AGNPH Stories

A New Life by hyper_pichu



The second chapter, yeah *shot*.
A New Life


Pikachu awoke to find himself in a cave. He had no idea how he got there. All he could remember is water hitting his face. He looked around the cave, trying to figure out where he was. That's when he saw the other pikachu on the floor. "Hey! We made it we're alive!" he said to the other pikachu as he ran towards it. The pikachu did not respond. He then said, "Come stop playing around and get up," while shaking the pikachus body. It was this moment he realized that the pikachu was female as he noticed her breast. "Whoa she's a girl. I had no idea. I wonder if she would remember that I called her a bitch. I sure hope not. Girls are scary when they're mad at you, especially if she's anything like Misty." As he continues to stare at her breast he notices that they're moving up and down. "Well, at least she's breathing," he thought to himself as he continued to stare. He then noticed that his cock had begun to slide out of its sheath a little bit. "Oops, wouldn't want her to see that now would we. Well, I better let her get her rest." With that Pikachu went back to sleep.

"Huh?" the pikachu said as she awoke from her slumber. "What am I doing in this cave?" She looked around the area and noticed Pikachu sleeping on the floor. "Hey! Are you okay!" she called out as she ran up to him. *snore* "Oh, he's sleeping." She looked at Pikachu's body. He was much larger than she was. She marveled at his structure; his face, chest, and butt were all perfect in her eyes. She became hypnotized at the site. She slowly, drew her face towards his, almost being able to press her lips against his.

Pikachu's eyes began to open slowly, causing her to pull herself away. *yawn* "Good...morning. I think," the pikachu said as she saw Pikachu waking up. "Huh, oh... hi." he replied - yawning and stretching as he did so. Pikachu was happy to see that she was doing well. They both thought about the event that they'd just gone through.

"Oh... uh... sorry for calling you a bitch," Pikachu said, hoping that she wouldn't be all that mad at him.

She figured that he didn't mean what he had said. "Oh, it's okay. I know that you didn't mean to call me that. By the way, what's your name?"

"Wow, no ones asked me that in a long time. I usually get nicknamed or they just call me Pikachu."

"So do you plan to tell me what it is?" she insisted

Pikachu was still nervous about the whole thing. "Well, um... my name is... Durandal."

She let go of a smile "Durandal? Well that's a nice name for someone like you."

Durandal was eager to get off the subject of his name. He didn't like it much. "Well, what's your name?"

The pikachu became startled as it was her turn to reveal her name. She didn't like it much either. "My name is...'s...Jupiter."

Durandal liked the idea that he was finally getting to talk to another pikachu, and it was a female one too. "Well that's a nice name for a miss like you."

Jupiter got a little scared, thinking that she was revealing too much about herself. "What do you know? You just met me."

Durandal blushed. "Well, I know you're the cutest pikachu I've ever met."

Jupiter blushed. "Oh... really?"


Jupiter was stunned. She knew that she had developed some feelings for him real quickly, but she had never expected Durandal to develop quick feelings for her too. "Well, uh... I don't know what to say."

Durandal saw this as an opportunity to finally find himself a mate. "Say that you love me."

Jupiter was shocked by his sudden words as she became a little scared. "What?"

But Durandal was persistent. "Say that you love me."

Jupiter was a little scared now. She feared if she said no that he might rape her, but she was in no state of mind to be thinking about having children. "I'm sorry. I can't do that yet. I'm truly sorry."

Durandal ears dropped after hearing her reply. "Oh, that's okay. Whenever you're ready I'll be waiting."

Jupiter figured he was kidding. She didn't really think two pokemon could fall in love that quick. "Oh, really; and just how long do you plan to wait."

But he was quick to reply. "As long as it takes."

Jupiter was once again surprised at how quick his responses were. It was as if he had done this many times before. "Ok then 'Prince Charming' what now."

"Let's find our way out of this cave."
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