dance all night long and then make slow and passionate love until the early hours of the morning. Not just their usual sex, but truly passionate love making. And just before they fell asleep in each others arms he would confess his undying love for her. Just the thought of that possibility got her really excited.

"Yeah" Cream could hardly contain the quiver of excitement in her voice.

"Well I'm thinking that I am finally going to do it."

"Do what?" She asked getting even more excited to the point of getting sodden in her nether region.

"I'm going to ask Ela if she'll go with me."

Cream was very glad she was sitting behind Paul as her face took on a very sad expression. She was about in tears when she found her voice again.

"Oh?" She responded trying not to cry.

Ela was a Luxray fem in their grade. Her stunning looks and quick thinking got her into the position of class president early. They also helped her become the Home coming queen every year. And fooled absolutely every one but her closest friends, and Cream. Cream knew that Ela, and her friends were absolute bitches and all but out right human haters. Paul picked up on her mood change right away and turned his head to look at her.


Against her better judgment Cream bit back her bitter words about the Luxray, and how she herself felt about him. However she was not about to lie to the one she loved most.

"I don know if that will be such a good idea Paul. Ela is not exactly the girl you, and every one else thinks she is."

Paul smirked at her. "Am I detecting a hint of jealousy out of you Cream. I don't think I've seen you jealous since me and Luca dated for that short stint."

Cream gently turned Paul's head back forward, she didn't think she could continue to look him in the eye and not pour her heart out to him. But she wouldn't stand in his way either. That was one thing she could never bring her self to do, and that was break his heart. Even though that was exactly what he had just unwittingly done.

"No I'm not jealous Paul, I just don't think it is such a great idea. You don't know her the way I do." Cream replied running a hand through Paul's hair.

"I appreciate your concern Dear, and I'll think about what you said."

Cream leaned her face forward and buried it in the back of his head. She couldn't hold her tears any more, and with a gentle shove indicated she wanted to be let up. Paul obliged and got up off of her. He was stunned speechless when he turned towards her and saw tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"Cream what's wrong?" Paul asked genuinely concerned for her well-being, which made her want to break down crying even more.

"Nothing, I just need to get going." Cream said quickly packing up her book bag.

"Why? I thought you were spending the night?" Paul asked getting even more concerned and confused.

"I think my heat is coming on, and I didn't bring any supplies with me." Cream replied wincing and placing a hand on her lower stomach so he wouldn't catch her lying.

She knew that Paul knew the first few days of her heat could be really painful.

"Oh. Alright. Here I'll walk you to the door."

"No, no I'll be fine. Besides you need a shower and some sleep. Big day tomorrow."

With that she gave Paul a quick peck on the cheek and left very quickly. On her way out she almost ran over Paul's mom.

"Oh Cream, Dear, where are you going? I thought you were spending the night?"

"Sorry Mrs. Timmons. That time, and some really nasty cramps." Cream replied with an apologetic grimace.

"Oh would you like a ride home Dear?"

"No I'll be fine. Good night."

With that Cream ran out the door, and did not stop running till she got home. Thankfully her parents were late workers so no one was home to witness her rush through the front door, up the stairs and in to her room where she dove head first in to her overly pink bed, and proceeded to cry her eyes out into her over stuffed pillow.

Latter that night while Paul was laying in bed, thinking about what had exactly happened, he remembered that Cream always kept a pair of panties and hygiene products in his room for when her heat did hit her while at his house. This realization made him more concerned, because now he really didn't know what was bothering her.
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