AGNPH Stories

Curiosity Kill The Cat by fullhouse


Story Notes:

This is my first story.

Tomorrow Morning

When morning comes, Jack lazily opened his eyes. He was surprised that someone wrapped his body with their arms. He saw the owners of the arms, and soon smiled. Those Lucario sisters' wrapping their arms on Jack's body and smiled peacefully. "Man, they are cute when sleeping. Too bad I got no camera."

Jack looked to hi clock. 7:17. He slowly gets up from bed, trying hard to not wake them up. He successfully gets up without waking them up. When he made his way to the door, he saw his one and only pokeball on the table. He picked it up, and his mind began to wonder to become pokemon trainer.

A small smile cracked on his face. "5 days before the day. Can't waiting for that. And 2 days before mother got home for the surprise." "Mmh, what surprise did you got for your mother?" Jack look to the source of the voice. It was Lucy. "Oh, my own starter pokemon."

Lucile lazily replied. "I bet your mother never expected your starters are 2 Lucario." She giggled. Jack smiled as scratched his head. "Yeah. That's a new one. More of that, Lucario sisters."

Just then, Jack remembers why he got up. "I think I'm gonna taking a walk. Do you guys coming?" They jump from the bed and hugging Jack's waist. They spoke in unison. "We love to!" Jack shook his head. "How did you guys spoke in unison? Ah, who cares? Just stop cuddling me when we're walking." They let go Jack's waist and pout. Jack can only chuckle.

When Jack got out from his house, letting the Lucario out, and locked the door, he does the first thing he always does. Taking a deep breath, enjoy the morning air. "Are you always done this every morning?" Ask Lucy. Jack smiled. "Well, yeah. Morning air is always pleasant. Don't you guys think so?" Lucile replied. "Well, not really. When morning comes we just start training. No time to taking a deep breath." Jack nodded. "Then, why don't you try a bit?" They just huffed and turn their heads away. Lucy spoke. "I'm not gonna do that embarrassing thing." Jack sighed, and soon having an evil smile. "If you guys are not gonna taking a deep breath, I will not let you come with me."

Both of them having shocked expressions, and start to hugging him hard. Lucy cried. "Please, don't do that! I really wanted to walk with you!" Lucile cried. "If you do that, I will never let you go!" Jack just chuckled. "Well, I will not taking you with me until you guys taking a deep breath." They let go, and taking a deep breath abruptly. Jack sighed, and walking to them, putting his hands on their shoulder. "You must do it slowly. Then, you guys will fell how good is the morning air." He smiled warmly. When they saw Jack's warm smile, they soon become calm. They began to taking a deep breath slowly, and surprised how good is the morning air was. Jack smiled. "See? I told you." Lucile's taking a deep breath again. "I never knew that morning air is this good." Lucy replied. "Yeah." Jack clapped his hand. "Alright, after taking a deep breath, now taking a walk to the...I don't know. Let's go walking." "YAY!" 'Spoke in unison again? Well, what the hell'

After walking for a while, they reach town. If Jack walks to town, he usually wanted to buy something. When Jack walking slowly, Lucy and Lucile watching all of the buildings. All in the way, all the people are watching them. Well, it's not everyday you see 2 Lucario following a person. Some people were asking how he captures them. Jack only replied that he only found it inside the forest by accident. While they are walking, Lucile asks a question. "Jack, why did you not put us in a pokeball?" Jack replied. "Well, I don't have a pokeball, actually." Lucy replied. "But, you have one inside your home." Jack scratched his head. "That was only for decoration. It reminds me to be a pokemon trainer. Then, I want to use it to capture my own starter."

Lucy tilted her head. "But you already had us. So, why didn't you use it?" Jack laughed a bit. "I was planning to capture one. But, since I had you both, I can't use it to capture you. I must buy more pokeball to do that. And, like I said. What kind of creature that want to separate sister bonding?" When they try to speak, Jack cut them off. "To tel you the truth, I must not capture a pokemon before become a pokemon trainer. So, it's impossible to put you inside the pokeball." Jack smiled to them. "Ah...come on. Don't waste more time than this. Let's just continue our walking." They nodded, and follow him behind.

At first Jack was having so much fun while walking. But now, he was having Hell while walking. Lucy and Lucile always walk on different way. While Jack watches Lucile, Lucy was on action. While Jack watches Lucy, Lucile was on action, too. Sometimes Jack must hold Lucy firmly so she can't get away, while the other hand holds Lucile's tail. They even causing some small trouble inside the store, and Jack must apologize for the owner. Even Jack was in a Hellish time, he succeeded buying some berries, and some other food. On their way back home, Jack was completely exhausted, while Lucy and Lucile were having a wide smile on their faces. Jack grumbled. "Before I become a trainer, I think I need to purchase leashes." Lucile turned her head. "What for?" Jack shook his head. "You guys giving me a Hellish time while we're walking! I must buy some leashes so I can hold you firmly!" Lucy asked her sister. "Lucile, what is leash?" Lucile began to explain what is leash. "So, that is what leash is. Lucile, can you come here a moment?"

When Lucile comes to Lucy, they began to having a conversation, but Jack can't hear it. After that, they turn their heads to Jack. They're having an evil smile. Lucile spoke. "I dare you that you have no guts to purchase that thing." Jack was back away a bit, but soon replied. "I will purchase those things, and you must wear it immediately!" Lucy replied. "After we wear it, we will become your pet, and we...will serve night, M-A-S-T-E-R." Jack took a step back, and sweats a little. 'Damn! Who taught them those languages?' "These conversations are over!!" Jack ran as fast as he could towards his house, while Lucy and Lucile laughing hard, and soon follow his trail.

When Jack reached home, it was already noon. So, Jack prepared a lunch. Sandwiches, and some berries. While eating, Lucile and Lucy having a talk to each other, and sometimes, they ask some question to Jack. After they finished eating, Lucy and Lucile having combat practices, while Jack keep an eye on them. If they are not practicing, they usually resting inside, watching TV shows, or doing some games. While they are like this, Jack usually hugged one of them from behind, because Jack loves their soft furs. Sometimes Jack accidentally fell asleep while hugging Lucy or Lucile. They always woke him up by force.

When they were enjoying their time, there is incoming call. "Hold on a second. I'm going to answer that." Jack left them both to answer the call. He then picked up the phone. "Hello, Jack's speaking."

'Hello, Jack' Jack was surprised, because he who was on the screen. "Mom? Why did you call me? You never call me when you're on vacation."

'Well Jack, I want to tell you something that I will return from vacation at night.'

Jack was surprised. "Today? But you still have two more days."

'I know Jack. But I returned today so you can prepare your journey tomorrow.'

Jack was silent for a moment. "I can start my journey tomorrow?"

'Yes, Jack. Because you're already proved that you can take care yourself. Is it a little bit rushed?'

Jack's filled with joy. "No, no, not at all. I will happily start my journey tomorrow!"

'That's wonderful, Jack. See you at night. Love you.'

"Love you to. Bye, mom." After Jack closed the conversation, he rushed to meet the Lucario sisters to telling them the news. After they heard the news, they jumped to Jack, and hug him. Lucile cried. "I never thought that we will start our journey sooner!" Lucy followed. "Yeah, I can't wait for tomorrow!" Jack tries to escape from their hugs. "Let go of me!" They let go of him. "The journey will be started tomorrow. But, my parents return this evening." They were shocked. "They returned today?!" Jack shook his head. "Do you have to be that shocked, Lucile?" Lucile blushed, while Lucy replied. "We just surprised that they returned sooner." Jack nodded. "I'm surprised too. Now, when my parents return home, you guys better behave yourself." They're making puppy eyes. "I'll take that as...yes, and no." Jack clapped his hands. "Well then, since you guys are going to meet my parents, I suggest that you two taking a bath." Lucile's face is showing pure joy, while Lucy's face is showing pure horror.

Jack narrowed his eyes to Lucy. "Don't be like that, Lucy. Lucile, since I'm going to bathe you two, do you mind to giving me a hand?" She's showing a wicked smile. "I'd love too." She walked towards Lucy. "Now, Lucy. Let's go having some bath." Lucy backed away in fear. "No, no Lucile, please no!" When she looked to Jack, he also approaches her. "A-a-alright! I-I'll behave in front of your parents!" Jack's putting his finger on his chin. "Well, since you're going to behave, I'm going to gave you a present. And that present is bath." Lucy's eyes widened, while Lucile cried. "I love that present!" Lucy shook her head. "T-t-then I'm not gonna behave in front of your parents!"

Jack put a finger in front of Lucy. "Bad Lucy. Since you're not gonna behave, you must receive punishment. That punishment is...bath." Lucy's lost of words. Jack just chuckled. "Whatever you do, you will get your bath. Lucile, go get her!" "Orders received!" Lucile jump to grab Lucy. But Lucy successfully dodged it, and starts to escape. Now Jack's act like a hunter, and Lucile's like the beagle. "GO! DON'T LET HER GET AWAY!" Both Lucile and Jack start chasing Lucy around the house, even they must chase Lucy outside the house.

After few minutes of chasing, they successfully catch Lucy. Jack held her firmly on his shoulder, while Lucile walks following Jack. All in the way, Lucy is screaming to let her go. "Let go of me! I don't want taking a bath again!" Jack chuckled. "But, to meet my parents, you must clean first. And by the way Lucile, since you have helped me a lot, you're going to help me bathing Lucy." Lucy's eyes opened wide. "What?! That's not fair! Lucile, don't do it! Please!" But Lucile's smiling widely. "I can't wait to bathing you, Lucy. I'm going to bathing you fully, so you are not dirty anymore." She laughed evilly. Lucy is really can't speak right now. She can only wait for her fate.

When they reach home, Jack asked Lucile to watch over Lucy, while he prepared the bath tub. While Lucile watches her, Lucy always tries to escape, but no avail. "The bath tub is ready!" Jack cried inside the bathroom. Lucile's smile grew wide. "Time to bath, Lucy." Lucile pulled her along the way to the bathroom. Lucy's always wriggle, but Lucile is stronger than her, so she succeeded in brought her to the bathroom.

--inside the bathroom

After they entered the bathroom, Jack immediately locks the door. "Lucile, pour some water to Lucy." Lucile does what he said. "Now, do you want me, or you to scrub her?" Lucile smiled. "How about...I hold her, and you scrub her body?" Jack chuckled evilly. "That's not a bad idea. Hold her hand!" Lucy was surprised when Lucile held her hand. "W-what are you doing?!" Jack took soap and a brush on each hand. "Bathing you, I guess." Jack began to scrub her belly, which makes her tingle a bit. "S-stop it! T-that tickles!" she tries to suppress a laugh. "Not until you're clean." Jack began to scrub faster, and harder, which make her suppressed more laugh. After a few moments of scrubbing, Lucy can't stand it anymore. "Ahh...please! I'm done bathing! I'm done bathing!" Lucy wriggles to escape Lucile's grasp, but only make Lucile holds tighter. "You must not escape. You are still dirty, Lucy." Jack chuckled. "And it will be done before you know it." He began to scrub again. Lucy replied. Lucy replied. "You are meanie!" Jack chuckled. "Bathing is not something bad. You just need to enjoy it." Lucy, realized her helpless position, can only screamed while being bathe.

After they done bathing, Lucile is the first to come out, while Jack, holding Lucy with a towel, come out second. "How's the bath, Lucy?" Lucy only huffed. Jack put her on the side of the bed. Jack scratched his head. "I'm sorry to bathing you. I'm really sorry." Lucy only glared to him. Jack sighed, and then kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry." He whispered. At first, Lucy only having a blank stare, and soon began to blush. "I-it's okay. I'm not mad at you." Jack sighed in relief. "Glad to hear it." Lucile, who watches all the events, began to hug him. "Jack, kiss my forehead!" Jack was startled. "What?" Lucile hugs tighter. "Kiss my forehead! Just like what you did with Lucy!" Jack chuckled a little. "Alright." Jack kissed her forehead, just like he kissed Lucy's. Just like Lucy, she's having a blank stare. And then she began to hug him, followed by Lucy. They hug, nuzzle, and grip his clothes firmly. "Hey, hey, hey! You're gonna ripped my shirt if you do that!" Jack also hold his pants firmly on his waist, to prevent it from accidentally pulled down by them.
Chapter End Notes:This is it. Tell me what do you think
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