AGNPH Stories

Sinnoh Pokémon Journey by flintblackcharizard


Story Notes:

Based mainly on how the game goes, but I'll add things to my own accord here and there. Still not sure if this will turn adult or not... Mentally debating with myself it if will. Rated R for language to come.

A Taste of Hoenn

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon or any other show/book/movie/etc I might mention in this story. This is purely made for entertainment purposes and I will not gain any profit from using said copyrighted material.

Chapter 5: A Taste of Hoenn

"Isn't that dangerous?"


"You know; that." Tangi was walking down the sunny-lit path of Route 203 with Flint riding along on his shoulders. To his left was Fenrir; currently reading Tangi's book about mythology without keeping an eye on the road ahead. With no response, Tangi sighed and continued. "You really shouldn't read and walk at the same time. How do you know you're not about to crash into something?" Fenrir turned a page in the book while cocking a brow.

"I'm fairly certain that I'll be just fine. You're about to walk into something though," he finished with another turn of a page.

"Ha! Nice try Fen-!" WHACK! Tangi walked into a low hanging branch that smacked him in the face. Flint jumped off his shoulders and onto Fenrir's before he was flattened by his trainer. They both turned to Tangi in time to see the dust cloud his body made upon impact; sighing in sync. Fenrir was about to make a comment when Tangi shot his right arm up, directing his pointy finger at the Lucario. "Not. One. Word." He sat up only to be
greeted by a flying lizard. "Gah! I'm fine! Get off! Get off!"

"Look at that. Flint's showing you his Lick attack." Fenrir looked back at the book chuckling slightly at the scene that was taking place before him. He felt something nearby. He closed his eyes and could see multiple people ahead on the road via his Aura powers. He turned to tell Tangi but stopped and laughed. There Flint was, wrapped around Tangi's neck, making his trainer turn blue in the face and him refusing to let go.

"I! NEED! AIR!!!" Tangi finally pried Flint off, sighed, and was then greeted with a Smokescreen attack to the face for not letting the lizard stay in place. "Oh... If life is a television show, I must be the best sitcom," he moaned with a hint of what sounded like sobbing.

"An-anyway," Fenrir started, getting everyone's attention. "There's a grouping of people ahead. You wanted me to let you know if I sensed one, right?"

"Ah, thanks Fenrir." Tangi stood up, brushed the dirt off his shorts, then grabbed his Pokémon's Pokéballs and returned them. He placed them back on his belt, took a breath of air, and ran down the road ahead of him.

BRING-BRING. The phone behind the counter of the Jubilife PokéCenter was going off just as Nurse Joy and Rebecca had walked down stairs. "I wonder who'd call this early..." Nurse Joy walked over and picked up the phone. "Jubilife Pokémon Center; this is Nurse Joy, how may I help you?"

"Good morning Nurse Joy," the voice said on the other end. She recognized the voice so she turned on the picture tube. It was Professor Rowan on the other end.

"Professor! And how are you this morning?" Rowan pinched the bridge between his eyes.

"Conflicted," he said with a sigh.

"Oh dear..." Nurse Joy felt this was going to be a rather draining converstaion... "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yes; that is why I called. It came to my knowledge this morning that a trainer of mine ignored my orders of not leaving home and started out his journey. He more than likely has already passed you by..."

Rebecca moved into view on the screen. "Um, professor...?"

Rowan looked over at her. "Oh, hello there Rebecca. How are you fairing?"

"Fine. Sir, Tangi just left here this morning." Rowan's eyes widened. "It was only an hour ago though. Is something wrong?"

"His Charmander... It might not safe. I just got the details from Professor Burch; expert in Pokémon behavior, as you might know... Tangi mentioned that Flint's pupils would narrow during fights." Nurse Joy decided to cut in.

"Yes, I noticed him doing that yesterday... What's wrong?

"... Professor Burch noted that this behavior tends to be common in the 'Shinnies.' They're quicker to respond to situations and seem to have an enhanced battle style."

Reb took her turn to cut in now. "But isn't that good? It just means Flint is a better fighter cause of that, right?"

The professor sighed. "Yes, and more dangerous. Flint is tapping into some energy locked away in him. Too much of it means he could harm someone..."

"Flint'd never do that!" Rebecca shouted towards the picture tube. "I can't see him ever doing that..."

"Rebecca..." Nurse Joy grabbed the girl by the shoulders and tried to push her back into her chair.

"You're right." Nurse Joy turned toward the phone. "Flint would never do such a thing. But that can't be said when his genes kick in." Rowan grabbed the temples of his forehead and started to rub at them; trying to ward off a headache. "This behavior is triggered by a gene that's doesn't exist in normal Pokémon; making it strange on how a Shiny gains it. It instantly triggers a 'killer instinct,' if you would. Flint is only skimming the surface of this power... But he may very well end up consumed by it if he dwells on it too long."

"So..." Rebecca nodded to herself and shot the professor a look. "I'll track him down, sir. I'll tell him what's wrong so he can come home."

Professor Rowan smiled. "No my dear. I believe you had started out on a journey for a reason?" Rebecca thought about it. She did want to get gym badges and face the Elite Four along with doing contest, but...

"Sir, I'll be traveling anyway. If I see him before you can get a hold of him, I'll relay the message." Professor Rowan nodded. "Besides, he just left town. If I'm lucky I can catch up to him in no time flat!" Reb grabbed her bag and bolted off for the door.

"Ah, children these days... So full of energy." Nurse Joy smiled.

"This is why you continue to work with them, is it not?" Rowan chuckled. "Sir... If this genetic trait is as dangerous as you say... Then what are the odds that Flint may learn to control it?" Rowan's face turned serious with a small bit of gloom showing.

"Yes. There's a good chance he'll never control it. In which case..."

"Weird tent... Is the circus setting up here?" Tangi finally reached the crowd of people who were gathering around a large tent. It had a blue Pokéball on the top and banners all around it of different Pokémon. There were two tables set up near the entrance with people in blue jump suits sitting behind them. "They certainly look like clowns to me..." he muttered before walking up to the table. "Um, sir?"

The man looked up, pushing his glasses up before speaking. "Ah, hello. Would you happen to be interested in signing up for the Battle Tent?" Tangi stared at the man with a questioning expression. "Ahahah, I've seen that look all day. This is the Battle Tent! It's actually a traveling tent in which trainers can battle other trainers for prizes. See, we originally started in the Hoenn region. It grew so popular there that we started promoting the event in all regions," he finished with a smile.

"... Uh, sure. Guess I'll give it a go," Tangi answered with a shrug. The man smiled.

"That's great! We have four trainers counting you, so we'll set up a special match for all four of you. If you'd just follow that woman over there to where you'll meet up with the other participates. And please fill this out." He handed Tangi a forum. "We just need you to list which Pokémon you will be using in the match." Tangi nodded and walked over towards the woman the man indicated. The man walked into the tent and shouted to the audience inside, "All right kiddies! The match will start shortly, so if you'd all take your seats, we will get this show going shortly!" A few cheers and whistles came from the crowd. The man turned to the representatives that stayed at the table and shouted over to them. "Let the outside people know we'll be starting soon so they can get a spot in the crowd."

"Okay Tangi. My name is Laurie and I'll be the announcer this match. You have here that you will be using a Charmander and a Lucario, yes?" Tangi nodded. "Very well, just sit in this room until we can get the stage ready. Depending on the rules, you'll only be able to use one of those Pokémon so please chose ahead of time which will it be."

'Bleh. How am I supposed to pick?' Tangi scratched his head as Laurie walked away. He turned up to the double-doors and pushed them open, taking a look around the waiting room. On one side was a trainer in a white jogger suit with sunglasses on. Then in the middle of the room, near the TV, was a woman in a purple T-shirt and blue jeans with her hair tied back into a ponytail. 'Jeez, guess I shouldn't make fun of how Reb dresses...' He turned his head to the other side to see a man Tangi recognized instantly from his green cap and green vest. "Hey! Tank!" Tank turned around with Eve, his Eevee, in his hands.

"Ah, Tangi. Nice to see ya again." He walked half way towards Tangi, with him covering the other half of the distance. "You're taking part in this event?"

"Oh yea. You know me! Battle plus prizes is a must! How about you?"

"Well, I asked Eve and she wanted to do this so I just went with it," he said in a rather matter-of-fact tone. "Did your Pokémon wanna join?" Tangi jumped a bit at this remark. He laughed a little nervously. "So no?" Tangi sighed and nodded.

"Yea, I sort of jumped into it. I'll ask them now." He grabbed his Pokéballs and pressed the release button revealing Fenrir and Flint. Flint was eager as normal and Fenrir just walked over to Tangi, socked him in the gut, and pulled out the book from his backpack. "What the hell Fenrir?!"

"What? It looked like it was called for." The two other trainer's heads spun so fast to look the Lucario; trying to tell if it just actually spoke. Tangi just stood back up and started rubbing the spot of impact.

"What are you talking about?"

"You had a look of guilt on your face," Fenrir said as he flipped to the spot he left off on. "Figured you jumped into something without telling us, right?" Tangi felt the cold blade of reality stab through him.

"Eheheheh... Well, maybe." He sighed; then continued. "Well, we're in a Battle Tent. We're suppose to fight those guys over there and this guy right her-" Tangi looked over at where Tank was just standing, but he wasn't there anymore. Tangi looked over at Flint who was playing with Eve then over at Fenrir, still being stared down by the two other trainers. "Where did Tank go?"

"I'm right here" Tangi nearly jumped out of his skin when Tank spoke up right behind him. "You were hit pretty hard so I grabbed some ice." He threw it at Tangi. He caught it, but the force behind it...

"Man, you throw as hard as Fenrir punches..." He placed the ice on his gut and watched as Tank walked over with cups towards Flint and Fenrir; offering them drinks. Tangi blinked. "Thanks, but you didn't have to do that." Tank shook his head.

"Its fine, I don't mind." Tank walked over with the last cup and poured some of it in a bowl he materialized out of one of his many vest pockets for Eve. She growled happily at her trainer and began drinking along with Flint who was chugging away at his cup. He sighed when he was done and hiccupped. "Oh, sorry." Tank picked Flint up without letting him know and smacked him hard on the back, forcing a pop of air and flames to come out. Flint blinked a few times then laughed at this, prompting Tank to do it again.

"Uh oh, you got him started with burping flames... Now he'll aim it at me every time," Tangi said with a laugh. He opened his eyes again to see Flint giving him a mischievous grin, making Tangi yet again urked at the scene.

"Will you two keep it down...?" Tank and Tangi looked toward the guy in the white jogger suit. "Some of us like to relax before a fight." Tangi was about to speak up, but Tank bet him to the punch.

"Sorry. We'll keep it down." The white-guy hmphed and continued to rest his eyes (at least Tangi assumed he was since he wore sunglasses.) The girl in purple chuckled slightly and them.

"Honestly, listing to that snob so easily. Maybe if I ask you to throw the match you would," she finished with an 'ohohoho!' making Tangi want to plug his ears from how loud she was. She turned back to the screen as the jogger guy started shouting obscenities at her. Tangi, Tank and their Pokémon (including Fenrir) all stared at the other two momentary before turning back to what they were doing beforehand.

"Anywho..." Tangi started. "That Laurie chick said we needed to have at least one Pokémon in mind before we battle. You got yours Tank?"

Tank nodded. "Eve was the one that wanted to fight so I'm going to be using her. And you?" Tangi looked back and forth between his options. He had a Lucario who was a great fighter but liked to beat him if he screwed up on something... Then he had a flame breathing newt that was nice but tried to bite his limbs off if he makes even the smallest joke at his expense...

"... I'm not sure which one is the safer choice," he finished while making a sobbing face. Tank laughed then pulled out his Pokédex.

"Hm. I suggest Flint. He's under-level." Tangi blinked.

"Wait, I thought that thing only scans your Pokémon.

"Oh no, it only scans their moves. You can get a rough level estimate of any Pokémon with this though. Here, gimme yours and I'll show ya." Tangi pulled his Pokédex out and passed it to Tank. He flipped it open and hit the A B and R button at the same time popping up a scan window. He aimed it at Flint and Fenrir then pressed A again. Both of their status bars popped up showing their HP and Level.
Flint- Lv.12
Fenrir- Lv.28

Tangi blinked at the level difference between them. 'Wow... And Flint won against Fenrir yesterday. Wonder what level he was before winning that fight.' Tank interrupted his thoughts.

"How did you get such a high level Lucario that listens to you without gym badges?" Fenrir looked up over the pages of 'his' book to the pair. Tangi look at the floor, thinking of an answer.

"Well... I found him wild so I decided to catch him." Tangi decided he should lie about the situation so Fenrir's past wasn't brought up into light of others that didn't need to know. Fenrir smiled then returned to reading. Tank nodded.

"Well, I still say go with Flint. He could use the fighting experience anyway." Tangi lightly laughed in response. He was about to tell him about Flint's battles when the PA system turned on.

"Will all trainers please report to center stage for the battle! I repeat; will all trainers-"

"About time," the white suited male said with a yawn. He rose from his chair and out the door with the purple-shirt gal following close behind.

"Oh, don't act like such a bore!" She chased after him 'ohohoho'ing all the way out the door.

"Shall we?" Tank picked up Eve and let her rest on his hat. "See you in the arena Tangi." He walked out with his back towards them, waving from over his shoulder. Tangi blinked a few times.

"Hm. Fenrir, you wanna stay outta the ball and read on the side lines? I might get to switch 'mon out." Fenrir nodded and stood up, punching Tangi in the arm. "Ow! Okay, I know I didn't do anything wrong that time!"

Fenrir smiled. "Of course not. That was because we're friends." He walked out the door and walked in the direction of the other trainers. Tangi stood there in a state of slight shock as Flint climbed up his clothes and nudged his face. He turned towards the lizard and smiled.

"Hear that? Said we're friends." He grinned wider than he felt he ever grinned before in his life as he walked out the double doors.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming to our special promotional Battle Tent! Today I will be your announcer, Laurie!" The girl from before was in a completely different outfit. She still wore blue but it was an azure blue shirt and skirt with white tennis shoes. The crowd cheered madly as she tried to calm them down. "Thank you all for coming today! We have a special treat for you all; a first in Battle Tent history! Today's challengers will fight in a 1vs1vs1vs1 match; a four-way 'free for all' if you would!" More cheers ensued. "So let's meet our participants!" Laurie pointed over towards the corridor where the four trainers stood.

"In corner one we have David; a citizen of Jubilife City who joined us while he was on his morning jog!" David walked out onto the arena acting seemingly oblivious to the cheering around him. "In corner two we have Linaly from Oreburgh City!" The girl walked toward her corner with, yet again, her signature 'ohohohoh!' Even the crowd grew silent at how high pitch her voice was; Laurie cringing as well. "C-continuing on..." She waved her hand at the corridor again. "In corner three with have Tank, another boy from Jubilife City!" Tank ran over to his corner; Eve jumping down by his feet when he reached it. "Lastly, in corner four, we have Tangi; who comes from Sandgem Town!"

'Tangi...?' A man in a lab coat and khaki shorts that was sitting out ahead of the crowd near the judges table stared at the boy and the Charmander that rested on his shoulder. 'So, this is the boy Rowan talked about...' he thought till he was interrupted by the cheering from the crowd.

"Okay, here are the rules! Each side is allowed to use only one Pokémon. Each side can attack any of the other side's regardless of if it would normally be considered a 'gang up.' Items are not allowed to be used unless Pokémon enter the field with them equipped already. Are these rules understood?" Each trainer nodded. "Then, after a word from our sponsor, we shall begin!" Laurie stepped to the sides as the lab-coated man stepped up on the stage; causing everyone to gasp. There, in flesh and blood, stood Professor Burch; head scientist of the Hoenn region.

"Ahahah! Yes, I know! It's rather shocking for me to be at something so formal; I know!" He started laughing loudly before clearing his throat. "Ahem. Sorry about that!" He smiled widely at the trainers. "Each of you were brave enough to step forward to fight one another in front of this crowd gathered here today. To honor that, each of you shall be rewarded afterwards. Of course, the rewards differ depending on how you do in the match so keep that in mind!" With another laugh he walked off stage just as fast as he entered it.

'Wow, Professor Burch... I've only ever seen him when Professor Rowan talked to him.' Tangi grinned to himself. 'Wonder what the prize is...' he thought as he was interrupted by the announcer.

"And with that, let the match begin! Each side will call out their Pokémon!" Tangi jumped slightly before the words registered.

"Go, Flint!"

"Let's do this Eve!"

"Knock them out Tauros!"

"Take charge, Whismur!" All Pokémon made center stage. Tangi noted that Flint's eyes did indeed change but he wasn't worried anymore.

'I told him I trust him. So I'll just have to keep doing that.' He nodded to himself then shouted at his partner, "Start things off with a Smokescreen!" Flint emitted a fog of black smoke, him jumping out of it along with Eve. He looked over to the Eevee and Burch took notice of this.

'Hm, he'll lung at the Eevee now and try to knock it out first.' Professor Burch knew the behavior he saw in front of him. He noted behavioral changes in Pokémon of the 'shiny' genesis. They were more expressive of their natures; whether more passive then most or extremely more savage and willing to act on their impulses; these being the only two he's ever seen in the shinnies. But to his surprise the Charmander did nothing to the Eevee. He blinked a few times thinking he missed something, but there they were, standing next to each other. Staring into the cloud of darkness the lizard made less than a minute ago. It seemed like they were communing to each other... He pulled out his binoculars he carried on hand and looked at them. Sure enough, Flint was in his crazed mode; pupils dilated. Burch's mouth gapped open a bit, but soon turned to laughter. 'The world of Pokémon never ceases to surprise me...' He grinned as he looked onto the battlefield with newly founded interest.

"Eve and Flint seem to be tag battling for now." Tangi shouted at Tank as he turned to him. Tank nodded. "How about it?" Tangi grinned.

"Not like we have a say in the matter!" They both laughed as shouting came from beyond the other side.

"You can't do this! This is a coward's way of fighting" The girl was screeching like a banshee on the other side.

"Oh shut up! Tauros! Charge out of there!" The Pokémon did so and ended up right between Flint and Eve.

"Flint, Blast burn!"

"Eve, Iron Tail!" Eve managed to get her attack off before Flint due to him charging the fireball up. She smacked the Tauros upside the head; knocking it down on his side. Flint held the ball in place as she jumped out of harm's way, letting the ball of flames fly towards their mark and hit dead-on. The Tauros laid there in the smoldering flames. Then the announcer called it.

"Tauros is unable to battle! Trainer one is out of the match!" Loud shouting could be heard on the other side from the groveling trainer. A moment later though, the Tauros was swallowed up into his red light and back in his ball. Tangi and Tank looked at their Pokémon and grinned at them both; receiving equally large grins from the 'mons themselves. Burch smiled.

'Interesting...' He'd have to watch the rest of the match before he considered informing Rowan of his change in analysis.

The smoke cleared off the field revealing a shaken Whismur. Eve and Flint bolted up to it and started to circle around. Suddenly, Linaly let out another ear-piercing laugh. "You fools have walked right into my trap! Whismur; Screech!" The pink 'mon obeyed and let out a cry that put its master's laugh to shame in terms of ear-piercing. Flint and Eve covered their ears. "Now Tackle that hideously brown lump of fur!" A leap later, the Whismur had smacked against Eve; knocking it toward the edge of the arena.


'God I wish she'd stop that!' Tangi cringed every time he heard that laughter. He looked over at the Whismur and saw it was mimicking its master's laugh. He looked over at Flint who noticed this as well. They stared at each other before nodding. "Hey Linaly! That was a nice sneak attack! What say you finish off that Eevee and we have ourselves a real match?" Tank looked over at Tangi shocked as she shouted back.

"But of course! Now wait there my dear, this will only take a minute!" She pulled her head back and started to laugh again; causing her 'mon to mimic her again. Tangi smiled.

"Now Flint!" Flint lunged at the Whismur; closing the distance in less than a second. He grabbed it with his teeth and tossed it up. "Fire Fang!" His mouth engulfed in flames as he jumped into the air and bit into the pink Pokémon again. "Now toss it!" He did so and tossed it right into the ground below. "And finish up wit-"Tangi hadn't even given the command when Flint let fly multiple Embers at the Whismur. The cloud of dust dispersed to reveal one roasted and knocked out pink ball of a 'mon.

"Whismur is unable to battle! Trainer Two is out of the match!" Linaly cried out in defeat letting tears form at her eyes. She quickly returned her Pokémon to its ball and ran out of the tent without even waiting to receive her third place prize. Tangi looked over at Tank with a smile across his face, giving him a thumb up. Tank just chuckled. He looked back at Eve, who was currently being helped up by Flint.

"I don't think those two are going to battle each other." Tangi blinked at him and looked over at their 'mons. He smiled again.

"Yea, not happening today." He waved at the announcer to get her attention. "Hey lady! I forfeit for second place!" Tank Eve and Flint looked at him.

She nodded. "Tangi has forfeited for second place. So today's first place winner is Tank from Jubilife City!" The crowd broke out into a cheer as the two trainers walked over to their Pokémon. Eve jumped into Tank's arms as Flint turned his back from Tangi and crossed his paws; puffing his cheeks.

"Aww, come on boy. Would you really have fought her?" Flint looked over at Eve for a bit, and then puffed out a few smoke rings. Tangi snickered. "It's okay if you have a crush! I could just tell-"Flint clamped his mouth around Tangi's head. "T-t-this only supports the fact you're in love; the fact that you're so angry about it!" Flint bit down harder. "OW! OKAY! I'M SORRY!" Burch walked up the steps laughing and clapping at the two. Flint dropped his death grip and fell into his trainer's arms.

"Wonderful fight, all of you!" He clapped his hands together some more causing the crowd to join in. He turned and motioned for them to calm to a mutter again before turning back toward the trainers before him. "As I mentioned before, there are prizes. Though I don't believe they qualify for trainers of your caliber!" Both Tangi and Tank blushed slightly. "So, here!" Burch held out three pieces of paper. "Tank, you placed first place. You have first pick. Don't look at it though till Tangi pulls his." Tank nodded and pulled the last slip in the professor's hand. Tangi decided to pull the first one leaving the middle one in Burch's hand. They both flipped over their papers and saw pictures of

"... A Mudkip?

"Treecko?" Tangi stared at the paper, then turned to the professor just in time to catch a ball tossed at him. Tank looked up in time to grab his too. They both stared at the Pokéballs in their hands before turning to Burch.

"You see," Burch said ,"those I had planned to give out at the main attraction meant to take place later today. But your battle showed you two are just as trustworthy as any elite trainer." He grinned at them as they stared at him; not sure what to think. "Well don't just gawk at me all day! Open them up!" They both listened and pressed the release buttons. Out of Tank's came a Mudkip and out of Tangi's came a Treeko.

"Uh, sir?" Tangi looked up at Burch who looked back. "T-thank you for the thought, but I wouldn't feel right just taking him..." He thought back on how his other two Pokémon had a choice in the matter as he looked back at the Treecko; who currently was looking around the stage.

"Well, ask him then." Tangi looked back to the professor. "If they don't want to travel then I'll simply take them back and give you the other reward." He blinked a few times then turned to Treecko.

"Well... Uh, hi." Tangi said weakly. He felt weird about how the grass type was staring at him. "A-anyway. Do you wanna come hang with us?" He smiled weakly. Treecko just blinked. "See, we're going to get the badges in this region and fight the champion. You could be a hall of famer. And we could be friends too if you'd let me!" He widened his smile and closed his eyes trying to show how happy he was. Treecko blinked again then turned towards the creature coming up from behind Tangi; which proceeded to Force Palm him in the back of the head. Tangi's face was now in the stage floor. He muttered into it; "What is it now Fenrir...?"

"You didn't win." He spoke with a hint of annoyance in his voice. Tangi jerked slightly.

"W-well I didn't want Flint to fight Eve and stuff and I still got second place so that's something and, -" another Force Palm.

Fenrir sighed. "I guess I'll let it slide for now." Treecko stared at the pair.

"Why did you Force Palm me again then..."

"It feels good for some reason. Like a stress reliever."

"... I hate my life," Tangi sobbed into the floor below him. Treecko blinked a few times then started laughing insanely. Everyone turned towards him; including Professor Burch. He'd never seen this Pokémon react in such a way. Tangi sat up to be greeted by the green gecko who was still laughing away. He smiled. "So, care to come along?" Treeko nodded with a smile.


"So, did you decide on a name?" Professor Burch was outside with Tangi and Tank now. Tangi was ready to head off towards Oreburgh Gate.

"Hm. Fenrir found a good one." He pulled out his book and opened it up. "Since Treeckos evolve into Sceptiles, which are in the dragon egg family, I thought Nidhogg was good." Professor Burch grabbed the book from Tangi. "'The dragon that lives under the tree of the world; eating away at its roots.' That's what it says more or less." Professor Burch nodded.

"A fine name. And you Tank? What did you give Mudkip?"

"Well, I thought Acuity would be nice. It's the name of a lake to the north of the region." Burch nodded again in agreement with the name. Tank turned to Tangi. "You said you're heading to Oreburgh Tangi?"

Tangi nodded. "Yea. I wanted to get my first badge."

"I'm going in that direction. Wanna team up again?" He smiled.

"Yea, sure!" They shook hands on it. "Thanks again Professor Burch! We'll see ya around maybe!"

"Just one moment Tangi." Tangi froze and gave the professor a confused look. "Tank, if you wouldn't mind... This is something only for Tangi's ears. Tangi's and Flints." Tank nodded and walked off. Tangi decided since Burch said his and Flint's ears that he should be out to listen to this. He popped open the Pokéball and picked Flint up off the ground.

"Yes professor?"

Burch sighed. "Tangi, you need to know something." He had a bad feeling about this.
"Flint is a shiny..."

"Yea, already knew that since day one."

"Now, let me finish." Tangi groaned inward. "Now Flint being a shiny means that his genetic coding is slightly different then other Pokémon. You may have notice this already..."

"The eyes, yea."

"And him suddenly making decisions in battle." Tangi thought back on this. He did it their match versus Hazru, and today versus that Whismur. "Now, this genetic feature isn't from his parents or blood or anything like other traits; it's from an unknown source in him." Tangi looked down at Flint who was looking forward at Burch.

"Tangi, Flint has some pool of energy in him he keeps tapping into during battles that comes from this supposed mutation. No one knows how deep it is; I doubt even he knows," he finished indicating the last bit towards Flint. "If he gets out of control, he may tap too far into it then he was meant to. He could hurt himself or others. Worse off, he could kill himself or others." Tangi looked right up towards Burch.

"Kill...?" He nodded. Tangi looked back at Flint who, this time, looked up to Tangi. He just couldn't imagine his friend killing someone; let alone the fact him being dead. "Is... Is there a way to control it?" He looked hopefully at the professor who shrugged.

"I can't promise he can, but I also can't say he couldn't. Most shinnies don't have complete control of this energy tap although some have seemed to close off the connection to it willingly. But, I'm afraid Flint has already tapped into it multiple times. It'd be harder for him to disconnect from it then control it I'd imagine." Tangi felt horrible. The only reason Flint's been using it is because he made him fight. Burch grabbed him by the shoulders. "But, if this counts for anything..." Tangi looked up. "He doesn't fit into any of the categories we have yet for this behavior. It could very well mean he has control over it now and we just don't know it. So let him continue using it. Just if you see a sudden change, return him immediately. Do you understand that?"
Tangi felt a ray of hope shine on him.

"Yea! I understand!" He shot the professor a grin and looked back down at Flint who was smiling up to him.

"Then get going." Tangi nodded to him and bolted off toward where Tank went. Burch was about to walk back to his lodgings on the tent site, but Tangi popped back from behind the corner of the tent.

"Um, if you talk to Professor Rowan, can you tell him what you told me?"

"Certainly. You be careful now, okay?" Tangi nodded and ran off. "Ah, kids today. So full of energy..." Burch laughed to himself as he made his way to his room where he could call Rowan and inform him of what transpired.

Three hours had passed since Tangi and Tank left the Battle Tent and it was nearing evening time. Both of them had their Pokémon out walking along with them. Flint and Nidhogg were playing around with each other, Eve was resting on top of Tank's hat, Acuity was running around their feet and Fenrir was walking right behind the two trainers reading into the book of mythology Tangi had. Both of them talked about what they wanted to do. Tangi wanted to challenge the Elite Four and Cynthia, where as Tank wanted to be a trainer and breeder like his father was.

"Wow, your dad's the guy that runs the contest across Sinnoh?"

"Yea. Everyone think they're for girls who can't put up with battles, but there's actually more thought that has to be put into it."

"Yea, I don't see any of us entering one anytime soon ahahah..." Sure he could strategize, but Tangi didn't think he could coordinate too well. They walked a bit more talking about their plans still when they finally came up to Oreburgh Gate. "This is it, yea?"

"Uh huh. It's only like a two minute walk through a cave if that. Just the Pokémon here like to fight. Think it is cause of the mining work that goes on near here that agitates them."

"Yea... And yet we have to keep at it, don't we?" Tangi thought as they entered the cave. He didn't like the idea that Pokémon were being driven from their homes but he also knew that was how humans were. Though he also knew that they'd never take it too far to endanger Pokémon; that's what he liked the most about this world. How humans wanted and would understand Pokémon for the most part. "So, planning on catching any in here?"

Tank looked around. "Yea, I might later. Right now we should just cut through fast and get a room at the PokéCenter. Don't ya think?" He nodded in agreement as they finished the last stretch of pathway before they walked into the twilight of the evening that developed around Oreburgh City's borderlines. Tangi looked at the PokéCenter's red roof, then his eyes darted to the roof of the Gym. He nodded to himself.

'Tomorrow we're dethroning that gym leader...' He felt like his face turned into the same battle expression that Flint would wear. He looked down at his 'mon and saw the exact same one he thought of across his partner's face. 'And I'll trust Flint; just as I have been.' Still, the thought of something dangerous behind that face began to sink into Tangi's mind...
Chapter End Notes:Hope I'm at least getting better at typing these for you guys
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