AGNPH Stories

Black Butterflies by galalithial


Story Notes:

I wrote this for FanFiction, but feel compelled to put it here for you! I'm told this is a good story, and I like to get reviews... can you guess where I'm going with this? Read and leave your comments! If you really want to read more about Leo and Terra and their crazy adventures, then go to fanfics! If your a little patient, then all the chapters will be here eventually.

I am your Master


We've been walking all day, and Leo has yet to say a word beyond this morning's outburst. His startling declaration left me a little shaken. We all knew about Leo's father, even Monique had been filled in during our march. Several questions still haunted me though.

How could he have survived, and how did Leo know? The possibilities it arose were mind boggling. I can only hope Leo's wrong.

Fat chance. Leo's never wrong.


"Is he ready? Have you made enough?" I asked the scientist. He looked over his shoulder and nodded. I let my grin grow, allowing it to stretch impossibly wide. I laughed when the scientist, I believe his name was Bill, shuddered.

I looked down at the small jar, filled with a sickly green, glowing liquid. Floating in the disgusting substance was something even more vile. A grotesque, misshapen brain was being formed in the goo. Although it was hideous, I saw the organ as a thing of dark beauty.

For the past six months, since 02234 escaped, we, Silph, have been rebuilding. It wasn't easy, and progress was often slow, but the mass of tissue in front of me is testament to our achievements.

Although it doesn't look like much, in fact it looks like a waste of resources, the brain is of vital importance. Not much remained that was salvageable, but enough has been regenerated to fuse with a second brain, preferably in a living host.

Bill pushed a few buttons on the machine holding the precious monstrosity and nodded again. "Alright," he said, "Enough is here to be usable. Who will it be put inside?" Bill looked at me. I stared back and flashed another smile.

"Myself." I told him quietly. Bill didn't look surprised. He walked into another room. When I followed, I found myself in a room devoid of anything save what appeared to be an old barber's chair. Bill gestured for me to sit. Metal restraints wrapped around my wrists when I complied. I accepted it, knowing it was necessary.

"When you wake up... don't go crazy." Bill was saying. I looked at him like he had gone crazy. "The second consciousness inside your head will try to take control. Don't let it. If it does, you will lose yourself to it. Your mental control will be destroyed and you will be pushed to the back of your own mind. You'll have no control of your body, thoughts, or anything. Do you understand?" He explained. I nodded my confirmation and he gave a weak, tired smile. "Good luck then." He waved at a window set into the wall and a small needle and tube snaked its way towards my elbow. It suddenly darted forward, jamming into my arm. I tracked the fluids as they made slow progress to my blood stream.

As the anesthetic took effect, I had only one thing on my mind. He was coming back. Leo's father and the most destructive man to ever walk this Earth was coming the Hell was I doing?


Something's wrong. I can just feel it. A quick look around showed no one shared my feeling.

Terra looked excited, probably because I had ceased my staring contest with the ground. Ember was riding Bell, Scar was talking to Aditi, Raina looked like she wasn't paying attention to anything, but she's blind, and Monique... is gone?

I searched harder for the freaky scientist, but he had vanished. I finally sent out a mental pulse, as my eyes had failed me. I nearly screamed when I found the bastard almost instantly. He was happily perched atop my shoulders, guitar in hand, playing a happy tune. Taking a deep breath, I resolved not to throw him into a tree. When I looked up, I met the discs of wood Monique calls eyes. As I stared at him, a grin spread across his face. He jumped down and walked to Terra.

"Told you I'd snap him out of it." He said proudly, "Now I want my payment." Terra sighed and nodded. I didn't have time to be confused before Monique scuttled over and stuck a needle in my arm. I quickly realized this was Monique's 'payment,' and left him to his work.

Maybe that was it. Nothing was wrong, Monique was just on my head. Maybe not, but I can't prove anything yet.


Rage, that was the first thing I felt as consciousness returned, that and total darkness... It was strange because I could have never felt more at peace. I had seen Hell, and, to be honest, it wasn't that bad. The intense anger I felt was almost distracting, like I was tapped into others emotions. It truly made sense, I told the company to salvage my brain when I died, but I had assumed they would build a body for me, not put me into a living host. Oh well, I wonder who it is.

As I began to focus on the unfamiliar emotions, I began to see more about them. The rage was directed at this hosts brother. Interesting, this is a half-breed. A gengar, very nice. I could see his past, every memory he had was my own. I took a moment to marvel at my companies own genetic engineering genius, but I was soon drawn to something else.

The creature was speaking. Marcus, that was his name, but he was being addressed as Five, short for 02235. Very interesting, he is an experiment of ours.

"Why hasn't he awakened yet?" Marcus was saying. As I gained more control I saw what he saw. He was speaking to a scientist, one I recognized well. Bill, one of our more trusted.

"His mental frequency will take time to align with your own, then he will be able to communicate with, and through you." Bill said. Now this was interesting. I wonder how I could communicate with this creature. Well, might as well try.

"Marcus," I thought, trying to project it, "Marcus, can you hear me? Marcus, I am your master." I felt our body stiffen with shock.

"Who is this?" I heard him think. Very good.

"You know exactly who this is. Continue to play dumb and I'll turn your brain to mush. Tell Bill. Tell him his master is back." I thought. I felt our head nod and watched as he turned to Bill.

"He's awake, he just spoke with me." Marcus said. Bill gave a small smile, barely turning the edges of his lips.

"Good, now, maintain your identity, or he may just take control of your body." Bill said with a hint of sarcasm. Ah, so I can take control. Very nice.

I quickly pressed against Marcus' conscious, applying mental pressure, and trying to push him down. Once he was pushed into the subconscious layers of his mind, it would be as if he was asleep, except he would never wake up.

I'll admit, he put up quite the fight, but I have been training my mind for years, he never truly had a chance. When subdued I began sorting out the different parts of his mind that allowed for control. I had to dig into his mind to find the familiar instincts of motor function and speech, but once found, the body would be almost like home. I was happy to find the mental storage of attacks along with movement. Oh yes, this would be fun.

When I had control I looked up and smiled at Bill, who returned the gesture, and spoke, "Thank you, Bill, for that little tip off. I might still be an after thought were it not for you." I smiled again, feeling it stretch beyond what should have been normal. I liked the feeling and let it stretch farther yet. Bill lost his smile for a moment, but still looked pleased.

"Yes, I was worried he might actually win, with the way he was seizing like that. I'm glad to see you prevailed. Would like to give your new body a test run?" He gestured to an open door that revealed the training grounds. Never letting my grin slip, I loosed a Night Shade attack at his head. He dropped to the ground, but for little reason, the attack went high, not even singeing his hair. I sighed and nodded.

"Yes, it appears I need a bit of practice." I walked out into the sun, leaving the pathetic scientist cringing on the floor. I heard Bill muttering behind me, from his place on the floor.

"Yep, Del's back alright." I turned my face to the sky, feeling the heat, and laughed. I laughed because I knew what everyone else didn't. I would control them all.
Chapter End Notes:Uh... review? Yeah, I'll say that. REVIEW!!!
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