AGNPH Stories

Black Butterflies by galalithial


Story Notes:

I wrote this for FanFiction, but feel compelled to put it here for you! I'm told this is a good story, and I like to get reviews... can you guess where I'm going with this? Read and leave your comments! If you really want to read more about Leo and Terra and their crazy adventures, then go to fanfics! If your a little patient, then all the chapters will be here eventually.

Rain for Raina


"Where the hell are we going? When will we get there?" Ember asked. We had been walking for about ten minutes.

"The town with the professor in it, of course. Which one is that?" Terra responded. I sighed.

"Your thinking of Sapling Town. This is where you will find Professor Pine, who will give you your trainer's license and pokedex, officially starting you on the Ooame Region Pokemon Challenge." I informed Terra. She thought for a moment then said.

"Why is our region called the 'Heavy Rain' region? It only rains like once a month in Oakridge."

"Because of how far south the city is, it avoids the mass majority of the crazy rain this region usually has." I looked up. Storm clouds were gathering. "We have about a mile to go until we reach the first heavy shower. Then another three miles until we reach the town." I said. At least she was asking reasonable questions.

"How do you know so much?" She asked

"I just do." I responded.

"Why are your ears so long?" She asked.

"Because I'm part pikachu." I said. This went beyond reasonable questions.

"How come-" I shoved a lollipop in her mouth.

"From now on, you think before you speak. You have as much time as it takes the lollipop out of your mouth to think. I hope that is enough." I glared. She was about to open her mouth when she remembered the lollipop.

"Where did you get this?" She asked. Crap.

"No where." I shut up and continued walking. Raina sighed.

"This is going to be a long trip." She followed me, leaving Ember and Terra confused.

"Why the hell are you just walking off? Ember say something to them!" Terra shouted.

"Liiiiike?" Ember asked.

"I don't know, something drastic."

"What are you worried she'll do something with your boyfriend?" Ember asked jokingly.

I stopped. "I heard that. Like I'd do ANYTHING this old?" I said sarcastically.

"That seemed unnecesarily harsh." Raina cringed.

"It's kinda true," Terra said, "how old are you anyway?"

Raina smirked, "A gentleman never asks, and a lady never tells."

"That was kinda rude, don't you think, Terra?" I asked.

"Oh, your one to talk," She growled at me, then turned to Raina, insulted, "Hey, I'm not a gentleman!"

Raina chuckled, "Of course you aren't."

"Ouch. Heavy insult granny."

"You could've fooled me, Terra." Ember piped in.

"Oh!" Terra exclaimed, "You too, huh? What about that bad little habit you have? You know, with the nail clippers... "

Ember coughed, "Ahhohhummm..."

"Well, Ember?" I asked, "What about the nail clippers?"

"That was a long time ago!" She yelled, flailing her arms.

"Bull!" Terra yelled back, "Just last week! She grooms her-"

Ember interuppted, "Alalalalalalalala."

Raina jumped between us. "Remember what I said about the ladies and the gentlemen."

Ember leaped on the opportunity. "Yeah that's right!"

"Yeah, a gentleman never asks and a lady never tells. But I'm not human, so therfore do not qualify. So what do you do Ember?" I said grinning.

"Oop... I think you would be more interested to know what Terra does with her toothbrush." Ember said with a smirk.

"I swear I will kill you!" Terra shouted.

"Heehee, everyday back at home she had this little routine."

"Hey Ember, you remember that time you made me REALLY angry? You used the garden hose?" Terra asked calmly.

"Yeah, it was around the same time I found you with the cup."

"... I hate you, but if you remember correctly, I made you take a bath. For five hours. Fire types and water don't mix, and this time the punishment will be worse." Terra said with an undertone growl.

"Now I really want to know." I said.

Raina looked uncomfortable. "I really think we should talk about something else. This is getting... strange."

"Ember grooms her chest fur to look like Darth Vader." Terra suddenly said. I looked at her in surprise.

"How?" I looked at Ember.

"Ahh... I... um..." She was shifting her feet and looking down.

"I don't even know, but then she stalks me around the house saying, 'Terra, I am your Father!'" I collapsed on the ground laughing.

"Cut it out!" Ember yelled, blushing through her red fur.

I was still rolling on the ground. "Why would you do that?"

Terra just shrugged. "She has been obcessed with him ever since she watched Episode Five with me."

"So... what does... Terra do... with her toothbrush?" I gasped between breaths.

"NOOOOOO!" Terra yelled lunging at me in anger.

Ember grinned wider than I thought was possible. "Well its electric, so it vibrates, and everyday she takes and a she rubs it all over her-"

"You get the picture!" Terra cut her off.

I was honestly disgusted. "Oh my Arceus, to much information!"

"No no, you haven't heard the best part. She takes the bristles and-"I clamped my hands down on my ears, but I could still hear her.

"This isn't even funny anymore! How do you know this, do you watch or something?" I asked, trying to wipe the image from my mind.

"I swear it was only once!" Terra defended.

"And then she catches it in the cup and-"

Both Terra and I yelled at the same time. "SHUT UP!"

Ember jumped when we shouted, then looked sheepish, "Sorry, I got a little carried away."

Raina looked horrified. "I think that is enough excitement for one day."

I shook my head, trying to clear it, and then had athought. "Wow... So Raina-"

"I SAY WE..." Raina shouted, then calmer, " find a nice place to rest for the night. Wouldnt you agree Terra?"

Terra shook her head. "Nope, now I gotta know." I grinned.

"Why so defensive Raina, hmmmmm?"

"I say we drop it otherwise we'll get an epic retelling of Terra's adventure with the toothbrush, as well as Leo's adventure with-"

I jumped. "WITH... what? I haven't done anything embarrasing around you. Yet."

"You forget what I'm capable of." She smiled mysteriously in only the way she can.

I shook my head. "Your scary, you know that?" Terra laughed.

"And again, your one to talk."

"Now are we going to dawdle or are we going to get moving?" Raina asked. I looked around. I hadn't realized we had stopped walking. Wierd.

I looked up. "Fine, we only have about half a hour until the rains hit anyway."

Ember shivered, "Let's hurry, I hate the rain."

Terra moved into a salute. "Yes sir, Darth Vader sir!" Her serious face made me laugh, but Ember only smiled.

"After you Mrs. Toothbrush."

"Touche, and I mean that in the most sarcastic way possible."

"Your both wierd. We have the most random group ever, you noticed that?" I looked at all of us, as a whole.

"It sure makes for some interesting conversations." Raina joked.

"If that was supposed to be a joke," Terra said angrily, "it wasn't funny."

"I dunno, Terra. It made me laugh a little." Ember grinned.

"I thought Darth Vader didn't laugh." I said, high fiving Terra.

Raina facepalmed. "This is getting out of hand."

Terra grabbed Ember off of her shoulder grinning. "It's not out of hand, it's right here."

Ember looked back. "Your a jerk."

Terra grinned wider. "I know."

I sighed, we had stopped again, "I agree with Raina,let's move." I heard Terra whispering behind me to Raina.

"So, what does Leo do, Raina?" Raina smiled.

"When your older Terra. When your older." I grinned at this.

"Really? After the thing I do with my toothbrush? What could be much worse?" Terra asked.

"Plenty of things, live a little, explore the world and youll see." Raina responded.

"I don't think I want to know anymore. So," She hit me over the head then, "when do the rains hit?" I glared at her.

"First, ow. Second, we have about ten minutes." Ember shivered.

"Let's make tracks." I sighed.

"Ember, do you see Raina freaking out? She is a fire type too."

"I don't like the rain!" Ember exclaimed.

Terra grinned, again, "Is the great and terrifying Darth Vader defeated by some water?"

"Are you ever going to let that go?" I sighed.

Terra shook her head. "Not now that it is out in the open."

"Fine then toothy, we'll just wait out here in the rain all day." Ember said.

Terra glared. "I hate you, but I guess your right. Leo, find shelter."

I threw my arms up. "Fine! Over there." I pointed into the woods.

Ember jumped up, "Onwards!"

Raina sighed heavily, "Please, I dont know how much more of this I can take." She followed Ember into the trees.

"Why is no one noticing he pointed a random direction into the woods?" Terra asked.

"Anywhere is better than here." Ember called back.

I shrugged, "Besides, I pointed at a tree."

Terra sighed, "Like that is any better. There are a bamillion trees in the forest!"

Ember turned to look at her. "And how many of them can protect us from the rain? All of them."

I shook my head, "Not really."

"MOST of them."

"Not really."

SOME of them."

"Not-" Raina cut me off.

"Quiet, both of you." I pointed again.

"I meant that tree specifically." Terra looked at the tree in question.

"It looks like a big pine. Good job Leo."

Ember made a tut-tut sound. "We've been over this. Pine tree vs rain equals pine tree winning."

"Nope," I said, "only this one."

"Aww, you guys are lame. I'm going to the tree." Ember disappeared under the branches.

Terra shrugged and followed her. "She doesn't like the rain."

Raina followed shaking her head, with me on her heels, "We all know that by now."

My frustrations hit a peak. "Just get under the tree!"

It turns out I was right. I could have made some umbrellas for the entire group, but I wouldn't until they asked me directly. I actually found I could harden my fur to not even feel the rain. I suspected Raina was doing the same thing, but I had no proof. As we sat under the big pine tree I marveled at natural construction.

The large tree was specifically a wayward pine. The branches started growing about five feet off the ground and grew out seven feet in every direction. The needles meshed together in a solid mass, effectively keeping out all the rain. There was a large dome space, where we were sitting, formed when the weight of the limbs became to much, drooping to a foot off the ground. The tent created was spacious and warm. We all sat quietly around a fire courtesy of Ember. The flames danced before my eyes, smoke spiraling into the air lazily. Spinning elegantly. I noticed Raina watching the smoke wistfully. The glazed look in her eyes made her look drunk, but I knew she was simply thinking.

"What's on your mind, Raina?" She looked up, still deep in thought.

"I pass on now, from this life to next.

The causes though, are ones to vex.

I did no wrong, made no sin.

It seems this time, I will not win.

Through the earth, I begin to fall,

landing gently, in the darkest hall.

Walking slowly, between pictures framed.

Pictures of people, who have been maimed.

They're sad, I cry,

I don't know why.

I reach the end, of my long walk.

This is it, where death will stalk.

But only here you will find,

a very special kind,

of beauty before your eyes.

The sight of a million black butterflies."
Raina quoted. I sat silently, contemplating what I just heard. I looked up and I could see it.

The smoke was forming dancing butterflies. Black butterflies.

Right before I fell asleep I heard this.

"Good night, Mrs. Toothbrush." Ember giggled.

"Ember? Do you know what I did with that cup? I put it's contents in your milk." That was the image I fell asleep with. I had some terrible nightmares.
Chapter End Notes:Yep, that is the first poem I have ever written. This chapter was actually so short that it failed to meet the minimum standards for AGNPH, so I added some random crap while they were walking. So, tell me how I did, and leave other fun comments. The next chapter is also filler, but the plot will pick up shortly
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