AGNPH Stories

Loves First Night by neo782


Story Notes:

Neo settles down to a more... quaint... lifestyle

Loves First Night

My muse, she sings. I have a tale to tell, a tale of love. Where she takes me, I know not, but alas, I shall follow. This story will take place in the town of Eterna City, in a quaint Poké-block shop adjacent to the Pokémon center.


I remember when I first met my dear Cindy. She was, and to this day is, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I remember the first day I saw her, over three years ago now. A new flower shop had just popped up across from Chris' and my shop. We were both curious as to whom the occupants would be, but when they finally showed up, I was more than just that. The shopkeeper was a lady who looked to be in her twenties with brown hair and a cute smile, but all of my attention was for her Pokémon. She was a beautiful Gardevoir with a long flowing dress and beautiful crimson eyes, not to mention a dazzling red talisman resting loosely on her bosom. I was just about to go over and say hello when I caught myself and asked, "Why would a pretty girl like her ever want to be with a plain old Zangoose like me?" I kept asking myself that question every time I built up the courage to talk to her. I always answered to myself that she would just eventually leave me for a handsome Gallade or some other Pokémon better than I was even if I did manage to get with her. I knew it was doomed, so I let life go on as normal.

Eventually though, even admitting this was too much, so I decided to do something about it. I went to my trainer and asked his opinion on the topic. "Well, from what I see, all you need to do is talk to her, but you don't know how, is that it?" my trainer replied.

"It's not just that, I don't know what to say, and what if she doesn't like me?" I inquired, looking down at my feet hopelessly.

"Come on; just talk to her, alright? If she doesn't like you then it's not the end of the world, besides, you always have me here." Chris said to me as he smiled. "Tell you what, go meet her tomorrow. If it doesn't work out, then we'll go out for ice cream, my treat, okay?"

"Alright," I agreed with a sigh, resigning myself to miserable rejection the next day. That whole day I couldn't keep my mind off her, thinking of her until I at last fell asleep.


Hi, I'm Cindy the Gardevoir and you may not be able to tell by how the people of this town know me, but I have only lived here for three years. I remember when I first moved here. It was a beautiful snowy day in February, and my trainer Samantha and I moved into our quaint little flower shop. We didn't know anyone, but I knew right away who I wanted to meet. Across the street from our shop and next to the Pokémon Center was a small Poké-block shop. The owner was a middle aged man who for some reason had stark white hair even though he didn't look more than forty. He also had a good-looking Absol, a dark Crobat, and a blind Lucario helping him run his shop, but my real interest was his Zangoose. He was sturdily built, with bright red eyes and a cherry-colored zigzag running across his chest, and I thought he was perfect. When I looked at him, I felt as I had never felt before, my heart soaring before the cold sting of reality brought it back down to Earth. A man like that would never fall for a girl like me. Even if he would, he probably already had someone, and therefore wouldn't be available in the first place. I kept telling myself this, but the feeling just wouldn't go away. It gnawed at me for days and days before I finally decided to ask my trainer what I should do.

"It seems to me like you should just go over to see him, if I know anything about love, I know that before it happens the two involved must meet," Samantha told me, nodding sagely.

"I know," I said through telepathy, "but what if he already has a girl, what if I have to walk away humiliated, what then?"

"Then you'll be no worse off than when you started," she replied, as if my concerns weren't valid.

"I don't know, I think I'll wait it out, but thanks for talking with me," I said, getting back to work on tending the flowers.

"Suit yourself," was all she had to say in return.


The next day I could barely hold myself together. I knew it was the day I promised myself I would use to see the Gardevoir across the street, but I wasn't ready. All of the doubts that had built up over time assailed me at the same time. I just couldn't bring myself to do this but I knew I had to, so I made a compromise. I would go over to the flower shop with my pay, that way I could meet her under the guise of buying something. It was always best to start as friends anyway, right? I walked across the street to her shop for the first time, each step seemingly taking an eternity as I approached. I opened the door and a little bell chimed, the sound following me into the shop.

There she was. She was so simple, yet so elegant. I watched as she watered the blooming buds with the same tender affection as a mother has with her babies. Just as I thought she couldn't be more perfect, she looked up and saw me, sub sequentially dropping her watering can on the floor. I quickly rushed over to help with the mess as she hurriedly went for a mop. When she returned I began working with the mop she had brought, insisting I would do it. It was then that we started talking more casually, thanks to the situation.

"By the way, my name's Neo. I work in the shop across the street," I said casually.

"Is that so," she replied as if she was hiding something, "well, my name is Cindy, and it's a pleasure to meet you. It's not every day someone else offers to do your job for you."

"It was my pleasure, really," I responded as I built up the courage to ask her what I really went there for. "By the way, if you're not busy after the shop closes, want me to swing by? I know some great places around the city you may enjoy."

"No, I couldn't. . . I mean we shouldn't. . . Tell you what," She said with a smile, "If you can impress me tomorrow, I'll take you up on that offer; but just because tomorrows Valentine's Day doesn't mean you should be getting any ideas, alright?"

"It's a deal!" I said with barely suppressed joy. I couldn't believe how easy that was. That entire night I worked on the best Valentine's Day surprise I could think of.


I couldn't believe it, he actually came! Not only that, but he asked me out the first time we met! I spent the rest of the day in a flurry of activity and emotions. I just couldn't sit still and it showed. I couldn't wait for the next day to come when that gorgeous Zangoose would come to sweep me off my feet. Oh, why couldn't tomorrow come faster?


There was no way I could fail. I decided to go old school with flowers and chocolates, but I had spent all of the previous night working on something even more amazing as well. Come nightfall, she wouldn't know what hit her.

I decided to wait till her shop closed before stopping by. It was just common courtesy, after all, she would be working, and I didn't want to disturb her. Once her shop closed, however, I was there in a heartbeat. I was waiting outside for her to leave the shop, and when she saw me, she nearly dropped the rose she had brought out with her.

"I brought you something Neo," she said shyly before grabbing my paw and tying the rose around it. "It's for good luck, you know, so this works out."

"I brought something for you as well, mademoiselle," I replied in the best romantic voice I could muster, flourishing the box and the flowers for her.

"You shouldn't have," she said as she blushed, taking the gifts from me. "Now, about that date. . .

The evening went mostly as planned. Of course, you can't really say any date goes perfect, but this one was the best I could plan, so it would have to do. We started out by going to a fancy French restaurant. The food was divine, and, lucky for us, they served Pokémon as long as they could talk.

Next, we went to the park, walking down the nature path. Holding hands as we walked, I showed her all of the different places in the park that I knew of. Right around midnight, I took her aside at a very special place. "This is my favorite spot in the park; do you want to know why?" I asked softly.

"Sure, tell me," she said quietly as she drew closer, placing her hands on my chest. I could feel my heart beating faster and I was pretty sure she could too.

"This is the deepest point of the park, here the stars shine brightly. But they illuminate more than just the night sky. They show me the beauty in all things, especially you. That's why I brought you here, so I could share this with you." At that, I pressed the button I had kept behind my back. Fireworks lit up the sky as I brought her in close, embracing her both with my arms and my heart. To this day, I still remember that magic moment as vividly as if it was yesterday. We have been together ever since.
Chapter End Notes:****

And that is the end of my tale. I hope you enjoyed
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