AGNPH Stories

Where Dreams End by Lunis1992


A Formal with Some Drama and Danger

Slateport City. A place full of small markets and the second largest city of Hoenn. The city was filled and people were buying. Ships were either being docked or are leaving. It was a bright sunny day, so the lighthouse wasn't lit in the city. But that was our main focus right now. Reason is not that's the people see but what people don't see. Deep underground, around 20 miles below the surface, was a secret passage way. The walls were made up of steel and were light up by dimmed light bulbs. There was a steel door down the path and behind it was an even larger hallway, this time filled with men in heavy armor, all dressed in black and dark helmets with visors. The images the helmets give off, was one of a demonic being, with small horns on both sides and long sharp teeth around the mouth area. These soldiers were armed with Assault Rifles and Handguns. Each were lined up side by side, marching to another set of doors and enter inside. Now, this room was large. The halls surrounded the room filled with machines and technology that was highly advanced. On the other side of the room from the entrance was a small stand...a coffee stand. A soldier was brewing a beverage when a man with a long lab coat came through the door from the laboratory. The scientist has his sleeves rolled up. He was very slim and his hair was blue and very wild. A burn mark streaked across his left eye and parts of his forehead. The soldier gave the scientist this beverage, which he grabbed and took a sip. But no sooner did he spit it back at right at the soldier's face.

"What the heck is this? You call this coffee?" the man complained.

"It's...decafe sir" the solider replied.

"Well you could've done better with it" The scientist smirked at him. "Okay, mistakes happen. It's nothing to go overboard about right?" The solider nodded to him as the man reached behind his lab coat. "Right" Just then he pulled out a rod, one with a handle to grab and an U shaped tip with electricity sparking at the pointed end, and jabbed it on the soldier's throat. He yelled in pain and dropped to the floor, his body twitching and smoke coming out of his helmet. "Never have time to find smart soldiers these days" he said as he grabbed his drink and headed back into the lab.

The lab was a circular room, filled with high-tech machinery and gadgets. One side of the room was a giant screen with three smaller ones on each side of it. The man came up to the computer and checked on the statistics of the project that he was assigned.

"Hmm. Going well, as to be expected" he muttered to himself. Just then, the watch on his right hand started to blink red. He looked over it and picked up a small remote and pressed the on button to the monitor. It flicked on and revealed the head of a dark canine with grey fur. His fur was clean and his red eyes glowed through the screen. The Mightyena looked toward the doctor with impatient in his eyes

"Abaddon report to me of your progress on Project Ophan. I want to hear good news" the canine said in human language. Abaddon took a sip from his drink and looked at the computer screen before looking back at the man.

"No need to worry about anything. The project is showing great promise. Soon Luci will be having the best soldiers in the world and replace those that your elite happen to make. So quit looking over my shoulder Adolf."

"You shall call my master by Lucifer. Not Luci. Do you understand Abaddon?"

"You have your way of naming him I got mine" Abaddon said, sitting down on the chair and lifting his feet next to the computer. "The test had been improving greatly. Small defects here and there, but nothing that can't be fixed. Just relax and let me do my job"

"Master Lucifer wants Project Ophan to be completed as soon as possible. If you keep procrastinating you should expect your head to be on a stick" Abaddon laughed loudly at Adolf.

"Perfection take time my fellow Mightyena freak and you can't rush perfection. Not only that, but who else are you going to get who will do this project?" Adolf growled. Abaddon may be an annoying man to deal with, but he was right. No one else can do the project but him.

"Just make sure the project goes smoothly Abaddon. No mistakes. Understand?"

"Got it sergeant jerk" he said saluting, getting a growl from Adolf before he turned off the monitor. Abaddon moved the mouse and opened up a file. Another set of stats popped out as well as well as blueprints to a small mech. "Once this is finished, I won't have to hear those buffoons ever again. And the best part is, after this I can even make more improvements" He clicked on another file, this time opening up different weapons that the mech would have once it's completed. Missiles, lasers, bombs, and everything in between was going to be built in. "Man I love this job" Abaddon said, drinking his decafe.


"I don't this really me?" Alistor said. He was looking himself at the mirror at Petalburg City's clothing store. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a bolo tie. He was messing around with the collar to loosen it a bit. He was here with his team as well as Normal and his son, Max.

"Looks fine to me" Max said, standing next to his dad. Alistor looked at the back, but he couldn't see himself in this.

"I'm not feeling it" he told them as he headed back into the changing room "I always wonder why it takes guys so long to pick out a tux even though they all look the same. Now I know" Alistor tossed the tuxedo over the door before it landed on a chair rather neatly. "Any luck with my sister?"

"Well, your Absol is out looking for her" Norman said, "I haven't seen her since we entered the store. Wonder where she went off to" Somewhere in the store, Leila was looking around the aisle searching for Pedils. She called out to her quietly to keep the attention away from herself, a talking Absol.

"Pedils? Where are you?" she called out. She turned her head side to side until someone suddenly grabbed her by the mane and pulled her into a rack of sweaters. Leila was about to scream until someone covered her mouth quickly.

"Don't scream" Pedils whispered from behind. Leila let out a sigh of relief as she was let go.

"Were you here this whole time?" she said in human speech, "They've been looking for you"

"They will never find me. There is noooooo way I am going to wear some dress. Not my thing"

"Why do you hate dresses?"

"I don't like dresses because of they are so sparkly and girly. I am not going to wear something like that. Plus, it's not good with wind"

"It's not so bad"

"And how would you know?" Leila looked away quickly with a claw up to her lips.

"I-I'm just saying. Anyway, this formal wants people to dress formally. What are you going to do?"

"I am not sure, but there is no way I am wearing some dress! Now go and tell them I went to eat at a McDonalds so they won't get suspicious" Pedils swiftly pushed the Absol out and hid herself again. Leila rolled back and sat up confusingly.

"Ooookay....I'll do that" she said as she got back to her feet and went to the others. Being told to not speak human around Norman nor Max, she just barked and shook her head to tell them she couldn't find Alistor's sister. By this time, Alistor was on his fourth tuxedo and again rejected it.

"Pedils must be off somewhere. She'll turn up eventually" Alistor said and stomped his right foot. "Dangit this just doesn't feel right." He pulled on his collar to loosen it more.

"Well what else are you going to do? Wear the clothes you're already on?" Max asked. Alistor perked up and smiled down at Max.

"Now that sounds like a plan!" he said as he went into the dressing room again to change back.

"B-but I didn't mean-"Max muttered as he sighed. Alistor came back out with the tuxedo's in his arm and handed them to Norman.

"Thanks for the help, but I will stay with what I have on" he said. Norman didn't ask any questions as he placed the tuxedos back. "I'll look around for Pedils and tell her. I'll meet you back at the gym alright?" Max went to his dad and they were soon gone out of the store. Alistor chuckled out as Leila went next to him. "Know where Pedils is Leila?"

"Yup. She's hiding in the clothing racks" she said and leads him to the spot. Alistor moved the clothes a bit to see Pedils clearly.

"There you are" he said.

"Don't you get any closer!" Pedils yelled out, flailing her arms at him, "You'll NEVER put me in a stinking dress!" Alistor had his hands up against his face as his sis swung at him.

"Calm down. Calm down. I don't think it'll matter" he said, getting a confused look from Pedils, "I decided that I won't be wearing a tux for the formal. I'm going the way I am now."

"Why am I not surprise?" she said as she crawled out, "Well if you're not wearing a tux then I don't have to put on a dress then"

"That's the idea. Lets get back to Norman and Max so-"

"Woah woah. Who said we're done here? I'm still going to look for new cloths. Been wearing this for months and it's feeling very small"

"Okay? But how will you pay for it?" Pedils smirked and dug into her pocket before pulling out a handful of money.

"Norman gave me some when I asked. I promised to show him the receipt after purchasing the dress. But since I don't have to wear a dress, I can buy some new set of clothes to wear"

"That sounds like a plan Pedils. I can help you out" Pedils agreed to have him assist her. He may be reckless at times, but he does know how to pick good clothes. Leila offered to help as well, agreeing to be with Pedils to help her carry some clothes. They split up in the store, searching for Pedils's new thread. Near the girl's changing room, two familiar Zoroark girls were dress shopping for the same event. Zora and Kerrin were preparing themselves for the formal, picking out dresses so they can be a part of the festivities. Kerrin was holding a black dress with small glitter around the collar and below it. And it was small....very small.

"There is no way in hell that I trying this out Zora" Kerrin growled, "Why the hell did you freakin pick this one?" Zora giggled like a school girl as Kerrin looked over the dress.

"Oh relax. I mean it's not like you're the one going to wear it" she pointed out.

"But it's going to be my body that'll be in it" Kerrin said, "Why do we even have to wear human clothes?"

"Well, we are practically naked you know. So it'll cover you up so you wouldn't have to worry about the one who have their minds in the gutter" Zora giggled. Kerrin's eyes twitched and she let out a defeated sigh.

"Fine. I'll try out some dresses okay?" Zora smiled big.

"Good!" Zora suddenly added four more small dresses to the first one "Now into the changing room!" she giggled as she pushed Kerrin in.

"Okay Zora! Okay! But you're not coming in with me" Kerrin said as she closed the door behind her. Zora giggled profusely before calming down. Alistor was looking through the shirts for Pedils to wear. He pulled out one with a Beautifly design with flowers all over.

"Nah. She's not into that" he said as he put the shirt back. He turned and noticed a Zoroark looking through dresses. Alistor scratched his head and chuckled lightly.

"Hey!" he called out as he went on over. Zora's ears twitched as she heard him come over. She saw him come next to her, which was a bit confusing. "Haven't seen you since the fight we had in Oldale town. How's it going?" Zora's ears perked more at the question. The fight? Must've been that boy Kerrin fought. Her description matched his look anyways. Who else had white hair and Z markings under his eyes. "Keeping up the silent treatment? Come on at least tell me what your name is" Zora's mind clicked at an idea.

"....Kerrin" she said. She decided to have a bit of fun. She was a real talent when it comes to imitation and impersonation, especially when it's Kerrin she's impersonating. Alistor's expression turn to shock, but not because of her actually telling the name, but also speaking human.

"Wow you talked! Never expected that!" With that exclamation, 'Kerrin' placed her paws on her hips and glared at him.

"What? You thought I was too stupid to talk?" she growled at him.

"No I didn't mean-"

"Think my species are too stupid?"

"Okay let me rephrase it. I never knew you talk HUMAN speech" Zora looked away, knowing Kerrin would likely do that.

"Better. You're not as stupid as I thought" Alistor chuckled nervously.

"Sorry about the confusion" he said, "Hey you're finding something to wear for the formal?"

"Doesn't it look like it?" Zora said as she looked through the dresses with little interest.

"I'm coming to the formal too. Lucky me! Maybe we'll meet up again in there"

"We'll see human" Alistor could hear his sister calling to him from the register.

"Well I got to get going. Seem like my little sister got what she needed" he said as he turned and walked off, "Later!" Zora just looked away and did a small wave to him. When he was out of earshot, she giggled profusely. That was way fun. She's got to do that again sometime.

"That boy is something" she said between giggles. It was then Kerrin came out of the changing room, glaring at Zora while wearing a dress with a small skirt and clung to her figure, pressing her breasts up as well.

"I am not amused" she growled to her.


Back at the gym, inside the room where Alistor's group was sleeping in, Calida was lying on her back on the bed, holding Alistor's sword above her. She had a big smile on her face as she snuggled it against her body. Luckily it was in its scabbard or she would need new arms from how tight she was holding it.

"Snuggling against objects again Calida?" Jack asked as he came through the door and before ducking under a fire shot from her. "Hey, I just fixed my fur!"

"Think about that next time you blabber your mouth" Calida said as she sat back up, setting Alistor's sword on her lap. Jack dusted off his shoulders as he got back up.

"Why don't you just tell Alistor already? What are you so worried about?" Calida blushed a bit and looked at the floor. Indeed, she did have feelings for the boy. She had ever since she could remember. When she was just a Cyndaquil, nobody in her pack wanted anything to do with her. They always leave whenever she gets close by. But then, when she was brought into the Gracideas and was given to Alistor, she felt like she was someone special. Whenever she was sad, Alistor was always there to cheer her up. If she was scared of something, he'll always show that there is nothing to be afraid of. He was the first real friend she ever had. The feelings formed when she evolved into a Quilava, though her sexual desires formed when she accidentally walked in on him when he was about to take a shower. Boy did she remember. His muscle tones from all his training. His sweats flowing down his skin, making it shine against the light. Her mouth was agape with a smile on her face as she remembers that moment.

"Thinking about Alistor naked again?" Jack spoke out and ducked under another fire shot.

"There are other things I could be thinking about?!" she shouted

"Please. Not even your favorite food gets you to drool that much" Calida growled and flew back on the bed.

"I can't help it" she said, "Alistor is...he's just so incredible. So wonderful. And soooo handsome. Wonder how he'll look in a tuxedo"

"Then why haven't you told him yet?" Jack asked her. Calida sat back up again with sigh.

"I don't know. I mean..."

"It can't be because you're afraid of his thoughts on human/pokemon relationships. You know how his family is on that subject"

Alistor's family, the Gracideas, is very open to their thoughts on this. They don't see it as an abomination like some of the more religious people do. They accept the idea fully. Some of the family members married their loved pokemon companion.

"I know I know" Calida said, holding Alistor's sword tighter now. "But the idea that he won't return my feelings is...scary. I don't know if I can even think about it without feeling terrified."

"Well, you better do it before it's too late. Who knows when someone else will take him" Calida took a deep breath. She didn't want that.

"I'll say it when I'm ready. I'll make sure of that" she said, "You know, I'm actually glad that you overheard what I said a year ago"

"Hey, who else is going to kick you into doing things?" Just then, the door knocked. Calida quickly placed Alistor's sword against the wall where it was. Pedils and Alistor came through the door now, followed by Leila.

"Hey Alistor!" Calida greeted, "How the tuxedo shopping go?"

"Well, it didn't look so good" Alistor said, "but then I decided that I'll go as the way I am now. Less hassle if I just go with that" Calida hopped off the bed and just nodded, a bit disappointed that she wouldn't see him in a tuxedo, but she won't mind. "Well, the formal is coming close. We should get ready. Where are Brooke and Anna?"

"We're here" Brooke said from the door as she and Anna came back.

"This place is amazing! I never knew gyms have greenhouses for pokemon" Anna said excitingly.

"Glad you enjoyed it, but we need to get ready for the formal. Norman did show generosity by giving us these tickets"

"You know how to use generosity in a sentence?" Pedils playfully gasped, "Who ever knew?!" Jack and Brooke laughed as Calida laughed louder. Alistor nearly fell over from the statement she made.

"Lets just get ready for the event okay everyone?" he said, "Jack and Leila get your fur brush. Jack help Leila since she doesn't have hands. Anna and Brooke, you two can use the baths to wash up. Think you can help them clean up Pedils?"

"I have nothing else to do. I only need to change into my new clothes" Pedils said as she takes Anna and Brooke to the baths.

"I think there was another bathroom around here. Calida, I'll help you wash up alright?" Calida smiled big as she nodded.


As the sun sets over the horizon, The city's lights were turning on, lighting the streets and buildings. The building where the Paradise Formal would take place was shining the brightest. Out in the distance, away from the city and into the confines of the forest, sounds of footsteps echoed through the area. In the shadows, three brown feathered heads poked out and came into sight. It was a Dodrio, and someone was on its back. By the physique of the rider, it was a female. She wore a black coat with golden trims and two arm bands on each arm. The half-shirt and skirt she wore had the colors of Hoenn's legendary pokemon, Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza. She had on black boots with golden trimmings and patterns, like her jacket and fingerless gloves. Her head was concealed with a metal helmet, keeping her identity a secret. Behind the rider, there were five others with Doduo mounts. One of them was looking through a pair of binoculars, looking onto the final preparations in the building.

"Everything is in order" he said. The woman, who was their leader, looks on through her own set of binoculars.

"Alright. We'll all go into positions. Once the signal is sighted, we all move in" With a slight of hand, three of the men behind her hid in the shadows once again. It was then she took a cell phone out and dialed a number. There were two rings until someone answered.

"Hello?" a scratchy male voice replied from the other side.

"Preparation's finished" she told him "Send the signal once Lucifer is unguarded"

"Alright, I'll make sure it'll work" With that both of them hung up and the woman placed her phone back into her pocket. "We'll have our home back soon. Lucifer will pay for his deeds" The woman and the other followers turned and went inside the forest, leaving nothing but the echoes of the Doduo's footsteps behind.


It was time for the Paradise Formal. Outside, there were those of rich and royalty entering the building. Trainers were entering in as well. Some had one of their pokemon out. Inside was very elegant. Tables with white silk coverings were set on the sides of the large dance floor in the enormous room. It was light up brightly as a crystal chandelier hung above. All the partiers were dressing fancy for the occasion. Well, almost all of them.

Alistor came in, taking in his surroundings with a big smile on his face. He was wearing his casual clothing like he said he would. His team was right behind him, equally excited about the event. Jack was fixing his fur as he took a look around.

"Woah, this is a huge place!" he said in amazement.

"And this is only one room" Anna said. Pedils was behind all of them, wearing her new set of clothes. She had a white vest with many black lines that change direction on right angles, same design as her armlets. The vest was over a black short-sleeved shirt, with it's collar poking out from her neckline. She had two dark brown belts across her black pants, that seem to be strapped at the shoes that have steel plates over the heels.

"So many people here" she said. Calida's sights was on the food tables, her mouth drooling.

"Can I Alistor?" she asked, "the food looks soooo inviting"

"Well, we are here to enjoy ourselves" Alistor chuckled "Just don't eat all the food okay Calida" The Typhlosion quickly nodded and rushed over to the nearest table, chowing down on some shrimp and sandwiches. Jack decided to head off and go exploring a bit. That was when he went past a Snorlax, who whistled at him when he got past. Jack's hands clenched as he turned to the wooer.

"Get lost already!" he shouted and punched it in the stomach, realizing now that it was soft as a pillow and had no effect. "......crap" he muttered as he started running for his virginity.

The others all went their separate ways to have their own time at the formal. All but Leila, who was looking around frantically and hiding behind Alistor's legs. He took noticed of it and got curious.

"Something wrong Leila?" he asked her. She jumped a bit from surprise hearing Alistor.

"O-oh nothing!" she said in her pokemon language "It's just many people in one place."

"I've seen places with a lot more" he chuckled, "There's nothing to be afraid of Leila. Go on, have a great time here" Leila slowly moved away from his leg and scurried away, disappearing into the crowd of people. The Absol went into a hallway, going past two certain Zoroark ladies who were all over each other, making out. Zora was keeping Alina against the wall, who was giggling as she was getting butterfly kisses.

"Zora!" she giggled out, "We're at a party!" Zora giggled and kissed her lips.

"You just look so hot in that dress I couldn't help myself" she told her. Alina giggled and posed in her sparkling red dress with a V-shaped opening that showed much of her cleavage.

"You think so?" she cooed.

"Course!" Zora giggled. She was wearing a long black spaghetti strapped dress with a slit coming up her right leg.

"How about we go and show them our stuff?" she giggled and whispered, "And then we can have an all nighter" Both of them giggled, Aki popping out from Alina's mane.

"Yay! All nighter!" she cheered before yipping and going back in. Both Zoroarks giggled madly and held each other's hands before joining the party. People were having some time talking amongst themselves. Alistor was looking around, seeing trainers talking to each other about their pokemon and what they had achieved so far. Some of them were even showing each other the badges they want. When he saw those gym badges sparkle in the room light, his body shivered with so much anticipation to win the others.

"Just wait, I'll be getting my gym badges faster than anyone else" he muttered out. His eyes then spotted a familiar red mane flowing back and forth. "That must be Kerrin" he said and hurried toward her. Zora was smiling with a small glass in his right paw, looking at all the partiers, especially the female variety. Her ears twitched as footsteps came to her direction.

"Kerrin hey!" Alistor greeted. Zora smirked and giggled silently, knowing how much fun she would have now. She put on an annoyed face and turned to him.

"What is it human?" she said in Kerrin's voice, taking a sip of her drink.

"Well, I did told ya that we would meet here" he chuckled.

"Congratulations, you're psychic" Zora said in an annoyed tone.

"Not exactly" he chuckled "I'm just here with my sis and my teammates. You having a good time so far?" Zora rolled her eyes at him. On the inside, she was having a ball that he isn't realizing that she was a different Zoroark.

"It's not as exciting as everyone thinks" she said, "To many humans for my taste" Zora's ears perked up at the sound of the new music coming up. It was a slow dance by the rhythm of it, and she did enjoy these kinds of dances. She placed her glass down on the table and grabbed onto Alistor's hand.

"Come on. We're going to dance" she ordered, "I'm not going to be seen as a loser for coming here alone". Alistor didn't knew what happened, but he was soon being pulled by the arm and into the dance floor. Zora turned abruptly to him and placed his right hand on her hip. She took hold of his left and raised it up.

"Hope you're a better dancer" she said as the music picked up a bit. Alistor just went on with it, even thought he still had no idea what happened. Zora was a bit surprise to see that he was a good dancer. Zora was doing what Kerrin would do if she was here, doing all the leading. Alistor followed each step she was making, going with the rhythm of the music. He was keeping up with her very well. Each turn she had done, he was there to spin her around. He must admit that she was a great dancer.

"You're very elegant Kerrin" he complimented.

"Lets just dance human" Zora said, giggling in her mind. He wasn't suspecting a thing. At the side, Calida was watching them dance. She watched with jealousy as the Zoroark was dancing with the boy she had a crush over. Her nose flared and the bone in her mouth snapped in two as she clenched her teeth.

"Who the hell does that..." Calida muttered, still watching as the two danced with grace and elegance on the dance floor. They were getting admirers on the sidelines and those who were dancing as well. Alistor didn't notice them, but Zora had. She was giggling in her head as she continued to dance at the center of the floor. Her moves were very graceful and brilliant. The song was nearing its end, so Zora had herself spun around three time before Alistor dipped her, just as the music ended with a drum beat. Alistor laughed a bit as her stared down at her.

"That was a great dance" he said before Zora rolled her eyes.

"Mind getting me back up? I think the other humans can see up my dress" she said. It was then that Alistor looked up and a blush appeared on his face as they received an applause. He lifted her back up and coughed nervously. "Thanks anyway" Zora said, "You could've done better though". She began walking off and Alistor quickly went after her.

"That was a great dance Kerrin. Never knew you can do that" he said.

"Oh so now pokemon can't dance?" she growled, "stupid human."

"What? No I didn't mean it like that!" he said frantically. Calida was rushing through the dance floor, shoving people out of the way until she reached the two. Alistor spotted her, panting a bit from rushing. It was a big dance floor.

"Alistor..." she panted, "Who is....?"

"Oh Calida, this Zoroark is Kerrin. We met over at Oldale Town. She was the one I was fighting with"

"I see..." Calida muttered, glaring at Zora "She doesn't look so tough"

"I have to disagree with that statement. She did gave me a run for my money after all"

"Well woopie doo Alistor. That's soooo great to hear" Calida growled. Alistor took note of her tone, wondering what could be wrong with her.

"Calm down Calida. What's gotten into you?" he asked her.

"Nothing is wrong with me! I am fine and dandy! Thanks for asking!" she nearly yelled out as she stomped away. Alistor stood dumbfounded as he watched her leave.

"Calida! Hold on!" he called out and quickly followed her. Zora looked on worryingly, thinking that she may had ended something with those two. Alina wasn't far from them as she noticed the scene and quickly came to her.

"Is everything alright Zora?" Alina asked with Aki's eyes peaking through her mane.

"I think I got that his date jealous" Zora said, thinking that Calida and Alistor were together.

"Oh no. Not again" Alina sighed, "You know you'll have to explain to her what happened right?"

"Well...I guess you're right. I wouldn't want to ruin another pairing" Zora chuckled and kissed Alina's nose and petted Aki through the mane. "I'll be back so we can have a good time at the formal okay?" Alina kissed Zora back as she went off to find them. Aki poked on Alina's mane, grabbing her attention.

"Auntie Alina" she whined quietly, "I'm hungry" Alina giggled up to her.

"Okay Aki. Lets head to the ladies room. But remember, careful not to bite down. I am still a bit sore from the last time" she said, rubbing her right breast tenderly before going off to feed the Zorua.

Calida was still stomping through the hallway. The dance Alistor had with that Zoroark was still burning in her mind. She sighed irritably, leaning against the wall and hitting her hand against it. Seeing Alistor dancing with someone else was getting to her. That Zoroark barely knew Alistor and already they had their first dance.

"Why does Alistor have to be so charming?" she growled silently and banged her head against the wall, yelping and rubbing the sore she got from that.

"Calida!" Alistor shouted out down the hall. Calida glared at him and started to walk away. Alistor used one of his tricks he knew, literally sliding down the hall by creating ice under his feet and getting in front of her. "Hey, what's going on Calida? What's the problem?" he asked her.

"Nothing's wrong okay?! Just let it go!" she shouted.

"You know how I am Calida. I never let my pokemon leave without a smile. You can tell me what's wrong you know"

"I...I just can't okay?" Calida bit her lower lip nervously. Maybe this should be the time to tell him. Zora had just arrived to them, catching both of their attention and receiving a small growl from Calida.

"There a problem?" Zora said in Kerrin's voice, still keeping up with the act.

"Oh great" Calida muttered.

"Look, I don't know what's going on, but that dance was nothing alright? I didn't mean to take your stupid date"

"We're not on a date!!" both Alistor and Calida shouted, a small blush appearing from both.

"Whatever. But it was nothing okay? So stop being upset and just have fun alright?" Down on the other side of the hallway, Leila was sneaking around, looking really nervous.

"Oh why did they have to be here?" she muttered and turned to the corner. When she saw Alistor, she yipped and quickly hid behind the corner. "Oh man" she said and peeked over, "Oh it's just Alistor" she sighed in relief. "For a second there I thought it was...oh I don't want to think about it." She looked on over to them, listening to their conversation.

"I don't want to talk about it!" Calida shouted.

"Just tell him what you want him to know!" Zora said to her. Calida flinched, a blush on her face as she looked over to Alistor. She looked to his sparkling blue eyes as he looked to her with worry. She gulped hard, taking a deep breath as she gets her thoughts together.

"Okay... do have something to you Alistor" Calida gulped as his eyes focused completely on her, "I umm...have to say this right now or else I may regret it. Ever since we met, you showed me nothing but kindness. And I'm very grateful that you helped me through the years and..." Calida was getting so nervous that she had trouble speaking it out. Alistor was looking at her curiously.

"And? And what?" he asked, not even taking the hint once.

"And ...I...I lo-" Click. Calida leaned against the wall for support when she pushed against a hidden switch. Suddenly, the wall behind her swung open and she was falling back. She quickly grabbed onto Alistor, but he was pulled him with Zora, who tried to catch them as well. They let out a scream as they fell in and the door closing behind them. Leila gasped, seeing them fall in the secret passage and quickly went over just was the door closed.

"Alistor?! Calida?!" she shouted and pawed on the wall. She moved her paws around looking for the switched. "It's got to be here somewhere" She was searching for it when a cold sensation ran down her spine, causing her to shiver and stopped her search. " to hide" she muttered, flailing around before taking refuge under a small table in the hall that had large table cloth. She pressed herself back against the wall as footsteps went past her. She nervously crawled forward and peaked through and spotting the passer-bys.

There were four humans, wearing heavy armor. In the center of them was a tall man. He had long raven hair going down his back. He wore black shirt and pants with black boots. His long coat was white and purple...a color between. Azure it was. His eyes were the same color as that. It looked menacing this close. Behind him and the guards were three pokemon, a Gallade, a Lucario, and what appears to be a Zangoose, all wearing armor as well. Her whole body shivered even though it looked like they hadn't noticed her.

"Oh no" she muttered "Why here of all places?"


Pedils was walking around the formal, looking for her older brother Alistor. He suddenly disappeared and he was no where to be seen. She bit her thumb nail out of frustration. Off to her left, Brooke noticed her expression and went over to her. Unlike Alistor, Pedils doesn't know pokemon language. But Brooke did know how to communicate through body language. She went over to Pedils and cocked her head sideways.

"Vap? Vaporeon" Pedils heard her say.

"Hey Brooke. You seen Alistor around here?" she asked. Brooke shook her head. "Dangit. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that something is going to happen" Three trumpets boomed through the music, grabbing everyone's attention to the trio standing under a high balcony. Up there stood a man in a business suit, all old with grey hairs on his head and his glasses over his eyes. He stands onto a podium and taps on the microphone, checking to see if it was working.

"Thank you all for coming to this special event" he spoke out, "I am Vice President, Lenard Jenkins and we welcome you to the Paradise Formal. We do hope that you had enjoyed your visit so far. This was made possible by the very own President of the Hoenn region, Lucifer, who is here to address the people. Now without further ado, put your hands together for Lucifer!" A roar of applause erupted as a tall man stepped into view. Four of his guards marched next to him as he made his way to the podium and looked down onto the partiers.

"Hello fellow citizens" he said, his voice so calm yet firm, "I am very happy you all can be here. It had been a difficult road since the passing of our last president. But, with the help of all of us, the citizens of Hoenn, we will grow and become even stronger. Other regions shall envy us for our greatness. It is with great pleasure to say, thank you all for your assistance. Hoenn would never had been so great without each and everyone of you in this great continent" A roar of applause and cheers sounded out from the people inside. The president raised up his hand and the room was silent. "I am aware that there are trainers in here. I know how you are when it comes to battles, so I am happy to say that we have a room for your pokemon entertainment. After all, you can't stay in one place for so long. So, enjoy with the festivities and remember to keep up the great work" Lucifer turned and left the balcony, leaving the cheers behind him. Trainers from all around hurried over to the room where they could have a battle. Some of the other invites came into it also, hoping to see a good match.

"Hmm...Alistor should be there" Pedils muttered, "hopefully. Brooke, lets go see if he's entering" Brooke nodded to her and quickly went inside with Pedils right behind her. "I hope my woman's intuition is wrong" Pedils whispered to herself.


" head....wh-what happened?" Alistor groaned as he tried to get his sight back. He had a throbbing pain on his head from where he fell. He blinked, his vision becoming clear. The first thing he saw was a pair of red eyes staring down at him. Calida was looming over him, checking to see if he was alright.

"You doing okay Alistor?" she asked. He stood up, rubbing the back of his head in slight pain.

"I always land on my head" he told her, "It's nothing to worry about okay?" Calida sighed in relief. Zora was on the ground, rubbing her sore butt from the landing.

"Ow, that's smarts" she muttered. The room they were in was dark, Calida's flame being the only thing keeping it a complete darkness. "Where the heck are we?"

"Beats me" Alistor said, "Lets see if we can find some light" The three stood up and felt their hands against a wall, looking for a light switch with Calida's flame helping them see. Zora felt one between her paws and flicked it on, lighting up the room in an instant.

"What a relief" Calida said, putting off her flame "At least we" Calida stopped mid-sentence as she caught sight of something in the room. Zora noticed the way she spoke and looked at her direction, soon having the same surprise expression she had on. Alistor was getting curious also, turning to them.

"Hey, what's got you girls so....speechless..." What lay before them was something not many can see in their lifetime. Standing tall inside the room was a big pile of-

"GOLD!!!" Calida shouted out as she rushed over and picked up a few gold coins in her paws, "Dozens of them!" The room had a huge amount of sparkling treasure inside. Piles upon piles of gold coins in one room. It was simply amazing. There weren't just gold coins inside, but there were also expensive looking artifacts and diamonds of every size and color.

"Woah....this must be the treasure room" Alistor muttered before gasping, "Calida don't touch anything!" She froze and dropped the gold coins in her hands back into the pile, "This stuff is not ours, we shouldn't be grabbing everything we see" Behind him, Zora had two gems in her paws, a Ruby and a Sapphire. She saw just how much they sparkled against the light and couldn't help herself. She quickly hid the gems into her mane, thinking one of them can be a good gift for her traveling companion.

"Wonder why they're here" Calida asked.

"They must be transporting them somewhere else" Alistor said, "They left it here so they can transfer it another time. Either that or someone made a very large donation to this city"

"Wonder how we'll get out"

"Lets just starting searching and not act like a bunch of airheads" Zora said, still keeping up with being Kerrin act even during this situation.

"That does sound like a good idea, if it weren't for a possible fact that this may have security" Calida pointed out, "How will it look when we are founded coming out of the treasure room?"

"She has a point" Alistor said, "Best thing we can do is find that trap we fell into and climb our way out of here. Calida, you start looking at the right corner and Kerrin you search the left. I'll go look on this side"


Outside the building, up on the high hills, the masked woman looked through her binoculars at the surroundings. She spots one of her followers waving a high-beam flashlight at her in the distant. She looked more to the left and saw another one doing the same thing. And another follower further left was doing the same thing. Those were the signals that everything on their side was set. She took out her own flashlight and waved it toward them as well.

"Everything is set" she muttered, her hand gripping onto the rein and the sword on her hip. It was concealed in the crimson scabbard with gold patterns. The handle was black as the night with a golden tip and guard. It was strapped tightly to her belt as if she didn't want it to escape her sight. Turning around, she faced the hoard of followers, all mounted on a Dodrio, Arcanine, even Pidgeot and Altaria. "I am very grateful for you all to be here. This is a road that not many had traveled by, but I am glad that you and your teammates can come with me. This region was taken gruesomely by the man they had been blinded by. I say that we must let them see the light of the truth. This is our region and we aim to take it all back! The time is coming close. When the day is done, Hoenn shall be back to the way it was!" Cheers and applauses sounded out, the group raising their swords up high. "Tonight shall be our night!!"


Alistor was feeling against the wall for any sort of sign of a hidden passage. So far he wasn't having any luck. It seemed like the others were having trouble too. He sighed and bumped into an artifact, tipping it over. It would've hit the floor if Alistor was quick to grab it and set it back into place.

"Phew. That was close" he said. He looked over the artifact, that appeared to be a stone statue of a serpentine-like creature. It had wings on it's shoulders and down its body, and similarly-patterned fins on the tip of its tail. Ring patterns ran across the length of its body and it had an additional one on top of its head. It had two limbs with three-clawed carpals and two long flat horn-like structures on it's head with two smaller horns below them. The eyes were the only things that had colored, small yellow eyes with black pupils. "Wow" Alistor muttered, "Looks really cool"

He took noticed that the statue had something in its mouth. Upon further investigation, he saw that it was ball shaped object. It was green, seem to be jade colored, and brightly shiny, like some kind of orb. His curiosity got to him once again, reaching in to try and pull it out. It took him a few tries, but with one final yank, the orb was pulled out.

"That was in there tight" he said and looked it over again, "Wow. Never seen anything like this. Wonder what it could be" As he was looking over it again, her caught sound of something. He perked his head and looked over to the wall next to him. "What in the world?" Whatever it was, it caught Zora and Calida's attention to as they walked up with their ears twitching.

"The heck is that noise?" Calida asked.

"It sounds like drilling....drilling into the wall" He slowly went over and pressed his ear against it. There was still the drilling sound, but it stopped soon enough. He kept hearing though for any more sounds. What he heard next sent shivered down his spine. It sounded like someone said 'Fire in the hole'.

"Get down!" Alistor shouted and pushed back, pulling Calida and Zora with him and taking cover. Then, a big boom erupted and the wall was obliterated. Alistor couldn't see who caused it with all the dust in the air. But no sooner had they cleared, four men in black clothing emerged from the hole and scattered throughout the room. Alistor, Calida, and Zora were hidden among the pile of gold coins and artifacts for the invaders to notice them. It was then, two more people came out of the hole, not wearing much black as the rest.

The first one was a man with black hair reaching down his shoulder and combed off to the right side of his head. Her had a white poet shirt with a green vest decorates with golden patterns. He had on black pants and black boots. He walked in a sort of drunken swagger, with his arms slightly flailing at the sides.

The one behind him looked much younger. He had faded golden hair, framing his green eyes. Adorned in a white coat with blue trim, and green oval patterns on the cuffs of his sleeves, covering his black shirt with white trim. Black fingerless gloves were visable on both hands. Solid white pants were held secure by a black belt with a silver buckle, blue bordering and contrasting the metal. Affixed to the belt, is a black pouch. Shins were covered by blue cloth, with black straps affixed by gold buckles. Shoes were white with black heals, held tight with a blue strap.

"Who are they?" Alistor whispered. The man with black hair looked over to the right on him toward the statue Alistor was at. He looks over it as his eyes caught site of the mouth area. Her dragged two of his fingers across the lower part of it and rubbed them together.

"Something had been moved" he said, "and it's rather recent. Very recent" The man swaggered to the center, looking around the room as his men took large bags and started stuffing gold coins into them. Alistor was getting nervous about this now. These guys were thieves for sure and they looked like they would aim to take anything.

"Hey you!" one of them men called out, right to Alistor and the girls. All three of them shot up and ran for the hole with quick pace. "Stop!!" The young male of their group suddenly got to Alistor's side, swinging a roundhouse kick at his head. Alistor gasped and pushed the girls back as he blocked the attack with his arm. The thief then swung for a leg sweep and knocked him off his feet. Alistor was agile though and landed on his hands before flipping out of the way. Just as Alistor was about to, one of the men pulled out a pistol from his back and threw it over to the black-hair man, who in turn used his foot to toss it over to the younger one. He grabbed it to it with ease and pointed it straight at Alistor, who was able to connect with a punch before he stopped cold as he saw the barrel of the gun.

"Woah! Don't shoot!" he cried out. The other men drew out their own pistols and pointed at not only him, but Calida and Zora as well. The man sighed and scratched his head.

"And you say our weapons wouldn't be needed huh son?" he said.

"Never expected to run into anyone inside" the son said. Alistor didn't move a single inch as he's still being aimed at.

"We don't want any trouble" Alistor said slowly. The man staggered over in front of him and did a slight bow of welcome.

"Hello there young one" he said, "I must say you sure broke in here much quicker than we can. Not just that, but without leaving a single trace of a break-in"

"We don't even know how we got here. We just felt into a hole" The man gave out a loud chuckle at that. "Just....who are you?" The man looked like he nearly fell back onto the floor.

"Woah. I'm guessing you're new to this region" he said, "Well then, I happen to be this regions most notorious, most cunning, most skillful, and not to mention most dashing son of a gun in here-"

"Just get on with it" the younger one said.

"...right...Barth Ciel is my name. The blonde one is my son, Zarend. He's still working on his reputation. Needs a lot more work if he wants to reach my standards"

"Okay I already know you're a crook" Alistor said, "But people will know that a bomb had gone off and there will be panic"

"I don't think so" Barth said, waving his finger at him, "This structure was built to withstand an earthquake. So even if they can't hear anything, which they can't thanks to the sound of music and the battles happening, they won't even feel a tremor. So basically, they still don't know we're inside."

".....crud" Alistor muttered. Zarend noticed Zora behind Alistor.

"We have a Zoroark here" he said. Her ears twitched at the sound of her species name.

"So you know about my kind" she said.

"There are times when we are put into a job in other regions. We need to know pokemon and their abilities to make our jobs easier." Zora glared at him. If he knew about Zoroark's ability and not seem a bit cautious, then he must've had a way to counter her illusions.

"Now, I have something I must ask you" Barth spoke up, "The thing that was in the statue's mouth, please hand it over so we can make our leave"


Back outside, the masked woman was looking on top of the building this time. Her sight was focused on a small silhouette walking across. No sooner had that happened, a speck of orange light came up beside him. The silhouette was holding a torch and waving it side to side. The signal was sent, and it was time. The woman pulled her sword out of its scabbard, the blade shining against the moonlight.

"Now it's our time!!!" she yelled out, a roar of cheers exploding after, "First step: Arcanines use Fire Blast!!" On each corner of the area, five sets of the fire canine lined up side-by-side. With a loud roar, their mouths opened wide and a ball of fire formed and was launched at the building. The twenty sets of flames soon became 4 as they combined with the closest ones. All of them made there mark, two colliding with the building while the others hit the ground nearest from it. A loud boom masked the woman's voice as she started to ride her Dodrio down the massive hill, all her followers doing the same thing, letting out a battle cry.


The building shook wildly. Everyone stood frozen at the sudden attack, even the trainers who were battling. Pedils nearly fell off her feet from the impact of the blast. A piercing scream of terror was the only thing needed for chaos to erupt. Panic spread around the formal and people running for their lives, pushing people away to make it out first. Brooke was next to Pedils, looking around frantically in worry.

"Oh boy" Pedils said, "What the heck happened?"


Everyone in the treasure room felt the floor shake beneath their feet.

"What the? Thought you said that not even a tremor could be felt" Zarend growled to Barth.

"Well that wasn't from me I can assure you" he said. Alistor, Calida, and Zora looked up to the ceiling as the screams of fear can even be heard from where they were from. Whatever was happening, it was bad. Really really bad.

"....what in the name of Arceus is going on?"

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