AGNPH Stories

Curiosity Kill The Cat by fullhouse


Story Notes:

This is my first story.

A Day of Journey

After the peaceful slumber, Jack slowly woke up because of the sun. "Damn that thing. Wakes me up and makes me blind." He rubs his eyes, and pats the Lucario. "Rise and shine, sleeping beauties." Lucile stirred. "Mmh...five more minutes." And Lucy looks like having a dream. "No. I don't want to train for a while." Jack sighed. 'I never know that they're heavy sleeper.'

Jack soon smiled, and gets up, slowly getting farther from them. He then taking a deep breath, and scream. "LUCY! LUCILE! THERE ARE WILD POKEMON INSIDE OUR HOUSE!" They immediately wake up, while Lucy accidentally fell from the bed. "Where?! Where are those wild pokemon?! I will beat them all!" Lucile screamed with a fighting stance, while Lucy only looks back and front with shocked expression.

Seeing their reaction, Jack can't help but laugh. Hearing his laugh, they look to Jack. Lucile spoke. "What are you laughing at?! Where are those wild pokemon?!" After Jack regaining himself, he replied. "There was no wild pokemon. I lied." Lucy replied. "But, why?" Jack scratched his head. "Well, you guys won't wake up even I tried to. So, I decided to wake you up this way. I'm sorry for that."

Lucile and Lucy looked to each other, and then smirked. "We won't forgive you that easy." Lucile spoke with a grin on her face. Lucy followed. "But we will forgive you if you do us a favor." Jack sighed. "What do you want me to do?" They replied in unison. "Kiss our forehead." He was taken a back. "What? You want me to...gezz alright, I'll kiss your foreheads." They giggled, and walk toward him. And Jack plants a kiss to their foreheads. "Happy?" They answered with a kiss to his cheeks. "Happy as before." Jack sighed. "Come on. Let's go down stair. I'm probably going to explain what happen last night." They giggled when they remember the last night. Jack gives them a stern look. "Don't even think about it, talk about it, and don't even remember it."

Before Jack goes down, he changed to his casual clothes. After he reaches down stairs with his Lucario, his father and mother had already waiting on the living room. His father asked. "So, Jack how's the last night with two of them?" his mother gives him a stern look. "How dare you, Jack? Forcing them to do such things?" Jack sighed. "Mom, dad, it is not what you think about. It was a misunderstanding." She's having a blank stare. "What do you mean by misunderstanding? Your dad sees it with his own eyes that they're licking you seductively." Jack coughed. "They are only joking around. There's nothing to worry about." Lucy pulls his shirt to bring attention. When jack turns his head, he saw Lucy's cute smile. Jack glares at her that said 'Don't try anything funny.'

His dad put his hand on his chin. "They are only joking around? To be honest, Jack. I am jealous to you. When you were a child, your curiosity brings trouble. Now, it brings something better. Maybe I should curious about things so I can get something good as well." His wife gives him a stern look. "Don't even think about it." Jack remembers why his dad went to his room. "Oh, Yeah dad. What are you trying to say last night?" "Oh, yeah. I want you to teach me how to cu..." Before he can finish, his wife had already giving him a glare, which makes him shudder a little. "I-I mean, I'd already packed your belongings. You can take it on the chair." Jack saw his bag. "Gee, thanks a lot, dad."

His mother spoke. "Now, you must go to the Prof. Birch place to register yourself as a pokemon trainer. And to getting a starter, which you don't need to." Jack had already taken the bag. "Sure, mom. Come on, Lucy, Lucile, let's begin our journey." Lucile cried. "Yeah!" But Lucy asked. "Where are our leashes?" His parents, upon hearing it began to wonder. And Jack began to sweat and immediately run away. "Good bye, mom! Dad!" He then whispered to Lucy. "Don't you even talking about it on public! Do you want me to getting arrest because of the pokemon abuse?!" Lucy replied cutely. "I will put it on my list." Jack groaned.

When Jack reaches Professor Birch place, he amazed with his house, including Lucy and Lucile. "Wow. It's huge." Lucile asked. "How come your house is not as big as this, Jack?" Jack gives her a funny look. "Maybe because my mother don't like big house because it's hard to clean it. Come on, let's get inside." They nodded.

When they reached inside, it was like a small laboratory. Jack held both Lucy and Lucile firmly. "You guys probably walking around and accidentally broke something. I don't want to take that chance." They only turn their heads away. Jack thinks to himself. 'Maybe having leashes is not too bad after all.'

Jack walks further, and soon saw a man in front of the computer. He thought that he was Professor Birch. "Professor Birch?" The man turned around. "Ah, Jack the Curious. What are you...whoa. Is that Lucario?" Prof. Birch was a little bit surprised to see Lucario, more of it two Lucario. "But, why do you hold them, Jack?" Lucile answered the question with puppy eyes. "He captured us by force. He holds us firmly so we can't escape from his grasp." Prof. Birch's having a wide eye. "Is that true, Jack?"

Jack squeezes them hard, making them yelped in pain. "Damn you. Of course not Prof. Birch. I will not do such thing." He began to explain how did he meets them, and befriends with them, and telling all of the stories until now. Prof. Birch was amazed. "Wow. What a history. And looks like you have a lot of trouble because of their behavior." Jack only smiled a little, and rubbed their heads. "It's okay. I had already used to it. Besides, they're only playful. That's all." They giggled, and then Jack held one of their ears. "But that doesn't mean I will let go of you guys freely." They whined playfully. Prof. Birch chuckled while he works on his computer.

"Alright. It's done. Here's your Pokedex, and Pokeball." He handed Jack a red device and 6 Pokeball. Jack took the. "Okay, that was fast. Alright, since I have a pokeball, Lucy, Lucile, I want you to... Where are they?" Lucy and Lucile had already gone before Jack knew it. Jack looks around. "Come on. Where are you, guys?" After looking to the entire room, Jack found them. They are hiding on the corner of the room, with a fear on their faces.

"What's wrong? Why are you hiding?" Lucile spoke with a hint of fear in her voice. "Wha-what are you going to do with us?" Lucy followed. "Are you going to put us inside one of those pokeball?" Jack sighed. "Well, it is the only way to register you guys to be my pokemon." Lucile spoke. "But, it will suck us inside!" Lucy replied. "And we don't want to be sucked inside!" Jack nodded. "I know. Ones I put you guys inside, I will let you out immediately." Lucy tried to oblige. "But..." Jack sighed, and walks towards them, then plants a kiss to their foreheads, and smiled. "Trust me. I will let you out ones you're registered as my pokemon. I promise." They felt assured after Jack kisses them.

Jack prepares two pokeball. "Ready?" They nodded. Then Jack tap the ball to their heads, they're sucked inside the pokeball. Ones they are registered, Jack let them out. After they get out, their faces were a little bit shocked. Jack tried to calm them down by kissing them again. "See, I told you that I will let you out." Lucy spoke. "Please, don't put us inside that thing again." Jack smiled as he put his pokeball at his belt. "I won't." Prof. Birch spoke. "Wow, Jack. You got some great relationship with them." Jack scratched his head. "Yeah, I don't really know that." Lucile giggled. "You have no idea professor, at night, our relationship are much further than this."

Prof. Birch nodded as he put his hand on his chin. "Oh, really? Is that true, Jack?" Jack becomes embarrassed, and immediately grab Lucile's muzzle. "N-no! That's entirely a lie! Don't take it too seriously!" He then whispered loud enough to Lucile. "How could you say that?!" Lucile only made innocent eyes. Jack groaned, and let go Lucile's muzzle. Then he talks to professor. "I think I'm gonna taking my leave now." Prof. Birch nodded. "Alright. Have a nice trip." Jack chuckled. "I doubted that." Then Jack went to the exit, and Prof. Birch followed. After he's outside, he spoke to his Lucario. "Alright, time to start the journey." They answered with a hug on his wrist. "Don't hug me while I'm walking." They let go and pouted. He patted their heads. "You can hug me when we are spend a night in Pokemon Center." They both cried. "YAY!!" He only chuckled. After he starts walking, Prof. Birch spoke. "Remember, Jack. Don't get yourself into trouble." Jack only chuckled. "I already have trouble." He pointed to Lucy and Lucile, and they huffed. Prof. Birch chuckled. "Alright. Take care!" "I will!" Then he starts walking.

After a few minutes of walking, Lucile spoke. "So, Jack. What are we going to do instead walking?" Jack replied. "Well, we could fight some other trainer, or maybe we train, or...catching new pokemon." Lucy cried. "Then, let's capture a new pokemon!" Jack chuckled. "No, I don't want to capture them by force. I only capture them if they are really wanted to join us, like you two." He scratched their ears, which they like it a lot.

A few moments later, they met another trainer. "Hey! I challenge you!" He let out a Charmender. "Wow. A Charmender. Is he a starter?" He replied. "Yeah. He's my starter. Now, choose your own starter so we can fight." Jack replied. "Alright. So, which do I choose?" Both Lucile and Lucy are stand firmly, waiting for him to choose. Jack thinks a moment, and then he chose. "Alright. Lucy, you're on." She cried. "Yay! A battle!" Jack sighed, and orders Lucy to go to the battleground. The boy was dumbfounded. "Is that your starter?" Jack smiled. "Yeah. Both of them. Now, let's fight." The boy cried. "Charmender, Ember!" Charmender shot a fire to Lucy

"Lucy, evade and use Quick Attack!" Before the fire hit, Lucy had already evade it, and use Quick Attack to the Charmender. When the hit connected, Charmender's stumbled a little. "Charmender, use Tackle!" Charmender runs to Lucy.

"Lucy, use Extreme Speed, and then Force Palm! And don't too strong!" Lucy shouted. "Too many orders!" Then she used Extreme Speed, making her like a blur. After she closed enough to Charmender, she used Force Palm, knocking him out. "Charmender!" The boy rushed to his a pokemon, and hugs him. "You're doing good. Please, take a rest." He put the Charmender to his Pokebal, and then spoke to Jack. "Wow, you are really good, back there." Jack smiled. "Nah. I'm still a beginner." The boy was shocked. "Still a beginner?! But you're fighting good, and your starter! How did you capture them?! More of it, two Lucario?!" Jack clears his throat. "Let's just say that it was a coincidence. I don't want to talk about it." The boy sighed. "Okay. Well, good fight, and bye!" The boy walks away.

"Good job, Lucy." Jack patted Lucy. Lucy only giggled. "Come on. Let's continue our journey." Lucile spoke. "Alright. Com on, Lucy." They start walking again

After a few hours of walking, they finally reach a town. "Finally. A town." He then looked to the clock. "6 o'clock? Well, I think we better take some rest in a Pokemon Center. Now, where is the Pokemon Center? Come on, let's look for it." Both Lucy and Lucile replied. "Okay." "And both of you better behave, this time." Lucy smirked. "Don't worry, Jack. We'll behave." Jack groaned, and then grabbed them. "Looks like I have to do this again." Lucile giggled. "We like it when you do that, Jack." He only sighed.

When they are walking, several people are watching them. Maybe because Jack has two Lucario, or Jack was holding them. They even ask how he had captured them. Jack only explained that it was a coincidence. After several of walking, they finally found Pokemon Center. He got in, and there were many trainers inside, and they are watching Jack. He ignored them, and walks to the counter. On the counter, there was a girl with a pink hair wearing a nurse uniform. "Good evening, sir. May I help you?" Jack replied. "Yeah. Um...can I use on of the room uh...Nurse...Joy?" She smiled. "Of course you can. Do you want me to heal your pokemon?" Jack nodded. "Sure. Can I take them inside my room?" Nurse Joy giggled. "Sure you can. Why asked?" Jack coughed. "Nothing, really. Alright, you two. You better be behaving while this pretty lady examines you." Lucy spoke. "Examine?" Jack nodded. "Is it going to hurt?" Lucile asked. Jack smiled. "No, she's only checking if there is something's wrong with you. Nothing more. Trust me."

"Okay." They replied, then they followed Nurse Joy. After a while, they finally get out and rush to Jack. Then, Nurse Joy got out from the room, little bit exhausted. "Are they doing something wrong?" Jack nervously asked. "Oh, not really. They're just hyperactive. That's all. And here's your key to your room. Have a good night." Lucile replied. "Don't worry Nurse Joy. We will make him really good." Lucy followed. "Because we are his p...umph!" Before she can continue, Jack already grabbed their heads and rushed to his room. "See you later, Nurse Joy! And thank you!" He cried, while Lucy and Lucile wriggle to escape his grasp, leaving Nurse Joy with a confused look.
Chapter End Notes:Well, the last part are not really good. Well, this is it. Next part, meeting new pokemo
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