AGNPH Stories

Forgotten Instincts by darfix


Episode 016: Never Expected

Forgotten Instincts
Episode 016
"Never Expected"
By Darfix

Destiny's concerned voice sinks deep into Darfix's mind; conflicting with the thoughts he had previously flowing through his psyche. Now, the part of his brain that wanted none other than to pursue what Destiny's estrus told it to, was fighting the part of his brain that wanted nothing but trust, and happiness from Destiny.

Darfix tightens his teeth together, looking at Destiny's paws, not directly in her face. "I uh..." he pauses, noticing Niktsu, as well as Tiasha watching him curiously. "Um...well, you see...Destiny, the thing isâ�""

Tiasha smirks, and chimes in, "You've entered your heat, and your scent is driving Darfix won't take long for it to effect Niktsu, and any other males in a several mile radius..." she comments, looking rather delighted at this. "Welcome to the club..." she adds, "Just try not to couple with a male twice your size, or won't be able to sit for weeks." The Mightyena says, as if having been there before.

Destiny's jaw drops at this turn of events! "What!?" she gasps, instantly spreading her hind legs a little, to have a look for herself.

Darfix and Niktsu grit their teeth nervously, trying NOT to look, but failing miserably.

Panicking, Destiny turns, looking up at Tiasha, " do I fix this? I've...never gone into heat before..." she says with a whimpering voice.

"There are two options..." Tiasha says mischievously, "One, is you find a male, and let him bang your brains out..." she says rather bluntly, "Two, is you attempt to endure it for a week or two...but trust me, the desire to "relieve" yourself soon overcomes your will power...of course, there is always an alternative..."

"Alternative?" Destiny asks desperately, "Please, share it! I beg you!" the little Vulpix pleads, now grabbing hold of the Mightyena's forelegs and holding them tight!

Tiasha giggles, "My dear girl...the alternative, is either you "relieve" yourself, using your paw or your tongue...or you have "Tiny" over there do it..." she says, nodding to Darfix.

Darfix's jaw drops a little bit, "Tâ�"Tiny? Puh..." he says with a scoff, looking rather vexed, and insulted.

Tiasha shrugs, and looks back down at the distressed Vulpix. "So, what do you think you're do honey? Personally, I vote door number one, but...I still haven't found a willing male..." she says, mildly glancing over at Niktsu.

Niktsu smiles nervously, he was beginning to see how Darfix felt...and he hasn't even inhaled either of the females' scent yet!

Destiny swallows nervously, "I...don't know what I want to do...I might have to think about it..."

"Excellent..." Tiasha comments, "We need to get some food anyway, so I'll have Niktsu stay here to protect you, and Darfix will come with me to collect some's that?"

Niktsu's eyes widen, "Protect her? Have you had a look at me? I'm in no condition to battle!" he interjects.

Tiasha scoffs, "Would you prefer walking for miles through the snow with me to find some food? We have better chances of finding food than someone attacking us in this cave..."

Darfix shakes his head, "Did you see how deep that snow is out there? I couldn't walk through that...I'm not exactly an Arcanine in size here..." he comments, feeling insignificant.

Tiasha rolls her eyes, "Fine, I'll let you three decide...Destiny stays here, who will protect her, and who will come get food with me? I don't care..."

Destiny frowns, too troubled to really care who stayed with her or not. The first thing she needed was to make it look like she preferred one over the other!

Darfix lowers his head a little, "If Niktsu feels up for the walk...I'll stay with Destiny, and...try to overcome...her scent." he suggests.

Niktsu sighs, "I'd rather walk through this snow than be responsible if I was incapable of defending Destiny too..." he replies, closing his eyes as he thinks of Keilah.

Tiasha seems a little thrown off by the "too" comment, but doesn't question it yet. "Alright, it seems as though the decision has been made. Niktsu, come here...I'll let you lean on me as we walk, alright?"

Niktsu nods, walking to her side with a limp, "Yes, ma'am..." he says kind timidly.

With that, Tiasha helps Niktsu out into the snow, and the two are on their way to find some much needed food.

Darfix nervously walks over to Destiny, keeping his proximity at a minimum, "...I uh...just want you to know...that, whatever decision you make...I'll support you on it..." he says softly, trying to be as comforting as possible.

Her back partially too him, she only manages to smile, and nod, "...thank you, Darfix...I uh...should know shortly what I'd prefer to do...don't hesitate to ask me any questions..."

Darfix only nods, though Destiny cannot see, his teeth are sinking into the tip of his tongue, as he struggles to contain himself. After all, the combined scent of Destiny and Tiasha has now overrun the entire den.

Outside, Tiasha struggles to help Niktsu through the snow; he was ALMOST dead weight... "I sure hope you'll have regained your strength by the time we find food, I'm not carrying you, and your food back..." she growls lightly, just to show she was serious.

At this point, Niktsu was being taken over by the fragrance of Tiasha's heat. His mind barely registered that she was even talking to him! He only nods, "Heh...yeah, alright..."

Tiasha turns to him, stopping her pace instantly. "Hmm? Is everything alright, Niktsu? You seem...distracted..." she says softly, looking a little concerned, "I didn't hurt your feelings, did I?"

Niktsu blushes a little bit, shaking his head, "No, I, you didn't hurt my feelings, it's just..."

Suddenly, Tiasha realizes what is going on. It didn't even occur to her at first that Niktsu was becoming infatuated with her, like Darfix was with Destiny. The sheer thought of this brings a smirk to her maw, "...hmm, you like what you...smell?" she asks, snickering a little bit at this. The estrus not only plays mind games with nearby males, it also impairs the judgment of the victimized female.

Niktsu closes his eyes, taking in a deep breath of air, almost as if he was a zombie, "Most definitely, smell so VERY divine..." he replies, suddenly moving his nose to the fur of her tail...

Tiasha holds his chin up with her tail, and turns to face him, her desire becoming uncontrollable, and the fire in her loins growing painfully noticeable to her. "Here's my compromising offer, Niktsu...I...I know you are in pain still, so...if you will lay down on your back...I will do the we, have a deal?" she asks, aggressively licking her lips as her hind quarters begin to tremble with a strong need to mate.

Niktsu nods at her offer, but doesn't yet assume the submissive position she suggested. Instead, his nose drew him right to the source of her aroma, and as his curious nose slips passed the lips of her sex, he is shocked to discover how warm, and wet she is down there!

Tiasha's head rears back softly, as she feels the nearly frozen muzzle of Niktsu infiltrate her. "Niktsu...get on your back now!" she demands suddenly, despite her orgasmic cooing.

Niktsu yips, and pulls his nose out...bringing his paw up to touch this strange, dripping liquid on his nose. "Yes, Tiasha...I'll do that..." he whimpers, taking up the submissive position, physically, and mentally for her.

Once he is lying on his back, Tiasha quickly moves his hind legs apart, and carelessly steps over him, her forelegs at his sides, and her hind legs towards the back. She looks down at him, already beginning to squat for him, bending her hind legs, drawing her sex closer to his. "...for what it's worth, your package is impressive..."

Niktsu nods, beginning to pant already just from the atmosphere of their combined lusts, "Tiasha..." he says softly...

Closing her eyes, she moves her forepaws to his chest, and lowers her hind quarters onto the rod poking up at her. Her teeth clench at once as she feels the swollen Flareon cock push her folds aside, and slip right into her.

Niktsu's eyes slam shut, and a rhythmic purr emits from his was evident the male had needed this for awhile...

Keeping up her end of the bargain, she quickly takes command, and leads the mating session. After pushing herself down as far as she can, she feels his knot lock into her, signaling to both of them that they wouldn't be going anywhere for awhile. The feeling this knot now inside her causes her to erupt in a howl, setting her off into a stage of intense bliss. "Oh, Niktsu! You're...a PERFECT FIT!" she growls, suddenly becoming more rapid in her thrusts onto him.

Niktsu seems to be happy with her compliment. He couldn't complain about the fit either, the fluid from her heat adjusting the friction flawlessly. "...just...keep going, Tiasha! Doâ�"don't stop!" he begs, still whimpering a little.

Tiasha can feel her tongue lolling out from her maw as the pleasure goes on a rise. The unique position for her was a great help. She had never ridden a male before, and she finds herself liking this change of pace. Soon, her front half begins to weakly lose altitude, until her chest fur is just teasingly touching his own. Despite her change in stature, she doesn't lose any of her ability to push herself onto him.

Niktsu's eyes light up, as his panting intensifies, "Tiasha!" he stammers, lifting his head up to forcefully lick her face, quickly moistening her entire muzzle.

Tiasha manages to smirk weakly at his affection. She then locks muzzles with him, and intertwines her tongue with his, sharing her saliva with him.

Niktsu's eyes close once again, and he struggles to get a breath of air, as he has a Mightyena on his face. Not that it matters, as his throbbing virgin cock was competing against a very experienced vagina, there was no way he would out last her.

Sensing his struggle, Tiasha breaks this kiss, and gasps for air with him. Their hot breath combine from their closeness, as both make a valiant effort to fill their lungs while breathlessly catching their breath.

Poor Niktsu, barely has himself two seconds to refill his lungs, when he suddenly feels her muscles clasp his penis. This causes him to jolt, and yelp suddenly.

Tiasha instantly knows why he yelps, and braces herself to welcome his hot seed into her womb.

Niktsu's head slams back into the snow, and he lets out an ecstasy educed moan, feeling his climax arrive. Tiasha's head rears back again, as she feels the warm liquid splash against her walls in a series of bursts. Under normal circumstances, she probably wouldn't orgasm herself, however, the fact that she was in heat did a number on her endurance. His orgasm triggers hers.

Both Pokémon pant violently, and Tiasha collapses on him, her head lying at its side on his furry chest.

Niktsu manages to weakly smile as he wraps one of his forelegs around her, holding her as tight as possible. "...I...hope this helps with your heat, Tiasha..."

She coos softly, smiling at this, "...please, call me, Love..." she says softly, unable to move due to lack of strength, as well as his knot holding him in her.

To Be Continued...
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