AGNPH Stories

A fallen savior remains a savior... by uros


Story Notes:

Thought of something like this a time ago when I first got to lose hope in most the human kind... Yea, how original... But then I saw, as many did, that sometimes good can be brought from people that thought they lost it, that they changed for the worst and that they had lost all. Is it really possible or is it a fairytale? Well, I am a writer to write fantasy and to put my thoughts in the paper. If you would be as polite as to read this slowly, to bear with the naughtiness, foul mouthed and violent action that takes place... well, who knows! Maybe you will see a miracle happening.[Rated XXX for future naughtification in some chapters and because action and swear words will take place here and there. Only one species shows, but many will get into this story. Only Bestiality/Zoophilia shows as well, but in some chapters maybe Drug Use or other things may appear, but this will be sporadic and not constant with the story. Any needed warning will be added in the chapter notes]

The Fallen Savior

*** CH 1: START! ***
Ever thought of why people dreamed with the sky so much? Why they hoped for the heaven to exist? So I did, when I was a religious person: I worshiped god, I behaved always and did no harm to anyone else. Many thought I was out of the path because I befriended anyone no matter their color, sexuality or other beliefs... I never gave a thought to that.

Of course when you are dying you ask god to help, or at least open heaven's gate.

Well I found that I was granted another chance... but didn't go as I thought it would.


"Wake up, you lazy bum!" A voice said. It was the one that repeated itself as an echo. It was the one that never left.

I just woke up, feeling my body burn as every morning while I wandered in the dark, taking helmet, mask, armor and pants to put them on.

"You seem to look forward to this with such eagerness" The voice said in distaste.

I didn't pay attention as I clothed myself fully. So much time since I didn't sweat, so much time since I didn't really need anything... So much since I felt the sun in my skin with the simple and so basic pleasure of feeling natural warm from that bright star...

But I have to eat what I cultivate.

"Be glad I still need you" The echoes continued "You don't deserve this fair treatment"

"I-know" My voice was still a hiss, probably even getting worse "I will help you out, is the least I can do"

"Damn right" The voice said in triumph "Now, get out of the room and go out there. We are close"

I nodded, not caring to talk anymore as I opened t he door of my room so the sun could wash over me.

It was not nearly as pleasant as I wished, as always.

My helmet was shaped like the ones used so many years ago by the Spanish conquerors that took America. Why? I always liked Ninja Turtles and this was close to resembling the Shredder after I modified it... plus, it was easy to attach the mask in my face (I made it to resemble a cranium with latex and leather) and close every inch of flesh and hair under the metal and the reinforced leather.
The armor was simply a heavy brown leather jacket with metal plating on the back, the chest, the shoulders and the wrists as well as reinforced leather gloves. The pants were normal camouflage pants though.
If you count the long sword at my left and the pistol at my right it would sound like I was in for killing vampires, being one or... whatever, really. This was not your normal attire, but they were things I collected while I was still behaving like I was originally. They were very dear to me.

However, when you acknowledge I am in a world intended for kids originally... Well, it is not every day you see such a strange figure in one of these expensive boats going to an island full of pokemon!

"Look at it, so magnificent" The voice said again in my head "So pretty, still untouched by those bastards who have me imprisoned"

I looked around to see that nobody was close to me, though those in the deck of the white cruiser were looking at me. As if it was unusual by now... However, what catches my attention was the land before us.

A big island near a smaller one, which was our destination, with other bigger islands anyone could see that were close to this first one.

"The Belbean Five" Said the voice proudly "My five marvelous islands... with two and half tainted by that damn league"

"You know" I whispered, didn't want anyone to hear me, or the chance of it anyway "The Pokemon League are supposed to be the good guys"

The voice in my head grumbled as we looked at the small island. It was Matra, the smallest of the small islands that were around the Belbean Five, a chain of islands far away from the main leagues and most important places.

They had their own population and a lot of pokemon, most of them already known from the two main leagues and few from the third... It rarely interested new or old trainers alike since there were near to zero strange species that would be really easier to catch in any of the main lands. This place was mostly a place for retirement, meditation and relax that few knew of since the league originally didn't acknowledge them.

However, they didn't have rules against pokephiliacs originally...

"I protected these five islands to grant happiness... I protected them to grant everyone a future... NOW A FEW HUMANS COME AND STEAL THAT AWAY?!" The voice shouted "I WON'T ACEPT IT!"

Suddenly a pair of red flaming and narrowed eyes appeared in front of me. I knew what that meant and I also did know that I was not going to like it.

"YOU! You prayed in death's grip to go to heaven as you prayed your god everyday being a good man to everyone and caring for those who could not care for themselves... But heaven is a world that initially destined as a reward for those who defended the fair and the magic until humans destroyed the magic in your own world" The voice grunted as the echoes turned raspy and harsh "You were a good soul that I took pity of and decided to bring to OUR world with MY own power to help ME and grant you a life of happiness if you did so in thanks for your kindness towards every creature you cared in your world and in this one... And you spat at my face"

"You did what you never did before" The voice continued, dragging the knife inside the wound as deep as it could "You played with women, you played with pokemon... and then the plays you thought you can take them further since you died a virgin (or you think you died) and now that you had your reward you wanted to enjoy this life to the fullest" The voice almost spat at me with that "You had sex, you drank until your senses darkened and you even used drugs, something you promised to your mother's grave you would NEVER do"

I, at that, could no longer look at those eyes as my gaze was fixated on the deck of the ship. I didn't know if I wanted to cry or simply accept it now... I had these things upon me and I deserved them.

"After the luck, the money, everything I gave you with my weakened powers to get you happy, to maybe prepare for that promise you made of help me... You sent me to hell when I asked for your help during a WHOLE DAMN YEAR!" The voice hissed, sending pain rushing through my brain "And you still complained when I cursed you! You were brought here as a savior! Not as this self loathing ball of meat you are now!"

"Cut the crap" I hissed again as I looked up "I may pay my debt late but I could simply accept my fate and take this all off!"

"You will not!" The eyes approached as the pain rose "You gained too much of a devious nature to simply let me win, you had found so many *friends* and fuckbuddies that you still want to experience those pleasures you had" A mouth appeared, and its toothy grin was sickening "You even lost the only girl you didn't treat like a bitch or filth at the end and it was only then when you realized you had fucked it all up"

That made me shed a tear, I admit it, I simply took the now black and dead pokeball from my belt. I held it close, I held it dearly... I had been an asshole and worse... and yet I could not admit it was my fault back then and couldn't do it now.

"Before you leave Matra" The voice said as I look at the ghostly form again. The smile had faded "You have to give her a proper burial" I was going to say something but the voice cut me out "Want it or not, if you expect to redeem yourself you better do it... She may have forgiven you where she is now, and someday you will see her again... briefly... but for that you must forgive yourself and start changing eventually"

"And if I don't?" I asked, bluntly as I took the pokeball down.

"Then die already and let me rest in pieces, because your promise would have been the only thing that would let me rest in simple peace again" The voice replied in a bitterly tone.


As the ship came to stop and people got out I simply looked at the water and then the island. It was a beautiful thing to see indeed as I had almost forgotten to enjoy the simplest pleasures of seeing a small town and the surrounding forest living in harmony... Our world doesn't have that anymore in mostly any place known to man.

When I got down a guard came to me, believe me, if this was a game he would 'been a generic guy... That made it strange.

"See no evil" He said with a deep voice as he grinned at me.

Since no one else was around I didn't know what was so funny or... so... so damn stupid to say that. He simply tapped his hat and, with a smile of a job well done, he walked away throwing me a photo.

It was a Gardevoir, though one with white eyes, silver hair and a pretty blue dress while still having the normal skin color of its species. As far as I knew, she was simply a bit different... and blind.

*See no evil?* I wondered for a moment until I took another look at the crystal clear water, seeing pokemons of all kind roaming under its surface.

Such peace...

Then I saw it.

I saw my image as it was mirrored on the water's surface. I also saw, with disgust, the damn wretched thing that was now my body without its clothes on. I also saw what I was not a long time ago...

*See no evil, eh? No need to see it to know it is there* I thought as I took the photo inside one of my pockets, leaving the port.


I will admit that, after getting to the island, no one liked me... I don't know why yet, or I think I don't, it is that they simply didn't get well alongside someone armed? My looks? I dunno, but no one rented me a place and no one talked with me.

You know the worst thing? I had to enter as a pokemon trainer to wander around and in this place the rules were simply: Find one that wants to go with you.

Since the League came here to claim the place under a normal government and the supervision of the League so everyone and everything went under the "rules" of a civilized world (So no fucking animals, as they said but with less cute words).

At least the parts without the League still had the rules of old: Want to be a master? You must gain their trust and treat them well.

Fuck it... they don't like me anymore, they smell what I did and they sense what I became.

Still, here there aren't really rules against humans fighting pokemons and such. Why? COME ON! Most their hides are so thick that my weapons would only give them as hard as would a normal pokemon attack! They have natural weapons asides natural armor! Even the frail psychic always has a natural shield that makes it near impossible to kill by anything. A human is at a disadvantage, but the best trainers are those who can show their pokemon they can defend them too. Good thing that thanks to nature always giving, they mostly always ate only fruit and vegetables and little to no meat.

But being alone in a travel that would be long and tiring... was not what I had hoped.

So now here I was, the "Drunken Psion", a bar always owned by some of the Gardevoirs that live in this city (they are their chosen pokemon), and as the name implies... they drink quite a lot.

Actually, it was not hard to have the owners and the crew drinking with everyone, or an orgy at late hours of the night (Drunk or not). The place was quite lively, but being drunk at half past six and still some thousands more to burn (and that as pocket money...) I was seeing that already it was going to be a hell of a hangover.

"Uh... excuse me... sir?" A voice called out.

I grumbled, took the straw from my mask to face whoever was messing with my grumpy time and then saw her.

Though I think it was obvious she would be here...

The Gardevoir from the picture was looking at me, gently laying a hand on my shoulder as she looked (can I say that in this case?) at me with a concerned look. Must admit... drunk or not mind you, but she was quite cute, even so she was a bit thinner than most Gardevoirs and seemed to have many cuts on her face and shoulders for some reason.

"Yes?" I asked, trying to sound polite and, hopefully, not smell to much of alcohol.

"The boss says you had downed your third bottle of Jack Daniels and the fourth of Vodka... plus a few more that he didn't care to count to say the truth" She said with a chuckle as I looked at the small mountain of bottles I had ordered "Besides... I think alcohol won't help you with your sadness"

I arched an eyebrow, not that she could see, and coughed a bit as to sound surprised when I knew that it was obvious no one drinks so much if not bothered by something.

"These eyes can't let me see you" She said as she waved her hands around, almost touching, but not quite "I can see an aura, I am better at seeing some things than any psychic, even when I can't really see"

She chuckled a bit, lifting her hand from my shoulder as she motioned me to fallow her.

"Technically my turn ended, so, since you seem interesting... Want to have a walk and maybe talk about what troubles you?" She said politely "I guess you are a newcomer and we don't need more people that have reasons to cause trouble since the League came, so consider this a bit of a... incentive to be a good citizen here"

I got up but, talking? We didn't talk very much, we simply walked. She was simply singing something to herself while we went around the town, taking weird looks wherever we walked as people could simply see a blind Gardevoir with something taken out of a war flick or a horror movie.

Isn't that enough to turn heads?

However, I must admit that, while drunk, I was feeling quite better with the Gardevoir's company and her seeming cheerful state even when it was obvious that (while I had problems) she didn't have all the happiness she was showing. In fact I did thought she was a bit miserable, why? Even drunk I can see a fake smile, I learned to recognize any kind of faking in... a not so good way, as well as not so willing.

Still, when the night came it all went by as we reached a park where she took a seat to look up at the cloudless sky.

"You know" She begun, chuckling as I saw her blink for the first time "I never saw the stars, they say they are beautiful"

By now I was sober and I could more than read that she was feeling hurt all over her face, fake smirk and all.

"I wouldn't know" I said truthfully "I found them pretty time ago, now I don't find many things pretty anymore"

She gulped at that, messing her hair as if someone had done what she hadn't done in a long time. Say the truth right away with no remorse and no second thought maybe? Maybe it was simply... simply saying what one thought.

"Why is that?" She asked, not smiling anymore. That got me sad for some reason.

"You said you see things, what do you see?" I was wondering, I really was, because when I got out of the bar the commoners were looking at me as if it was a miracle "I mean, you didn't get to take me away from my drinks by miracle nor by duty"

She chuckled, looking down but not smiling yet still "You are a fog"

I tilted my head at that, waiting for an explanation that never came until I got closer to her.

"People are light" she snapped suddenly "People are dark" With each word she seemed to sound ominous, knowing for some reason, but yet not able to tell much "They have white, blue, or any kind of auras that tell me what they are inside"

She looked up again as rain begun to pour by a lone big cloud that went over us, probably dropping some excess or any flying pokemon that felt bored.

"Light means a good hearth, or the thoughts that they are good. Dark means someone evil, or which hopes to be. The auras may mean if you are gallant, gentle, caring, shy... I am always looked down because I know the deepest of a person without the need of even their name" She said in a tone that, in her case, was the closest to sad that I would hear in a long time "But you are a fog... I can see blue, red and dark shapes of inanimate objects, I can see a semi corporeal form of anyone and anything living... not you... you are simply... something I can't understand, yet"

"Interesting..." I thought out loud, when I realized I had talked I continued as she giggled "In which sense?" She seemed to lighten up as I asked, as if having the right answer, or something good being taken into account in her head.

"You know about the League and how our little world was until them?" I simply nodded, for a moment forgetting that she couldn't see, but she continued anyways "I was not alone once, as you will notice if you stay for a while: No pokemon here is alone, no matter if they are crippled or less capable than most. We were all loved and cared as equals... as family" She said as her past tone was, again, present in a small sadness "But when the Pokemon League came most of us, the hindered, crippled in any sense, were discarded by many who now wanted fame, glory, money... My past and only master I could only see as I see you: A grey creature that could be my best friend or, in the end, my worst punisher" She chuckled, as if wanting to shed a tear but unable to "Yet you are not him, you have other things you have been weighed within your conscience and you have a different color that yet nothing tells about you as I have been told with others" She smiled for a while until she said "I simply... am interested in seeing what does the only one that is not like everyone else's standards"

"Are you sure you would like to see what this one, what *I* do?" I asked after hearing what she had to say. I must admit she looked surprised that I took less than a second to ask that "Why would you want to risk it now, huh? This place yet has none of that taint you say from the pokemon League; it seems everyone is, still, friendly and open to pokemon as more than companions or animals"

"They seem to be" She replied quickly "Most the people in the two last big islands and everyone in the surrounding smaller ones, like in this one, have been rubbed off just enough for their taste... Two, three, four years or more, it doesn't matter how little or how much" She sighed, grunting as she got up "They are all going to turn because the League is cutting commerce, food, water, energy, other basic supplies and even what pokemon that live in civilization need"

She seemed so calm and so unable to get angry or really sad at that point that I worried a bit as I saw her clenching her fists so much that I swear some blood came out. I took my gaze from there as quickly as I could to look at the Gardevoir in those pretty eyes, as white as they were they had much to say... I know because I learnt too late how much a simple look can tell you.

"Also..." She cut my line of thoughts as she grimaced "I want to try and meet my old master... maybe you could help me if you are to go on the league? No one comes here from the outside if they aren't beginners in this place"

At that I couldn't help but chuckle: The girl, all sweet and cute as she may seem, had more than an angry thought crossing her mind it seemed.

"I do have a need, more than anything else, to get into the League" I told her quite frankly "But I have been... more or less forbidden of getting a trainer's license here"

She looked at me with a puzzled expression that was simply something that would have made me laugh in other circumstances, but right there it looked more like she was distressed by that news.

"I... did many bad things once" I told her, not really liking the idea of telling her everything "I began my quest here, if you want to call it that, time ago. Maybe you wouldn't believe it but I was saved by one of those *god* pokemon that have so much energy and are so badass" I chuckled, rubbing my mask to scratch my nose since some water was getting inside already, I was never fond of the story I could tell and I wouldn't tell it right away in any case "Let's say I changed so much that, when I had a full group of friends and we all had our companions, I got them into something we couldn't escape... Getting it cut even shorter: Later on only two remained with me and I had lost every of my companions and friends because of what I did" I sighed, looking down "Some of our companions and friends were dead, others simply despised (and still do) me and what I did"

She leaned down, taking my hand as I couldn't really do or say anything. Really, I thought about it for a moment: A psychic, no matter how hindered, no matter how weak, is one of the first kind of pokemon to run away from people that are wicked (or they think are wicked). But this one wasn't normal, didn't know why she was still with me and didn't really know how much this one would stick with me if she decided to come at last.

"I will not say that you must forget the past, as I can't do it myself" She said with a bright smile and a spark on those empty eyes "You have your devils and I have mine, but for good or bad you have changed to be something else, that I can tell and... and truth be said, any psychic is curious enough to get killed when they want to discover something, when they want to do more than read the book looking at its cover. If you can't get the license the way our people still do because no one would normally ally with you, then" She sighed heavily as the water broke down and left, the small cloud getting near the sea to soon disappear.

I couldn't help but think of this a bit like Daredevil in the sense that she probably could dream of see like anyone normally does when she sees the water drop over someone or something. To see the droplets explode gently, gallantly, over those figures and those people she cares about but never could even dream to see because of her natural born inability to see.

People many times think they would be better not seeing the world we made back home. When you find yourself without eyes you realize that one of the miracles in this world is seeing something you may lose if people keep throwing it away.

The beauty of seeing something is a luxury everyone takes for granted.

"I will be your first pokemon" She finally said, cutting my line of thoughts again "I am Eva, and I am at your disposal if you want me to"

Truly, then I had not real words to that, I was hopping and I was waiting for her to ask, but I really couldn't say yes or no. I could only nod.

She giggled as a schoolgirl as she took my hand and guided me towards her home. I really thought about why my luck had guided me to her and how the hell was this happening so nicely in a schedule that I had thought would be plagued with bad luck and (probably) death at some point. I really thought myself lucky, here I could not capture pokemon because they had to be willing to accompany someone, true, but that one befriended me was more than I had hoped possible.

I had rampant thoughts though... I would not name any of them here because they were simply what you would call 'Thoughts of a madman' since I was more than willing to think that, in many ways, this would go to hell as soon as the next day came.

In any case, I got them out of my head when Eva stopped in front of a house that looked more or less well taken care of, but only to a regular extent. It was as if no one was really taking care of it, or because someone that couldn't really take care of it was doing its best... Though you had to take in account that it was old looking and that time probably took it gently with the poor thing, letting it retain its beauty over gods know how long.

"This is my home" Eva announced proudly "Here I lived since I could remember and since I and... my old master were young" A grunt was heard, but suddenly muffled out "I don't really know how it is inside" A silly smile on her face told me all I needed to know, really "But I hope it is adequate for you until we go tomorrow"

I nodded and pat her head, something that at least made her smile happily as she went forward to open the house for us to enter.

Must admit the inside was nice thought: I could see a lot of dust near the things that probably were here for a long time already, most surely because Eva didn't know if she would be able to put them back on place if she moved them. Still, the place got one of those airs that old mansions have of gallant perseverance of remain where they are as well as old beauty of something that got to see many generations past, that probably could tell you a tale of two if it was able so you could enjoy the experience of many lifetimes.

"It is not much" she said as she passed some rooms until the main room, only outfitted with a nice sofa, was our actual location "But it is a home that has my story and my life... I told you I still cling to the past quite a bit"

"No need to" I assured her "Were I to live in this hose, clinging or not, I would love to remain here... These old houses have a lot of space and many a story to tell"

She nodded, giving me a smile as she turned, heading for the stairs that would take her to the second floor.

"Would you..." She began, though Eva soon bit her tongue as she looked back "Would you want to... sleep with me?"

Would anyone of you have seen that coming? I quite DIDN'T and almost chocked down. If you think that I was out of my drunken haze you would be wrong... I was probably controlling me well enough, looking halfway right and faring better than most thanks to being used to a fast and hard way of drinking in one year.

Shameful, I know.

Still, I coughed hard and she grimaced, thinking she did something awful asking me as I urged her to stop with the hand. Luckily she probably saw it somehow and stopped. I will say I was running on dry ice by now hoping that body movement or any other signals that didn't need words would get her attention all the time, probably problems would arise sooner or later if I didn't talk but... I was not a people of many words by now.

"I... I appreciate the offer" I said being truthful "But... there are still a few things I haven't told you and things you would need to see... or feel before you should ask that again" I saw her expression as to question what I meant, but couldn't tell right away "If we get to the main island... I will show you and you will know why I don't want what you are offering, but you have to give me some time... it is quite a hard task to get the courage up from dust"

She finally nodded as she walked upstairs slowly. I searched for a blanket, trying not to give much thought to what happened as I got myself comfortable over the old sofa, grunting as I finally could get some rest.

Nice first day, wonder what the next will give me? Right then I only wanted to sleep.

And so I did with little effort, only enough to hope for the nightmares to stop.
*** CH 1: ACOMPLISED! ***
Chapter End Notes:Well, this is it as a first chapter. I dont know how long until the next one, but I hope it is a good start to get this in the mood I want. Naughty things may hape soon... or not, but it may be up till chapter five or six until that so you have patience. As for action in the normal sense: Pretty soon >:
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