AGNPH Stories

Curiosity Kill The Cat by fullhouse


Story Notes:

This is my first story.

Chapter 6

When they reach the room, Jack finally let go Lucy and Lucile and gave them a stern glare. "What?" That's the only words that come out from Lucy's mouth. Jack sighed. "You know, if you still doing that, I have no choice but to change my title." Lucile tilted her head. "What do you mean?" Jack groaned. "I must change from a Pokemon Trainer to be a Pokemon Tamer!" Lucile smirked. " that so? Then..." Lucile looks to Lucy, and Lucy nodded. After that they began to stand with four legs, and start to crawl slowly to him. Lucile spoke. "You need to tame us, Master." Lucy followed. "Because we are wild pokemon, Master. Tame us." Lucile put a seductive tone on the last part.

Jack tried to scream, but he can't. So, he ran to the door as he cried. "I'm going to taking a walk! You two stay in this room!" Both Lucile and Lucy laugh hard. When he's outside the room, he continued to the exit as he thinking to himself. 'Damn those two! They're making me crazy!' When he almost reached the exit, Nurse Joy called out. "Jack, leaving so soon?" Jack turns around, and spoke. "No, I'm just taking a did you know my name?" She smiled. "Oh, they tell me when I check them out." "Oh, alright. Well, see you later, Nurse Joy." Then, he got out while Nurse Joy waving her hand.

"Ah...what a view." Jack sighed as he watched the view on the city. When he rubbed his wrist, he felt something. When he saw it, it was his small pouch. "What the? When did I take it? Ah, whatever. I'm gonna use it anyway." Then he goes to the market, and bought some berries that he loved the most. When he ate one he sighed in satisfaction. "Yeah. These things are still tasty as before."

When Jack walks on the street, several of Pokemon Trainers are trying to battle him. But he explained that he doesn't bring the pokemon with him. So, they just walk away, leaving Jack alone.

After a while, Jack becomes bored with the town's view. Then he thought something. "Maybe I will take a walk on the side of the forest." The old him are never leave him. He loves walking on the side of the forest. He then goes to the side of the forest. On the side of the forest, the only light was the street lights. "Wow, this view is much better than the town." He starts walking on the side of the forest.

After for a while, looks like Jack's mind was wandering. Because he's walking non-stop and he only watches the forest. Then, a sound from the forest snapped him out. "Wha-what the hell?" He tried to listen to the sound, but nothing can be heard. "Maybe I'm a little bit tired. I think I should go back." When he turns around and walking to the Pokemon Center, the sound can be heard again. Jack finally stopped and tried to listen whatever it is. Then, he stood still to hear the sound again. The sound can be heard by him, the sound is like...a rustle.

An old habit comes to him again. But he tried to convince him that the forest was dangerous. "Don't get inside to the forest. It's dangerous. Even mom doesn't want me to go there." But the sound only makes him more curious. Jack's having a mental fight. After more rustle sound, the curiosity wins. "Maybe...a little peek is alright." He then got inside the forest. Thanks for the moon, then forest was not too dark.

He walks farther to the forest, not even know how deep he was inside the forest. After a while, he sat on the nearby tree to rest. "Phew, I'm tired. What time is it?" it was half past eight. "Damn. No wonder that I'm tired. I think I will rest for a while." Right after he said that, the sound was heard nearby. He was startled. "What the?!" He then sneaks to the source of the sound when he found the source; he was surprised to what he saw. "A Suicune?!"

Jack tried to grab hi pokedex, then he realized that he didn't take it with him. "Damn. I forgot the thing." Jack just sighed, and decided to watch the beautiful creature. He was really amazed of the mane of that creature. "Such beauty." The Suicune was eating some berries from the bushes. When Jack tried to walk closer, he accidentally tripped his foot on the vines, and makes him fall hard. "OW!" The sound of he fell and his voice enough to startled the Suicune. The creature looked him straight to his eyes. 'Oh, shit.' Jack thought.

Then the creature let out mighty roar. "WAAAAHHH!" Jack screamed as he starts to run. For him, he got bad news, and worse news. The bad news, he had already tired because of the traveling to the forest. The worse news, the Suicune chased him! "I'M SORRY IF I MADE YOU MAD! I WILL NEVER TELL ANYBODY THAT I SAW YOU!" When he looks back, the Suicune opened her (Suicune always female, right?) mouth, and start to prepare an Aurora Beam. "SHIT!! AURORA BEAM!" Jack runs faster. When she shot the beam, Jack evaded it by rolling to the side. The beam froze some trees. "Damn! I'll be dead if I'm be shot by that!"

Before Jack can get up, she had already pounced to him to bite him. "Damn!" Before she gets to him, Jack crawled underside of her to evade her, which it was succeed, barely. "Shit! Gotta run away!" Then, he starts running again, while being chased by Suicune. "Damn this! I do not want this! Oh, God please he..." Before he finished, he hit a tree hard, making him passed out immediately. Then Suicune dragged him farther to the forest.

Inside the Pokemon Center, Lucy and Lucile are waiting Jack while talking to each other. Lucy then spoke. "Lucile, do you think Jack is taking longer for a walk? It already two hours." Lucile nodded. "Yeah. I think so, too. What take him so long?" Lucy walks to the window, and soon saw a forest. "Hey, look. A forest." Then, it hit her. "Lucile, do you think that Jack is inside that forest?" Lucile was startled. "I don't know. Lucy, let's use our Aura Vision. You search the town, while I search the forest." Lucy nodded. "Good idea."

They began to use their Aura Visions to look for Jack. After a few moments, Lucile cried. "I found him!" Lucy snapped from her Aura Vision. "Really?! How's he?!" Lucile replied. "Well, he looks like sleeping. And...THERE'S A CREATURE NEAR HIM!" Lucy was shocked. "There was?! What kind of creature it is?!" Lucile hesitates. "I don't know! But it's big! And the aura's quite large." She then snapped from her Aura Vision. They look to each other for a while. Then, they rush to the door, and then continue to the lobby. "Let's go saving Jack, Lucy!" "Okay, Lucile!" The sight of them running are surprised some of the trainer, and also Nurse Joy. After they're outside, they use Aura Vision to saving Jack.

Inside the forest, Jack's slowly wakes up. "Uh...what happen?" When he tried to get up, he realized that he can't move. "What? Why I can't move? And why the temperature is s-so c-cold?" When he saw his body, he was surprised that his body was frozen to the ground. "What h-h-happen in h-here?!" Then he heard a female voice. "So, you already awake." Jack replied. "W-w-who's t-t-there?" "It is I." Jack saw Suicune nearby. "L-let me g-go, S-Suicune." Suicune gritted her teeth as she growls. "How dare you human order me." Jack replied. "I'm s-sorry, Suicune." She's silent for a moment. "You, can understand me?" Jack spoke. "Y-yeah. It w-was a g-gift since I was b-born." Suicune nodded. "Then that makes thing easier. Let me ask you something. Why are you here?" Jack chuckled. "It was b-because of my curiosity." Now, his breathing creates some dew.

Suicune huffed. "You humans are really like that. You do some thing without thinking the comsequences." Jack chuckled. "W-well, I always d-do my c-curiosity first, t-the consequences l-later." Suicune was startled. "Even the consequences are death?" Jack chuckled. "I always think positive. Now, please let me g-go." Suicune gives him a glare. "I'm afraid I can't do that." Jack's lips were already blue because of the coldness. "But, why?" Suicune replied. "You had already seen me. So I can't let you live." Jack was surprised by Suicune's words. "I p-promise you t-that I will n-never tell anyone about t-this." Jack feels sleepy because of Hypothermia. But Suicune sternly replied. "Human words can't be trusted." The she shot an Aurora Beam to the frozen place, and makes Jack feels colder. Jack pleaded. "P-please. I won't tell..." Before he could finish, he already slept.

Then, right after Jack asleep, Lucy and Lucile appear. "JACK!!" Their appearance startled Suicune. "What the..." Before she can react, Lucy shot an Aura Sphere to her. It hit her square on her side. "How dare you do that to Jack?!" They began to having a fight, while Lucile uses Force Palm to the ice. The ice scattered, but Jack had doesn't wake up. Lucile tried to wake him up. "Please, wake up, Jack! Please!" She shook him hard. "Please, Jack! Please, wake up!" Finally, Jack opened his eyes, and he saw Lucile. "L-Lucy...?" Lucile sighed, and smiled. "No, Jack. It's me, Lucile." Jack chuckled. "You guys are like twins." Lucile giggled. Then Jack shivers. "What's wrong, Jack?!" Jack replied. "I'm, c-c-cold." She sighed, and hugged him. "Don't worry. I'll make you warm."

After a while, Lucile talks to Jack. "Can you stand up?" Jack tried to stand up by holding to Lucile shoulders. "Well, my leg's a little bit sore. But, I think it's alright. Where's Lucy?" Lucile pointed to the place where Lucy and Suicune fight. And looks like Lucy got an advantage, because she's a Lucario. Suicune had already exhausted, and Lucy began to recharge an Aura Sphere. Then she heard a voice. "That's enough, Lucy." She looked to Jack with an Aura Sphere on her hand, ready to thrown. "But Jack, she had done something terrible to you. She almost kills you." Jack sternly replied. "That is enough, Lucy." "But..." She tried to reply, but Jack's stern look beats her. "*sigh* Okay." Then, the Aura Sphere disappear, and she walks towards him. Jack rubbed her heads, and also Lucile. "Thanks to coming for me."

They hugged him hard. "We're afraid that we will lose you, Jack." Lucy replied sadly. "But thanks to you, I'm not." Jack smiled to them. Then he grabbed his pouch and set the berries on the ground. "What is that, Jack?" Lucile asked. "It's for Suicune." Lucy and Lucile are surprised. "What?!" Lucy spoke. "But she tried to kill you!" "And she doesn't deserve that kindness!" Lucile followed. Jack sighed. "Well, everything's started because of me. I broke to her territory. So, I'm the one who should be blamed." "But..." Jack stopped them when they try to reply. "I was entering this forest, which it was her home, I stalked her, and you tried to kill her, which you're my pokemon. Everything is my fault." Both Lucario were dumbfounded. Jack chuckled and rubbed their heads. "Come on. At least someone must say sorry. If the conflict is not resolved, then there will be war." After that, he then bows to Suicune. "I'm sorry for the problem that I was cause. I hope you're forgiven me."

Then Jack spoke to them. "Come on. Help me out. My leg still sore." They giggled as they support his shoulder. Before they walk, Jack explained something. "I want you guys to not talking about this." Lucy asked. "Why?" Jack replied. "I had promise her. You may explain everything you like, but this is out of the list. Got it?" Jack was serious this time. They replied. "Got it, Jack." Jack nodded. "Good. Now let's go to the Pokemon Center." "Okay." Jack sheepishly asked. "Uh, you guys show the way. I don't know the way to the Pokemon Center." They giggled. Lucy spoke. "Oh, my. What happen to you if you don't found us?" Jack chuckled. "Maybe I'll become detective. Detective Jack Curious." They all laughed, leaving Suicune alone.

Suicune slowly walks to the berries where jack left out. She slowly eats it, and soon devours it fast. After that, she walks to the depth of the forest, and stop her tracks. After that, she ran to the side.

When Jack enters the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy is waiting on the counter. "Welcome, Jack. What happen to you?" Jack explained. "Swarm of Beedrill attacked me, and I must evade them by hiding in the river." Nurse Joy nodded. "Oh, okay. Have a good sleep." Jack smiled. "I will." Both Lucario replied. "Yeah!" Jack shushes them. "Don't yell to loud. Everybody is asleep." They covered their muzzle. Jack chuckled. "Come on. Let's go to sleep." They walk to their room.

After they reach it, Jack changed to pajamas and climbed to the bed, while both Lucario on his sides. "With you on my sides, you will keep me very warm." They giggled. "We will." Then they soon fell asleep.

Few hours later, Jack woke up because he thought that he heard something. He slowly wakes up, not to accidentally wake up Lucy and Lucile, and walks to the window. He opens it, and then a blur was getting inside, knocking him down. It was Suicune! Fear rushed to him. "Oh, no." But Suicune sits and spoke to him. "Don't be alarmed, Jack. I only wanted to talk to you." Jack, realized that he's not in danger, sits up and replied. "What do you want to talk about?" Suicune bowed her head. "I'm...sorry for...trying to kill you." Jack spoke. "Well, at least I'm not killed yet." He chuckled.

Suicune asked. "Why are you not trying to capture me when you got the chance?" Jack scratched his head. "Well, I never capture pokemon by force. I only willingly capture them if they wanted to join me." "Oh." Then she asks again. "But, why are you giving me those berries? You could have walked away without giving it to me." Jack sighed. "It was a sign of apologize." Suicune tilted her head. "Apologize? For what?" Jack replied. "Because Lucy, which is my pokemon, beating you up without my orders." Then Suicune asked the last question. "But everything I do was much worse than your pokemon beating me up. I tried to kill you. I suppose to be the one who apologizing." She bowed her head. A small trickle was emerged from her eyes.

Jack crawls to her, and then caresses her face, and wiped the tears. "Hey, everything you did to me, it was me who trigger it. If I don't getting inside the forest, this might be never happen. But, it can't be helped. I was curious about things. It was my habit." Suicune replied. "But still, I still have to thank you for the berries. I want to repay you." Jack chuckled. "You don't have to." Suicune smiled. "I resist. I will repay you by being your pokemon." Jack was surprised. "What?" Suicune spoke. "When I see your Lucario, they are really caring for you, and you care for them. That's a proof that you are a good trainer." Jack sheepishly replied. "I'm not really good." Suicune replied. "I'm not gonna ask you this if you are not a good trainer. Well, like you said, you will capture the pokemon if they willingly join you. Then, I want to join you."

Jack thinks a moment, and spoke. "Alright. But you need a name. Hm...beautiful, blue, Aurora Beam, ice, what about Crystal?" Suicune thinks a moment, and then smiled. "I like it, Crystal." Jack prepares a pokeball. "Now, Crystal. Do you want to be inside a pokeball, or outside?" Crystal replied. "I more prefer outside." Jack smiled. "Then I will let you outside when you are registered as my pokemon. Ready?" She nodded. Then Jack tapped her with the pokeball. She sucked inside the pokeball. It shook for a moment, and finally stopped.

Jack immediately let her out. "Welcome to my team, Crystal. *yawn* Do you mind that I sleep with you?" Crystal was dumbfounded. "Why?" Jack looks to Lucile and Lucy, checking if they were still sleep. He then whispered. "Don't tell them this. Your furs are softer than them. If they find out, they will never let me go from their grasp, or beat me out like a sandbag." Crystal giggled. "Don't worry, Jack I won't tell them. And you can sleep with me." Jack sighed. "Well, at least there are some mature attitude on my team." After Crystal lied on the floor, Jack soon follows, putting his head on her side. " soft. Good night, Crystal." "Good night, Master." Jack was silently startled. 'Wait, Master?! Damn! At least she's more mature than them. I hope.' All of them soon fell asleep, waiting for the tomorrow journey.
Chapter End Notes:Please review
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