AGNPH Stories

Ambivalence - The lack of by orasin





DISCLAIMER: All characters and properties are copyright their respective owners. All writing and original characters are copyright 2010 Orasyn. The author is in no way associated or affiliated with any third-party. This original fiction was created with no intention of any copyright infringement, and is purely for entertainment.

WARNING:  This story heralds written descriptions of intimate, sexual behaviors between two consenting heterosexual Pokemon. Meaning male-on-female fornication. If any part of this warning disturbs you, or if you are under the legal age of your locale, you should stop reading now and go play Pokemon. Otherwise, touch yourself to this promiscuous story.

We’ve been together now for almost three years. I blame our ex-master,
she blames herself. It took a total of seven minutes to talk her out of
it, and into the cave. It was raining, a visual representation of our
feelings, and she’s a Fire-type, and I wasn’t entirely sure about how
she would react to it. She was a Quilava, I was a Zangoose. Our master
gave us to an old couple, we were released outside of this cave, and
told that we should stick together, or we might not survive.

We’ve been alone together for almost thirty minutes, and the only thing
I could think about was the smell emanating from between her legs.
Unfortunately, I was extremely inexperienced in all forms of mating, and
I didn’t even know where to begin. It was alright, though, because when
I turned around from examining the cave, her lips were attaching to mine.
My face quickly heated up, my blush deep and apparently unavoidable. Her
scent surrounded me, enveloped me, suffocated me. My mouth was occupied
with her electrifying tongue, my only source of air was full of her

“Alone… Finally…” She broke the kiss, and eased herself onto her back. I
took the hint, and lay down on top of her, her thick scent filling my
senses. She lightly traces her hands across my sides as I move up to
eye-level. My gender was quivering with anticipation, I instinctively
knew that she was going to be only one for me. I hesitated as this
thought crept through my head.

As if sensing my hesitation, she drew me closer and her lips met mine as
my full weight lay upon her. My gender was pressed up against her labia,
which were hotter than her spicy-tasting lips. Her tongue licked against
my lips, the sudden wet, soft action startled me into opening my eyes.
Her own were open, and looking dazedly at me. I returned the stare, and
parted my lips.

Her strong, slimy tongue pressed against my own, her saliva mixed with
mine, and I was lost in a hormonal trip that made my hips grind against
hers. Her own returned the favor, and I pulled back to line myself up. I
opened my eyes again, apparently I had closed them, and looked down to
see what I was doing. In that moment I was suddenly on my back, my hot
lover pressing down onto me. My erection began to hurt as she teased me
with gentle hip motions and light nibbles on my neck.

I laid there, her swelling heat pressing and rubbing against me, for
what felt like an unbearable eternity before she returned her focus to my
lips. Her tongue reentered my mouth as she leaned forward, her weight and
heat relieving themselves of my shaft. I closed my eyes as our tongues
wrapped and coiled, pressed and messaged. She leaned far enough forward
to remove the heat and weight from my crotch entirely, freeing my aching
member from her weight.

It lifted immediately, and she easily lined up with it. She stopped, her
mouth actions slowed to a crawl as she pressed onto me. A fiery
sensations swarmed my body and mind as her inner folds pressed against
me, as if reluctant to let me through.

“Y… You’re…” I grunted as she slowly backed onto me, the fiery sensation
rapidly filling my mind and body with electricity. My fur stood on end
as the fire reached a peak.

“I-I’m sorry…” I whispered as the fire abated with a cold flood of
euphoria. My whole body relaxed as my cock started passing hot liquids
into her. She hadn’t finished mounting me, and I was already climaxing.
My eyes were closed as my orgasm faded, and I was reluctant to open them.
I felt ashamed at my lack of experience. She hadn’t stopped moving onto
me even as I unleashed myself into her, and it only drove my orgasm wild.
She finally stopped when she couldn’t go down anymore. Then she smiled.

“Dummy,” she whispered into my ear before nibbling on my neck. Her teeth
sent sparks down my spine, straight to my gender. They alone were easily
enough to reignite my fires. She moved from my neck to my lips, her
tongue inviting itself in again. Each movement of that muscle sent
rivulets of sensation through my body, my erection was still on, and I
doubted I could lose it like this.

She broke off the kiss, and slowly leaned back until she was sitting
upright, her paws on my lower ribs. I could feel her every breath
through my cock,  and it excited me to no end. She lifted herself
slightly, an electric wave passed through my body even as her tight
folds began to release the seed I had planted within her moments ago. I
leaned my head back, intent on simply enjoying the situation, as my
fluids began to trickle down my shaft.

She slowly lifted her ass, the pleasure returning immediately as her
soft innards rubbed against me. I was awkwardly sensitive, and feared
another climax before she even really started. She moved down again, and
my fear was quickly coming to fruition. I grabbed her paws as she lifted
a second time, my eyes closing as I reached the height of my second
climax. I involuntarily thrust upwards as she came down, my need to
relieve the burning at the tip of my member greater than her need for
her own pleasure. I gasped as I released a second load into her.

She ignored my climax, and lifted again, the pleasure burning a hole
through my conscience, ripping my mind into fragments. I moaned loudly
as she came down again, my second climax not even complete yet and third
was on its way. She sped up, her own paws gripping my sides as she fell
upon my cock with greater speed. I came a third time, my pumps weak from
lack of rest. Every time she rose more of my fluids fell from her, every
time she fell my fluids made a loud sucking noise within her.

Her body convulsed as she fell again, this time her own fluids fell from
her as she rose. Her orgasm rocked her body and clenched her muscles,
tightening her walls around my over-sensitive cock. I climaxed a fourth
time as her moan ended. She fell as her body stopped convulsing, leaving
me with no more stimuli, my orgasm began to hurt.
I shifted myself under her, raising my knees up, bracing them with my
feet. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight, her warmth,
tightness, and fluids filling my senses, making me want her even more. I
started thrusting into her prone body as she lie on top of me. She
gasped, and looked at me, but I returned the favor with as hard a kiss
as my position would allow. Apparently she wasn’t expecting me to take
charge from such a position.

The pleasure quickly rose as I continued to part her deeper folds. She
shuddered and gasped as I thrust harder. I lost myself in my pleasure,
the pleasure that I was in control of. I brought my lips back to hers,
my body arching upwards to do so, I grabbed her arms, holding her tight
to me, even as her orgasms rocked her body above me. The noises within
her got more loud and messy-sounding as I pushed deeper.

I closed my eyes as my pleasure climbed to its peak, my body started
quivering from anticipation and effort. I came quickly enough,
shuddering as my fifth climax took its toll on my body. My thrusts
slowed as I poured, what I hoped, was my last gift of the night into

I opened my eyes, remembering that I was still kissing the female above
me. She pushed me all the way back down, then shifted her hips a little,
sending a small wave of pleasure through me, just enough to keep me hard.
I groaned as I realized that my sexual torture wasn’t going to end so
pleasantly. She smiled at my apparent ‘misfortune,’ and I took this
opportunity to take control of the situation.

I placed my forepaws close to her under-arms, then I suddenly thrust
upwards and to the side, her expression of surprise and her moan of
pleasure almost made me stop there, but I held tight to my plan, and
finished the maneuver by pulling with one paw, and pushing with the
other. I slipped out of her, and our legs tangled, but the end result
was basically what I had in mind; me being on top.

Her eyes unfocused, and her smile turned into a slutty one, another wave
of lust washed over me as her appearance gave the desired effect. I
grabbed her thighs and wrapped her legs around my hips as my cock
throbbed on her leaking lips. On my knees, I leaned back, lined myself
up, and eased myself in, the sounds of our, mostly mine though, fluids
passing out of her was becoming quickly appealing, and I feared I would
never quit this night.

Then I started thrusting. Without her weight to stop my thrusts, I could
go as fast, hard, and deep as I wanted. Her pleasure was mine to control.
I felt an evil grin stretch across my face as these thoughts were
completed. I leaned forward just enough to grab her waist, while still
keeping myself balanced, and went hard. Each thrust I pulled her towards
me, driving my cock deep into her, our fluids flying out even more-so
than before. Her moan caught- a sign of her climax, then her walls
tightened as she exhaled in a higher-than-her-normal-voice pitch, more
fluids rushed out of her as her climax-twitching walls drove my own to

My back twitched and shuddered as I released my sixth load into
her, my cock thudded deep in her still-twitching walls. I didn’t want to
be done yet, that squeal was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard in
my life, but my stamina had finally come to its end. I finished cumming
in her before falling backwards, my phallus rapidly diminished, and
retreated within its sheath.

“I might not hate not being in control as much as I thought…” She
whispered after she curled up next to me, and laid a paw across my chest.
She continued on with something about funny-tasting food, but I was too
far gone to listen.



Chapter End Notes:Critiques are welcome, the more negative, the better
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    Reviewer: lollipuny
    Date:Aug 17 2015 Chapter:Gratification
    I don't know~ For its promiscuity, this encounter is a lot less thoroughly lust-filled and a lot more consenting and pleasing.

    I appreciate it for this fact, and though it lacks a grander tale with rich characterization it makes for a plesant read nevertheless.