AGNPH Stories

Black Butterflies by galalithial


Story Notes:

I wrote this for FanFiction, but feel compelled to put it here for you! I'm told this is a good story, and I like to get reviews... can you guess where I'm going with this? Read and leave your comments! If you really want to read more about Leo and Terra and their crazy adventures, then go to fanfics! If your a little patient, then all the chapters will be here eventually.

This is Punishment!


It was raining again, harder then before. I had given in and made umbrellas for Terra, Scar, and Ember. We were currently walking along a concrete path that lead to the city. We had camped last night under a wayward pine again, this time with Scar. We soon found out he was crazy to a degree. He was honestly committed to taking over the world with his soon to exist corporation, Scar Co. I laughed at him, but that changed next to nothing. I had another nightmare that left me confused and scared. But, the past is the past. Now I was focused on finding the Pokemon Center, followed by the laboratory. The Pokemon Center was easy enough to find, the only giant building with a giant P on it. We walked inside and found it full to bursting. Every trainer in town was here. I was glad that Raina and I had changed into our pokemon forms, but I don't think we would have been very stand-outish in this crowd of nutbags.

In the center of the massive entry hall was a man parading about in a mudkip suit yelling some crap about pokemon. I caught what he was saying as we passed.

"... does no one want to buy this rare specimen?" He was shouting, "You'll never find anything like this anywhere else. 500 poke to start. Really? Has anyone ever seen a species like this ever? It looks to be almost human." He was holding what looked like a girl by the back of her neck. I stiffened when I realized he was talking about her. She was about five feet tall, give or take an inch or two, not counting the long pikachu ears sticking up from her head. She was dressed in rags of what looked like could have been very nice clothes. They barely concealed her yellow form, which looked to be strong, despite the wierdo holding her by the neck. I grew angry and leapt from Terra's shoulder where I was sitting.

"Leo, where are you going?" She looked concerned, so did Raina, but I ignored it. I grabbed an empty pokeball off of Terra's belt and ran to the back of the crowd, where it was unlikely I would be noticed. There I changed into a human form. I had never changed into a full human before so I didn't know what exactly what to make myself look like. I started with my face and head. I kept my high cheek bones and strong, though not prominent, chin. My ears were rounded and moved. How on earth did humans hear with these? You couldn't move them at all! And on the side of your head? That just made no sense. I removed the fur and was left with pink soft skin. I also kept my blue eyes, and for hair decided on shoulder length sandy blond, close enough to my usual fur color. I kept the slightly muscular body I had as a half-breed, but, once again, removed the fur. I also made myself taller, five foot eleven. I formed in black jeans, red shirt, and black wind breaker. These were similar to the first clothes Terra had gotten me.

Satisfied, I picked up the pokeball I had dropped during the transformation, and walked into the crowd, roughly pushing people aside. I had not time for them to bother me. When I reached the center I stepped in front of the others watching. The man in the mudkip suit was talking to an elderly looking gentleman. As I walked up I was disgusted by what they said.

"... could use her. My son is coming of 'that' age." said the gentleman, "I don't want him getting any girls pregnant, so I suppose he could use her to dispel his urges." The wierdo was shaking his hand vigorously with both of his own, leaving the pikahu girl standing looking uncertain. Perfect.

"Excelling, excellent. I wouldn't use her for anything more. So 1000 poke is our final-" He didn't get another word out before I had punched him full in the jaw, probably breaking teeth, sending him spinning into the wall. The crowd gasped and took a step back. The gentleman took three. I turned to him, I could actually feel the anger dancing in my eyes. He took another step back. I cleared the distance between us with one step of my now longer legs, and picked the man up by suits collar. He squirmed and started begging me not to hurt him.

"Please, d-d-don't hurt m-me." He begged. I smirked.

"You should know that the buying and selling of pokemon is illegal. The buying and selling of humans is even worse, but what is the penalty when the two combined are sold I wonder?" I was speaking in a dangerous whisper, loud enough for only him to her, but now I shouted in his face. "No creature deserves that abuse! You should burn in Hell for what you intended! I should kill you now but I have a better punishment for a lowly man such as yourself." I pulled a hunting knife from its sheath, and yes I had just created it. Everyone was in too much shock to notice. I placed the blade on his neck and he whimpered. I smiled dementedly and moved the blade lower and stopped it over his heart. He shook his head no and I frowned and shook my head with him. I smiled again and slid the blade lower. It stopped to rest at the top of his stomach. He started to cry and shook his head again. Once again I frowned, feigning confusion. I shook my head again as if to clarify. He gulped and nodded. I smiled and nodded. He sighed a relief and relaxed a little bit, but tensed again when I did not release him and set him on the floor. He looked at me terrified again. I smiled and nodded a second time. I slid the blade lower at tapped it at his groin. His eyes opened in shock and I grinned evilly.

Now I'm not prone to violent tendencies, but what this man had intended had thrown my body into a rage I did not know I contained. I in all honesty can't remember what happened. To know I had to force Raina to describe it. At first I cut simple hole in his pants. He had gone silent at this point, I assume he was trying to simulate bravery. I made it quick. With a quick jab and a slash he was disconnected. I dropped him to the floor and let him hold himself. I wiped the blade on his jacket as he whimpered underneath me. He was bleeding now. A small puddle was forming around his body. He continued to cry while I leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"Now, you can never harm any woman again. Of course I'm only assuming you violate woman by the way treat them, so I must know. Am I wrong? Are you a clean saint who I just punished unjustly? If you lie to me I will know. I will invade your mind to be sure when you answer me. So, are you a sick old man who take pleasure in the pain of others?" He didn't move or speak. "Answer me!" I roared. He curled into a tighter ball and nodded. I invaded his mind then. This I shall never forget.

His mind was full of images of tortured woman. Strapped to bed posts, lashes across there stomachs. One image was of a naked lady, quite obviously pregnant, being beaten on the ground by a group of men. The woman couldn't have been more then twenty-five. The old man was standing nearby in this image, watching with a grin on his face, a bulge obvious in his pants. The woman was bleeding horribly, her side was ripped open. Now she was no longer crying, just lying there, but the men continued to beat her. I pulled back from the man's mind in disgust. I stood quietly and walked to the mudkip man.

Mudkip Man was still lying on the floor, groaning like he had just woken up. I picked him up from the floor and held him. All eyes were on me now, every person watching with a horrible sick pleasure, wanting to know what I would do to this man. They acted like this was a movie to be watched and not interfered with. I slapped the man, snapping him awake. He looked at me with fear. I pointed at the pikachu who was crumpled on the ground now staring openly at the old man who was about to buy her.

"Does she have a pokeball? Or did you just drag her from wherever you got her? I strongly suggest you answer unless you want to end up like your business partner over there." I turned him so he could see. He blinked and looked away.

"She doesn't have a pokeball. Please, just don't hurt me." I shoved him roughly back against the wall and let him drop. I walked over to the girl and knelt by her smiling warmly. She was still staring at the crumpled old man.

"Hey, there not gonna hurt you anymore. I just want to help you. Will you come with me?" I held up the pokeball. She looked at it strangely, like she wasn't really in her body, just watching what happened. She looked at me for a moment and nodded. I smiled again and held up the pokeball to her. She gave a small smile of thanks as she was drawn into the ball in a red beam. I stood and by now someone had called the police. Officer Jenny ran in and cried out at what she saw.

"What happened here?" She shouted to the crowd. I looked at her.

"These two men, the ones on the ground were committing and illegal act. The one in the mudkip suit should go to jail, but this one," I gestured casually at the old man, "just might need a hospital." I turned and walked towards a side hallway with Jenny yelling at me to freeze. Like anyone ever does? Terra, Raina, and Ember stared at me as I walked calmly past. They looked worried. I spoke to Raina telepathically. "I'll explain later. Just don't yell at me. Yet." She frowned but nodded. The doors to the hallway closed behind me and I stood there thinking quickly.

Officer Jenny ran in. She looked around and only saw a trainer and their pikachu sleeping quietly. The trainer looked oddly familiar, but she couldn't be the tall, muscular man who she was chasing. Cursing she ran through the other door at the other end of the hall. Moments later, Terra and friends walked in and looked around. Terra jumped when she saw herself sitting on the bench that went along the hall. The pikachu stood and the sleeping Terra disappeared. The pikachu changed into a human form of me, only with dark brown hair, shorter, and thinner.

I frowned, "Please don't ask. I don't know why I did it. What they were doing was wrong." I looked at the pokeball I now had. "Come on, lets go heal everyone up." We walked out of the hallway. The people were already starting to disperse. The two men had been taken away. All that was left was some cracks in the wall and the puddle of blood, which people were avoiding. We made are way to the healing station and the annoyingly peppy Nurse Joy. From her we learned that the laboratory wasn't open today and opened at eight tomorrow.

"So," Terra said, still avoiding my eyes, "we'll just stay the night here."

"Um," Nurse Joy interjected, still annoyingly peppy, "all our rooms are taken for tonight. I'm sorry" Well this was depressing.

As we walked away I said, "So we will just get a hotel room. Easy." Everyone nodded, still avoiding locking eyes with me.

So it turns out, all the rooms in all of the even remotely decent hotels were filled. The only one we could find was in a real rat hole of a place. The windows were boarded in many places, ahingles falling off the roof, and the paint was peeling off the walls. Our room was no better. The shower, the beds, the T.V., a small fridge, and the toilet were all in the same small room. I was actually surprised when I saw two beds. And, as a bonus, they weren't completely filthy! They even had little mints on the pillows. Apparently the cleaning lady had a little bit of pride in her work. Just a little. I crashed on one of the beds and stared at the pokeball. After thinking for a moment I put it away. Terra was still staring at me, but looked away when I looked directly at her.

Suddenly she said, "Why?" Instantly all eyes were on me. I sighed and looked around. No one shrunk from my gaze now. It was comforting now. They looked concerned. Sighing again I gathered my thoughts before speaking.

"She just reminds me of me." Everyone looked confused. I laid back on the bed. "Thats right, none of you know where the hell I came from do you?" Everyone shook their heads no. "Now is as good a time as any I suppose. To start I wasn't born..." I continued to tell my story. As I spoke the images flashed before my eyes. They were sickening. My life was a hard one, but somehow it was comforting to know others had a harder life.
Chapter End Notes:I have decided that this isn't worth it. I work kinda hard to transfer this story here, and it seems nobody cares. I have gotten one review, and it is from someone who was from fanfics. If I don't get some reviews, I'll probably cut it off. Just warning ya
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