AGNPH Stories

Curiosity Kill The Cat by fullhouse


Story Notes:

This is my first story.

Home Sweet Home

On Jack's way back, Jack use more energy than usual. Because Lucile and Lucy always wrapping their arms around Jack�s waist. It put more pressure on his way back home. They even accidentally pull his pants down. Jack must hold it firmly on his waist so it will not pulled down again.

When Jack gave them a glare, they only smiled innocently, making him sigh in depression.

Jack watch them both. "I don't get it. First in the forest, you try to kill me, now you act like... like... I loss of words." Lucy replied. "You are now our master. We must stay close to our master."

He looks to Lucy. "Do I look happy to you?" Lucy looks to me for a while. "I don't really know human expression." He looks to Lucile. "How about you, Lucile?" Lucile only replied, "No Comment."

Jack took a deep sigh. "Seriously, why do you guys always cuddle me?" They fell silent. He stopped because of the sudden change of the atmosphere. Lucile is the one who say a word. "We were afraid to tell the reason because we are Lucario." He pushed their hands slowly to let go, and he knelt to reach their heights. "You can tell me anything. Is it love?" They began to blushed, then Lucy replied. "That might be the one, but that's not it. We just feel save when we are near you."

Jack raises an eyebrow. "That's it? That is the reason?" Lucile replied. "Usually Lucario has an advantage for every trouble they face. We're afraid that if we tell you the reason, you will se us as weak Lucario, and you will leave us." Jack smiled and scratch their ears, which making them comfortable. "Do you remember why I look to the forest?" Lucy replied. "To getting a starter?" He nod. �And you are my starter, right?" They nod. "All of the starters always not very strong. They must gain experience to be strong. Strength can't be obtained, strength must be born within."

Lucile asked. "But, why are you trying to get your own starter?" Jack scratches his head. "I was thinking about what kind of starter I will choose. Then I choose to get my own starter, not the three common starters. But, I suddenly realized, to catch a wild pokemon, you must beat it first. Since I have no pokemon to fight, I can't beat them. So, my own starter would be one of three common starters."

Lucy replied. "Then, why did you choose us to be your starter?" Jack almost laugh with her question. "You are the one who force me to make you to be my starter!" They all laugh for a while. Then Lucile asks. "You don't mad with our reason to be closed to you?" Jack smiled to them. "Nah, I feel grateful. My presence is important to someone, that was barely happen. Beside, for a starter, 2 Lucario is already enough for me. I only wanting a common starter, suddenly I was having rare starters." He rub their heads, which they like it a lot.

Jack look to my watch. "5.30?! Crud! I late for going home! Sorry girls, you can't cuddle me now! I'm late for going home!" I made a mad dash towards my home. Lucile and Lucy easily follow him. After a few minutes of sprint, he reaches his front house. More of it, he was exhausted. But both Lucario look like just having a small jogging. Lucy speaks with a little bit mock tone. "I don't know if you get so tired running that distance." Jack replied with a mock tone. "Well, I'm a human, not a Lucario." When Jack looked his house, he sees that the lights were of. "Strange, why the lights are off?"

Lucy replied. "Maybe it was abandoned?" Jack shot her a glare, but Lucy put her hands on her back, watching the sky like an innocent child. Jack grumbled. "What the hell. Lets enter my house." They both spoke. "Okay!" Jack unlock the door with his spare key, opening it as he enters, and hold the door so Lucile and Lucy can get in. After he closed the door, he called for his mom. "Mom, dad, I'm home!" No answer. Jack's house is not pretty big, but it still wide enough for him, and his room is on the second level.

Jack led them to his room. His room is wide enough for him and another person. Even he's a the only kid in this house. "Alright. You guys wait here. I want to search for my mom. And don't make a mess in my room!" They replied with childish tone. "Okay!!" He sighed as he exits his room. "I got a bad feeling about this." Jack began to search for his mom and dad, but never found them. "Where are they?" He soon found a letter on a refrigerator. He read it, it says, 'Dear, Jack. Mother and father are going for a vacation for 3 days. So, the house is yours for 3 days. Stay save! CHU!' Jack was groaning for the letter. "Aw man, does she have to put 'CHU' word on it?"

When Jack enters his room, Lucile and Lucy talk to each other. When Lucile saw Jack, she asked. "So, where is your mother?" Jack was sighing. "Well, my mother and father having a vacation for 3 days. So, there will be no sight of them for the rest of the day." Lucy replied. "So, what are we going to do?" Jack thinks a moment. "I think I'll have a shower. You want to come?" They were dumbfounded. Lucy replied. "Shower?" Jack chuckled. "Bath." Lucile spoke. "Oh, Sure, I guess. Do you want to bath, sis?" Lucy nodded. "That is fine by me." Jack nodded. "Alright, both of you, follow me." They smiled wide, and answer in unison. "Yes, Master."

When they reached the bathroom, Jack let go all of his clothes, leaving him with his boxer. Jack turns both of the valves, fill the tub with cold and hot water. He turns of the valves before the water reach the limit. "Alright, who wants to get wet first?" They back away a little bit. Jack smiled. "Right then, Lucile, since you are the older one, be a good big sister, and be an example for your little sister." Lucile was tense for a moment, then she steps forward. Jack pours some warm water above her head. She was a little bit shocked, soon began to sigh in relief.

Jack turns to Lucy. "Now, it's your turn." Jack can see that Lucy was scared. She was pressing the wall. "C-Can I pass this bath?" Jack is making a devious smile, and walks to her slowly. "No can do. Since you are scared of bath, you will take longer than Lucile." He tries to make scary laugh. "I will bathe you after Lucile. After that, I will gratefully bathing you slowly." Jack can see that Lucy was scared, and he will not miss this chance.

Jack pours some shampoo to his palm, and began to scrub Lucile's head. When he was doing it, she sighs in relief. "You like it?" She doesn't answer, just letting out an mmhed sound. Then he began to scrub her fur with soap. Her eyes closed, concentrating the feeling of Jack scrub her fur. She feels like heaven. "Alright, it's done. Get to the bath tub." Lucile was pouting, it was over so soon. But she complies. She gets in to the tub, and Jack cleaning her from the soapsuds. After that, he told her to get out from the tub, and drying her with towel. "Alright, Lucile. You are clean now. Now, give me some time with Lucy. I want to bathe her." Jack gave her a wink.

Lucile smirk, and making her way to the bath room's door. When she passed Lucy, she whispers to her. "Good Luck, sis." After she gets out, she closed the door. When Lucy turns her head to me, she was afraid of Jack's face. His head was looking to the side, his eyes narrowed, and he�s watching her from the corner of his eyes, and he�s smiled wickedly. "Now, Lucy, time to bath." He's using a sing-song tune. Lucy feels more terrified, and press the wall harder. Jack makes his way to her, while Lucy whispered one word she could think of. "Help me."

While Lucile on the outside, she could hear her sister screaming inside the bath room. 'Ahh, please! I'm done bathing! I'm done bathing!' Then Jack's voice can be heard. He's chuckling. 'But you are still dirty.' Lucy is screaming again. 'How could you?! When you're bathing Lucile, it didn't take this long!' Jack replied with mock tone. 'Have you forgotten? I said that I will bathe you slowly. You just need to enjoy it.' Lucy is screaming louder. 'Please! Don't scrub me there! Lucile, help me!' Jack replied. 'She knows that bathe is not dangerous. So, she will not help you. Now be a good girl, and let me bathe you until you are clean.' The rest of the screams are Lucy told Jack to stop scrub her, while Jack bathing her with chuckling. While hearing her sister's scream, Lucile can only smile. "Oh, my. Never think that Lucy hates bathe."

When they get out, Jack held Lucy in his arms while wrapped in a towel. He smiled widely. "I'm done bathing her." Lucy was look very exhausted. "Lucile, does she really hate bathe?" Lucile shook her head. "I don't know." "Come on. Let�s go to my room." They go to Jack's room, Jack put Lucy on his bed. "Now, let's have a dinner. Oh, Crud." Lucile asked. "What is it?" Jack's sighing. "There are only berries on my house. Is it okay having a dinner with berries?" Lucile smiled. "It's okay. Better than nothing." Jack nodded. "Alright, I will get those berries. You just wait in my room. Try to comfort her when she's awake." Lucile let out a smirk. "I will."

Jack goes down to get some berries. In Jack's room, Lucy finally awake, and he�s right. She's need some comforting. Lucile does her best to comfort her. When Jack return, he has 3 bowls full of berries. He sets each the bowl in front of them. Lucile and Jack have same amount, while Lucy has an extra berries, as an apology for the bath. After they finished eating, Jack feels sleepy. He then saw the clock. 8.27. "Damn I'm sleepy. Do you guys mind to sleep early?" Lucile replied. "Why?" "Because I feel sleepy, that's why." Lucy replied. "But you don't having much activity this day." Jack gave her a soft glare. "Well, I was fighting you, remember?" They both blushed. "Oh, that." He takes the bowl. "I will clean the bowl. After that we will take some sleep." They nodded.

Jack put the bowls on the kitchen, and locking all of the doors. When he reaches his room, he heard a yell from his room. A bit worried, he takes a peek. He saw that both Lucario having conversation, and it's an unusual one. They decided who slept with Jack on his bed, while the other sleeps on the carpet. Lucile yelled to Lucy. "I will be the one who sleep with him! I'm the oldest!" Lucy counters her. "Jack has bathed me, which I hated the most! He must pay his guilt by allowing me to sleep with him!" The conversation looks like never ends. So, Jack enters the room to cool the heat. "Both of you, settle down. The bed is enough for three of us. If you want to sleep with me, I will be in the middle. How's that?" They look to each other, and let out a sigh. "Okay, Jack." Reply Lucile.

When they sitting on his bed, Jack had already changes to pajamas. He turned off the light, and walks towards the bed. Jack on the middle, Lucy on the left, and Lucile on the right. He covers them with warm blanket. "Alright, you two, when I try to sleep, don't make to many movements. And no fighting while I was sleeping. Okay?" They nuzzled Jack. "Yes, master." When he closed his eyes, he said one more thing. "Oh, another thing." They look to Jack. "Good night, and sweet dreams." They smiled warmly. "Good night."
Chapter End Notes:Please, rate and comment
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