AGNPH Stories

Black and Blue, With a Touch of Brown by dairu123


Story Notes:

i put it in xxx cause of the mature content

Chp one: Damsel... Slave.... Cutie

Disclaimer: some material in this may be unsuitable for people under age 18. May also have violence, blood, and bondage scenarios.

Warning: there is a comic that is similar to this, but I don't mean for any of it to be similar to it, I only was answering a request and wanted to write about Aaron's Lucario.

Chapter one: Damsel..., Slave..., Cutie

"Sir Aaron was kind to give me a day to myself." Lucario said to himself.

Lucario ran through the forest just past the tree of beginning as he passed the mountain range. He slightly panted as he reached the top of a mountain and saw a vast land.

"I haven't been past the mountains since I was a Riolu, it's good to see my roots again." Lucario stated looking across the land, "Wait... what is that?"

Lucario squinted his eyes as he looked. In the distance stood a vast castle, bout the size of the fair Princess's castle, but seemed under guard. Plus with many kings and prince's attending some sort of private party. None but a few were females.

"I wonder what is going on?" Lucario asked himself.

Lucario darted down the mountain and headed toward the castle. As he got closer to the castle he thought best to use his aura to scout for any possible guards or dangers that might face him. He managed to find an unguarded wall and used his aura to see inside the gates. His aura didn't bestow hearing, so he just had to do without. He saw all the Prince's and Kings looking up to a platform which held the king. Which Lucario assumed was this particular castle's actual king. Next to him was something that surprised Lucario. It was a Pokemon bound to a pole. It seemed to be some sort of an auction. Because of where Lucario was, he could faintly hear the king call out numbers of money. Soon after kings and prince's would make a higher bid. Lucario's eyes shot open as he heard a guard coming. He ran into the forest and used his Aura to find a way into the castle.

"Damn it... I can't find a way in." Lucario growled.

Lucario stopped, when he heard someone. It was a small encampment out in the woods. He followed and was surprised to see a bunch of Pokemon. He ran into the clearing and up to one of the Pokemon.

"What is going on here?" Lucario asked an Hitmonchan.
"One of our own was captured by that castle, we are preparing an attack." Hitmonchan answered.
"Wait..., if I am able to rescue your fellow Pokemon, will you call off the attack, no one should be harmed." Lucario stated.
"Yes, that sounds like a great plan." A Slowking said as he walked up.

Hitmonchan bowed to Slowking and went off to prepare for battle.
"How do you plan on saving her?" Slowking asked.
"Good, you must be in charge, well if any of your Pokemon friends could fly, or possibly teleport, then I could quickly save the Pokemon." Lucario explained.
"Sorry, we have neither, so I guess the attack goes on as planned." Slowking stated.
"No..., wait, I have someone who could help, will you at least delay the attack?" Lucario asked.
"Yes, we will give you till eighteen hundred tomorrow." Slowking stated.
"I hope that will be enough time." Lucario said, "Thank you."

Lucario ran off back toward the mountain, where the Tree of Beginning stood.

"Hopefully my friend Mew will give me aid." Lucario said to himself.

Lucario wasn't planning on resting that night, he planned on heading straight to Mew's home, the heart of the tree of Beginnings. Lucario grew tired just from the thought of what all he had to do, and of how little time he had. He only hoped he could find Mew in time. Lucario's feet shoved against the ground as he jumped into a near tree, a Charizard attacked with a flamethrower.

"Why do you attack me?" Lucario questioned.
"By the king's orders, I should capture any stray Pokemon." Charizard answered.
"Very well." Lucario said as he threw an aura ball at the Charizard.

Charizard easily dodged and burned the forest with flamethrower as he tried to harm Lucario.

"I don't have time for this." Lucario growled.

Charizard shot again, aiming for Lucario and missing yet again.

"This should get you." Charizard roared as he swooped down, gaining speed with agility and aiming with quick attack.

Lucario only closed his eyes charging an aura ball. His ears flickered and the black fur spurs on his face lifted as he used aura. At the last second, Lucario jumped straight up. sending the aura ball down at Charizard's back. Causing the dragon to roar out in pain and sending him to the ground. Lucario took his chance while Charizard was unconscious to escape. He jumped from tree to tree trying to lose him before Charizard recollected himself. Lucario felt himself tire but didn't care, he just kept running toward the mountain. It took him a good part of the day to get to that castle, but now he needed to get to the tree and find Mew, then make his way back. Hopefully Mew could shorten his trip with teleport. Lucario panted, using Aura to check every so often for danger. Lucario stood at the base of the mountain and panted.

"Almost their." Lucario stated noticing the sun setting.

With Mew:

"Mew" Mew said flying from toy pile to toy pile, looking for something to do. He was growing tired of the toys and was tired of being lonely.

"I wish I didn't have to stay in the tree to keep it alive, it's lonely here." Mew said to himself.

Mew got a jolt down his spine as the tree warned him of Lucario's presence.

"Hmm, I wonder what Lucario wants?" Mew stated to himself.

Mew grinned as he tossed a toy he had in his hand aside, "I wonder what fun I could have with him?"

Mew flew over to a log and entered a stream of bubbles that were possibly the blood of the tree of beginnings. Mew grinned as he exited the stream, several yards behind Lucario. Lucario immediately turned around because of his power of aura.

"Mew..., is that you?" Lucario questioned.
"No, it isn't." Mew answered before transforming into a Riolu.

Lucario only went wide eyed, "I didn't know Riolu lived in the tree of beginnings?"
"They do, you just don't look well enough." Riolu smiled.
"Do you know where Mew is, there is trouble?" Lucario said getting to the point.

Mew stopped as he thought to himself, "Trouble... maybe I should wait to play with him... no I deserve some fun."

"No, he went to the castle to play I think." Mew said.
"Damn, many will die if I can't find him." Lucario stated.
"OH fine..." Mew said transforming back into Mew.
"Wait, why were you transformed?" Lucario asked.
"I was gonna play, but you just said people might be hurt, what is wrong?" Mew asked.

Lucario just put all aside and answered, trying to save time, "I found a castle that was holding a Pokemon captive, and the Pokemon group that she came from was going to use force to free her."
"Ok, let's go." Mew answered floating over Lucario and landing on his head.
"Why don't you use teleport?" Lucario asked.
"I need to be closer, if I used it from here, we would half to use force to get back out." Mew stated, "But I can do this much."

Mew closed his eyes, teleporting Lucario and himself to the top of the mountain where they could both see the castle.

"Ok, you just rest on my head and once we get their, teleport me in." Lucario stated.
"Will we get to fight?" Mew asked.
"Most likely." Lucario replied.

Mew grinned as he thought, "I might get my fun after all."

Lucario quickly ran, he was forced to use aura cause all of his light was gone. The moon barely gave any light and he had no time to waste trying to catch glimpses. His legs and thighs were tensing and his body aching. His chest was hurting from all the heavy panting.

"Are you ok?" Mew asked.
"Don't... worry about.... me." Lucario said panting.
"Let's rest, we need your energy." Mew demanded.
"Well, we do have till six tomorrow." Lucario said slowing down, "But we don't need to stop."
"STOP." Mew yelled worried about his friend.

Lucario didn't answer, he just kept running.

"Ok, force it is." Mew growled using psychic and forcing Lucario's face into the dirt.

Lucario yelped as he pushed himself up, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR?"
"because, you need rest." Mew replied floating in air.
"Fine, but only for a couple minutes." Lucario stated as he sat leaned up against a tree.

Mew smiled as he sat down too, seeing Lucario's eyes were half open. Mew giggled as he forced a yawn, to see if he could make Lucario yawn too. Sure enough Lucario let out a mighty yawn. Lucario's eyes would open the close a little more and each time he would open his eyes more and the finally when they closed, he head leaned forward and consciousness left his mind. Mew smiled as he gave a real yawn and curled up into Lucario's lap.

The next day, around eightish o'clock:

"WE ATTACK AT EIGHTEEN HUNDRED HOURS ON THE DOT." Slowking yelled over the Pokemon encampment.

All the Pokemon just bowed to the Slowking and hurried to finish what they were doing. Unknown to Lucario, six o'clock was also when they were going to attack anyway. The king was going to hold the auction then, but he was only selling Pokemon he himself raised the day before. The king usually caught wild Pokemon to sell as sex slaves or often enough to castles that bred Pokemon. For better prices however, he would lie and say the Pokemon he caught were pure breeds and he himself had raised generations of Pokemon. All was a lie, all was greed to this king.

Lucario eyes shot open and looked down at Mew. He seemed to have a hard time breathing as he noticed his morning wood throbbing against the little Mew. Without thinking he pulled Mew onto his head and darted through the trees and breaking speeds.

"Me.. Mewww..." Mew whispered waking from his slumber feeling cold morning wind on his face, and slight dew moistening his cheeks.

Lucario realized he was awake as Mew stretched and gave a mighty yawn for a Mew. Trying to hide his blush and his hard on that didn't want to go down cause of the excitement of the morning.

"What's wrong, couldn't we have rested a little longer?" Mew asked.
"No, we..." Lucario paused as he swallowed and shook off some embarrassment, "We need to hurry."
"Ok..." Mew said noticing Lucario's nervousness.

Mew then thought, "Is he this worried about the castle?"

Which Mew couldn't be more wrong.

Lucario had often woke with his little problem, but being one of the fair princess's castle, he had no time for mates, especially with his training with Sir Aaron.

At the castle:

"So what happened?" The king questioned
"Apparently Charizard fought something in the woods and lost." one of the king's tamers answered.
"One of our strongest was beat?" The king asked astonished.
"Yes, but Charizard claims that it was a surprise attack." The man stated.
"I see, I don't want excuses, you know the punishment for failure." The king stated, looking out his window, not showing any emotion.
"Ye... yes sire." The man stated as he took Charizard by a leash.

You could see Charizard look down with tears rolling from his eyes. Short huffs and slow breathing. Charizard gave a short yelp as the leash tugged and he was surprised that the tamer was leading him up instead down to the dungeon.

"Charizard, I can't let him sell you as a sex slave, I've raised you since you were an egg and your my best friend." The tamer stated.
"Char..." Charizard cried.

Charizard's eyes filled with more tears, but of happiness. He always thought of all the Pokemon as slaves in the castle. Mere puppets, but now Charizard knew he had a friend. They both reached the roof and the paused as they looked at each other.

"Listen, join the Pokemon encampment outside the castle, the king doesn't know of their attack or their plans. You will be safe with them and once the attack commences, I will leave the castle and we will run to somewhere safe.... together." The Tamer stated trying to not show too much emotion.

The tamer's eyes shot slightly open with surprise as Charizard pulled him into his short arms. He gave the man's cheek a lick before taking off into the air and towards the Pokemon encampment. The guards up in the towers just pretended to look the other way and waved down to the tamer. The guards had owed the tamer for saving many of their Pokemon friends from the kings wrath, so they often turned a blind eye to when the tamer wanted to save Pokemon.

The Tamer only sighed as he exited the roof, and headed back down to his room. Which to no surprise to him, a Rattata was waiting in his room, with a note attached to it's neck by a ribbon. The tamer took it and it read,

Sir Patrick,
We Pokemon still plan on attacking at six, but we made a deal with a rogue Lucario and if he manages to save Lopunny, then we are calling off the attack. In your best interest, don't do anything rash, we don't want to half to break our promise to then save you.

Signed: your friend, Slowking

Patrick the tamer only smiled and placed the parchment on the table, pulling out a pen and paper.

With the Pokemon encampment:

Slowking was giving orders to random Pokemon something tapped his shoulder. It was Rattata's tail trying to get his attention.

"Slowking, I have brought a letter from Patrick." Rattata stated bowing his head.

Slowking took the letter and read it out loud, as many Pokemon's ears started to listen.


My dearest friend, I thank you and all the other Pokemon I took care of, but you don't need to worry about me, I just allowed Charizard to leave and he should join you. I promised him that I would join you when you attack. I should just think of a plan-B shouldn't I? You know me, Tamer's always think of something. In the end though, do not come after me, do not risk yourselves for me. You will all be enslaved if you try and fail.

Signed: Patrick your dearest friend

Slowking lowered his head slightly, and looked to all the Pokemon.

"What should we do your majesty?" Rattata asked.
"We shall just ask this Lucario to save him too I suppose." Slowking stated.

Slowking sighed as he whispered to himself, "If I was only still a slowpoke things wouldn't be so frustrating."

With Lucario and Mew:

Lucario neared the Pokemon encampment and stopped for a breather.

"Welcome back Lucario, we are starting the attack in one hour." Hitmonchan pointed out.
"Good, were not too late." Lucario stated with a pant.
"Lucario, I have a favor to ask of you." Slowking said as he walked up.
"What... does he have someone else under hostage?" Lucario questioned.
"Well not exactly. Patrick the tamer of the castle has been saving Pokemon, he was planning on leaving once we attacked but if we don't attack he will most likely be caught by the king and punished." Slowking stated.
"Ok... I'll just save your friend as well." Lucario said sighing.
"Is... is that?" Slowking pointed to Mew.
"This is one of my dearest friends, Mew." Lucario said pointing to his pink hat.
"Nice to meet'cha." Mew said with a smile and a wave.

"Ok Mew, you think you could teleport us in?" Lucario questioned.
"Of coarse, hold on to yourself." Mew stated closing his eyes before he and Lucario vanished.

Lucario looked around when they appeared in the castle, in an empty closet.

"thanks Mew." Maybe you should wait outside.
"No, I'm staying." Mew said slightly squeezing Lucario's ears.
"Very well." Lucario said peeking out of the door. Her rushed out and headed down the stairs to the basement.

To both Mew's and Lucario's surprise, no one was their.

"They must have started the auction." Mew stated.

Lucario only replied by running up the stairs to one of the towers which he met a guard.

"What.. Take this." The guard yelled aiming his bow at the Lucario.
"No you." Mew said using psychic on the arrow.

The arrow flew back hitting the man in the metal helmet making a dent and sending the guard unconscious. Lucario and Mew kept low, looking out above the crowed. The saw a stage with the king and a Lopunny with a crowed looking up at them.

"SIR AaRON!" Lucario yelled out of surprise.
"hush..." Mew whispered wrapping his long pink tail squeezing Lucario's muzzle.

Lucario and Mew ducked down right as a guard in another tower looked over and they could barely hear him, "HEY MARK, YOU ALRIGHT OVER THEIR?"

"We should run." Lucario stated.
"No, watch this." Mew said smiling.

Mew started to glow and his form changed as he started to look like the unconscious guard. He slowly stood up as he waved to the other guard.

"THIER YOU ARE." The other guard yelled, "I THOUGHT YOU WERE HURT."

Mew forgot he couldn't speak human so he just made some mouth movements and pretended he wasn't yelling loud enough.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" the guard yelled.

Mew just shook his head and gave a thumbs up.


Mew just nodded and ducked back down.

"Wow, good job Mew." Lucario stated.
"Thankies, now let's save your girl." Mew said giggling.
"She's not my girl." Lucario snarled as he took a look over the crowd.
"ok ok... so why is Aaron here?" Mew asked.
"I don't know." Lucario said.

Lucario took another look and surely enough Sir Aaron was standing their. Lucario's hair stood up as Aaron looking up to the guard tower and they saw a surprised look on his face, but gave a small smile and a wink before pretending he never saw them.

"Ok... this may be harder or easier than I thought." Lucario said.
"Why do you say that?" Mew asked.
"Cause I don't know what Sir Aaron will do when we try to save Lopunny." Lucario answered.
"Plus we still need to save Patrick." Mew pointed out.
"Yea, but I think that's him next to the king." Lucario pointed.
"Well lets go." Mew said flying off.
"WAIT.. wait..." Lucario said quietly, but couldn't get him to stop.

Lucario jumped from the tower, immediately getting yells from the towers. The crowd looked up as Lucario jumped from the roof to the stage. Using a claw to release Lopunny. Lucario grabbed her paw and ran over to the tamer.

"Are you Patrick?" Lucario questioned.
"Yes.., you are the Lucario Slowking spoke of." Patrick stated.
"Come with us." Lucario said grabbing his hand.
"GET THEM!" the king yelled pointing.

Guards from every which direction rushed the stage, with spears and swords, along with arrows flying from the towers. Lucario tried to dodge, sending a couple aura balls into the stage, throwing the guards off of it. Lucario quickly turned to block a sword with an aura ball, which gave a bowman an opening to shoot at him. An arrow was sent flying toward Lucario's back.

"WATCH OUT." Lopunny yelled out with tears rolling from her eyes.

Just at that moment someone rushed behind Lucario blocking the arrow with a staff like object.

"Hehe... for a second I thought you wouldn't help." Lucario said to the man.
"I couldn't let you have all the fun." The man answered.
"Thanks Sir Aaron, what are you doing here anyway?" Lucario asked fending off another couple attacks.
"I usually come to buy Pokemon and free them." Aaron answered.
"Why not rescue them like I'm doing?" Lucario asked.
"I was ordered by the princess not too, it would be a form of commencing war." Aaron explained clashing the crystal ball of his wand against a sword and the swaying away a spear.
"LESS TALKIE PLEASE" Mew yelled using psychic to knock back several guards.

"RELEASE THE POKEMON." the king yelled.

Just then several Charizard and Several Pigeot's flew from the castle, using various quick attacks and flamethrowers came swaying down.

"How about we take our leave?" Aaron stated.
"Sounds like a plan, everyone hold hands." Lucario commanded.

Everyone held on and Mew landed on Lucario's head, immediately teleporting them to the Pokemon encampment.

"You... you actually did it." Slowking said astonished.
"Slowking, everything is alright now." Patrick said smiling and hugging Slowking, followed by Charizard tackling Patrick to the ground.
"Good to see you too Charizard." Patrick said smiling.

"And thank you for saving my life." Lopunny said smiling as she kissed Lucario on the cheek.

Sir Aaron and everyone laughed as Lucario showed a clear blush across his muzzle.

"Ok, we will call off our attack as promised." Slowking stated, but for now, we need to get back to the homeland.
"The homeland?" Lucario questioned
"We have a hideout inside a valley." Slowking stated.
"How long should it take?" Aaron asked.
"Just a couple of hours, we have a couple hours of daylight, it should be enough." Slowking stated.
"MOVE OUT." Slowking demanded.
"Should we go home?" Mew asked.
"Yes, we kept our promise and saved many lives." Lucario stated.
"Ok, let's go home." Aaron said smiling.
"Mew, can you teleport us?" Lucario asked.
"Wait... do you half to leave?" Lopunny asked with a said begging look.
"Um..." Lucario said with a blush.
"It's ok Lucario, you and Mew if he decides too, can go to the valley, I will relay what happened to the princess." Aaron said.
"Very well Sir Aaron, what do you say Mew?" Lucario questioned.
"Sure, I don't have the power to teleport anyway." Mew said with a smile.

"Good bye for now Lucario." Aaron said smiling before taking off running.
"Good bye Sir Aaron." Lucario Stated.

"You two can ride in the Caravan." Slowking stated.

Lucario looked over, it was a wagon attached to a Rapidash, and the wagon had like a large bowing tent on it. With flaps for privacy, or they might be for wind, Lucario couldn't tell.

"Lopunny can ride with you, since she is probably worn out also." Slowking said.

It didn't take long for everyone to get settled. The entire encampment managed to get all the wagons and caravans in a line and headed off for the valley. Lucario sat down, feeling the ache in his legs from all the running.

"You must be so exhausted?" Lopunny asked, sitting next to Lucario.
"Yes, I'm not used to running at top speed for hours on end." Lucario answered.
"Thank you for rescuing me." Lopunny said bashfully.
"It's no big deal" Lucario blushed.
"It is though, I would've been raped by who knows who" Lopunny said getting excited.
"I'm surprised you weren't raped already." Lucario stated bluntly.
"Well I heard the king say that he couldn't sell damaged goods." Lopunny said looking down.
"Oh..., I see." Lucario said sighing.
"What's wrong?" Lopunny questioned
"Nothing." Lucario lied.
"But you just sighed." Lopunny said trying to look him in the face.
"I said nothing." Lucario said looking away.

To be honest, Lucario hadn't mated in a long time, and that somehow unconsciously, Lopunny had placed her paw on Lucario's leg. That and her strong scent made it difficult for Lucario to concentrate and Lucario was beginning to get aroused. His pink fleshy member was pushing from his sheath and poking against his shorts.

Lucario thought to himself, "At least I'm wearing blue shorts." (>.>)

"Well ok." Lopunny said placing her paws in her lap.

Lucario only let a small sigh of relief as he leaned his head back against the caravan tent wall. Lucario's mind drifted before drifting to sleep.

In Lucario's dream:

Lucario grunted as he opened his eyes, looking around. He was astonished at what he saw, he was back his the room he shared with Sir Aaron, but what he saw on his bed dazzled him. Lopunny was sitting on her knees and her legs spread wide.

"What are you looking at Sir Lucario." Lopunny asked.
"Nothing...." Lucario said looking away with a blush as he stood.
"Come here for a minute." Lopunny requested.
".. um.. ok.." Lucario said looking toward the floor as he neared her.
"There is definitely something wrong." Lopunny said taking Lucario's cheek in her hand.

Lucario just blushed harder as he looked at her.

"Is it because of me?" Lopunny asked.
"No... I just..." Lucario said.
"It's someone else isn't it?" Lopunny asked.
"No..." Lucario said looking away.

Lopunny forced him to look at her again and his eyes went wide as she pulled his paw between her legs.

"Are you just nervous, is that it." Lopunny asked.

Lucario breathed heavier feeling her wet folds around his fingers. All he managed to do was nod. He couldn't believe how weak he was right now. Her scent, her touch, her wetness around his fingers.

"It's ok, I'm not going to bite." Lopunny said as she pulled his muzzle into a kiss.
Lucario yelped as he pulled away.

"I'm sorry..., I can't do this." Lucario said as he darted from the room.

Lucario swung the door open and all he saw was a flash of light.

Back in reality:

Lucario shot awake out of breath and panting heavily, his body seemed limp and wet.

"Are you ok Sir Lucario?" Lopunny questioned.
"Don't call me that." Lucario said trying to catch his breath.
"Having wet dreams are we?" Mew said jokingly.
"NO." Lucario retorted.
"Then what's this?" Mew said giving the tent in his shorts a poke.

Lucario slapped Mew's hand away and gave a fierce blush.

"It's ok Lucario, it's just a bodily function to get aroused." Lopunny said.

Lucario's face dimmed as he thought, "Is that all this is, a bodily function..."

"Just relax, we are entering the valley." Lopunny said rubbing Lucario's arm to calm him.
"So you must've been dreaming pretty hard about me to get that worked up." Mew said jokingly.
"IT WASn't about you, it was about..." Lucario paused looking to Lopunny before adverting his gaze.

It was Lopunny's turn to blush as she looked down at her paws. Mew started laughing quite loudly.

"HAHA..., HAVING DREAMS ABOUT YOUR PRINCESS ARE WE?" Mew couldn't help but spray it instead of just saying it.
"Why are we friends again?" Lucario asked.
"Cause ya love meh!" Mew said grinning evilly.
"Yea whatever." Lucario said looking out the flap of the caravan.

Mew's smile and laughing fit ended, and realized he hurt his friend. He couldn't bring himself to say anything though.

"Were here." Slowking said poking his head into the caravan.

Everyone followed as Slowking stated, "Ok, Lopunny will show you a place to stay, just enjoy yourselves."

Lucario and Mew was astonished. Never before have they seen a Pokemon community actually have buildings. Well it wasn't building per-say, but they were rooms built into the side of a mountain inside a valley. This valley was surrounded by mountains and inside is a dense forest. A lake in the middle with plenty of Pokemon.

"It's beautiful, I didn't realize something like this existed." Mew stated.
"Yea, we made this from scratch, thanks to Patrick." Lopunny said smiling.
"No, it's all the training I was forced to teach all of you." Patrick replied walking up.
"Well you did free us." Slowking stated.
"I was only doing what I thought was right." Patrick stated.
"Ok, Lopunny it's getting dark, show Lucario and Mew where to sleep." Slowking stated, "And tomorrow we will give them a tour and give them a feast."
"This way please." Lopunny said smiling.

Lucario and Mew followed as she led the way. Lucario's mind started to wander after a couple of second and Mew just rested on Lucario's head. Lucario was staring at Lopunny and he blushed as he noticed her hips sway as she walked. Her body was slim and her tail was puffy, and would bounce back and forth with her hip. Lucario swallowed as he was snapped from his thoughts.

"We are here, I live next door so if you need anything just say something, Lucario you can have a room all to yourself and Mew can have the one next to yours." Lopunny smiled.
"Thank you Lopunny." Lucario said with a bow.
"Yea, thanks a lot." Mew said happily.

They all went to their separate rooms and Lucario sighed as he closed the door. Lopunny heard him sigh and stopped for a moment before closing her door.

In Lopunny's room:

Lopunny sat on her bed, looking around her room, "It's good to be back home, but... something feels wrong... maybe cause I know Lucario may be hurting..." Lopunny said to herself.

Lopunny walked over to a mirror and looked at herself, "I shouldn't bother him..."

Just then Lopunny turned to hear a knock at the door. She walked over to the door and raised her voice, "Who is it?"
"It's me" A feminine voice beckoned.
"Mawi?" Lopunny questioned as she opened the door.

Lopunny smiled wide as she forced her into a hug, "MAWI!"
"I'm glad your back." Mawi stated.

Mawi was a Mawile and she was Lopunny's closest friend. She was fairly shorter than Lopunny but she made up for it with her spunkyness.

"I'm glad your here." Lopunny said.
"Why, what's wrong?" Mawi questioned worried.
"Can't I just be glad your here?" Lopunny said defensively
"NO, now tell me." Mawi said sitting in a chair, waiting for an answer.

Lopunny sighed, sitting on the edge of her bed, "Well, Lucario saved me from that castle.. and.."
"Yea I heard about that." Mawi claimed, "WAIT... is my Lopunny in... in LOOOVE?"

Mawi said giggling.

"Well, I don't know if that's it, but I know Lucario has been acting strange, he woke up from some dream in the caravan and... he said something... that got to me." Lopunny explained.
"What did he say?" Mawi pushed.
"Well his friend was picking about his dream and he woke up aroused, he snapped and said it wasn't a dream about Mew but a dream about..." Lopunny paused.
"About you?" Mawi asked.
"I don't know, he stopped their and looked at me, but I'm just assuming." Lopunny stated.
"I think that's enough to make a decision, he's definitely in love with you." Mawi said grinning, "Come on, your going to jump him."
"MAWI!!!" Lopunny said shocked.
"Awww come on, whens the last time you got laid let alone fell in love?" Mawi asked.
"A... a long time..." Lopunny answered looking to the floor.
"Well you know where I live if you want my help." Mawi said hoping she would stop her before she left.

Mawi paused at the floor to give Lopunny one last look before leaving.

In Mew's room:

Mew sighed as he looked up at the ceiling trying to sleep.

"I can't sleep, I need to apologize to Lucario. Maybe I should do it tomorrow. He's probably asleep." Mew ranting to himself.

Mew rolled over onto his side and sighed heavily, "I just don't know..."

In Lucario's room:

"Why can't I get that dream out of my head?" Lucario growled, "It was just a stupid dream."

"Maybe it's cause I'm in love?" Lucario thought.

"I can't be in love, like Lopunny said, it's just a bodily function. Love doesn't really exist." Lucario said sighing.

"Then why do I feel like this? She is so beautiful, is that it?" Lucario said walking across the room lighting another candle.

"Damn it, maybe I should talk to her?" Lucario questioned himself.

With Lopunny:

"Ok... I'll get Mawi's help." Lopunny said leaving the room, and heading to Mawi's place.

Minutes later Lopunny knocked on the door, "What am I doing?"

Just as she asked herself that, Mawi opened the door, "You want my help?"
"Yes..." Lopunny answered nodding.
"Come on in then." Mawi commanded.

As Lopunny entered Mawi's room, Lucario managed to get himself to knock on Lopunny's door, but no one answered. He knocked again, and again, until he push his head onto the door, "Dang it, I get up enough courage to talk and she isn't here."

With Mawile:

"Ok, what you need is some lingerie." Mawi stated.
"Where would I get something like that, and why? I'm not human." Lopunny said.
"Well I wear it with my mates and they love it." Mawi stated.
"MATES? How many do you have?" Lopunny asked amazed.
"Well right now.... none, but I like to keep my options open, here choose your favorite." Mawi said opening her wardrobe.

Lopunny's eyes went wide.

Several minutes later:

"I can't believe you have me in lingerie." Lopunny said blushing.
"Hush and just do it." Mawi said before knocking on Lucario's door for her and darting into a bush.

Lopunny waited and waited, but no answer.

"What if he is asleep?" Lopunny whispered to Mawi.
"Then go on in and coax him in his sleep." Mawi replied.
"Your so evil." Lopunny snickered.
"Thank you, now go in." Mawi demanded.

Lopunny sighed as she slowly turned the knob. Her heart skipped as she saw light.

"Wait he isn't asleep." Lopunny stated. She peered in but saw no one, "Wait he isn't even here."
"This is perfect." Mawi smiled.
"Perfect?" Lopunny looked confused.
"Yea, just wait seductively on his bed." Mawi demanded.
"No, I can't do this." Lopunny said backing out.
"You asked for my help now go." Mawi said pushing Lopunny in the door.
"Fine..." Lopunny sighed again laying on Lucario's bed.

Mawi giggled as she closed the door, jumping back into the bushes. Just about that time Lucario was coming back from waiting on Lopunny to get back to her room, and finally gave up. Lucario opened the door, stepping into his room as his eyes went wide, "Lopunny?"

"Yes Lucario?" Lopunny said trying not to be bashful.
"What in the Princess's name are you wearing?" Lucario questioned
"It's.., lingerie, like the humans wear." Lopunny replied.
"Why?" Lucario asked, unable to stop himself from getting aroused from it.
"I wanted to reward you for saving me, and I.... may be falling... in love." Lopunny said blushing.
"Can it really be love? You yourself said that it's just a bodily function." Lucario said seriously.
"Yea, sex is, but not love. Love is something humans and Pokemon alike created." Lopunny said, "or that is what I believe at least."

Lucario's face softened as he thought, "Maybe... I was wrong."

"I promise, I'll leave if you say so." Lopunny said seriously as she jumped up on her knees on the bed.

Lucario's face showed shock on it as he remembered his dream. She was in the same position on the bed as she was in his dream, but this time she's wearing see through lingerie.

"What's wrong?" Lopunny asked fearfully.
"I have been having trouble with what I believe is real and what's not, I used to believe that sex was just sex and love was just something in fairy tales." Lucario said.
"You used too... does that mean you've changed your mind?" Lopunny asked.
"Yes..., I think I have." Lucario answered.
"Then..., if there isn't any objection..., I would like... to kiss you." Lopunny said walking up to Lucario, slowly bringing her face closer to his, seeing if he would pull away.

He never did, he just leaned in, helping in the kiss. Her face flushed and she moaned slightly as she felt his tongue search her mouth. She began to run her paws up his back pulling him close.

"Here, let me get rid of these barbs." Lucario said.

Lucario pulled off his yellow furry shirt showing his yellow chest, removing the barb on his chest that was attached to his shirt along with the barbs on his paws.

"That's better." Lucario stated, pulling her back into a kiss.

Lucario yelped slightly with surprise as he felt Lopunny squeeze his butt. Which made him squeeze hers in return.

"Can I?" Lucario asked, holding onto the bottom of her lingerie.

Lopunny only nodded and Lucario lifted off the black see through garment, and unattaching the bra and pulling down her black silk panties. Lopunny meeped as she pushed up against him and felt his hard on against her leg.

With Mew:

"I'll do it, I'll apologize." Mew said as he left the room.

Minutes later he started to knock on the door but felt rustling in the bushes.

"Hmm, must be an animal." Mew reassured himself before stopping.

Mew pressed his ears against the door and his cheeks turned red at what he heard. Faint moans was coming from inside. Mawi giggled from the bushes as she saw Mew's face turn red, and she just merely watched.

Lopunny broke the kiss with a string of saliva connecting their muzzles. Lucario panted as he saw her lower to her knees, bringing his shorts along with her.

"mmm... Someone's excited." Lopunny teased rubbing and cupping Lucario's balls.

This elicited a moan from Lucario, which Mew could hear from outside. Mew couldn't stop listening, his little pink body trembled as he pictured what the two were doing. His member started growing and throbbing with his heart beat. His pink little meat leaking pre on the ground and pushing from his pouch. Mawi was getting aroused from watching, she had planned to stick around for Lopunny, but this was even better. Her pussy was starting to leak and it didn't help that she was running her middle fingers through her folds.

"Geeze, I'm getting so turned on." Mawi thought to herself, "Maybe I should just jump that little pink fur ball."

Lucario let out another moan as Lopunny lifter his member up with one paw and started to lick the base. Making Lucario almost drool as he looked hazily down at her. Mew on the other hand was now stroking himself, making himself oh so much harder. He was trying his best to hear and lower the sound of his breathing. When Mawi saw this she just went wild, thrusting her fingers deep into herself. Trying ever so desperately to keep quiet and to cum.

Lopunny reached the tip of Lucario's member and lightly suckled on the tip, licking up any pre that he shared. Her pussy was drenched and leaking down her legs, matting her fur. She used one paw to wipe some of her juices onto her hand and gently grabbed Lucario's hot pulsing knot at the base of his member. While she slowly bobbed her head gaining speed and getting it deeper in her throat.

Mew was breathing heavily, pounding his cock so very rough.

"I can't cum like this." Mawi whispered.

Then she looked up at Mew, "Need some help?" She called out to him.

Mew jumped up, hitting his head lightly on the door knob. Which didn't get any reaction from Lucario or Lopunny inside. Lopunny went just as fast and hard on his cock as she could.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I was just.." Mew said panicking.
"It's ok, calm down." Mawi said seductively
"What do you want?" Mew questioned
"I want to cum, and just watching you play with yourself wasn't quite enough." Mawi said grinning.
"Um... I." Mew stuttered.
"Just relax." Mawi said with a smile as she got on her knees.

Mew couldn't help but moan as Mawi pulled the tip of his member into her mouth, licking tons of pre off his member.

"Ooohhh..." Mew moaned.

"I'... I'm gonna..." Lucario whimpered.

Lopunny whimpered and looked up at Lucario, before deep throating his throbbing cock, sending Lucario's deep steamy cum into her maw, forcing her to drink. Lucario moaned and gasped as his cock throbbed and forced his seed out. His body convulsing long after he stopped shooting.

"I'm... Cumming..." Mew whimpered out, starting to shoot jets of poke cum into Mawi's mouth. Most of it missing and shooting over Mawi's face.

"Mmmmm." Mawi murred happily as she licked her lips, and licked the rest of the cum off using the mouth like leaf that is connected to her head.

"Lucario, please I want you in me." Lopunny begged, laying on the floor with her legs spread.

Lucario obeyed and hovered over her, his member prodding her pussy as he brought her into a kiss, tasting his own cum. Slowly pressing in as to not hurt her.

"I'm not a virgin, so don't be so gentle." Lopunny beckoned.

Lucario grinned as he plunged in all the way including the knot. Both let out loud moans which turned Mawi and Mew extremely on. Mawi forced Mew onto his back and aimed his meat at her wet drenched tunnel, slowly taking his girth inside her body. Mew let out whimpers as she took his entire length. All four seemed to moan in sync. Lucario would thrust deeper into Lopunny which forced moans from each others mouths, which would excite Mawi and Mew ever so more making Mawi pound down onto Mew's pink cock.

Lopunny's eyes glazed over and head shot back as she hit her climax first, her orgasm washing over her body and her nails digging into Lucario's back. Making him thrust faster and harder into her depths. Mew could feel Mawi's tunnel squeeze and convulse over his length but got an idea. He lifted his tail, pushing the tip of the bulb-is pink orb on his tail into Mawi's tail hole. Mawi's mouth shot open and pleasure shot over her body, feeling filled up from both holes. She started riding harder as she screamed out cumming over Mew's cock.

Lucario growled loudly biting into Lopunny's neck as his shoved his entire cock in and out of Lopunny's tightening hole.

"Cum... cum in me, my love." Lopunny pleaded.

That is what finally sent Lucario over the edge a second time. Lucario plunged in one last time knotting with Lopunny and shooting his hot dog cum into her tunnel.

"I'm... so.. ah.. full." Lopunny moaned as a second orgasm washed over her body. Both of there juices mixing inside her.

Mew pulled Mawi on top of him, thrusting quick hard pounds into her pussy. This sent Mawi into orgasmic bliss, shooting cum all over Mew's cock and balls, his tail covered in Mawile cum. Mew couldn't stand it anymore, his balls tightened and his member started twitching like mad, and he finally exploded. His hot seed shooting rapidly into Mawi's snatch.

Lucario rested on top of Lopunny and whispered, "I love you Lopunny."
"I love you too." Lopunny answered.

Lucario panted, snuggling up to Lopunny. Mawi on the other hand was recovering from the intense orgasm and kept Mew inside her body.

"You're really good." Mew panted and heaved.
"So... so are you." Mawi breathed.

Author's notes:

And that is that for this short story, Mew was never alone again in the tree of beginnings, Lopunny joined Lucario with Sir Aaron learning the ways of Aura. Sir Aaron and the princess put a stop once and for all to the evil kings plot to make money by selling Pokemon, and the Pokemon valley lived happily ever after.... Or will all this ever happen?

It all depends if I decide to make another chapter. Use your imagination people

hope everyone enjoyed it.

Oh btw, every fairy tale i've ever seen, all of them has fallin in love at first sight.
Chapter End Notes:welp i hope everyone enjoys it. also, send requests to [email protected] If i don't approve or doing too many stories, i may not write it
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