AGNPH Stories

Truth or Dare? by ryuwolf


Story Notes:

OK, I've been getting complaints of "lack of detail" and some guy that just went on and on for hours about stuff...I hate that. Me and Kado will be improving the first two chapters soon and will be going over the remainder with a fine-tooth comb from now on.

Chapter 2: Ryu and Kado

Ryu woke up and started massaging Michael's cock. It was around eight forty-five AM.
"Wake up, sleepy head."
"I'm not sleeping..."
Michael opened his eyes.
"Yes you are."
Ryu lowered his head to Michael's dick and licked the tip of it.
"I thought we were supposed to do the date thing first?"
Ryu stuck the tip of it in his mouth then ran his tongue along the very tip. He got up and smiled.
"We'll do it your way then."
"It was your Idea in the first place," Michael got up and threw on some clothes, "Although that did feel nice."
Ryu got out of the bed and stretched.
"And I enjoy doing it."
He walked over to his own clothes and started getting dressed.
"So, what time and where?" Michael asked as he gathered his school supplies.
"Around six-ish. Is that okay? I think I have the perfect place in mind."
"Come back here at that time. I'll be waiting." Michael tossed the keys to Ryu. "Lock up for me." He then left.
"Sure thing."
Ryu left after he did and locked the door, heading in the opposite direction.

Michael threw his bag under his desk and brought out a pencil. "Twenty minutes till the test? Got here early. Looks like no one else is here. Time to waste time."
A Vulpix anthro ran into the study hall, "Am I late?"
She looked around and only saw Michael.
"Hi! Is this where the test is taking place?"
"Law?" Michael turned and faced the Vulpix. "With Prof Hayden?"
"Yeah. My name's Victoria. Who are you?"
"The name's Michael. Nice to meetcha."
"Same! It's hard to find people on campus who'll actually talk to you when you're in your first year." She was dressed in a short skirt and a halter top.
Michael remembered last night. "You can find someone if you know who to talk to." Michael gestured Victoria to sit. "There's still fifteen minutes till the test. Let's chat."
"Sounds like fun. So, tell me about yourself." Victoria smiled.
"Not much to tell." Michael replied. "Second year. First time in this school. Co-Run a bar with my dad. Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing you in this class."
"I don't remember seeing you either. This is my first year here, I hope to become a lawyer someday, which is why I'm here."
Michael laughed. "Well, that's what this class is for. Then again, people just take classes for no reason sometimes. Stupid people."
Victoria laughed, "You're pretty funny. Wanna hang out after the test?"
"Sure." Michael smiled. "I'm free until... Six-ish apparently. Sounds like fun." Just then, a bunch of other students entered the class. "Looks like the test is starting."

Ryu was sitting under his favorite tree. He had nothing better to do.
"I'm soooo bored. Why are all my classes in the afternoon?"
Someone came up behind Ryu and covered his eyes. "Guess who."
"Judging by the voice....Scream 'Oh Ryu'."
Ryu touched his attacker's hands.
Kado sat down beside Ryu. "What's up man?" He wore a faded white sweater and blue jeans.
He was about 5'11", and was a little chubby.
"Not much, waiting for my classes to start."
"Mine started a while ago." Kado smiled at Ryu. "I saw you yesterday, went into a bar. Left with some Growlithe..."
"Yeah, and I heard you like Mudkips. Why are you stalking me?"
Ryu glanced at his friend, "Not your style, man."
Kado stared at Ryu. "Not cool man... I can't tell you how many times I heard that. I was going to say hi to you, but you know I don't like drinking at bars. I'd rather do it at home. Who was it anyways?"
"His name's Michael and his dad owns that bar. You of all people should know that it's good to make new friends."
"Oh really? You're acting kind of weird you know. What happened?"
"You mean you didn't stalk me back to his place where I ended up crashing because I was wasted? We can do a dramatization at your place if you want."
Kado smiled. "Perhaps some other time." He then looked up at the sky. "Michael, I know that name. He's the dude in that law class I always skip." Kado looked at Ryu. "You ended up at his place? I wanna know all the juicy details."
"Well, we ended up naked in bed together after some truth or dare..."
"Is that it?"
Ryu decided to leave the dick-sucking thing out, "We got up and went our separate ways. I'm meeting him later, we're gonna hang out."
Kado laughed. "In bed with each other, naked no less, then hanging out? Sounds more like... A date!"
"A dates something on a calendar, man. You know how I am, I don't settle down, no way!"
Ryu stood up and placed his hands on his hips.
"I'm fucking hard,"he crossed his arms, and looked away, "That's how it is! Let's go break shit!"
Kado stood up as well and placed his hands on his hips. "Yes! Let's break shit! Oh, and when you said you're hard..."
"There are some bushes over there..."
Ryu winked.
Kado stared at Ryu. "Damn right."
"Let's go then," Ryu grabbed Kado's hand and dragged him over to the bushes.
"Hmm, not very good coverage..."
"Meh, who cares?"
"I don't think anyone wants to see us fucking."
Ryu then realized everyone was in class. He took off his shirt.
"We've got an hour," Ryu grabbed Kado and kissed him, "I want you."
Kado held Ryu close to him. "You always look better with no shirt on."
Ryu slipped on to his knees, looking up at Kado. He rubbed the bulge in Kado's pants, "Let out the one eyed snake."
Kado dropped his pants and brought Ryu's head close to his throbbing member. "Don't hesitate."
Ryu wrapped his hand around Kado's balls and started massaging as he slid Kado's slick cock down his throat.
"Mmm... Ryu... That feels great." Kado leaned against a tree right behind him.
Ryu removed Kado's dick from his mouth, "Really?"
He then started licking the tip of it before putting it back in his mouth and sucking slowly.
Kado slowly pushed Ryu back. "Do you know what would feel better?" Kado lifted Ryu to his feet. He then turned around and lifted his tail. "Watch the flame."
Ryu undid his pants and let them fall around his ankles. He pulled down his black boxers and spit on his hand. He lubricated his cock and slowly inserted it into Kado's ass.
"Do you like it?"
Kado let out a quiet moan. "Yes... It feels great. Go deeper."
Ryu slowly went deeper, "Tell me when to stop."
Kado moaned again. "Don't stop."
Ryu went balls-deep into his ass and felt himself hit his halfway point, he came a little.
"Kado, I think I'm gonna cum soon..."
"Not without me you aren't." Kado grabbed one of Ryu's hands and brought it to his cock.
Ryu started stroking Kado's dick, running his hand along it. He spit on his hand and started jerking him off quickly.
"I want to feel you cum."
"Oh... Ryu... Don't stop." Kado was getting very close, his moans got louder.
Ryu felt Kado's member throbbing, and felt himself getting closer to coming.
"Kado...I'm..." Ryu moaned as the warm jet of cum shot out of his dick.
"Uhn...! Ryu!" Kado's cum shot across the bushes they were in and Ryu's hand. "Uhn..."
Ryu stayed inside Kado, panting as he shot once more, then a third time. He felt himself go limp and it slid out easily. Ryu could see his cum leaking down Kado's leg.
"That was fun."
Kado immediately put his pants back on then turned and kissed Ryu. "We still have a bit more time before classes end." Kado continued kissing Ryu.
Ryu kissed him back, "Yeah, but I need more time until I can get it up again."
He shook his head.
"Whoa, dizzy spell."

Michael finished his test a few minutes early and then handed it in. He left the class and decided to wait for Victoria.
She came out of the class room a bit later.
"So, what are we going to do?"
"I don't know." Michael said. "I was hoping you would have some plans."
"No. I was hoping you had something in mind," Victoria shrugged.
"Well..." Michael thought for a moment. "Let's just walk and talk. Get to know each other."
"Sounds fine to me." Victoria grinned, "I wouldn't mind getting to know you better."
Michael began walking. "So... Tell me about yourself."
"I was born here. Average grades, the same usual story. Blah blah blah."
Victoria shrugged again, "Your life is probably a lot more exciting than mine has been."
"Perhaps. The last few days have been weird. But I'd rather know about you." Michael smiled.
"Well, like I said, there isn't much. If you want to know more, we could go somewhere private..." Victoria smiled back at him.
Michael was still smiling. "Well okay, if you insist."
Victoria moved closer to him, "I do insist."
She moved her hand under his shirt and ran her hand up and down his chest.
Michael wrapped his arms around her. "So, where is this 'private' place you had in mind?"
"I was thinking my place; it isn't that far away," She continued rubbing his chest.
"Alright, let's go."
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