AGNPH Stories

The Club by shinjihiroku


Story Notes:

Ah yes I'm pretty excited about this one. I tried to emulate the style of my favorite story here on AGNPH. (Pokemon Lover Studios) But that quickly changed as I turned it into my own style, sort of. In order to acheive this story, I read over my four favorite stories a few times to gather information on how they write n' such. (Those four being #1 Pokemon Lover Studios by Sigmaweapon, #2 Lazuli Island by Matt and Pokegirl, #3 Coordination by Yarid, and #4 The Breeder by Vidmaster. None of which have updated in the past forever, I have a theory behind that though. Sigmaweapon was taking a walk and got hit by a car and died. Matt and Pokegirl, who were driving the car, fled to cuba so they wouldnt get arrested, and now they have no internet. Yarid, who was Sigmaweapon's best friend went to tell the police but Vidmaster killed him and now he's in cuba too so he wont get arrested.)Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.

Like a Dream

The sun had just set as Will made it to his front door. His smile disappeared when his house came into view, just then remembering the awkward situation from earlier that day and the equally awkward situation that awaited him inside.

Should I just...pretend it didn't happen and go on with my life, or should I confront her about it? No, that won't solve anything. But what if she confronts me? Nahhh, what would she have to confront me about...well if she wanted to tell me that... No there's no way, she doesn't like me like that. But...dammit stop second guessing yourself and just go in. Alright alright, we're just gonna have to wing it. Oh what am I worrying about, it's not like she can talk or anything. Yeah I'm getting myself worked up over nothing. Everything is ok, nothing is gonna happen, nothing is gonna happen, nothing is going to happen.

Will repeated that over and over again inside of his head as he slid his key into the door. He waited for the familiar sound of the lock sliding inwards before pulling it open. The loud creak of the old hinges echoed through the house as Will pulled the door open as slowly as humanly possible. He sighed in relief when he found that Grovyle was nowhere to be seen. Making absolutely sure not to make a sound, Will closed and locked the door. He took another look around before sliding his shoes off and tiptoeing down the hall. 

Everything was dark; the only light on was the one in the living room that Will never turned off. When he made it to the kitchen, Will peeked his head around the corner, Grovyle wasn't there. 

Then she can only be in one place, since my room is off limits and the closet is too small she has to the bathroom. 

Will gulped and continued down the hall. He made it to his room without alerting Grovyle, who had to be further down the hall in the bathroom. He reached for his door handle but curiosity got the better of him. As quietly as possible, he snuck to the bathroom. The door was closed this time but she was definitely inside, there was light coming from the crack under the door. Ever so gently Will placed his ear to the door and closed his eyes, it was silent. He listened for another minute but still nothing. Opening his eyes and moving his head away from the door, he began to sneak his way back down the hallway, but before he could even make it a foot away he heard something. It was extremely faint but there was no doubt about it, he heard a "Gro." As quickly, but as quietly as possible, he put his ear back to door. Now as clear as day Will could hear her, it was exactly the same as last time. Over and over he heard "Gro, gro, gro," growing louder with each passing moment. Will didn't even have to be close to the door to hear them anymore. Slowly but surely her panting became louder, soon after, Will could even hear the wet sound of her fingering herself. At this point he closed his eyes and tried his best the picture what was going on inside. He was growing a raging boner as he visualized her sticking both claws in and out. Faster and faster she would forcibly shove them inside her inside herself, the juices literally flowing from her cunt. After a while Will's mind began to replace her "Gros" with words. He could practically hear her screaming "Yes, yes, yes," every time she thrust her claws inside. Every dirty phrase imaginable went through Will's head as her "Gro's" started turning into screams of pleasure. He felt as if he could hear her yell "Fuck me, oh God yes fuck me!" Just as her orgasm hit, she yelled out "Grovyle!" But to Will it sounded so much different, in his mind she screamed his name as she came. 

Will's eyes shot open and he gasped loudly as he realized where he was and what he was doing. He hoped that Grovyle wouldn't be paying attention as he noisily stumbled back to his dark room and slammed the door. Will leaned against the door, still a little shaky from what he had just heard.

Focus, resist the urges, you can do this. You've held yourself back for years, you are in control, you got this man and WHY THE FUCK AM I PANTING SO HARD?! It feels like I'm suffocating, my heart's beating out of control. If only I could-

"NO! Thinking thoughts like that will only make it worse." He looked down at his still raging erection. "YOU DON'T OWN ME!" Will spent a few minutes glaring angrily at his own boner while yelling the occasional obscenity at it. After a few minutes, it inevitably went down on its own, but Will attributed it to his own yelling and willpower. "That's right bitch, you stay down. That'll teach you to-" The sound of the bathroom door opening brought his attention back. 

Crap, I've been yelling at my dick for the past few minutes, she knows I'm here. 

He heard a loud click sound, which he assumed was the bathroom light switch. Shortly after, lighter clicking sounds could be heard echoing through the hall. That sound was unmistakable; it was the sound of Grovyle's feet tapping against the hardwood floor. The sound was loud for a moment but slowly started to fade away before stopping completely, signifying Grovyle reaching the carpet in the living room. Will's eyes, which were wide the entire time, shrunk back to their normal size. His breathing and heart rate had long since normalized so he decided it was about time to get away from the door.

With a deep sigh, he pushed away from the door and made his way to his computer, which was only a few steps away. He sat down on his grey metal chair and slid forward. After pressing the button on the front of his PC it started to blink a light blue color. Will sat back in his chair as he waited for his computer to start. 

The Pokemon Club. There's no way, absolutely no way it could exist. There are too many things wrong with the idea. For one, a place like that must cost insane amounts of money to run. From the rumors I've heard, there are about 4 clubs spread across the world and they each have just about every pokemon in them. I mean they'd need to feed and house at LEAST 450 or so pokemon, EACH! Not to mention the occasional medical bill in case one gets sick. Or wait, they would have to have male and female versions of each so that's 900. Everyday that would amount to unheard of amounts of cash, where would they get the money for that? Second problem, and the most obvious I think, is how do they keep so secretive. Assuming it does exist, it would take quite a number of people to run it. That also begs the question, how do they pay those people? But anyway, how could they guarantee none of the employees or hell even the normal people wouldn't rat on them. Speaking of that, how do they know they aren't taking in some undercover cop hell bent on exposing the club? They couldn't...unless they could read minds...oh, never mind then. STILL, that doesn't mean a damn thing. The cops are ruthless, I've seen shows where they just pull people off of the street and interrogate them for hours on just a hunch. What if they just happened to grab one of the club members and that guy just happened to have a weak mind. He'd confess everything and then all hell would break loose in the club. Third problem, the facility would have to house, again 900 or so pokemon. Where could this possibly be? What place could be big enough to hold that many pokemon secretly? GAH, too many variables. It's hopeless, when I find that old man I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind. Heh, piece of my mind, mind reader, get it? Ahhhh puns. 

The computer had just finished starting up so Will went to surf the internet.

Yeah should've known it was a bunch of crap. Hmm, but then what's this website the old fart gave to me? Probably nothing, watch I type it in and get "Page not found, try adjusting your search settings and" blah blah yada yada you get the point. 

Letter for letter, Will typed in the web address, making absolutely sure not to make a mistake. Once he finished, he hit enter and leaned back into his chair.

Wait for ittttttt, wait for itttttttttttt, annnnnnnnd PAGE NOT F-

To Will's surprise, the screen went black. In a smooth little animation a white box opened outward in the center of the screen. Above it was the word 'Password.'


Remembering the back of the card, Will decided to go for the literal and sarcastic approach and type "your own." Below the box in red lettering it flashed the phrase "Wrong, Chances remaining: One."

Oh shit uh...hmm, well the password definitely isn't "password" that's for sure. But what could it mean, my password is my own. You'd think that meant that I can make up my own password but nooooooo they gotta make this difficult and fucking cryptic. Dammit old man, you didn't even give me a decent hint, it could be anything. 

Will spent 20 minutes racking his brain over the password situation. He paced back and forth across his room, tossed a ball against the wall over and over again, flung pens into the trash can, stood on his head, lay on the floor, and numerous other activities to pass the time as he pondered the password. Eventually though, he sat down, defeated. The next 10 minutes were spent staring at the little white box. Not a thought went by Will's head during that time.

Fuck. I cant think of anything else, just...fuck. There's no way I can guess this, I give up. Fuck it, I'm surfing porn. 

"NO I can't give up! Must think harder, think, think, THINK, THI-..." Will's jaw dropped and he slapped himself across the face. "What am I retarded?" In the box he typed the word "Thinker" and hit enter. In green letters it flashed "Correct."

FUCK YEAH, I'd play an epic guitar solo signifying my win if I had a guitar...and knew how to play it. 

The screen went black again, seconds later a map appeared. It was of Will's general area, if he wanted to, he could have pointed to his house, but that wasn't his focus. On the map there was red star, looking at the map legend on the side he could see that the red star was the club and the green star, which Will hadn't noticed until it was pointed out, was his location. Before he could click anything, a line traveled from his house to the red star. Below the map, street for street, it labeled the exact route he would have to take if he were to walk, drive, or take public transit. It even had estimated times of arrival.

Will quickly pulled a pen from his pocket and jotted down the directions on a nearby piece of scrap paper. Estimated time of arrival was only 30 minutes. Right as he finished, the screen went black again. In small white lettering it simply said "Come anytime, remember your password," and then, as if it never existed, it displayed the "Page not found" message.

One time use huh? Now that's the way to keep a secret. 

Without even turning the computer off, Will slid his chair back and left the room, unconsciously smiling wide. He quickly walked down the hallway and straight for the front door, completely forgetting about the awkward moment that might ensue when he passed Grovyle. Sure enough, when Will passed the couch she looked back at him and stared, freezing him mid-step. For the second time that day they shared a long and awkward silence, but something was bothering Will. The way she stared, it wasn't awkward, she looked surprised. 

Is there something in my teeth? 

It took Will some time to figure out what she was staring at.

My contacts! She can see my silver eyes. I guess I'd be kinda surprised too after not seeing em for so long. 

"Heh, I kinda tripped and lost my contacts today, happens."

She said nothing and continued to stare. 

Okay this is awkward for all the wrong reasons. 

"Um, I'm going out. Dunno when I'll be back."

Again she said nothing. 

"Kay well...see ya." He slipped into his shoes and walked out the door. Once free of Will's gaze, Grovyle shook herself out of her stupor. She didn't even notice, and neither did Will, that his stare made her blush heavily. Will's eyes had a tendency to do that.

Will was about 25 minutes into his trip. According to the directions, he had to take the Blue Line into town and then transfer to the subway, which is where he was now.

Here's some random information about the club. The supposed founder of the club's name is Salem; again these are all rumors, I have no way to know for sure. Apparently no one, not even the club members have seen him. No one knows what he looks like. His age and origin are also a mystery. The only thing people know for sure is that he's rich. If he exists I wouldn't doubt that, it would take someone like him to fund the club. Still, even the richest rich person couldn't fund the club alone. Does that mean the club has a fee? Oh man that would suck, especially since I just lost my job. Funny how life does that to you. Oops here's my stop. 

Will had never actually gone this far on the subway so the surroundings were somewhat new to him. 

Not too new anyway, looks like any other subway: Dark and with lots of pillars parallel to the tracks. 

In front of Will was a long wall. To the left were the stairs, leading up and out to the streets, and to the right there was nothing of particular interest at least to the average person. Just a trash can, a mounted security camera, and a door that said "Employees Only." That's what he was looking for. He approached the door, when he went to knock, the door opened. Will was swiftly yanked inside, the door slammed shut behind him. 

He didn't even have a chance to look at his surroundings before his eyes fell on the person who pulled him inside.

Oh my god he's fucking huge! He's like a bouncer at a nightclub, only scarier! 

The man towered over Will, he had to be at least 8 feet tall, he was wide too. His skin was incredibly dark, he was bald, and he wore circular sunglasses without the parts that go over your ears, they simply rested on his nose. As threatening as the man looked, one thing put Will at ease: the man was wearing full formal wear. A black suit complete with red rose pinned to it and a red tie.

They don't make suits in his size, I'm sure it cost a fortune to get it custom made. He wouldn't fight in that, would he? 

Before Will could continue his thought, the man said in an unbelievably deep voice "Ticket and password please." 

"Passwo-? Oh right, um thinker." He also slipped the card out of his pocket and held it up.

The man said nothing; he stepped to the side and motioned Will down the hall. Without hesitating, Will slipped his hands into his pockets and moved forward. The hallway, which he couldn't see till now due to the giant in the way, had absolutely nothing in it. The floor, the ceiling, and the walls were all plain white; it reminded Will of his house. At the end of the hall was a button.


Once he hit the button, two small sections of wall slammed shut behind him, he was standing in an elevator. He stumbled forward as it slowly it began to descend, there was no floor indicator, so Will had no idea how far down he was going. The only thing he did know is that it was far, really far. The elevator was gradually getting faster and faster and he could feel each time it sped up. It kept doing this for about a minute until it reached top speed. The elevator lingered at this speed for awhile before it began to slow to a stop. At the bottom floor the elevator made its trademark 'ding' sound before the doors opened. Out stepped Will, who was holding his stomach and feeling a tad queasy. 

There better be more than one way into this place, I'm not doing that every time. 

After finally getting over his queasiness, Will was surprised at what he saw. It appeared to be another subway, only much cleaner.

The club owns its own train!? Damn! 

Adding to the surprise, Will actually saw another person there. It was another man, dressed casually. Jeans, black hair, a black shirt, and white tennis shoes. He was sitting on a bench with one leg folded up and over the other, waiting patiently for the train with a smile on his face. He turned his head to Will and smiled wider. "Hello."

"...hi." Will took a seat next to the man.

"From your demeanor I'm gonna guess this is your first time here."

Will silently nodded. "Where...are we exactly?"

"About three miles under the city."

Three miles?! Jeez, no wonder that elevator ride took so long. But when you think about it, it makes sense. This far underground you can't hear or feel the vibrations from this train so it's virtually undetectable. The only question now is: 

"How far does the train take us?" 

"Beats me, it's just a long tunnel with no lights. The only person who knows for sure is Salem."

"You've met Salem?"

"Well, no not really. I've heard his voice but he never appears to the club members."

"I see...So when does the train get here?"

"Not long now, comes by every five minutes." 

Not even 30 seconds later, the train came in quickly and relatively quiet. Will and the man stepped inside and took their seats. Will couldn't help but notice the inside of the train, it was actually so different from what he was used to that is was jarring. The only word to describe it was fancy. Similar to a rich person's house, it had expensive looking chairs instead of plain train seats. Most of them were in the center of the train, situated around maple tables. The windows, which were rendered pointless in the tunnel, were covered in frilly white curtains and there was maple colored carpeting everywhere, along with a few magazines that Will had no interest in.

Just as the man said, he had no idea how far they traveled. The train was so smooth that it felt like they didn't move at all, and the lack of a view outside didn't help either. But two and a half minutes later they had arrived. As Will stepped off of the train, he noticed there was no one in the immediate area. The man seemed to know where he was going so Will followed him. The train left just as they hit the stairs directly in front of them. A short climb later and they had both reached the top. There at the top was a pair of double doors, similar to the ones you would see in a school.

"You're gonna freak when you see this. Everyone does at first. Oh and by the way, you might wanna close your mouth for a second." Will raised an eyebrow but complied.

As the doors opened, they were sprayed from all sides with a colorless and odorless mist.

"The hell was that?"

"That will stop a pokemon's scent from rubbing off on you, for 12 hours anyway. Only downside is it tastes horrible. Just make sure to gargle some mouthwash when you get home, for the most part that should hide any pokemon's scent you get in there."

The doors opened up into a dark narrow hall, when Will saw what was beyond it he nearly fell into a coma. the open.........couches! 

The man watched in amusement as Will's mouth hung open. Anyone seeing this sight for the first time would definitely react the same way. Just as Will tried to say, or tried to think in this case, there were people and pokemon everywhere. Humans and pokemon, men and women, all having sex out in the open, most of them moaning in pleasure. Some were on the floor, some were on couches, and some were in hot tubs. The room was massive and it was really dark but lit, ironically, like a nightclub. There were lots of different colored spotlights strewn across the room, with the occasional black light for effect. Whole sections of the room were elevated far above others and there were people having sex all along them. It was as if it was meant to be displayed. Along the entire right wall was a bar. Pokemon and humans sat at it, some eying men and women as they walked by, some drinking, some making out, and some having sex right on the bar stools. Everywhere Will looked was a different scene. 

There was a man furiously pounding a lucario doggy style to his right. She was holding on to the back of the couch as the man impaled her over and over again. They were both moaning incredibly loud but it was being drowned out by everyone else's incredibly loud moans.

Directly in front of him was another man sitting on a chair, a blaziken on top of him. She held the man still as she used her powerful legs to lift and lower herself onto him. She was panting heavily and the man was moaning as he held onto to her buttocks.

To the far left there was yet another man having sex with a mightyena. This man was much gentler, they were on the floor and he had her on her back. They were face to face as the man slowly slid in and out. The man planted a tender kiss right on the lips of the mightyena which she seemed glad to return.

'Like it?' A voice cut through the moans and went straight to Will's head.


'Behind you.'

Will looked backwards to see a gardevoir. The man standing next to Will seemed to recognize her. "Glad you're here, now you can show the new guy around. Now if you'll excuse me I have a date."

"Wait," Will said. "I didn't catch your name, I'm Will."

"Max, see ya around, cool eyes by the way." He said as he continued to walk away. A lopunny out of nowhere grabbed onto his arm and lead him deeper into the room until he was out of sight. The gardevoir then moved to Will's right. 'Nice to meet you again.'

"Again? Oh you were the gardevoir in the park?" She nodded and moved to Will's front.

'So tell me, what is your preference?'


'We have multiples of just about every pokemon you could ever imagine here at The Club, surely there's one you've always wanted to, you know.'

"Oh, I- I- I kinda-"

'No need to be embarrassed, trust me, you're among friends.' She gave him a reassuring smile.

"Still it's...sort of an embarrassing question."

'Better choose quickly or I'll choose for you.' The playful wink she gave kind of scared Will for some reason.

Hmmm, that's actually a damn tough question. There are a lot of pokemon I'd like to bang but the pool is too large. Narrowing it down to one would take forever. Mostly because I'd be weighing risks and benefits and such. Sigh, being a thinker is not all it's cracked up to be. I think it's time to stop thinking and do something random for once. Yeah, just choose at random, ok here we go. I pickkkkkkk-

'Typhlosion it is, follow me.'

It took Will's mind a second to register that she was walking away. "Wait what!? I wasn't even thinking about that."

'Told you I'd choose for you.' She turned her head and gave another of those suggestive winks.

He stammered for a second. "Wait a minute I want a re-pick."

'Too late, now you better hurry up. A newcomer like you, alone? Who knows what'll happen to you around here.'

Just then Will noticed he was getting 'the eye' from quite a few pokemon at the bar, and a few others who had just finished up with other men. They were like predators zoning in their prey. A few of them licked their lips with anticipation, and it scared the living crap out of Will. "Hey wait up!"

They passed many more scenes of sex as they made their way through the room. It was a breath of fresh air when they reached the door on the other side. It led into a wide hallway, dark of course, and with the same lighting as the previous room. Very few couples lined the hallway. A man was humping a scyther against the wall right next to the door. Down the hall there was another man taking an umbreon from behind. But most of the people and pokemon here were focused on a window on the wall near the center of the hall. Those who were looking through the window were either pleasuring themselves or watching intently.

As Will walked by, he could finally see what they were staring at. The window showed that in the next room they were actually filming a pokemon and human porno, with one man and three zangoose. One had her slit directly over his face. From where Will was standing he couldn't exactly see but he could safely assume the man was eating her out. The other two zangoose were going to town on his rod. Almost like they were fighting over who could lick better. They licked every inch, sucked on it periodically, and paid special attention to his sack. While the glass was soundproof you didn't exactly need to be in the room to imagine the sounds going on inside. 

"Question: Am I gonna have to be out in the open or do you guys have like-"

'Private rooms? Plenty, some people just prefer to be watched though. And a select few have the honor of starring in one of these. Also in case you're wondering, yes we do sell these. It's a small part of the income here.'

That would explain some things. Since the massive internet sweep a few years back, demand for pokemon pornos has gone up drastically. If the club holds the monopoly on these then it's no wonder they're so rich. 

'I only said it was a "small" part of our income.' She continued down the hall and Will followed. The hall branched into two paths. 'Down that way are many more exhibition rooms just in case you're interested. Also a full theater for viewing our movies.' They continued to walk straight until they came to an opening. The hallway gave way to a gigantic circular room. Openings leading into more hallways were everywhere and Will was willing to bet that they just kept branching and branching into an infinite maze.

'Once you get used to the place, you can start exploring around here. It's like an adventure; you never know where you'll end up, or who you'll end up with.' She accentuated the last line with a seductive tone, but Will already knew what she meant. Ignoring all other doors, they kept on a straight path. Through the opening was yet another door. Behind this one was a completely different scene, unlike the rooms before it, it was completely silent. Light moans weren't reaching all the way from the front area to this place. Also it seemed a little more common then the rest of the club. The walls were plain white and the carpet was dark red. Lining the hallway were wooden doors, all with gold colored numbers on them. It looked more like a hotel than anything.

'Ohhh finding a vacant room is always such a hassle.'

Will listened to the sounds around him for a second. "Doesn't sound like anyone is in any of these rooms."

'Oh they're all soundproof, we just need to find an open door that's all.'

Seriously?! Soundproofing this many rooms must have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars! 

'Took a long time to do too.' She didn't even look back at Will as she continued to walk. His mouth hung open for a second before he snapped himself out of it and hurried to catch up. The hallway wasn't too long, a short walk later and they were in an open area. It was rectangular and there were four hallways, two on either side of the desk. Directly in front of them was the front desk shaped like a half circle, the other half was cut off by the wall. There was no one behind it, or so Will thought until gardevoir slammed her hand on it. A man dressed in a suit popped his head up as fast as he could, straightening himself out in a rush. "W-W-welcome how may I- Oh it's you."

'Don't take that tone with me, I know what you two were doing.'

You "two?" 

Coming up considerably slower, another gardevoir emerged from behind the desk. "Who is it John...oh shit." She spoke in plain English. 

'You know you're not supposed to be doing that on the job.'

"Gimme a break Ms. Worksalot. It's not like anyone ever needs our help back here, it's just searching for a room." 

'Well it's your job to help us search for a room, now get to helping.'

"Ugh, hardly any couples have gone down hall four, it's pretty much deserted. There, I helped."

She shot him a dirty look before walking to the rightmost hall, aptly labeled "4". The desk worker silently made several silly faces at her as she walked away.

Just as the man said, there weren't many people here. After a few seconds of walking, the hall became mostly open doors. The gardevoir led Will into the first open room she saw, the first thing he noticed was the massive pink heart shaped bed directly in front of him. It had no covers but it did have four red heart shaped pillows resting along the edges, and a dresser on the right. The only other thing was another door far on the left which Will assumed was a bathroom. The rest of the room was pretty plain.

Sure as hell hope that all of these rooms don't have beds like this, and what's with the dresser? 

'They don't, I'm just picking this room because it's your first time, and the dresser holds various toys, creams, and other such objects for the kinkier couples.'

Inside of the room to the right of the door there was what appeared to be a small flat screen embedded in the wall, couldn't have been more then a foot wide. The gardevoir touched it once and it lit up showing various options and buttons, it was a touch screen. She hit one of the buttons and a number pad appeared. Quickly she typed in a number and the screen went blank, a few seconds later a typhlosion appeared on the screen.

"Just who I was looking for. Maria we have a first timer here who needs breaking in, room 412. " The gardevoir spoke in English this time.

"So you can speak English?"

'Of course, I just don't like to unless I have to, she can't exactly hear telepathy over this screen.' 

The typhlosion said something in its own tongue but all Will heard was "Ty-typhlosion."

The gardevoir stepped to the side and said "Of course." Maria took a moment to size Will up and give him that eye he was already so used to seeing. She gave one more "Phlosion" and a scary smile before the screen went blank.

'She said she'd be right down. You two have fun now.' She made her way to the door. 'Oh and most pokemon here, including Maria, haven't bothered to learn English. So use this, compliments of Salem.' Will held out his hand and she dropped something small into it. He nearly shit his pants.

No fucking way, a pokemon to human translator! They only recently perfected the technology for these things and they are still expensive as hell! A cheap one is about the price of a minivan, but the really high end ones, like this one, are worth more then most people's houses. I heard that they put 2 years into research and development solely for purpose of making these things indestructible. Still, Salem would entrust all of the club members with one of these? It's unreal. 

'Not all of the members, just you.' 

"...Wait, just m-" 

'Have fun.' Her voice echoed in his head one last time, and so Will was left alone. The translator was just an ear piece that fit snugly over his ear; it was surprisingly comfortable and virtually invisible. 

Hmm, truth be told, even though I didn't get to pick, typhlosion is pretty far up there on my always-wanted-to-bang list. I just like how...full their bodies are you know? Never seen one in real life though. Well that's about to change now ain't it? 

While he waited, Will played with the dozen light switches he found next to the door to help him cope with the nervous feeling in his gut. He found that certain combinations of switches created different effects. While one turned on a black light, inadvertently showing that the room was stain free, another turned on a strobe light. 

Who the hell would want a strobe light going while they have sex?! 'Oh I'm about to cum.' Nope seizure! I'm kind of disappointed, where's the switch that triggers the fog machine and the pyrotechnics? 

He continued playing with the lights up until Maria finally entered a few minutes later. She slammed the door causing Will to jump back with his hands in the air. Without taking her eyes off of him she locked the door and flipped a few of the light switches. The room was now dark but the lighting felt like soft candlelight. Even with limited lighting, Will could still notice something he couldn't have over the little display window. The fur on her back, instead of the usual black or dark blue it was a shade of red. 

A shiny typhlosion, no way. 

Now that he was paying more attention he could also see her fur did have a certain shine to it, even in the dim lighting. She was just about as tall as Will too. And her eyes, a brilliant ruby red, stared right into his. As she began to walk towards him, the nervous feeling came back, full force.

Come on, this is something I've always wanted, so why am I so nervous? I've had sex before, this is no big deal, so why am I shaking? Ugh, feels like my first time all over again, well technically it is, with a pokemon anyway. But that's no fucking reason to be nervous, pull yourself together man! I can do this, YEAH, I'm awesome, I'm in control, I'm-

"This your first time lover boy?"

Will stammered and tripped over his own 'words' for about 10 seconds straight, nothing coherent came out of his mouth.

Aw shit, I fail. 

"Don't worry, I don't bite...much."

Comforting, really fucking comforting. 

Maria grabbed his hand and led him over to the bed. From the way she was looking at him earlier, Will half expected to be thrown onto the bed and raped, but to his surprise she was really gentle. Her nimble hands unbuttoned his white dress shirt with ease, and instead of ripping it off, like she wanted, she let it drop to the floor. Her eyes locked with Will's again as she caressed his fully erect member through his jeans. This time however, she gradually closed the gap between their faces.
Will can't say he didn't see the kiss coming but it was still a little surprising, especially when she slipped her tongue into his mouth. It was wide and exceptionally strong, pushing Will's tongue around like it was nothing. As her large tongue explored every nook and cranny in Will's mouth, her hand, just one, undid his jeans, as easily as if she'd done it a thousand times before.

As a typhlosion her hands are naturally tiny but DAMN she can use em well. I've seen girls with fully opposable thumbs who had more trouble with buttons. 

Will's pants fell around his ankles and he sat on the edge of the bed. Maria's hands trailed their way down his sides and to his underwear. Right as she broke the kiss, her mouth followed her hands. Her eyes never left his as she pulled his underwear all the way down his legs. Will's painfully erect member shot up past her face but it didn't surprise her at all, it was almost as if she didn't notice it as she stared into Will's eyes. 

Hmm, when was the last time I measured my penis? Last time I checked I was just about 7 inches long and a little over an inch wide. Maybe I should do that when I get hooooo-

Will's thought melted as Maria finally broke eye contact and gave him the first long and incredibly slow lick, all the way up the shaft. Will's teeth clenched and his grip tightened on the edge of the bed. Maria chuckled under her breath as he writhed and squirmed at the next few licks. She teased him constantly; licking around the tip and putting her mouth to it only to pull back a second later. Though she teased him, Will couldn't complain, the feeling of her tongue wrapping itself around him felt better than anything he had ever felt before. Maria herself didn't even notice that she was putting extra effort into her tongue work. She continued swirling her tongue around Will, greedily lapping up every bit of pre that came out and enjoying it more then she should've. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, to Will, she slowly engulfed his cock, causing him to gasp loudly. He just barely hit the back of her throat as she took him in to the hilt, Will was a little longer than he thought. He didn't have time to recover from the initial surprise before Maria started to move. Slowly she began to move up and down. She was already dragging her tongue along the bottom, adding to Will's pleasure. Unconsciously she scooted closer to him, allowing her a little extra control over her mouth and Will's member. She grabbed onto his hips as she started to speed up. Moving with a little more vigor than usual she cupped his balls in her hand and sped up yet again. Will couldn't even think straight, the amount of pleasure he was feeling was unreal. His hands and legs became like rubber and he lost control of body as she continued to speed up. He fell backwards onto the bed, nearly removing his cock from Maria's mouth, but she was over him in a split second, still working hard. Soon after his fall, Will groaned loudly as his cock sent wave after wave of cum into Maria's mouth. He was seriously backed up because as hard as Maria tried to swallow it all, it just came too fast. She actually felt disappointed when most of it fell to the floor.

Will took a minute to recover as Maria continued swallowing what was left of him. Whatever she could save, she did. Including the small amounts still around Will's cock and drops trailing down his legs, she wanted it all. 

A minute or so later, Will finally got the strength to sit up. Maria was just about finished licking her fingers clean when she looked up into Will's eyes again. Abruptly she stopped and a smile crept across her face. Will was a little worried at the way she was looking at him, but what really worried him was the way she licked her lips afterwards. For the second time that day he felt himself looking into the eyes of a predator about to attack its prey. With an amazing display of strength, she grabbed Will and threw him all the way to the center of the bed, causing his pants and underwear to fly in random directions. With a lustful growl, she pounced him, her face directly over his.

She licked her lips again. "Mmm I don't know what it is about those eyes of yours but they're driving me wild!" Grabbing on to Will's face with both hands she pulled him in for a kiss even more passionate than the last. But Will was expecting it this time. Placing both hands on the back of her head he did his best to win the tongue wrestling match. Their tongues fought hard to gain dominance over the other. Maria's clearly bigger and more experienced tongue had the advantage, but Will was a fighter. He resisted her tongue for as long as could, but the harder he fought, the hornier Maria got, and the hornier she got, the harder she fought. Inevitably Will lost, neither he nor his tongue had the endurance and he was forced to let her probe his mouth. While he saw it as nothing but a battle a few seconds earlier, he now saw it for what it really was: the hottest kiss he had ever had.

Just as quickly as she came down, Maria sat back up, her now dripping slit resting atop Will's member. He had been fully hard for some time but only now did he notice it. Maria smiled wide at Will as she lowered herself. They both gave a long moan as the head slowly parted her moist lips. Maria's insides were stretched as she worked the long piece of meat deeper and deeper inside her incredibly hot tunnel. She let out a satisfied sigh when she reached the hilt. Will's eyes, which were clenched shut, opened to see Maria's face; her smile seemed to grow wider every time he looked at it. At the sight of Will's eyes, Maria began to move. Again Will gripped the bed as she slid up and down on his member. She took it slow for as long as possible, savoring every little movement she could. Every time she came down the hilt, she would stop for a second to grind against Will, causing him to squirm slightly. Any and every small little movement added to her pleasure, Will's squirming was no exception. Both Maria's and Will's panting were a sign that she should've sped up, but wanting to preserve the experience, she increased her pace only a little. Unbeknownst to her, her pace was a little too slow for Will who was feeling a little more primal than usual. To Maria's surprise he grabbed on to her hips and starting to buck into her at his own pace, which was significantly faster than hers. The fight over pace was short lived as Maria quickly gave into Will's; the added pleasure was just too much to ignore. Eventually Will found himself doing most of the work, Maria needed only to bounce up and down. Her burning hot insides gripped him hard as he slowly but surely increased his speed. At this point, Maria was moaning loudly toward the ceiling, lost in ecstasy. She still had no idea why she was enjoying it so much, all she knew was that it had something to do with Will's eyes. She didn't even have to look into them anymore; just picturing them now seemed to double her pleasure. Finding it hard to speed up, Will pulled his legs in for more leverage. Now with both feet level to the bed he had complete control of his hips. He took advantage of his newfound leverage and wrapped his hands completely around her waist. Maria fell forward on her hands, placing herself completely under Will's power. Will had just about lost control of himself and was running purely instinct. He held her perfectly still as he pounded inwards. Maria's tongue hung out of the side of her mouth as she let Will pound her. Each thrust was now making a wet slapping sound as Maria had soaked herself in her own arousal. The sound only served to spur Will on, the harder he slammed the more of that delicious sound he heard. On top of that, Maria's moans were also coaxing him forward. With all of this going on at once, Will's orgasm crept up on him. His eyes shot open and he gasped loudly as he let loose a wave of warm seed into her, filling her in a matter of seconds. Unconsciously he still pumped a few times, helping to free the last bit of cum from his member but also causing it splash outwards. The last few pumps were enough to send Maria over the edge as well. She screamed to the ceiling as her sopping wet pussy gripped Will's member. Everything behind her was soaked. She came harder than she had in a long time. Both of them let out a long sigh of satisfaction as they came down from their orgasm.

Maria fell to the bed on her side, panting and with her eyes closed but Will didn't seem tired at all. He simply stared at the ceiling for a minute and tried to figure out what was going on. this feeling? Completion? Satisfaction? No, they're there but this is different. What is it?......What's my hand doing? It's...trying to find her hole again. Is that it? I want more? Yeah, just a little more, just a little...

It had barely been a minute when Will sat up and scooted a little farther down the bed. Maria, who still had her eyes closed, was a little surprised when Will pushed her onto her stomach and began to rub his fingers against her slit. She shivered and moaned for a second before bringing herself back down to earth.

Maria barely had the strength to turn her head, she spoke without doing so. "Whoa, aren't you tired yet?" She spoke in a breathless manner, she clearly hadn't fully recovered. There was a moment of silence before Will responded. His response was a finger pushed slowly and steadily into her depths. A gasp left her mouth as she tightly clenched the bed from the unexpected pleasure surge. "Fine, fine, just give me a minute to-" Her words trailed off when she suddenly turned around to look Will in the face. The moment she looked into his calm silver eyes every thought in her head melted away, except one.

"Fuck me." She raised her hind end high into air.

Will was more than happy to oblige, he was still just as hard as when they started. Slowly he pulled his finger out of her, hooking it slightly and dragging it along her insides. Maria was already panting and it only got faster as Will slipped his finger out. Replacing his finger with his member, he slowly began to take the plunge, stretching her insides yet again. Will encountered no resistance as Maria's insides were thoroughly lubed from their session just a minute prior. He wasted no time getting started. Once he hilted her the first time he began moving in and out at a steady pace. His hands rested on her hips as he instinctually pumped into her. Maria found herself succumbing to his pace yet again. Unconsciously, she pushed her hips backwards every time Will came forward. All of the fur around her backside was still soaking wet. Will's thrusts may not have been the strongest, but they were still strong enough to produce that wet slapping sound, and they both loved it. Maria was panting hard now but she managed to say between breaths "Faster." Will couldn't deny such a request so he promptly increased his pace. He held her hips tight as he slammed into her sweltering hole. The wet sound that they enjoyed so much now filled the room, and yet it wasn't enough. Maria nearly screamed "Faster!" Will couldn't help but oblige. He roughly forced her rump down to bed level. With his body now halfway over hers and his hands resting on the bed next to her sides he slammed her as fast as he could. Maria moaned and arched her back, aiming her face at the ceiling. Her tongue hung far out of her mouth and she was drooling profusely. Not one rational thought passed either of their minds. While Maria could only feel pleasure, Will could only think of cumming, and he wouldn't have think long. Suddenly Maria's insides contracted as a large wave of cum splashed Will. It soaked the bed below them and even managed to reach up to Will's chest. Lost in the throes of her own orgasm, Maria accidentally launched a flamethrower directly ahead of her. Fortunately nothing caught on fire but the wall was scorched. Will continued to pound for a little while longer until he came as well. He hilted her and with a loud groan let loose a torrent of his own fluids, filling her instantly yet again. It flooded outwards and cascaded down her rear end, pooling on the bed below them.

Will sighed deeply and he slowly pulled himself out. Coming to rest face down on the bed next to Maria, he could see that she had passed out. For some reason, Will only felt slight fatigue. He slid off of the bed and made his way to the other door in the room. As he suspected, it was a bathroom, well sort of. It did have a toilet, tub, and shower but was extremely tiny, capable of holding two people just barely. It didn't matter to Will, he just wanted to get clean, and so he did. Similar to a hotel, he found complementary scented soaps and wash cloths. Nothing was too dried on, so Will's shower went fairly quick. He found his cloths and slipped them back on. With that done, all wanted to do was sit on the bed and think.

That feeling's gone but...something still feels-

'Wow you managed to outlast Maria, that's quite a feat especially for a newcomer.' The familiar echoed through Will's head. It was the gardevoir from before.


'Sure was, by the way do you mind opening the door?'

Will hesitated for a second before making his way over to the door and unlocking it. Behind it of course was the gardevoir, grinning slightly. 'So, how do you feel?'

Will brought his hand to his head. "Not sure, I feel...weird."

The gardevoir chuckled under her breath. 'That's completely normal for people coming here for the first time...' Her words seemed to trail off towards then end of her sentence but Will ignored it.

"What do you mean it's normal?"

'Well it's such a dramatic change from your norm that...' Her words trailed off again but she shook her head as if trying to shake off dizziness. 'S-such a dramatic-' She completely stopped that time and her face adopted a blank look.

"You okay?" She didn't respond, she only continued to stare directly in to Will's eyes, her mouth hanging open ever so slightly. 

Wait a minute; I've seen that look before. Could it be? 

Will snapped his fingers in her face but she still didn't move. Next he closed his eyes and did the same thing. He couldn't exactly see the result but he could hear it.

'Oh, what was I saying? Such a dramatic change from your norm that...what was I gonna say?'

"Sounds like you've had a long day; maybe you should get some rest."

'Yeah that's it, I just need some rest. I'll have someone come get Maria; you should go home in the meantime. You'll feel better in the morning, trust me.'

"I will, thanks." Will turned away from her and made his way home.

My eyes, I wonder what else they can do. 

The gardevoir brought a hand to her head as she desperately tried to remember what she had forgotten, she had never lost track of a thought before. She mentally retraced her steps to find out where she had gone wrong when she finally came across the memory of Will's eyes. Picturing them caused her to tremble slightly, her breathing also sped up. The feeling was foreign to her so she had no idea what to call it, but she did know one thing: She wanted to see Will's eyes again.

Will exited the club the way he came. Past the large, ongoing orgy in the front room, the train, and the humongous guy standing guard at the initial entrance. By the time he had gotten home, it was 11 at night. He didn't bother to lock the front door after he entered, nor did he take off his shoes or clothes. He just plopped down on the couch, suddenly feeling exhausted as he turned to stare at the ceiling. He managed to stay awake long enough for Grovyle to come and rest next to him against the front of the couch as she always did. She'd sleep along his chest but decided against it to avoid any awkward situations involving morning wood. 

Right as Will fell asleep he heard one last thing. A long sigh and "Goodnight Will." His translator was still on.

Chapter End Notes:

Read, Enjoy, or Review. Do one and I'm happy. No time to type anything else I might get caught. KTHXBAI

Edit: Found time. As sex-based as I could make this story it rly wont go in that direction. There's gonna be a lot more stuff to come atfer I put up the last chapter of Halcyon U. Stay tuned peeps

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