AGNPH Stories

Curiosity Kill The Cat by fullhouse


Story Notes:

This is my first story.

Curiosity Kill The Cat

My name is Jack, my friends' call me with that, some called me with J, I don't really care. I'm 16, 5'8", short gray hair, well gray is from my grandfather.
I wear black cargo pants, plain dark blue shirt, and a black sleeveless jacket. My pokemon? Well, I'm not a properly a trainer. Yet. I was planning to be
one a week later. You probably asking why wait for 6 years. Have you heard about saying 'Curiosity kills the cat'? Well, curious is my habit. And I always
get to trouble because of my curiosity. My mother wouldn't allow me to be a trainer when I was 10, because she's afraid that I will get into trouble without
she can't watch. My mother told me not to be a trainer yet until I can restrain my curiosity. Now, I can completely restrain my curiosity. But the habit is
still there. I still curious about things, but with a less trouble.

At noon, 6 days before become a trainer, I was walking on the street, thinking what kind of starter I will choose to accompany me on the journey. "What kind
of pokemon do I choose? Fire type, water type, or... CRUD! More thinking of it making my head hurt more!" I kept walking, then something pop up from my head.
"What about I get my own starter?" A smile appeared in my face. "That's it! I will get my own starter! But... where do I get my own starter?" I thinking again
and stopped abruptly, and see to my side. A forest. Bad habit comes to me again. "No. Curiosity to the forest is the last thing in my mind." I walk again,
avoiding my gaze to the forest. But the curiosity feels like talk to me, like 'Come on! Only walk to the forest. Beside, you just need 1.'

I let out a sigh. "Maybe this is the last time I feel curious. The next time, I will definitely restrain my curiosity!" After that, I run to my home. After
I reach it, I take my one and only empty pokeball. I bought it when I was 12, to remembering me to be a trainer. A backpack, I put some food in it. Most of
it berries. I love berries.

I come back to the spot where I take my leave. I watch the forest for a while, then seeing my clock, its 1 o�clock. I let out deep sigh. "Well, this is it.
No turning back now." I enter the forest and walk further to it. When I was walking, I was thinking what kind of pokemon that I will catch. Maybe a ground
type, poison type, or a dark type. "Ahh... screw it. I don't care what type it is. I will get my own starter."

After a few moments, I don't see any pokemon on the ground, only flying type. My lesson told me, to catch a flying type, you must fighting it to capture it.
Then I hit my head with my open palm. "What the hell! How am I supposed to capture a pokemon without fighting it?! Damn it! 6 years of theory, but now I
forgot the most basic lesson!" If I was with my friend, they will probably laughing at me. "Damn. Useless travel. I get nothing."

I tried to remember the way I was going in, but I can't find any. Suddenly I realized. I was lost! "Damn my habit! Now I'm lost! Damn!" Then, I heard a
voice. It�s a little bit far away, but I can hear it. I follow the source, it was little bit far away. After I close enough, I hid behind bushes. The source
of the voice surprised me greatly. The source of the voice was 2 Lucario, speaking to each other. More of it, they are female. How do I know? They have
breasts, well a little, feminine eyes, and their voices.

I watching them for a while, because is not every day you see a Lucario. They are rare find. Then they suddenly became aware of something. Now I realized
that Lucario can sense aura, and they aware of mine. But I never though they will sense it that greatly. I back away slowly to avoiding them, then *SNAP* I
stepped to a twig. Those Lucario stop for a while, then look to my direction. Worse of it they saw me! I froze for a while, and done one thing I could think
about. Run away! Those Lucario growl and start to chase me.

I ran as fast as I could. But still, they were getting closer. "Curse! I know that my curiosity brings trouble!" After running and running, I reach to the
clearing of the forest. I took a breath, and look to behind. They were nowhere to be found. "Thank heaven. I lost them." I took a deep breath and look to my
watch. 2.30. "Man, one and a half hours. That's new. Now where am I?" I look to surrounding, and now I'm not only lost, but I'm definitely lost in the middle
of the forest. "Damn! Now where the hell am I?!" Suddenly I heard a rustle. I stand firmly. "Who's there?!" After a few moment of rustling, suddenly a blue
blur jumped and landing in front of me.

I back away a little bit. "L-Lucario?" The Lucario smiled devilishly to me. "Well, well, well. Looks like there is someone on our territory, Sis." Then
something landed on my rear. Another Lucario. She put the same smile with the other Lucario. "Looks like it is, Big Sis." They began to circle me like
predator. "What are you doing in here, human?" I replied with a little bit fear. "I-I was lost." The other Lucario spoke. "I don't believe him, Big Sis. That
must be an excuse to capture us." I let out a sigh. "That is not an excuse. But I am trying to capture a pokemon, but only a random pokemon. I just meeting
you guys by accident. Now, do you mind to tell me where the direction to get out from this forest?"

Both of Lucario smiled wide, and the one who's being called Big Sis spoke. "We both know the direction. But we will tell you if you can pass our little
game." I sighed. 'Curse' "What is your 'little' game?" The other Lucario replied. "You must beat one of us while we both fighting you. More of it, if you
beat one of us, the one who beaten will follow your command." I cursed. "Damn. If that is what it takes to get out from this forest, I will comply." They
both stop their movement, and making a fighting stance. I look back and forth to both of them. "Does anybody will say go?" One of them suddenly yelled.
"CHARGE!!" They jumped kick to me. I only dodge to avoid their hits. After they cross kick and land, they rush to me to give me a hit. Thanks for the
'trouble' because of my curiosity, I can dodge quickly without so much energy.

After a few moment of pointless hit, one of them screamed in rage. "That's it!! Sis, hold him firmly!! I want to direct my punch to his face!!" The other
Lucario hold me firmly with her hand curled on my shoulder. "Let go of me!" When I saw the Lucario, her palm began to surround with aura. Force Palm, I
guess. She jumps to me with her hand ready to punch. "Sorry about this!" I suddenly bow, lifting the surprised Lucario on my back. The hit was not landed on
my face, it was landed to Lucario's face. She was send flying because of the punch, landing a few meters from me. "SIS!!" The other Lucario rushed to her,
checking if she was okay.

When she looks to me, her eyes filed with rage. I was backing away a bit, afraid that she will give more punches. But she just sighing, and points her finger
to the woods. "If you follow my direction, you will get out from this forest." I was a little bit surprised. And I remember their deal. I watch the fallen
Lucario who began to stir, and rise to sitting position. "Ow... my head. What hit me, Big Sis?" When she saw me, she tries to get up, and the Big Sis told her
not to, because she was already beaten. She lowered her gaze, I think because she is beaten by me, and now she must follow my every command.

I watching her a moment, then reach for my backpack. I pull some of my berries and giving it to 'Big Sis'. I don't know what type of berries it is, but I
always brought berries that giving strength and heal. But she refused the berries. "I will not taking your kindness." I just smiled. "Well, I want you to
taking it. It's for your sister. Eating it, she'll be good as new. And more of it, I'm not gonna capture her." She was dumbfounded. "But you beat one of us.
And it was part of the deal." I scratch my head and replied. "Well, I only want a direction to get out. Nothing more. Beside, what kind of creature that want
to separate sister bonding?"

She slowly taking the berries from my hand, and then give it to her sister. After I make sure that she giving it to her sister, I take my leave. "Where are
you going?" I turn my head. "To get out from this forest, I guess. What else?" The 'Big Sis' lowered her gaze. "Um... that is not the right... direction." I
stare at her. "WHAT??!!" "The direction I pointing was to get further to the forest. Sorry." I walk towards them. "But why did you do it?" The Lucario that
still sitting answer my question. "To make you more lost inside the forest, so Big Sis can beat you while exhausted to rescue me." I lift my head to watch
the sky. I usually do this to decrease my anger. And then sighing while brings my head down. "Alright. Now will you show me the way out My ladies?" I spread
my hand and bow a little, like bowing to a princess.

When I saw them, they were dumbfounded of my action. "Please?" They let out a giggle. "Alright. Follow me, young one." They start walking, and I follow them
behind. After a few walks, we made it to the side of the forest. "Ahh... finally. Out from that spooky forest. What time is it? 4 o'clock? Well, what the hell.
Thanks for the direction. I owe you guys one." I start walk to my home.

After a while, I feel like someone following me. I look to my shoulder, both of the Lucario following me. I stopped and turn around. "Why are you following
me?" The Lucario look to each other, then one of them replied. "Uhh..." That might be the little sister. The other answered. "Did you say you need to find a
starter when you are in the forest?" I scratch my head. "Well, yeah. I was looking for my own starter. But that is not important anymore. I need to beat the
pokemon to capture it." After that, they were having a conversation. Then they both spoke to me in unison. "We would like to be your starter."

I was taken a back. "You what?!" The 'Big Sister' spoke. "Like we said. We like to be your starter." I was silent for a moment, then answered. "But what
about your territory?" The 'Little Sister' giggled. "That is not our territory. That was just our playground." I let out a deep sigh. "But why are you wanted
to be my starter?" The 'Big Sis' answered. "Because you are the only one who did not break our sister bonding. And by looking at you, you were brave enough
to enter this forest."

I blushed by her comment. "Well, it was my habit of curiosity. And it was not bravery, more like stupidity." The 'Little Sis' ask. "But you also accept our
deal willingly." I sighed. "That was the only way to get out from that forest. And I don't have much choice." Now they getting closer to me and asking the
same first question. "Will you accept us to be your starter?� I stood firmly. "No." They make a puppy eyes, ears dropped side, tails wiggling, and hand
clutched together. "Pretty please?" I almost fell with their behavior. But still, "No."

Seeing their faces, they look like wanting to beat me out. But then, they let out mischievous smirk. The last thing they do, they drop to their knees, and
crying like an anime girls, while screaming about me. "WAAAHH... This man is meanie!! He wouldn�t accept me and my big sister because we now a Lucario!!" I was
dumbfounded with their behavior. If there is someone near me, they will give me a harsh look. "Alright, alright! I will take you to be my starters! And quit
your whining! You are embarrassing me!"

They stop crying immediately, and jump to me, and then cuddling me. When I see their eyes, they were fake tears. I groaned. "Damn it. Looks like you will
give me a headache." They only smiled innocently. I sighed. "Well, since you are going to be my starters, you need a name. Big sis, I will call you Lucile.
Little sis, I will call you Lucy. How's that?" They silent for a moment, and then smiling to me while nuzzling me. "We like it!" I let out a deep sigh. "My
name is Jack. Nice to meet you." They look to me. "Nice to meet you, Jack!" Now, straight to the problem. How the hell I supposed to walk while they clutched
me like this?
Chapter End Notes:I was planning to continue it
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