AGNPH Stories

Forgotten Instincts by darfix


Episode 030: Flames and Names

Forgotten Instincts
Episode 030
"Flames and Names"
By Darfix

"...we're bound to be at least CLOSE by now, right?" Konya asks, panting a little bit due to the fact that her little paws were really starting to hurt now.

Litivia gives a shrug of her shoulders, "I couldn't say...though I am Vulpix, I never have heard of this pack Destiny speaks of," the young vixen states, nodding up ahead where the one in question was walking in lead with her obvious lover, "...ask her."

Before Konya could comply with Litivia's suggestion, Niktsu groans a bit, still carrying his mate, "If you complain about it more, it'll seem longer...not just for you two, but also for the rest of us," he states in an exasperated manner, "Just find a way to entertain yourselves...please..."

Tiasha presents a naughty grin and runs her tongue down the back of Niktsu's neck, "Don't give them any ideas...I'd hate to have to stop for an orgy..."

Niktsu clears his throats, laughing weakly at that comment, "Tiasha, surely you are well enough to walk...if you keep up your rascally behavior I'm going to have to nail the first thing I see..." he pauses, looking ahead to see Darfix's backside as Destiny and him walk, "...and I don't think Darfix would appreciate that too much."

"Oh! Don't give me any ideas, Nik..." she grins, "The thought of you and Darfix, heh, that's hot..." she adds with a wink.

"Don't get your hopes up," he says with a hardy laugh, "I don't swing that way...and I'm sure he isn't up for a world of pain..."

"You're not as big as you could be, Nik..." she adds, just furthering digging herself a dirty hole.

Niktsu chuckles a bit, "That's funny; I thought it was you screeching like a Persian when I took you back there..."

"I was just trying to make you feel good, of course...I think I did an excellent job..."

The Flareon, by now is growing a little frustrated with this play, "...Destiny, are we almost there yet?"

"Please Niktsu!" Destiny calls out, looking over her shoulder at him, "It's been awhile since I been here...I'm trying to concentrate..."

Tiasha rolls her eyes with a scoff, "Pff, we're lost..." she mumbles under her breath.

By this time, Konya sighs and collapses, " paws...I haven't had to walk so far in a long time..."

Litivia nods, confirming Konya's claim, "Truly...we never left the confines of that damn temple...I barely remembered what grass felt like beneath my paws until yesterday...which, I am thankful to all of you for..."

Darfix sighs a bit, hearing everyone's belly-aching, "I suppose a break would do all of us some good...why not, Destiny?" he asks, turning to his lover.

Destiny exhales a bit in defeat, "I suppose...I'll try to figure this out..." she comments, slouching a little to fit her feeling of failure.

Darfix hates to see her like this and sulks a little having to witness it, "...I'll go get us something to eat...that might cheer you up, hmm?" he smiles a bit, only getting a weak one from her in return.

"Oh, I'll have a Meowth if you can find one." Tiasha speaks up, as if Darfix was her waiter.

Niktsu has to bust a gut on that remark, "Heh, and I'll have a Ratatta, my good man!"

"Ha, ha...get your own food," the Eevee retorts, walking off to find some nuts and berries for him and Destiny.

"Well I guess that means I'll have to find something for you and me, aye Tia? I'll have to set you down now..." the Flareon comments, lying down in hope that she could step off.

She does as he suggested, turning to look up at him as he begins to walk off, "Do hurry back..."

"Aw, you miss me already?" Niktsu smiles lovingly.

"No, I'm starving..." the Mightyena answers back with a smirk.

"Wow..." Niktsu replies, "I live to serve I guess..." he mumbles under his breath, before going the opposite way Darfix had gone.

Litivia notices a bush relatively close to her and Konya. The bush bearing a few tasty looking berries. The Vulpix struggles to all fours and makes her way towards the bush to get her and Konya's lunch.

Darfix finds himself walking through a rather quiet part of the forest. So peaceful and tranquil; how could he not enjoy himself? "'s kind of nice to be left alone once and awhile..." he thinks to himself as he continues his search for food. Little does the Eevee know, he is being followed...

Soon, a rather gargantuan bush filled with plump, red berries comes into view. It's the mother load! "Holy shiza..." he whispers to himself, having to cock his head back to see the top. In an astounded manner, he sits down...perhaps trying to recover from the rush of having discovered something so startling. "Heh, my friends would love to snack on you," he comments, suddenly catching the scent of something up wind of him. He lifts his nose into the air to have a sniff, turning his head around to have a look behind him.

As he does, he hears a feminine gasp and sees two triangular shaped ears duck down behind another bush.

The Eevee quickly assumes a defensive posture, advancing towards the bush cautiously.

Another rustling of bushes behind him! It would appear he was surrounded. He quickly turns to his rear flank when suddenly he is tackled from behind! A ball of tan and reddish-orange colored fur meshes as the two mammals roll together, Darfix ending up on top after the dizzy ordeal.

Panting, he looks down to find himself having pinned a rather young Vulpix. It would seem he is close to the Vulpix pack, but that was in the back of his mind now! "Why did you--?"

"Please, don't hurt me! Iâ�"I just wanted to see you up close...I've never seen anything like you before..." the frightened female chatters rapidly.

"Woah, woah, I'm not go--!"

"If you hurt me, my mom and dad will really make you wish youâ�""

Darfix places a paw over her maw to quiet her down, "Hey! I'm not going to hurt you, okay? In fact, my friends and I are searching for your kind...a pack if you will."

Surprisingly, she seems to relax quite a bit after he grabs hold of her muzzle...her tension seems to cease up immediately.

Shocked to feel her body loosen up beneath his, Darfix loosens his grip on her maw, "...I am sincere, I mean you no harm...I just came in search of food is all...what is your name?"

The little vixen manages to give a half smile, "...Yuki," she responds in a timid tone, giving a little bit of a murr as she stretches beneath him.

Darfix can feel his teeth clasp down on his tongue a bit...seems he was running across many Vulpixes lately that would be extremely tempting. However, this one seemed just a hair older than Konya...sure, pedophilia wouldn't be the worst thing, but he did have Destiny to think about too.

"Think I can take you to show you to my friends? You could lead us to your pack if you'd be so kind..."

She smiles and nods quickly, "Sure, sure, I'd love to help you! But, I didn't get your name..."

"My apologies, you can call me Darfix..." the Eevee responds.

"Darfy..." she giggles a little, finding that name to be cute.

Darfix grits his teeth a little bit, seems that was a commonly used nickname, even to a total stranger, "Well, would you follow me back then?" he asks, standing up off her.

She quickly rights herself and nods, "Of course! Lead the way, Darfy."

Darfix gives a bit of a nod and turns to do just that. God, a cold bath would be really good right about now...but just as that thought was crossing his mind, he feels a warm body and fur press up against his side lightly...tails touching his hind legs. He yips and turns to see the young 'pix walking along side of him as if though they were courting! cold bath...

"...heh, so what are you exactly?" she asks, "I only have seen Vulpixes and a couple of other types of Pokémon...we normally don't leave the protection of this forest, as my mother, Yurala tells me at least..."

Yuralaâ�"why did that name sound so familiar? "Hmm, well you'll like my friends I'm sure. We could use another in our group..." he smiles a bit.

Her eyes light up at that, "You'd take me with you?!"

"Err, well...I guess we'd need your parents' permission first..." he blushes, feeling quite stupid for having mentioned it to this infatuated female.

"Aww...but they never let me do anything...and you're so much nicer than Siozu, he's always bothering me and that..."

Darfix dares not to ask, knowing the effect her looks had on him...probably had the same on this Siozu fellow, "Right, friends are just up ahead...I'd love to introduce you."

Upon stating this, Niktsu is seen setting down a freshly killed Ratatta for him and his love. Darfix enters with this Vulpix still clinging to him, he know he could explain to Destiny when he had the chance. "Great news guys!" he calls out, "I found a member of the pack we're looking for! She can take us right to them!" he smiles, "Her name isâ�""

"YUKONI?!" Destiny exclaims as she interrupts Darfix, her jaw dropping.

Yuki turns to look to Destiny, her features taking on the same expression Destiny's took, "SARIKU?!" she exclaims in a similar fashion that Destiny had done.

...okay, now something REALLY outlandish was going on here...Darfix and the others seem quite interested in hearing the explanation behind this story...

To Be Continued...
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