AGNPH Stories

Truth or Dare? by ryuwolf


Story Notes:

OK, I've been getting complaints of "lack of detail" and some guy that just went on and on for hours about stuff...I hate that. Me and Kado will be improving the first two chapters soon and will be going over the remainder with a fine-tooth comb from now on.

Chapter 1: Hey, Bartender...

Ryu was walking back towards the dorms when he noticed an unfamiliar sign. He walked over and discovered that it was a bar. He was a nineteen year old Lucario anthro, and enjoyed late nights. This was no exception. He was dressed in a leather jacket, cargo pants and a black t-shirt.
He opened the door and took a seat at the bar. It was quiet and empty. He took a quick note of how everything was arranged; it was all very clean and tidy.
"Can I get you anything?" Michael, a Growlithe stood behind the bar. He was wearing a white dress shirt with a black bow tie and slacks. In his hand was a glass of whiskey. "And do you have ID?"
"Yeah," Ryu reached into his pocket and withdrew his wallet. He fumbled with it and eventually flipped it open, flashing his ID.
"Can I get a beer?"
"Sure, one moment." Michael passed the whiskey to another customer and then got an empty cup. "Does it matter what kind of beer?"
"That all depends n what you have. May I ask when you opened this place up? I never noticed it before..." Ryu looked around again, then back at the bar tender. He seemed like a good sort.
"Maybe about three weeks ago. I hope everything looks okay." Michael looked around the area.
"It all looks great," Ryu winked and grinned, "This place is very nice."
Michael smiled. "Thanks." He then realized that he had already poured the beer without noticing. "Oh, I hope you like draft." He then placed the cup on the bar in front of Ryu. "On the house."
"My house or yours?" Ryu laughed, "Cheers. What's your name, by the way?"
"Michael, how about you?"
Michael was around 5'11" to Ryu's 5'9". Ryu's eyes were red and Michael's were blue.
"Ryu, it's a pleasure." Ryu sipped his beer slowly, "So...What else do you do when you aren't slinging drinks?"
"School. I only do a small night time shift here. I hope I won't be working in a bar forever."
Ryu took another sip. "Hmm...You go here too? I haven't seen you around."
"I only started this year. Sure running a bar is great, but it's not really what I want to do."
"This is my second year. I don't really know what I'm going to do when I've finished up here." Ryu finished his beer, "So, what would you want to do?"
An Arcanine walked in and sat at the bar. "How are things going?"
"Fine dad." Michael replied.
"You need your rest for your test tomorrow. Go back to your dorm, I'll handle things here."
"Alright." Michael walked out from behind the bar and into the washroom.
"I see you finished your beer." The Arcanine was starring at Ryu's empty glass. "Would you like another?"
"No, thank you. I've gotta get going. See ya!"
He got up and exited the bar, zipping up his coat to keep out the cold autumn air. He decided to stick around a bit, maybe walk back to the dorms with Michael.
Michael came out of the bar and stopped when he saw Ryu. He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, and was wearing a letterman jacket. "Oh, did you forget something?"
"No. You never answered my question."
He smiled, thinking of the other thing that went through his head. He hadn't gotten Michael's number yet.
"Oh, I never really am used to being around people outside of the bar. Most of the people I ever talk to are just customers." Michael began walking towards the dorms. "I want to be a lawyer."
"That's interesting. I had a passing interest in law in the past. You're in the dorms?"
He looked over the Growlithe again. He was slim, but Ryu couldn't tell if he had any muscle under that shirt.
"I live nearby, but I got a dorm to add to the university feel." The two arrived at the dorms. "Hey, you only had one beer." Michael looked around to make sure no one was listening. "I got lots of beer at my dorm. You wanna come over?"
Ryu grinned, maybe tonight wouldn't be boring after all.

Michael unlocked his door and went inside. The area was a bit messy, papers on different law techniques and situations were scattered across the floor. "Sorry about the mess, come on in."
"I don't mind. You call this a mess? You should see my room."
He reached down and picked up one of the pages, scanning it quickly.
"You do your homework, I see."
Michael went to the kitchen. "I have to. Law is a really hard thing to do. I need at least a 90 on my fourth year exam or else I can never get a job." He returned with two beers in his hand. "Here you go."
He opened it and sat on Michael's bed. He figured it would be a good time for a bold move.
"It's hot in here, mind if I take off my shirt?"
Michael took off his shirt. Ryu was right; He had some slight definition on his chest.
"Way ahead of you. Go ahead. Yea, that feels much cooler."
Ryu removed his shirt and lay down on the bed.
"It is, indeed."
Michael sat beside Ryu and flicked on the television. Nothing was on but senseless infomercials and security footage of the hall, so he turned it back off. Michael opened his beer and took a large gulp from it. "Ahhhh... There's nothing to do here..."
Ryu took a gulp of his own beer. An idea went through his head.
"Truth or dare."
Michael laughed. "First you're in a bar, and then you're drinking with me. And now you wanna play Truth or Dare? Kinda childish don't ya think?" Michael then smiled. "Damn right I wanna play."
"So, truth or dare?"
Ryu took another gulp of his beer.
Michael put his beer on the floor. "Umm.... Truth."
"Have you ever slept with anyone?"
Michael shook his head. "Ya, once. I had a girlfriend back in my old city." Michael picked his beer up again and took a small sip. "My turn, truth or dare."
Ryu took a drink and put his beer on the ground, he then rolled back over on to the bed.
Michael reached under his bed and slid out a box of beer. "I dare you to down that can." He then opened the box and pulled out a bottle of beer. "Then this bottle."
"Cake, man."
Ryu downed his beer then the bottle. He felt a bit tipsy, but he knew the rush would come later.
"Now you, truth or dare."
Michael finished his beer then pulled out another bottle. "Dare."
"I dare you to down that bottle then another. I refuse to be wasted by myself."
Michael downed the bottle then the next. "Whoa... What a buzz." He stood up then fell back on the bed lying down. "Oof... Truth or dare?"
Ryu spoke slowly, the buzz was kicking in.
"Ummm... I dare you to..." Michael thought for a moment. He reached over to a mini bar beside his bed and pulled out a bottle of hot sauce. "I dare you to drink half of this. Only half, I like hot sauce."
"Do you now?"
Ryu smiled. The thought of the young Growlithe licking hot sauce off of him turned him on.
"Fine." He grabbed the bottle and downed half of it.
"That BURNS! Ahh!"
He then coughed, "Awesome. Truth or dare?"
Michael finished his third bottle. "Ohhh... Ah.... Dare." He was still lying on the bed.
"You like hot sauce? Then I dare you to kiss me."
Michael's eyes widened. "Um... I never lose at this game so..." He then sat up and held Ryu's shoulder then brought his face close. He hesitated for a second and said. "Here it comes." He kissed Ryu and let his tongue slip inside. Five seconds later he moved back and wiped his tongue. "That was hot. T-The sauce I mean!"
"Y-yeah. That stuff's pretty intense."
Ryu was happy he was covered in fur; otherwise Michael would know he was blushing.
"I guess it's your turn."
Michael drank some more beer. "Ya, Truth or dare."
Ryu looked around, and then realized he had no beer.
Michael stumbled as he stood, reached into the box, pulled out another beer and gave it to Ryu. "It's my turn to embarrass you. I dare you to take off all your clothes."
Ryu removed his pants, and then looked at Michael, "ALL of them?"
Michael laughed and then said, "Yes, all of them."
Ryu removed his clothes, revealing the yellow fur on his chest, his slim, slightly toned body and his seven inch erection. He lay back down.
"There. Truth or dare."
Michael looked away then laughed. "Heh, funny. Dare."
Ryu looked over at him.
"I dare YOU to take off all of YOUR clothes!"
Michael stood. "Well if that's how you want to play it." He then unzipped his jeans and was about to pull them down. "I never lose. I never lose." He then dropped his pants and then removed the rest of his clothing. His body was in the same condition as Ryu's, but a bit less muscular. His cock hung down between his legs. "Ha! Truth or dare?"
Ryu looked over at Michael.
"Truth huh." Michael thought for a moment. Are you drunk yet?"
"NO! I am not drunk at all! OK, just a little..."
Ryu grinned sheepishly, "Truth or dare?"
Michael lay down on the bed again. "Truth."
"What happened during your first time?"
Michael laughed again. "Really? I have to talk about that?" Michael remembered. "Heh... I finished way too early. My girlfriend kept making fun of me, but I showed her the second time. Truth or dare?"
Ryu rolled over so that he was right next to Michael, "Dare."
Michael rolled to face Ryu. "Hm, I know I'm gonna win this one. I dare you to cuddle me for all of one minute." Michael laughed and said, "Let's see you do that one."
Ryu wrapped his arms around Michael, nuzzling him. The heat generated by Ryu made him very hard, he let out a slight moan, and Ryu kissed him on the neck.
"I'm enjoying myself here, how about you?"
Michael also wrapped his arms around Ryu, feeling the throbbing cock against his leg. "Yes. Is that okay?"
"It's fine by me."
Ryu kissed Michael on his cheek.
Michael looked up at his clock. It was thirty seconds passed the dared minute. "I'm not stopping." Michael then kissed Ryu on the lips.
"Mmm. I wouldn't ask you to."
Ryu kissed Michael again, this time slipping his tongue into his mouth.
Michael put his hands behind Ryu's head and held him very close kissing him deeply, feeling the inside of his mouth with his tongue. Ryu responded, moaning. He then moved his head away and smiled at Ryu. "My turn, I choose truth."
"Hmm...Would you be willing to go on a date with me?"
Michael smiled again. "This is a bit beyond a date, don't you think? But yes."
"You skipped my turn. Truth or Dare?"
"I'm out of dares...Uh, I dare you to...There's not much we can do beyond this, is there?"
Ryu smiled, "Unless..."
"Unless...?" Michael hesitated for a second, then noticed Ryu's hand on his dick. "Oh. Oh! Um...." He looked at Ryu and smiled. "Well... We could."
"But would you want to?"
Ryu smiled back and kissed him passionately.
"Well..." Michael thought for a moment. "No, we should do that date thing first. I got my test tomorrow so it will have to wait until late." Michael shot up into a sitting position. "Oh damn! My test! I'm drunk, naked, and didn't study... I'll really have to cram tomorrow morning." Michael adjusted his pillow and lay down on the bed again. "Wanna sleep over?" He winked at Ryu.
"Yeah. Why would I say no?"
Ryu continued cuddling him, moving his hand up and down Michael's eight inches, then stopped. "Yours is pretty big."
"That's the last thing I thought I'd hear a guy say to me." Michael laughed. "Uh...? Thanks?" He kissed Ryu one more time then closed his eyes until he fell asleep.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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