AGNPH Stories

Curiosity Kill The Cat by fullhouse


Story Notes:

This is my first story.

Day Before Journey

"Alright! Both of you! Get off!" Jack screams in frustration. Lucile and Lucy let go of him with pout on their faces. Lucile grumbled. "Don't you like our hug?" Jack replied sternly. "Hug?! That's not a hug! That's a...I don't know! But that doesn't make me comfortable!" Then Lucy replied with seductive tone. "Do you want me to make you comfortable?" Jack looked to Lucy. "Wha..." Lucile spoke with seductive tone too. "If you don't like our hug, then we can try another thing."

"We will make you really comfortable, Master." Lucy walks closer to Jack, and hugged his left arm. "And because you are our master, we will do whatever you are told to, Master." Lucile hugged his right arm. Jack sweat and tremble. 'Damn! How can they behaving like this?!'

Jack flailed his arms and shouted. "That's it! I'm going to town to buy some equipment for tomorrow! You two, watch the house!" They replied with cute barks. Jack groaned and walks to the door. When Jack's touching the handle, Lucy shouted. "Don't forget our leashes!" Upon hearing this, Jack groaned in desperation, and start running to town.

When Jack reached the town, he starts buying all the equipment that needed on his journey. He also buying some meat, for the dinner, and some berries, for his journey. He also went to the store, to taste some free food. When he looked to his watch, it's almost 5 o'clock. "That long? Better go back immediately. I need to prepare dinner." When he starts to go back, he put his hand on his belly. "What the?" Then, he clutched his belly. "Y-You got to be kidding me! Stomach ache?! Damn those free foods!!" He starts running for the nearest store to borrow the toilet. Inside the know what happen next.

Inside Jack's house, Lucile and Lucile are waiting Jack to return. They mostly chat with each other to spend some time. Unbeknownst to them, a car's parking outside the house. Someone, a man and a woman, got out from the car with a suitcase, and walk directly to the house. Both Lucy and Lucile don't hear the engine, because they were busy talking with each other. When they get inside, and continue to the living room, they were surprised, and accidentally dropped the suitcase.

The sound's startled Lucy and Lucile, and they turn their heads to the source of the sound. They all silence for a moment. Then, the women cried. "What are you doing in our house?! Where's Jack?!" Lucy replied nervously. "He-he's..." But the man cut her off. "What have you done to him?!" Lucile stood up and replied. "He's taking a walk to town to buy some equipment for his journey." After hearing hr explanation, both man and woman calmed down. The woman asked. "But, who are you?" Lucy replied. "We are his starter."

They are having shocked expression. "You are Jack's starter? But, how?" Lucile smiled and began to explain how they become Jack's starter.

At the town, Jack's getting out from the store with annoyed look. "Damn. Those free foods are really made my day. Now, what time is...crud!" When he looked to his watch, it's already 6 o'clock. "Damn! I'm late for home! Better move fast!" Jack ran as fast as he can to reach his home. Because he needs to prepares some dinner, and must wait for his parents.

At home, Jack's mother had an angry face. "Jack! How could his curiosity done that?!" Jack's father tried to calm her. "Relax, hon. At least his curiosity has some price." Rose calmed enough to talk softly. "But he's already known that the forest is dangerous. And he gets inside only to get his own starter? That's stupid."

Then, the door burst open. "Mom, dad, you came back early!" His mother stood directly on his front. "Jack! You know that the forest is dangerous! Why did you still going in there?!" Jack was startled by his mother's outburst. "What? Who told you that?" She pointed her finger to Lucario sisters. "Both of them told me." Jack was stunned. He mumbled. "So...I'm not allowed to be a pokemon trainer?" His mother sighed. "Well, it looks to me that you still curious about things." Jack scratched his head. "I can only restrain it. Nothing more. Now, start to the problem. Am I not allowed to start my journey?" His father spoke. "Well, even though you still curious about things, but looks like you were having less trouble than before." Jack chuckled. "Maybe the problems are now Lucile and Lucy's responsibility." They both gave Jack glare. His mother asked. "Lucile and Lucy?"

Jack replied. "It's their names." His mother nodded. Then his father told her to having a conversation. After a few moment, his mother sighed, and turn to Jack. "Jack, me and your father are agreed that you can start your journey tomorrow." Jack's filled with joy. "Really?!" She smiled. "You can already take care yourself, and you already have a fine starter. We have no worry to let you go." His father spoke. "And remember, my boy. When you're out there, and your habit gives you prices like these, send me a note. Maybe I can learn a thing or two from you. Perhaps, I can have something nice if I was curious about things." His mother gives him a stern glare. "When you're curious about women's bathroom at college, your prices are a hand sign on your cheek, and a lump on your head." He laughed nervously.

Jack was dumbfounded. "How come I didn't know that? Ah, who cares? Hey, guys! We're starting our journey tomorrow!" Both Lucile and Lucy scream in delight. Then, Lucy asked. "Um, Jack? Did you buy our leashes?" Hearing what she said, his mother asked. "Leashes? What leashes, Jack?" Jack sweated. "'s nothing, mom." His mother is confused while Jack's giving Lucy a glare. And Lucy pretended that she said nothing. Jack coughed. "Now, since I'm going to start my journey tomorrow, first I must..." he suddenly clutched his belly. "Damn! Not again! Bathroom!" he ran as fast as he can to the bathroom. Lucile tilted her head. "What's happening to him?" Jack's mother giggled. "Looks like he gotten some stomach ache. I'll prepare some medicine." While she's going to prepare some medicine, Jack's father went to the suitcase. "And I'm going to fix up our clothes."

Both Lucy and Lucile are left alone. "What are we going to do, Lucile?" Lucile thinks a moment, and spoke to Lucy. "Let's waits for him in his room." Lucy nodded. "Good idea." They both went to Jack's room, while inside the bathroom, Jack was groaning in desperation. "What the hell is going on in here? Why do I have stomach ache at time like this?" After that, Jack's groaning in pain inside the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Jack got out from the bathroom with a sore expression. After that, he's going to the place where his mother prepared a medicine. He sighed. "Thanks, mom. Thanks for the medicine." He drank the medicine, and then went to his room.

Inside, Lucile and Lucy are sitting on the side of his bed. Lucy asked. "Hi there, Jack. How's your stomach?" Jack shrugged. "Fine, I guess. After I drank the medicine, I'll be good as new tomorrow." Lucile smirked. "That might be a punishment because you don't want to grant our wishes." Jack crossed his arms. "If that was a punishment, then I will gladly accept. Beside, that was better than having you guys hanging around and makes me embarrassed in front of people." Lucile scoffed him. "That's not true!"

Jack's having a playful smile. "That's true. When I was having a walk with you, you were entering a store, and making some of the shopkeepers screamed. And I'm the one who must receive the anger." She huffed, and turned her head away. Jack chuckled and walk towards her. "But that makes the walk more interesting. I'm glad to having you walking with me."

Jack brought her face to his, and kissed her forehead. "Thanks to accompany me on the walking." Lucile can't help but blushed. "And you too, Lucy." Jack also kissed Lucy's forehead. "I kissed you because of two things." Lucy impatiently waits for him to speak. "What is it?" Jack cleared his throat. "Because you're also accompany me when we are taking a walk. And, because I don't want taking a risk that you will jumped to me to getting a kiss." He smirked on the last part.

Lucy blushed and also huffed. "Right, then. Let's go to sleep for tomorrow journey." He goes to the bathroom to change to a pajama's. After that, he sits on the side on the bed, while Lucy kneeled on the ground, and Lucile sitting on his side, hugging him. Lucy licked his right hand, while Lucile licked his cheek. "Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Lucile stopped her licking, and spoke. "We are trying to make you comfortable, Master." Lucy followed. "Does this make you comfortable, Master?" Then Lucile spoke again. "We will do whatever you are telling us to do, Master." Lucy then spoke. "Because you are our master, and we are you pet."

Before Jack can reply, the door burst open. "Jack, I already packed your belongings. You can..." It was Jack's father, and he was speechless when he saw what is going on in Jack's room. Jack, Lucile, and Lucy was also stopped what they are doing. It was silent for a moment, and Jack's father broke the silence. "I...think I'm bothering you. We will continue this tomorrow. Have fun, Jack." "Wait, dad! This is not what are you...!" Too late. His dad had already left the room, and muttering to himself, leaving embarrassed Jack with his Lucario.

Lucy and Lucile can't help but giggle, while Jack's face is blushing really hard. Lucile spoke. "Wow, that's a new one. We should do that again sometime, Lucy!" Lucy giggled. "I'm with you, Lucile!" They then have a high five. After regaining himself, Jack groaned. "Alright! That's it! I'm going to bed! If I'm still awake with you, mom and dad will probably change their perspective to me! My reputation will be dropped to zero! And my image...gah! I don't know anymore!" He then jumped to his bed, leaving two Lucario on their place.

They soon crawled to his bed, and plant a kiss to his cheeks. "We are sorry, Jack. Please, forgive us. We're just playing around." Lucile spoke with a sad tone. "Please, don't mad to us, Jack. Don't leave us when you're starting your journey." Lucy followed. Jack sighed. "I'm not gonna leave you when I start my journey. You're my starter. But, damn. Whatever you did to me is really embarrassed me. My father will probably tell my mom, and they will talk a lot of things tomorrow morning. And I don't want to responsible for this. You guys better explain everything for them." Lucy smirked. "Don't worry, Jack. Lucile and I will explain 'Everything'." Jack groaned. "I don't really like your smile. Alright, you two must not talk about this tomorrow morning. I will be the one who explain this. I bet you are making this thing worse when you said you are going to explain it. *yawn* I'm tired. Good night, Lucario sisters." They both smirked. Lucile spoke "It has been a long time since I heard those words. Good night, Jack." Lucy followed. "Good night, Jack."

They both lay on the each of the Jack's side, then they hug him, and nuzzle him. Before they fallen asleep, they plant another kiss to his cheeks. He smiled, and soon fallen asleep, waiting for the tomorrow journey to be a pokemon trainer.
Chapter End Notes:Done. Next chapter will be meeting a new pokemon, or battling
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