AGNPH Stories

Black Butterflies by galalithial


Story Notes:

I wrote this for FanFiction, but feel compelled to put it here for you! I'm told this is a good story, and I like to get reviews... can you guess where I'm going with this? Read and leave your comments! If you really want to read more about Leo and Terra and their crazy adventures, then go to fanfics! If your a little patient, then all the chapters will be here eventually.

Merry Christmas


Two months of heavy hiking was beginning to take it's toll. It was made all the worse by the steady shift from ceaseless rain to flurried snow. Waste deep and heavy, the snow would have been impassible had we not been in the company of two strong fire breathers. Irritability was just as strong, however, and everyone was just about at wits end.

"Hell is filled with snow." Terra muttered. I couldn't help but smirk, and I tried to hide it, but Terra was in no humor. I turned the hood of my heavy jacket just as a snowball came flying at my head. No one was in the mood for foolishness, and whatever playful joy could have come from the act was lost in another snow drift.

Monique, ever the irritating optimist, was striding ahead of us, walking high with his far too convenient snowshoes. Sneak was right beside him, walking on top of the snow with no help whatsoever. Damn his ditto weight in relation to size.

The sound of heavy metal guitar, frequently being broken by gusts of wind, was beginning to grind into my patience. Thoughts of murder flashed before me in the white snow, but images of that snow holding revolting images painted in red quickly turned my thoughts.

"Monique..." I growled. He turned, walking backwards. Yes, in snowshoes. "How do you stay warm? Your wearing swim trunks and a pink polo." He looked down at his floral outfit and shrugged.

"Today I wanted to test the human bounds of temperature. Which reminds me." He passed his guitar to Sneak, who quickly picked up the solo Monique had left off on. Putting on a pair of orange sunglasses, Monique flipped out of his snowshoes, again, promptly utilized by the neutral ditto. A second later he was next to me, clipboard in hand. "How are you not warm? You have fur, a pair of batteries for cheeks, and a full snow suit. Interesting..."

"I swear," Raina muttered, "he only gets more strange." Sneak, mimicking his master, spun around in the snowshoes to speak.

"As time goes on he will find less and less things interesting in the group and will, in your eyes, get yet stranger. Just wait until he feels he has learned all he can from you... ah-h-h, that will be a sight." He droned, though I've begun to believe that is the only way he can speak. The most emotion he has ever showed this troupe was one time. Aditi walked around one of our hotel rooms naked, and even then we only got an erection out of him. I'm really just saying that every time he speaks, assume it is in a monotone.

The walking continued, and, as is customary during times of little action, my mind began to wander. Eventually it fell on the weather. The snow made me think of winter, and winter made me think of the month. Since Mud I have been keeping track of the days as best I could, and, if I'm not mistaken, today is Christmas Eve. That thought trailed off to ways to celebrate the holiday, which only brought up bad memories of Christmas' past and my dead family.

Before the tears could begin erupting from buried pain I thought of Terra, my guiding light. I knew exactly what I would get her for Christmas. She would love it so much, hugging me close, and then...

"Leo, why are you blushing?" Ember asked. I jumped and looked down at the spunky fire-ape.

"It's the cold, my body is naturally responding to it by trying to keep me warm. The blush is just blood rushing to my face to keep it from freezing." By now everyone was staring at me and the blush only grew. New tactic. "We're headed to Incline Town, right?" With that, everyone started walking again. I'm a genius.

"Yes," Raina said, hissing fire on the 's', "the first town in the Trinity of Flames." Terra gave her a questioning look, asking to explain. "On Mt. Vapor there are three linked towns. Incline, on the south side heading up to the crater. Far Hini, in the crater itself, and Heleg Yanta on the north slope. We also call Heleg Yanta the 'Ice Bridge' because it is the path into the coldest parts of Ooame." Everyone shared "oh's" of discovery.

I thought a moment and said, "I just can't wait to reach the hot springs." immediately the girls squealed and surrounded me in a pestering circle.

"Hot springs?"


"How hot we talkin'?"

"Do we have to where clothes?"

"Are they gender separated?"

"Do we have to pay?"

"Are we there, yet?"

"Actually," Scar said, distracting the encircling mob long enough for me to creep away, "I think we are here."

The wind was picking up, sending more snow flying and creating a small blizzard. Despite it, we could see lights of windows in the distance, all stacked up and in on the slope of the mountain. The girls gave another grating squeal and took of running, leaving us boys to run in their snowy dust.

As has become custom for me, when we had gotten into town and settled I left on my own. Everyone else said they'd be at the springs if I wanted to join them.

I walked into the snow on a mission. I was aware of several things besides the springs in this town, including a well known breeder. That was where I was headed, after a bar, of course, to gain a little important information.

I found one with a horribly generic "tough" name, 'The Bruised Knuckle'. One man, rivaling the mountain behind in size, walked out, gave me the stink eye, and walked off into the blizzard. I checked my guns in their holsters and walked inside.

The atmosphere was surprisingly warm with people laughing, playing cards and darts, and the quiet drinkers at the bar. Strung along the ceiling were dozens of strings of brightly colored lights. As I looked around I noticed cheery music coming from a small band in the corner, next to a Christmas tree. Light and spirited, was the music, fitting the season.

"Can I take your coat, sir?" A bubbly, feminine voice behind me asked. I turned to find a smiling red-head offering her hand for my coat. I took my coat off, but tossed it expertly onto the coat rack behind her.

"How about a dance instead." I said, grabbing her still extended hand and pulling her out to the clearing in the middle of the building. "Hey boys," I called to the band, "you know anything for the Foxtrot?" The lead guitarist gave me a salute and began talking with his band.

The girl was giving me a concerned look, and said, "But, sir, I don't know the Foxtrot." Noticed, now, she had a slight Irish accent. I gave her a smile.

"Don't worry, just follow along and go where I lead you." The music picked up, fast and fun, and spun the girl across the floor. The whole bar began to clap along to the song, and a few brave souls joined us dancing. We spun tight circles, strode between people, and frequently switched places. By the end of the song the girl was out of breath and the audience was cheering. I quickly lead her off the floor and to an empty table.

"See, dancing's not so hard. What's your name?" I smiled again.

"Tracey, sir, Tracey Lane." She panted, still a little winded. "Thank you, sir, I don't remember the time I had such fun!"

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. My name's Leo."

She finally returned smile having caught her breath, "Mr. Leo, sir, would you like anything to drink?"

I shook my head, "No, Tracey, I just wanted a dance, and to know where I could find Helga."

"The crazy lady?" She asked, a little surprised, "She lives on top of a ridge behind the Gym." I raised my eyebrows in my own surprise.

"Since when does Incline have a Gym?" I asked to which she shrugged.

"New kid, Quinton Alvarado. Came in a couple years ago." I raised my eyebrows, giving little more emotion.

"With that, then," I said standing, "I bid you adieux. Perhaps I'll come back, and we can share another." A wink and a smile and I was out the door, trekking uphill towards the now hard to miss Gym. Damn that giant lit up pokeball and its selective invisibility.

I wanted to get to know this Gym Leader, maybe help give Terra an edge, so, naturally, I walked right inside and straight into the Gym, ignoring the annoying receptionist. I adopted a new persona as I approached the young man, throwing punches at a bag, pokemon gathered around. I wanted to throw him a little off-guard.

"Who the hell are you?" Brash asshole in a eastern accent, always a fun one. "I've been to this town thirteen times in the last five years and never has there been a gym." Quinton straightened, relaxing his fighting stance. A gliscor swooped down and handed him a towel as he began to approach me. He was pale and red headed, shirtless, which made sense, with loose, white cargo shorts. He had a pair of headphones, but I didn't hear anything. Off to the side I could see a high collared t-shirt, gray with a wide stripe of blue going directly down the middle. He was lanky, but strong, judging by the way he carried himself.

"Quinton Alverado. This is where they stationed me when I passed the Leader's Test. I took the place of some guy who became a Elite Four after one retired. What's it to you?" His voice flowed with youthful confidence.

"I'm here with a trainer, just wanted to know how bad she'll kick your ass." I sneered, "How do you hold your battles." He narrowed his eyes, glaring at me with measured annoyance.

"First, let me tell you I am no push over. I spent years as a regular trainer, traveling regions most couldn't pronounce the names of. I never challenged a league because I thought it pathetic to disgrace them. You walk in here like you own Ooame, but I don't think you could last five minutes with me." He smirked, feeling confident he had undermined me. I just looked over his should, examining his team. The gliscor was hovering over another three. A tyranitar, a dunsparce, and a manectric. The dunsparce looked to be the best trained, but I wanted to leave a mark.

"Bet I could knock-out your tyranitar." He barked a short laugh.

"Grieves. Let's hit it." The tyranitar released a roar as a sandstorm started to kick up in the room. "Earthquake!" Quinton shouted as he jumped out of the way. Grieves stomped the ground hard, sending a splinter up the tiles at me. I wanted until the last moment before side-stepping the rock spike that erupted where I had stood.

Running in a curve I came at the tyranitar fist raised. "Dark pulse!" I shielded my face as a wave blackness radiated from Grieves' jaws, knocking back into a set of weights. Grunting, I picked up a dumb bell and hurled across the room. My opponent ducked and began running at me, electricity dancing on his fists. "Shockwave!" He slammed his fists down, firing electricity in a growing circle. I stood and took it, absorbing the power for my own. I heard Quinton gasp, but I ignored it.

Running at Grieves I charged a thunder, letting them think it was his electricity. As I punched the tyranitar grabbed my wrist, pulling me into a very judo style throw. If it weren't for my weight, it would have worked. We both collapsed to the ground under my momentum.

"Why don't you speak?" I whispered out of plain curiousity.

"Respect for the battlefield." Came the growled reply.

"Outrage!" In a flash of red Grieves threw me off, immediately shooting another Dark pulse in my face. I was thrown into the ceiling, but I followed through, using gravity to add force I punched him atop the head. Knock-out. Behind me I heard clapping.

"I'm impressed," Quinton said walking up, "we could learn a thing or two from you." I smiled.

"But not right now, I have a meeting with a breeder. Sorry I couldn't stay long."

"What happened to the asshole who was here before the fight?" He asked with a questioning raise to his eyebrow.

"Mutual respect does that to someone." We shared a smile as I walked to the exit. "And, it was a cover."

It was short walk from the Gym to Helga's front door. Her shop was a small, well-kept building of wood. A fire's glow warmed the windows. She was the same as I always remembered when she came to the door. Short, stocky, and smiling. She had a few more gray hairs poking out from under her wool hat, but otherwise she looked.

"Hello, sir. I'm sorry, but I'm closed in this weather." She certainly wasn't crazy, but when I last left her she was spreading tales of the six-foot pikachu. I would have thought her crazy, too.

"Helga, it's me." She gave me a look, a peculiar scrunching of wrinkled face.

"The voice does not match the face." She muttered. With a sigh I changed into my original self. Recognition quickly spread across her face. "Leo, my boy, if I hadn't already seen you, that transformation would have made me believe I AM crazy. How are you my boy?" Helga was the closest thing I had ever had to a grandmother. Every mission I had that would even come near Mt. Steam and I was hear, trading stories and eating chocolate chip cookies.

"I've been well, Helga. Let's go inside." I said, brushing past her into the warm common room.

"Oh, yes, indeed. One could catch a mighty cold out there." I smiled. She was just the perfect picture of loving little old lady.

"I actually came to get something, Helga. I was hoping you had a spare egg." She gave me another look, almost the same as the first, but her lips formed a tight line.

"Now, Leo, you know I gave up breeding long ago, and now I only run a day care! I can't just give away some poor trainer's egg, and swear he never had one! The gall of you, asking me for such a thing." She went on muttering into the kitchen, where I could smell something baking.

"You don't understand, this isn't for Silph." She poked her head out from behind the door, eyebrow raised. "I got away from them. I'm traveling with some trainers now." She gave me a warm smile and popped right back into the kitchen.

"Well, good for you! They were just not good, for you, for me, for anybody." She walked out caring a fruit cake. Now, I know what your thinking, but Helga makes even fruit cake taste delicious. "Tell me about this group of yours."

I laughed and said, "You say that like I own them."

"Well, you should! You always were a natural leader." She cut me a slice and shuffled away to get me a glass of milk. "What about your friends now."

"There really nice." Said through a mouthful of cake, "And I've gotten into a bit of bind, which is why I'm here." Helga came back with the milk, setting on a table in front of me and seating herself in a big armchair.

"What kind of trouble can you, Leo, not handle? Do you think me a daft, old fool?" I laughed, nearly spitting up cake and milk.

"No," I coughed, "there is a girl in the group, one I've really come to like, and" Helga's eyes shot open. She hopped up out of her chair and ran to me, engulfing me in a suffocating hug.

Releasing me she said, "Tell me about her, what's her name, how old is she, is she sleezy, did you sleep with her, did you use protection, does she like, is it official, are you getting married-"

"Helga, Helga, Helga!" I just short of shouted, "Later! The point is, it is now Christmas and I never got her a gift." She took on that tight lipped expression again, now in thinking.

"You know, I did find an egg the other day. Completely unguarded, not a parent in sight." She shuffled to a back room. I heard shuffling and boxes being moved. "I knew it wasn't a trainers pokemon, it didn't have coloring to match any in the day care." Her voice grew louder as she walked back in. She was holding a solid black egg, shiny, with an orange, four-pointed star on one side. "I was going to hatch it myself, find out what it is, but I suppose you can have it." She placed the egg gently in my hands. "Just tell me what it is when it hatches."

After idle chatter, more cake, some hugs and good byes, I was back at the Pokemon Center. I decided it was best to just give the egg to Terra, it was Christmas, after all.

After a slight change in wardrobe, a towel, I made my way to the hot springs conveniently attached to the Center. Ignoring all warning signs and uneasy feelings, I made my way to the women's hot springs. It was luckily empty save Terra and Aditi. I heard them talking about some product clothing as I made my way around the pool to behind Terra.

As sneaky as I could, I swept behind her. Aditi saw me first, but being the good sport she is, quickly excused herself and leaving a puzzled Terra.

"Merry Christmas." I said, making her jump, but holding her down as I put the egg in front of her face. She gasped, then lightly took the egg from me. Terra looked at it for a moment, then turned to look at me. I could see in her eyes a twinkle of joy, but she remained silent. "Don't I get a thank you?" I jokingly asked.

Terra put the egg aside. She looked up with a very different twinkle in her eyes. Next thing I knew I was in a hot spring naked.
Chapter End Notes:Thank you for reading my very special Holiday edition chapter, no matter how out of season it may be. Thanks again, now go hit that pretty little that says review
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