AGNPH Stories

Lovers' Path by laser_pen


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


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Leith, who had yet to evolve unlike his mate, lay on his back in the cool and relaxing riverside mud. Obviously excited, he smiled open-mouthed and waved his right forepaw beckoningly to Destyn. Even though his father wanted nothing more to do with him due to defying his wishes, Leith still had someone with whom to share love.

The flareon had grown significantly more vulnerable to water since his evolution due to his type. He had never learned to swim as an eevee, which was something he could no longer just pick up on a whim even with help. All in all, Destyn was intimidated by water more than ever before even though Leith had helped him somewhat overcome his hydrophobia.

Water in large amounts was painful for him because of his intense body temperature. Imagine taking a shower with the 'cold' turned all the way up and the 'hot' turned all the way off. Multiply that sensation by about one-hundred times and you'll have an idea of how fire type poke'mon feel in the rain on a warm day!

Fortunately, it was an unusually warm day in the time of year that humans call 'February'. The mud farthest from the river had collected much of the sun's generous heat, making it just hot enough for even a fire type to enjoy. After Destyn discovered this for himself by taking his first step into it, he hesitated no longer. He ran up to his appreciative mate and issued a smile that rivaled Leith's own in size.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, I'll be as careful and cool as I can, but I still might burn you," Destyn expressed his concerns.

"If it starts to hurt too much, I'll let you know," Leith assured him. "You've avoided mating with me long enough, Destyn. I can't wait any longer, I love you," He whined.

"I love you too," Destyn replied.

Destyn inched his way closer to the buizel and rested his head within licking distance of Leith's crotch. His pleasantly warm and moist tongue flicked out of his smiling maw and found its mark. It brushed soothingly against Leith's anus that had been penetrated only once before and had long since recovered from that session. The flareon male licked at an agonizingly and teasingly slow pace that earned him a comical whimper from Leith.

Leith's phallus already began slithering out of his sheath as it gradually stiffened, widened and lengthened. When his cock reached its full length from the oral attention provided to his tail-hole, it rose straight up. As if to direct attention to itself from the flareon, who was engrossed in sinking his mouth deeper and deeper into his mate's river-cleaned insides, Leith's penis tilted to one side and gently tapped Destyn on the head.

Destyn giggled a little, but he was not yet satisfied with applying saliva to Leith's rear for sufficient lubrication. Leith squirmed a little with pleasure and cooed and softly moaned occasionally from his lover's delicate touch. Destyn grunted and gasped from increasing his efforts while his mate was rewarded with his heated breaths that reached all the way up to Leith's stomach.

Afraid he might accidentally release a flame into his friend at the rate he was working, Destyn finally pulled his muzzle out and inspected the result of his work. He had managed to widen the buizel's orifice and parted the fur surrounding it. Never had the buizel's pink asshole looked so wet and inviting. Destyn grew fully erect just from servicing the opening with his mouth and from staring at it afterward.

"What are you waiting for?" Leith asked. "I don't think either of us are going to get any harder."

"Don't say I didn't warn you because things are about to get rough," Destyn badly teased.

He then placed his forepaws on either side of Leith and began nudging him onto his front. "What are you doing?" Leith asked while he rolled over for his friend.

"If we're going to do this, we might as well do it the 'flareon way'," Destyn answered.

Leith's back and sides and even the top of his head had already collected a thick layer of mud from laying around and waiting on Destyn. It was now time for his front to become just as messy if not messier than that depending on how wild things between the buizel and flareon became. Destyn proved that fact as soon as Leith had turned completely around. He pressed his left forepaw against the slightly smaller poke'mon's back, forcing him down onto his belly.

The buizel willingly parted his tails and draped their tips over the flareon's shoulders while the two of them better positioned themselves. Leith relaxed as best he could and ended up dipping his lower jaw and throat into the mud surrounding them along with every other part of him that was shallowly buried within the slimy earth. Destyn lowered himself a little and went back and forth from time to time until the tapered tip of his vulpine penis connected with Leith's saliva-coated rear.

Destyn braced himself as best he could and began pushing his hot dick into his mate. It slid in at a slow and unchanging pace with each passing quarter of an inch, causing either one of them to sigh with pleasure. When he managed to feed his entire length into Leith and felt their balls touching, Destyn playfully nipped at the back of the buizel's head. In response, Leith moaned pitifully and lustfully. He ached for relief, but his flareon mate intended to take his time because of how precious time meant to both of them.

Destyn released the muddy hairs of Leith's head fur from his mouth while beginning to pull back almost as slowly as he had first penetrated the water type. Leith suddenly lifted his mouth from the mud just as three-quarters of the flareon's penis left him. He exhaled a loud moan of pleasure before addressing Destyn through a series of intense gasps. "I said...things were...going to...get rough..."

"Can't go too fast," Destyn almost literally breathed his response. "Might get too hot for you," He informed with just as much difficulty.

"Don't...worry..." Leith only just managed to say," I"

Destyn smiled, pleased by the faith the water type had in him not to burn him. "You asked," Destyn paused while taking a lungful of air, "For it."

Destyn literally and forcefully shoved the entirety of his cock back into Leith's tight little ass and waited only a second before pulling back. He proceeded to hump Leith while surprisingly sustaining that speed. The buizel's body quickly loosened up significantly from the flareon's powerful thrusts and swift pulls. Leith even found himself moving back and forth rhythmically with Destyn's movements.

By sliding through it, the squishy mud beneath him provided all the stimulation his cock needed to begin squirting copious amounts of pre. Of course, the fact that Destyn's penis struck the buizel's small prostate at the end of each penetration assisted in the stimulation and pleasure department. He was not the only one who started ejaculating, however. Destyn had waited far too long in between mating and was now shooting frequent amounts of pre, which were equivalent in size to the average orgasm of a small male poke'mon, at various points inside of Leith.

Destyn's fluids enabled him to proceed faster and harder than ever before due to the fact that he had managed to slime Leith's insides up to his prostate. Almost every time he pulled out, his dick brought with it drops of pre it had only recently spewed. Leith's behind soon became visibly covered with a thin white layer of pre while small drops of flareon cum fell and absorbed into the mud beneath them.

A combination of friction and fire type seed began heating up the buizel's rump, both internally and externally. The heat almost went beyond the water type's comfort zone, but he thankfully had a natural resistance to fire and heat.

The heat, however, not only originated from Destyn's penis, but from the rest of his body as well. While he especially delighted in the slight burning sensation building up inside of him, Leith also enjoyed the extra warmth his mate generated. It almost felt to the buizel male as though they were mating near a campfire without the eye-irritating smoke. Obviously, the heat was more penetrative than that.

The phallus of the dominating flareon formed its vulpine knot at its base minutes after its owner had begun the process of mating. Destyn slammed it against Leith's rim several times and almost ended up sinking half of it into the buizel. With one last insertion, his knot popped into Leith with little resistance from his excessively slick rim. Destyn placed his entire front onto his mate's back, causing them to sink a little lower into the mud.

As a water type, Leith had no trouble holding his breath, which he discovered he needed to do for a moment as his entire muzzle was buried within mud. Meanwhile, an explosive amount of hot fire-type semen flooded him to the point that some of it readily leaked out of the bottom corners of his rim. Destyn's ejaculation finished after several seconds. There was only a very brief reprieve between its conclusion and the beginning of another hefty load of cum being deposited deeply inside the buizel.

After his first two ejaculations, Destyn eased up off his friend. Leith deeply inhaled for much-needed oxygen once his head surfaced. " carried away," Destyn wheezed.

"No problem," Leith replied once he caught his breath. "You sure can cum," He observed; he could already feel his belly filling up with the flareon's deliciously hot semen.

"I have a feeling there's more to come," He said, unintentionally making a bad pun. "Have you gone yet?" He asked if Leith had climaxed.

"Not yet and I really want to," Leith answered.

"Then stand up," Destyn instructed.

Leith did as he was told, but the mud covering him weighed him down, the mud beneath him clung onto him and his body was beginning to feel drained of energy. Neither he nor his mate were young poke'mon anymore and no longer had the boundless stamina that came with extreme youth. However, they were not to be considered very old either. They were simply nearing the end of the prime time of their lives.

Destyn gripped onto the buizel's slimy sides with his best efforts and helped drag him onto his paws in a standing position. A small struggle between the ground and the two poke'mon ensued, but it lasted only seconds. Leith's body pulled free just as his flareon mate sprayed another impressive amount of semen into him. "Ooooooh," Leith moaned from the pleasant addition of cum and heat along with the additional bloating that resulted from it.

Destyn wrapped his right forepaw around the buizel's belly and searched it for its muddied extension. He soon located it and wrapped his heated digits around it. With just a delicate squeeze and a few following pumps, Leith came and nearly collapsed back into the mud. He may not have released anything nearly as massive as his friend in terms of amount. However, his was a well-lasted orgasm that left a decent-sized circle of his own cum floating just on the surface of the mud beneath him.

Destyn managed to keep his buizel mate on his paws until Leith was capable of standing up on his own again. Not a moment passed before Destyn's phallus injected into the water type another heaping helping of fire-type seed. "I can't pull free; this might take awhile," Destyn admitted as he leaned forward to stare into Leith's eyes.

"I don't mind," Leith happily replied as he tilted his head to meet Destyn's gaze; both their expressions showed their undying gratitude and love toward one another in addition to a hint of sexual satisfaction.

Almost a year had passed since the forest and its inhabitants had tragically lost Manasi, one of their valued protectors. Considering the date, millions of humans were making last minute preparations to celebrate their holiday of love, Valentine's Day. This was not the first time for many of them. Meanwhile, countless poke'mon throughout the world, not unlike Destyn and Leith, each managed to find their own ways to express love to their significant other.

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