AGNPH Stories

Spring Passion by galalithial


Story Notes:

This is planned to be a three chapter story, and I apologize for the really short first chapter. I used the online box to write my story in and because of how small it is, it makes the chapter look longer then it really is.

A Year Past is like Forever

Blossom's stomach was in knots. She had been waiting far to long for this day, but she knew he would keep his word.

Clarra and Maria had long ago been told of Blossom's rescue made by Celebi. They didn't seem surprised about Tony's actions, but they were friends, and had probably seen what she had missed so many times. Now that fateful night was a distant memory, made all to real by the return of the festival. Even thinking back on it now, Blossom saw it as a happy memory, despite the horror she endured. No matter what the circumstances, meeting Celebi would have been a joyous event, she supposed.

Now, wandering the familiar ground in front of the Great Tree, she couldn't help but blush at the thought of seeing him again. She had no doubts he would be here. He had said he would. The words still jumped to her mind whenever she thought back on them.

"See you at the next festival, Blossom."

She smiled as the whisper of the wind, the creak of the trees, the sway of the grass, became the words she wished to hear. Her mind was thrust back to present when Clarra playfully shoved her.

"Hey! Earth to Blossom! Are you paying attention?" Blossom shook her head and smiled. She forced herself to focus on what Clarra was saying, but it wasn't easy when her mind was... distracted.

"So, your doing the dance again this year right? I mean you have to since you don't have a daughter. Do you think he will be watching? He better or I'll give him a piece of my mind!..." Her voice droned out again at the mention of 'him.' His gentle smile, blue eyes, calm features...

Maria smacked Blossom with a tentacle.

"Blossom, you were drooling again." She giggled. Blossom shot a halfhearted razor leaf. The pattern continued all the way to the festival. Again, the forest floor was mass of dancing, wiggling, bouncing pokemon, all determined to get as much fun out as they could. Blossom spotted a familiar kricketune, playing a happy beat for everyone to enjoy. Games were everywhere, aligned in makeshift streets. And as before, Maria jumped with excitement and rushed through the crowd.

"I swear, you all are slower then last year!" People laughed as they fell to the ground, not in the least bit angry. Clarra sighed and gestured after the rampaging mass of giggles. Blossom grinned and nodded, giving her permission to give chase. When Clarra was out of sight Blossom turned to trees, hoping to spot the familiar blue of a friend. When she saw nothing she turned away with a frown. Surely he wouldn't miss this. Shrugging away her disappointment, she began to dance her way through the crowd, content to party until Celebi arrived.

The hours passed agonizingly slow. No amount of games could make the sun sink quicker. When the sun did finally begin to set, Blossom was a squirming bundle of nerves, discontent to sit quietly. Clarra and Maria had to hold her down before the final dance to calm her down. She squirmed beneath them futilely, cursing her small size for the millionth time.

"Let me go! I'll be fine." She cried desperately. Clarra shook her head.

"Look at yourself. You can't even walk, let alone dance. If you try to dance now, you will do worse then stumble on your feet." The memory shocked Blossom into momentary stillness, but she continued struggling all the harder.

"I won't mess up. He will be watching! I can't trip. I can do it!" Blossom cried to no avail. Maria was the calmest Blossom had ever scene her.

"That is why you need to calm down. You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of Celebi. Now, take a deep breath and calm down." Blossom did as she was told. She also closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was still, no longer struggling to break free.

"I'm fine," She said, calmer, "And I find it highly ironic that Maria is giving me advice on how to calm down." She smiled, and Clarra and Maria smiled with her.

"Well," Clarra said, "If your calm enough to see logic, then you are calm enough to dance. Go break a leg, but not literally." She nodded and left, Maria following suite. Blossom took another reassuring breath and watched the sun sink towards the horizon. Just as it was maybe fifteen minutes before setting she entered the "stage." Every pokemon was lined up to watch. Blossom smiled at her friends in the front row, glad for their support. With a nod to the kricketune, her dance began.

She had practiced her new routine especially hard, not wanting to miss a single step. She spun and she leapt, gliding across the ground rather then touching it. She felt she was flying, the glorious feeling she always had while dancing. Several thoughts passed through her mind while she danced. Is Celebi watching? Will I mess up? What is the audience seeing in my dance?

In response to her last thought she opened her eyes, which turned to a near fatal mistake. The sight of the audience brought back all the nervous tension, and as she jumped into a aerial spin, she could feel she had left the ground wrong, moving at an angle rather then straight up. She closed her eyes, not wishing to see the ground rise to meet her. Apparently the audience saw it too, she could hear gasps of surprise over the music. The only thought that passed her mind now, as she spun towards the forest floor was, "Is he watching me now?"

Her answer came in the form of another gasp from the audience, followed by the feeling of weightlessness to an extreme level. She opened her eyes to a brilliant glow. Surprise flowed through her when she found herself rising to meet the bright light hanging above the stage. As she neared the intensity lessened, allowing her sight into the brilliance.

Floating above her, arms held wide in welcome, was Celebi. Blossom was stunned into silence, as the audience was, even the kricketune stopped his music. When Blossom finally reached Celebi, he pulled her close into a embrace.

"I told you I would come." He whispered into her ear. He pulled back, holding one of her hands in his, and putting his other on the small of her back. With a cough to the composer the music started again. Though much slower now. Celebi pulled Blossom over the crowd in wide, elegant circles, spinning occasionally, before returning to center stage. As they reached the center the spun around each other, slowly falling in time with the sun. The music slowed accordingly. As they touched ground, they continued to spin until the last golden rays disappeared behind the horizon.

The stage went dark for a few seconds, and people started to worry. They worried the tree wouldn't glow as it should. There doubts were dispelled when the field was filled with light, illuminating the farthest trees in soft golden light.

Still in the center of the ring stood Celebi and Blossom. They were standing close, bodies pressed together, and only the front row could see their lips locked together in a passionate kiss. They stayed like that long after cheering had ceased and dancing continued. They stood in a throng of twirling bodies, completely alone, and oblivious to anything around them. Only when Clarra had lost her patience and broken the two apart did they stop. They continued watching each other, gasping for air they had deprived themselves, ignoring Maria and Clarra's excited banter.

"Oh my god, that was amazing! When Blossom started flying!" Clarra gushed.

"And when Celebi appeared in a halo of light!" Maria continued.

"And when they danced over the crowd!"

"And when-"

"Excuse me," Celebi interrupted. "Can we be alone for a moment? Please?" They blushed and looked disappointed, but bowed their heads and took a step back. Celebi sighed and gestured for Blossom to follow. She took two steps and was lifted into the air. Clarra barked in protest, but they were already flying over the trees. Celebi smiled at Blossom's excited expression. He landed them down on a small hill looking over a lake. Bug pokemon lit the area. Celebi turned to Blossom and smiled.

"You are lovely tonight." Blossom blushed, but met his gaze.

"And you are very handsome." She replied. They stayed silent for a moment. Then turned to each other.

"I-" They both said, but then turned back to their side. Then Blossom spoke up.

"Your first." She said.

"I can't hide it anymore." He said. "I have been holding this in for a year. I love you, Blossom. I have loved you since we first met, even if they weren't of the best circumstances. I just feel like I should always be there to save you. Like I did in the dance. Do you know what I mean?" He said, almost desperately. Blossom turned to him and kissed him again. Celebi felt he had the answer he wanted in that simple contact. When she pulled away she looked into his blue eyes.

"I feel as though I have always loved you, but only just recently realized it. This past year has been anguish without you. Now I just want one thing, and I feel life will be complete." Celebi smiled.

"Anything at all, my love." The words sent shivers down Blossom's spine.

"Could you... stay here, with me? Forever this time?" Celebi nodded and pulled her close. Together they watched the moon rise, then fall, followed by the sun. Time was influential. They were together that was all that mattered. Forever was a long time, but they thought they could manage.
Chapter End Notes:Alright, it is done. For the hundreth time, thank you ShinjiHiroku. You are awesome. Thank you readers, reviewers, and administrators. Writers wouldn't exist without you. Thanks again, and good bye
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