AGNPH Stories

A New Life by hyper_pichu


Future Untold

This the first chapter to my first series. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
A New Life

Future Untold

Ash was walking with Misty, Brock, and of course, Pikachu. They were heading for Pallet Town after Ash's victory in the pokemon league. They were walking quietly until they noticed a small pikachu. "Hey As look, there's a small pikachu over there!" Misty shouted. "Oh yeah I see it!" he replied. They approached the pikachu cautiously, trying not to scare it away. As they got closer the little pikachu saw them and fled fearing its life. Pikachu jumps off of Ash's shoulder, chasing the other electric mouse. The rest of the gang follows behind.

They eventually find Pikachu near a river. "Aw, there you are," Ash said to his pikachu. "Pi!" Pikachu said, pointing to the other pikachu. They saw the pikachu on a tree, reaching for a nearby apple. The group watched, not even realizing that it was hanging over the river. That is until... *crack* the branch snaps. "Pikaaa!" the pikachu screamed as it fell into the river. The pikachu tried to swim to shore but the current was to strong. "Help!" the pikachu cried as it was carried down stream. "Hold on I'm coming!" Pikachu yells out as he jumps into the river. Pikachu swam with the current making his way towards the other pikachu. He eventually grabbed a hold of the pikachu's hand as he yelled out, "Hold on I've got you!" The current seemed to pick up speed as they noticed that they were heading towards a waterfall. "Oh my God!" the pikachu screams as she sees the edge of the river. "Just hold on tightly!" Pikachu says as he swims towards a nearby rock in the river. The two pikachus then climb onto the rock. Pikachu then points to an overhead branch saying, "Climb onto my shoulders so that you can make it onto that branch above us." The pikachu obeyed without saying a word. "Can you reach it?" Pikachu asks. The pikachu reaches for the branch, but falls short. "No, I can't," the pikachu replies. "Well keep trying!" Pikachu said. He then notices that there is a fallen tree trunk in the distance. "Hurry and get on!" he demands, "There's a large tree heading this way!" "I can't!" the pikachu cried back. Pikachu panicked as he saw the log closing in on them. "Shit, we're not going to make it. Wait, I know." Pikachu says to himself as he gets an idea. "Survive and live a good life," he says throwing the pikachu into the air as the log knocks him back into the river.

As the pikachu landed on the tree it thought to itself, "Damn! I made it out of the river but that other pikachu is still in there. It's my entire fault... I have to go after him. With that the pikachu jumped back into the river to go and save Pikachu.

After swimming downstream for some time, the Pikachu was finally in its sight. She called out, "Hey! Where are you! Can you hear me?" Pikachu was barely able to get the message due to the sounds of the current. "What are you doing here? You were supposed to stay on the tree," he replied with annoyance. "I came here to help you. I couldn't just let you go over the falls. I couldn't live with myself if you died for my sake." Pikachu then got mad at the stupid attempt. "You stupid bitch, we're going to go over the falls anyways." *Gasp*. "Pika Pi Kaaaaaaaa!" they screamed as they flew out of the water and into the air.

The speed that they fell was unlike any they've ever experienced. It was to the point where the air flew into their mouth too quickly and didn't allow them to breathe. The last thing on Pikachu's mind was, "I so hope that other pikachu will survive even if I don't." All turned black.
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