AGNPH Stories

Black Butterflies by galalithial


Story Notes:

I wrote this for FanFiction, but feel compelled to put it here for you! I'm told this is a good story, and I like to get reviews... can you guess where I'm going with this? Read and leave your comments! If you really want to read more about Leo and Terra and their crazy adventures, then go to fanfics! If your a little patient, then all the chapters will be here eventually.

History Lesson

Leo ran down the halls laughing, determined not to be caught this time.

"I'm gonna get you." His mother called down the playfully. He kept running. He knew that if he got caught he would be put to the worst form of torture. Death by tickling. As he rounded the next corner he fell when tripped over a fold in the rug. Hot tears fell from his eyes as he felt the scratches on his knees open his body to the elements. The stinging was horrible and he couldn't help but cry out. His mother rounded the corner and nearly tripped over Leo. She knelt by him trying to comfort him and ease the crying wail he emitted. Alerted by the noise, his older sister came out in rush. She too knelt by Leo trying to comfort him.

"It is going to be alright Leo. It is only a little scratch. Here, I brought a band-aid." She spoke soothingly. Leo loved his sister.

"Clara, it hurts." Leo was always complaining.

His mother tried to reassure him. "It will go away in a second, I promise."

At this point Leo's father had heard Leo crying and had come into the hall to see the problem. When he found Leo on the ground crying over a little scratch he became insanely angry and began shouting. Leo began to get scared and was storing electricity in his electric pouches. Suddenly his father turned on him. The sudden smack across the face he recieved caused him to release his pent up electricity. More screams were heard. This time they were not Leo's over a petty scratch.

Leo shot up from where he lay. He shoved his hands in his face, trying to clear his mind of the horrible nightmare. He froze as felt for the first time the warm fire to his right and the coarse blanket draped over his legs. He was about to spring into action when a soothing female voice called to him from across the room.

"Relax, boy. You know full well that if you were wanted dead then you would be dead. Though I must say that you were pretty damn close when I pulled you from that chopper." Leo slowly opened his eyes to the room were he was sleeping. He was laying in a bed against the back left wall of the room. He actually wasn't in a room. Upon inspection of the walls he found hard packed dirt. Looking around the rest of what he assumed was a cave he found a fireplace set in the wall to his right. Directly in front of him was a large bookcase, it was on the breach of over-flowing and books were already lying on the floor. In the wall farthest from him he could see a large oak door which he assumed was the exit for this cozy little hole in the ground. Directly to his right was a large writing desk, seated at this desk was, he assumed, the speaker. He could only see one perspective of her for she was shadowed by the fire. He rolled out of bed, happy to find he was still wearing his clothes, and walked around. Standing he could see more of the cave. Behind the bookcase he could see a second cave which looked like a bedroom. He turned again to find his savior standing and facing him. His breath was taken away by what he saw.

"Careful walking around, you might be sore from your crash." Leo was barely getting over what he saw. Standing before him was yet another half-breed. The lady stood tall, slightly taller than Leo who was 5' 11", she wore a tight fitting tank top and loose camo pants. She was shapely, very hour-glass figured. Smooth curves from head to toe. If he wasn't in complete surprise his mind might have wandered to less intelligent thoughts. Most striking was her golden fur and nine tails swinging behind her. She walked toward him with a smooth, obviously feminine swing to her hips. Leo was entranced by motion and glow of her fur in the firelight. He stood dumbstruck, trying to put together a coherent sentence. He worked his jaw a few times to try to get it working, she didn't seem to notice.

He coughed to clear his throat, "So may I know the name of my rescuer, or capturer?"

"I don't see how that matters considering you plan to run towards the door first chance you get. But if you must know, my name is Raina. In the old language it meens 'gracious'."

"Well thank you Raina, I'm pleased to meet another of my kind. Especially one who isn't bent on destroying, capturing, or manipulating me."

She chuckled lightly, "Yes, I suppose that would be good, though I'm not of your kind." Leo stared in disbelief. "I can assure you I am pure-bred ninetails."

"And I can assure you that I don't believe you for a second. First, look at you, how can you have such obvious human trates and claim to be fully pokemon? And second, you have a perfectly clear human accent." He stared with confidence in the facts he had presented. She only smiled. Raina closed her eyes and took a step forward. Her nine tails raised as she gathered power. Leo stood in awe as a white light filled his vision and covering Raina from the inside out. Her form shifted forward and she fell to all fours. As the light receaded, Leo found himself staring at a large ninetails. He jumped when Raina's voice boomed inside his mind.

"I can take what ever form I wish." She continued to change forms, all things from snakes to birds, all with gold fur or feathers and nine tails. she began to speak again as she returned to her humanoid form. "I collected you for a purpose Leo. Your life is more valuable than you know. Arceus and I have seen great purpose in your life."

Leo was taken a back by this last statemant, "Arceus? As in the alpha male of pokemon? The most powerful pokemon second only to Ho-oh?" Raina nodded conformation. "How do you have contact with Arceus, Raina?"

She smiled, "I am over 400,000 years old, Leo." He gasped. He just couldn't fathom this beautiful woman standing infront of him being over thirty. She smiled at his reaction. "Yes, it is true. It is common knowledge that a ninetails can live an exceptionally long time due to the power stored in each of our nine tails. I was the original Ninetails present when the godly pokemon gathered to create this world. I have gained vast knowledge and insight. I haven't seen what you are to do specificly, but you will one day be great, whether in evil or justice I do not know. You look like someone just shot you in the chest." That was an understatement. The amount of information he had just recieved left him dizzy. He most likely would have passed out right there if not for the fear of his unconcious visions. He staggered back and fell against the wall, slumping down to be stopped by the floor. Raina walked over and laid her hand on his shoulder, just as his mother used to do. With thinking he latched on to her in a strong hug. She didn't pull back, she knew what he was doing.

He cried into her shoulder, "Please, I'm not ready. Don't make me go." He was wrapped in the blanket of his memory. His father was pulling him from his mothers grasp. He shouted things about training and being prepared. "I'm not ready, I'm not ready. Please don't take me away. Please. Please..." He sobbed for well over twenty minutes. Finally Raina pulled back. He had a mission to complete.

"Leo." No response. "Leo." Still nothiing. Sigh. "LEO!" His head snapped up, his eyes red and puffy. "You need to go. I need you to do something for me." Leo looked hopeful. In his childlike state he wanted to redeem himself. "You need to find Terra, the girl who rescued you before, though it was probably not necasarry. She works at the pokemon center in Oakridge. You need to reach her without being discovered. She plays as big a role as you in the this lifetime." Leo stared in confusion. How could a human be important? Especially after she rudely forced him out of her house and in to the public eye.

"But, how am I going to avoid being seen?" Raina knew he was reffering to his anthro form.

"I can make you either fully human or fully pokemon due to your mixed genes." Leo's eyes lit up with possibility. "Now this will only be temporary. You will only have maybe 6 hours. Now do you know which you want to turn into?"

He smiled as his mind formulated an effective plan. "I want to be a Pikachu. I have an easy solution."
Chapter End Notes:There ya goes. Next chapter will be up tomorrow, so leave your comments. Waffle snarginlatsil... :
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