AGNPH Stories

Black Butterflies by galalithial


Story Notes:

I wrote this for FanFiction, but feel compelled to put it here for you! I'm told this is a good story, and I like to get reviews... can you guess where I'm going with this? Read and leave your comments! If you really want to read more about Leo and Terra and their crazy adventures, then go to fanfics! If your a little patient, then all the chapters will be here eventually.

The Sparks of Passion


We held a small celebration at a nearby hotel. We had gotten three rooms due to the girls paranoia of Scar. We were all in the larger of the three. This one was gladly clean, thanks to Terra's prize money, an we were dancing to some upbeat music late into the night. Somewhere in the back of my mind I noted XiD was absent, but ignored it as his way.

Throughout our fun I rarely left Terra's side, and only did when absolutely necessary. I was surprised by my new found affection for her, but I didn't want to loose the feeling I had. In the labs, the scientists subjected me to drugs to see how I would react. One, specifically ecstasy, had made me feel light-headed, giddy, confused, happy, and bouncy at the same time. It was an amazing sensation and I found this to be more addictive.

As the night became morning we began to drift apart. Scar went to his own room. Aditi, Raina, and the pokemon decided to take another room. I watched as they left, waving my good-nights, and turned back to stare into Terra's eyes, only now noticing their deep ruby color. I smiled as they sparkled happily. I walked forward, moving into her arms and leaning my face down to hers.

I closed my eyes as our lips connected for the second time, noticing the spark had not diminished in the least. I felt her try to gasp at the sensation, but I held her close and she did not fight it. We stood like that for a long time, not wanting to end the intimacy of the moment, but we are mammals and as such require a trivial thing called air.

We broke apart gasping, still locked in each others gaze. I paused to catch my breath, then spoke.

"Why? Why me, what could you gain by having me?" She smiled and responded with another kiss. The spark jumped through us again and she shivered slightly.

"I don't know," she said when we separated again, "It is something about you. Honest, caring, merciful, yet at the same time cunning, powerful, and ruthless. You are an odd combination of traits that begs my attention." I laughed, "What?"

"Nothing," I smiled, "I just noticed my appearance was not part of your reasoning." She smiled connivingly.

"Well, now that you mention it," She began to scratch the fur behind my ears, "I love your soft fur, even though I will never admit that in public, your ears are just so cute, you have the most beautiful crystal blue eyes I have ever seen, and your tail... well, in honesty, I have always wanted to pet it." She moved one hand down and stroked the fur, from base to tip. I nearly purred from the sensation, but contained myself. She stopped suddenly."So, why me?" I looked down into the flames of passion that were the eyes of Terra.

"What description can due true justice to someone so beautiful? Can we suffice in saying that we have mutual attraction?" She giggled and playfully shoved me.

"Come on! Just one thing about me that stands out." I was tempted to, but refrained, deciding to get all I could from this.

"Convince me to tell you." I smirked. She looked thoughtful for a moment then smiled. In one smooth motion she had pulled the T-shirt I was wearing over my head. With it on the floor she pushed me again, this time not so playfully. I staggered and fell back, but luckily hit the bed. She pounced on me and began scratching the fur on my chest and stomach. Now I couldn't resist, and began to purr loudly, the rumbling noise carrying through my chest. I pouted when Terra stopped rubbing.

"Whats one thing?" I smiled.

"You make the best pancakes EVER!" We laughed, then she looked at me seriously.

"What do you like about me?" I stared at her for a moment, then concocted my evil plan.

"Your going to have to do more convincing then that." I grinned and she smirked seductively, then began inching her way down my stomach to the button of my pants. It was painfully slow for me.

I watched as Terra's nimble fingers undid the button of my jeans, then dropped the zipper in one clean motion. My pant soon followed my zipper's example, dropping to the floor to lay there in a heap.

Terra gasped a little bit at the sight of my hardening member. I looked at her confused, when she looked up she smiled.

"I was expecting you to have underwear, and I never expected the more human... parts." I laughed at this, my parts jumping slightly. Its not my fault I forgot boxers and I was made part human. Terra gazed longingly at my eight inches for a second, then lunged before and grabbed my it with both hands. I gasped at the sudden tightness, then relaxed as she slowly slid her hands up and down my length.

The pleasure jumped when she gave my head a small lick before putting her lips over it slowly. She ran her tongue around in circles, teasing me. She kept up the treatment for a good few minutes, annoying the living shit out of me, then suddenly dropped her head. She took in my whole length before sliding slowly back up, licking against the base. Minutes passed in what could have been hours, the pleasure locking me in time.

Time returned with a jump when Terra suddenly sped up to an unbearable pace. In seconds I was on the edge, begging for release.

"Terra... I..." I moaned as she stopped sucking and began to violently stroke dick. I gave a yelp as my fluids began to flow. The hot, heavy spurts landed in Terra's waiting mouth, on her face, and across her shirt. She giggled and stood.

"I guess this is too dirty to wear now." She pulled her shirt over head. Seizing the moment, while her face was covered I jumped forward, grabbing her waist, and spun her around. She gasped in surprise, but didn't object. She finished pulling her shirt off as I undid the shorts she was wearing. Just as I was about to pull them off for her her she stopped me, standing she face away from and bent over low. It was entrancing, her well shaped ass slowly came over her shorts, showing the black lace thong underneath. The sight of her dripping wet pussy brought me back to hardness almost immediately. Ignoring it, I stood and walked to Terra, kneeling behind her. She froze expectantly as I ran a finger down her underwear. She moaned slightly as I pulled the down to her ankles. With her dripping cunt before me I couldn't resist anymore.

I gave one, long experimental lick, happy to find she tasted good. Laughing, I looked around her ass to her face. She was panting slightly.

"You taste like cherri berries." I explained. She couldn't help but laugh too. I cut her short when I brought my tongue back to her lips. She gasped as I slipped into her entrance. I gave a little wiggle before pulling out and tracing around the edges of her sex. Coming back to her cunt I pushed in again, earning another gasp.

I continued the pattern until her clit was clearly visible. I ran my teeth gently over the mound in a circle, receiving a small moan. The next time I came to it I gripped it in my teeth and sucked gently. Terra gasped and moaned loudly. The pleasure proved too much as her back arched.

"Leo!" She screamed, her juices soaking the bed. I sucked eagerly at her cunt, trying to catch as much as I could. I licked my lips and looked into her eyes again. She was panting in the afterglow of her orgasm, but looked expectant. I crawled on my hands and knees over her body, stopping to kiss her.

She gave me one of the neediest looks I have ever seen. I lowered my body to whisper in her ear.

"Ready?" I asked. She nodded eagerly. I pushed my hips forward, guiding my member by feel, and when I felt her pussy lips I stopped. She whined and tried to push into me, but I was in control now. I pushed in the first inch, but stopping again, much to the annoyance of Terra. I continued another inch. Now I stopped for a different reason. I looked seriously at Terra.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a virgin?" She hesitated, but relented.

"It didn't come to mind. Now, please?" She was panting as she spoke, and bucked her hips slightly. I sighed, giving in to her.

"Grip my shoulders, hard. This'll hurt." I waited until she had done as told. I took a deep breath and thrust in to the hilt. She cried out, grabbing my shoulders painfully, but I held still to allow her to adjust. After a minute she relaxed and nodded, my cue to continue.

I started slowly, but Terra's insistent whines urged me to speed up. I kept a steady pace, still fairly slow, to allow Terra full satisfaction. She continued to beg me to speed up, but I refused, wanting to draw this out as long as was physically possible, but my will was fading fast. To make up for my lack of speed, Terra began to meet my thrusts halfway, increasing our pleasure.

Eventually I had no more control, and I began to thrust hard and fast, making Terra moan loudly in ecstasy. I found myself unhappy with my speed, deciding it was too slow. I tried to go faster but my muscles refused to respond. On instinct and my need for speed, I used quick attack. The attack pushed me to improbable speeds.

Terra cried out as her second orgasm came. The contractions around my member were too much for me to handle. As I was pulling out Terra wrapped her legs around me and pulled me in hard. I roared as my seed shot into her welcoming womb.

"Terra!" I gave a few more weak thrusts, emptying myself, and collapsed to Terra's side. I turned to face her when I could move again. "Why did you hold me in? What if you get pregnant?" She turned to me, a blissful smile on her lips.

"I wanted it so bad, and I think your children would be a blessing." I watched her for a moment, examining the rise and fall of her breasts as she caught her breath. Her eyes were closed, but they snapped open as I stared, and she rolled to look at me.

She wiggled to rest her head on my chest. "I love you, Leo." I smiled.

"I love you too, Terra." I began to laugh. She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Whats so funny?" I looked into her ruby eyes.

"I was a virgin too." I laughed again at her shocked face.

"How the hell can you be THAT good and be a virgin?" I laughed again and fell asleep, my dreams filled with Terra.

I woke up early the next morning. I shifted slightly, not wanting to waken my new lover. I got dressed quietly and went to find breakfast. Down in the lobby of the hotel they had a breakfast buffet for guests. I piled two plates with waffles, donuts, and fruit. I carried both, and two cups of orange juice, up to our room and entered, trying not to make a sound. When I entered the bedroom I found Terra already awake and dressed.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching TV. I sat down next to her, noticing she didn't acknowledge my entry. I placed the food behind us and turned to the TV as well. It was a news report, and in a video above the reporter's left shoulder were the remains of a large building.

"...death tolls continue to climb in this unfortunate explosion." She was saying, "The research facility was under government surveillance after a similar explosion some months ago. Silph claimed that the latter was caused by a forgetful employee, but officials were not convinced when guns were found at the scene." I growled at Silph's name, but calmed when Terra put her hand on my shoulder. "The more recent destruction resulted in the complete demolition of the whole building and all of its employees." I turned off the TV by throwing the remote through the screen. I stood, shaking with rage.

"You know what this means, don't you?" I asked Terra. She didn't respond, just took a step back from my anger. "They are still creating more of..." I gestured to myself. "Us! And I'm not the only one to rebel! There will be more, and not many of them will have the connection with humans I did. If it weren't for my mother then I would sooner kill you rather than love you." Terra took a step towards me now, lacing her hands under my arms and pulling me into her embrace.

I felt my anger fade as I stayed in the embrace of my love. She looked up at me with sadness in her eyes.

"But you're not like that. You're you, and that's who I love. I don't hate who you could have been; I am too filled with the love of what you've become. Calm down, every cloud has a silver lining. I'm sure that if they're making more half-breeds, they realized the wrong they were doing and escaped, just as you did." She nuzzled into my chest. I took a deep breath, taking in the scent of her hair, and let the rest of my anger flood out of me.

"Come on. Let's wake the others and get moving." She nodded and followed me out of the room, ignoring the sizzling of the TV.

When we were all gathered we moved down to the lobby. I noticed XiD was back, standing just behind Aditi.

"Where ya been, XiD, you missed the party last night." A shadow fell over his face for a moment, but was out shined by his dazzling, though still pained, smile.

"Where do you think I've been, dijo dijo dijo." He made suggestive motions with his hips. "I suspect the same of you, judging by how close you and Terra are now, dijo dijo dijo." I blushed slightly, but laughed it off, ignoring Aditi's glare.

"Well, whatever. It's your business, and we won't pry." He looked relieved. I turned to Terra who was once again burying her nose in her pokedex. "Where to next, oh fountain of knowledge?" She ignored my joking tone and answered matter-o-factually again.

"Next is Barrier Town. The Gym Leader is Jessica Moulderes, a psychic expert and self-proclaimed super nerd. Rumors say she has advanced psychic abilities and has read every book in existence. Hm, sounds like fun to me." I thought about this. A psychic expert? This would be fun.

"Why is it called Barrier Town?" Aditi asked. Terra pushed buttons for a second then looked up.

"Jessica is powerful enough that, with the help of her pokemon, she can put a barrier around the entire town, sheltering it from the rain completely." Ember jumped in the air then ran for the door.

"What are we waiting for? An actually DRY town? Let's go!" We ran after her, paling in comparison to her enthusiasm. Maybe she forgot she was probably going to be a part fighting-type against psychics. Oh well, she'll figure it out.
Chapter End Notes:Mhm, again, I have nothing to say. So thanks for reading, please review
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