AGNPH Stories

Forgotten Instincts by darfix


Episode 038: The Morning Quickie

Author Note: I will try to get two out today, but, I have been working 60 hours a week now and time is very limited. Plus, I realized the server move on AGNPH messed up all of my "..." and quotation marks, so that could take a good hour to fix ALL chapters :(

Forgotten Instincts
Episode 038
"The Morning Quickie"
By Darfix

"...Kivia?" Yukoni asks, glancing down at the delusional Eevee, trying to revive him with a gentle lick on the nose.

Quickly, Darfix is thrown from his mixed realm of reality and excerpts as he feels the warm Vulpix tongue on his wet nose. His eyes shoot up into her own as he now realizes he had dozed off in a day dream.

"Yuki..." he whispers, panting a little from the sudden shock of such an trial.

"Darfix..." she replies, lowering her head in concern, playing a little name tag with him as it seemed. "What'sâ�"wrong? You kind of phased out there for a second..."

"It'sâ�"nothing..." the Eevee replies quickly, shaking his head, "Yuki, you should get back to sleep, I will do the same shortly..."

"Ohâ�"" the young Vulpix replies, nodding her head, "Can I at least, umâ�"do what I came out here to do, first?" she asks him as he rises to a sitting position, her teeth kind of clenching nervously as she asked for permission to "go potty".

Realizing she had indeed come outside after he finished doing his business, a blush forms on his cheeks a bit, "Oh! Sure, sure! Sorry, I uh...can watch, I mean, umâ�"stand watch toâ�"make sure nobody sees! Heh..."

Yukoni blushes just as he does, turning her backside to him, "'s okay, I'll only be a moment..." she whispers, padding off just a little to take position behind a nearby bush. Darfix respectfully turns his gaze back to the den, his body tense as his mind wanders to the closeness he came to getting intimate with his potentialâ�"future sister-in-law! What a dreadful nightâ�"filled with thoughts of the sinful deed...

His mind continues to wander, however, his eyes close as those thoughts only return in vivid detail within the depths of his most subconscious thoughts. With her size and age, it would have been more ideal for him as opposed to mating with Destiny. She would be rather tight compared to Destinyâ�"it might have proven more enjoyable for both parties. He almost can hear her heavy breathing as the two made hot, sweet love just outside of her parents' den, staining each other and the dewy morning grass with their sweat and climactic juices. Just the mental images of her, beneath him, taking his cock like it belonged in her were enough to bring about a stiff phallus between his hind legs.

Though in a mental state of bliss, his ears do pick up the sound of Yuki approaching from behind, having finished her business. Slowly, he turns his head to the side, only to gaze at her out of the corner of his eye, "...please, go get some sleep, Yuki," he insists, "I will do the same soonâ�""

"If you insist, Darfix..." the Vulpix replies, inching closerâ�"only to stop and turn for the den upon seeing his tense state. "I do hope you feel better..." she adds, flicking her tails before disappearing into the darkness of the den.

After what seems like hours passing, Darfix decides that perhaps a walk would be best suited to clear his head. He really had to reflect on how he came so close to letting such an act happen. His entire life could have been turned upside down had he taken advantage of the situation. Every part of his body was telling him to carry out the exploit, in exception for his heart. It left him in a massive state of confusion, and concern...if not Yukoni, then who, who next might get close enough to letting his desires take over? Who might be the next target that may cause him to break his bond with Destiny?

He quickly shakes his head, before rising out of his sitting position and proceeding to walk through the Vulpix territory. The sun was just barely coming up at this point, the dew on the grass blades tease and moisten the pads of his paws as he travels over them. The chilly, morning air joining forces with the sun's rays, providing a very soothing environment for travel. Perhaps these effects would be just the ingredients to pull him out of his disorganized state.

Soon, however, his train of thought is focused off Destiny and himself, as he can hear several sets of paws in front of him. He looks up quickly, noticing a Ninetales escorting a rather annoyed looking Vulpix. He freezes instantly, only catching bits and pieces of the conversation.

"...mother, why can't you find someone else to kitsit Suria? I really want to go out and have a good time!"

"Mitsoka, you know as well as I leaving Suria alone or with a stranger would be foolishâ�"Suria's mother and I want to spend some time together...we're sisters, after allâ�"so why can't you just stop thinking of yourself for one day, hmm?"

The Male Vulpix sighs heavily, scoffing a bit as he continues to follow his mother.

Darfix shakes his head again, changing course just slightly to avoid interaction with the two. Right now, being alone was the most preferred course of action...

Meanwhile, back where Litivia and Konya had shacked up for the night, Litivia and Kyotsu, after their escapade the previous night, were entangled in each other's tails and limbs. Their hind legs were intertwined with their tails as they shared a very bound and worthy rest together. However, one might worry as to what would happen if his parents found out. They seemed rather conservative...

Litivia never had shared a moment like this with any male. Sure, she had the experience in mating, but it was never anything more than being forced to help him get his jollies off. With Kyotsu, it was her choice and for the betterment of both parties. This had left her in a very sated state, her contented body gently rubbing and pressing into Kyotsu's to the point it begins to wake him.

The male stirs a bit, his tails flicking some as he slowly opens his eyesâ�"his gaze looking right into the closed eyes of the beautiful vixen he had mated just hours ago. Even in her sleep she yearned for his touch. The sight was truly rewarding, causing him to lick the top of her head sensually to show his appreciation for her. "Litivia," he whispers softly as he prods her head fur and ears with his tongue and nose, "I am so glad you came to have filledâ�"a big hole in my life..."

The vixen murrs, a slight smile forming on her muzzle as she rubs her chest against his, trying to get even closer...her still, wet loins, chafing against his own.

Kyotsu grinds his teeth a little as the thought of his parents waking soon worried him. "...but, Iâ�"we have to get you out of here..." he whispers, nibbling a little on her ear, "...please, wake up..."

Almost as if on queue, the vixen yawns a bit, her eyes fluttering open as she soon, positions herself on top of himâ�"chest to chest, tails to tails, loins to loins, and nose to nose, "...morning, lover," she coos with a suggestive wink.

Kyotsu can feel his heart beat pick up a bit, "Litiviaâ�"we really need to head out, my parents will wake up any minuteâ�""

"Mmm, and this worries you?" she asks, smirking as she lightly taps his nose with her paw, her tails managing to tickle their between their legs aggressively.

Kyotsu's entire body tenses, "Yâ�"yeah, it does...they will probably despise youâ�"and, kick the both of us out to start our own den..."

"Oh? What's so bad about starting our own den?" she asks with a bit of a blush, lightly shifting her furry haunches over his sheathâ�"did her libido ever stop?

"Livia!" Kyotsu shrieks, "Iâ�"insist, if you want to continueâ�"let's do it elsewhere...please?" he begs, only to be cut off as she slips her tongue over his muzzle, slowly sliding it in for a French kiss. Almost immediately, his resistance cavesâ�"

Words would leave their conversationâ�"Kyotsu, would be rendered the submissive one again as Litivia takes over, keeping their muzzles locked in the kiss while working her magic down south. She lifts her hind legs just enough so that her tails can completely engulf his phallus in warm fur, using this tactic to get him ready for her.

Kyotsu's eyes all but roll into the back of his head...he had struck gold with this one, there was nothing she couldn't doâ�"no desire she could not fulfill.

Both Vulpixes take breathes occasionally as they temporarily break their kiss long enough to gasp for oxygen. But Litivia makes sure they chance to take in oxygen is very limited so as to maximize the time spent heating up his room.

Kyotsu had completely given upâ�"feeling her tails withdraw from his haunches, only to be replaced by her own...he can feel the heat of her vulva radiating on the tip of his penisâ�"wanting to be sated, and taking nothing but complete satisfaction.

Kyotsu did wish to ask herâ�"if she was in heat, but he was too occupied and rendered unable, but the worry of impregnating her still plagued his mind...

Without asking permission, or giving warning, he can soon feel her tunnel slip down his stiff, all the way down to his forming knot in one go! The quickness of her maneuver was moderately painful for herâ�"but perhaps she was heeding his earlier warning, and aiming for a quickie?

The strength in her hind legs are made very well noticed in this encounter, she is able to lift up and down her entire weight, even in this awkward position, combating the bliss that shoots up her spine with each push.

Kyotsu's fore paws wrap around Litivia a bit, his claws even firmly sinking into the flesh of her shouldersâ�"

The vixen cringes just slightlyâ�"but does her best to ignore it for him, she wanted him to try to endure the intense love making anyway he could...even if it did bring her some pain.

A slight howl is muffled out by their wrapped muzzles as Kyotsu feels his shaft buried deep within herâ�"reaching most of her, despite the many larger cocks that have been in her. His desire to go the final yard surrounds and destroys his sense of reasonâ�"he suddenly uses his hind muscles to rock up into her in time with one of her pushesâ�"forcing his knot in! This causes her to shutter as she feels it cause her nerves to go haywire. It almost didn't matter at this point that it'd make escaping the den that much more difficult.

Kyotsu can feel the wetness of their previous night, and of their current encounter slipping down his meat, covering both sexual organs in an interesting mix, more abundant than normal.

Litivia slowly pulls her muzzle from his, whimpering significantly, but wanting to continue, "...time itâ�"with me..." is all she can manage to say as she suddenly is pulling up and pushing down as rapid and hard as she canâ�"forcing more of his knot inside...but not too far...

Kyotsu suddenly yelps a bit, light, but still significantly audible, "I don'tâ�"think I can takeâ�"much more of this..." he manages to bark through grinding teeth.

"Doâ�"do it for me..." she pleads, feeling her climax just around the bend, just needing a few more quick, rough thrusts...

Kyotsu decides he owed her at least that much, now focusing the remainder of his energy into pushing against her thrusts...

The two would not share a climax this time, poor Litivia was far too randy for him to keep up with. She presses her fore paws against his tummy, forcing herself up to a sitting position over him so she can ride his cock. The position also makes insertion that much easier, as he can push up at exactly a ninety degree angle. The male can feel the nearly boiling fluids of her arousal drip down his mast, but it would not be quite enoughâ�"she was spent, suddenly collapsing over him, chest to chest like beforeâ�"emitting a series of weak, unsystematic whimpers as her walls wrap around him with extreme force, one might worry he would lose circulation in his rod...

The two of them are so lost in the moment, they can't even hear the paw steps approaching outside of his room...

To Be Continued...
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