AGNPH Stories

Diamond & Pearl: A New Dawn by dusk


Chapters 13 and 14 - Sweet Honey/Cat Nip

People seem to hate 14 - I think it's pretty damn weird, too. 13, I absolutely adore.

Chapter 13 - Sweet Honey

Somewhere in a forest, a small brown bear with a crescent moon on it's forehead was climbing trees, looking for either acorns or honey. It wasn't really THAT hungry ... But it did like to eat, though.

"Teddiursa! Teddiur-"

It was stopped by the sound of a branch snapping - The one it was standing on. The Pokemon fell to the ground, unsuccessful in grabbing another branch. As the Pokemon sat up, it rubbed it's head in pain as it looked around.

"Oh no! You poor thing!"

It was a human's voice. The Pokemon wasn't sure whether to run or wait - Maybe this Human wasn't mean? The Human's shadow got closer ...

"Are you okay?" It was a blue-haired female human, looking very concerned. She picked the Pokemon up, petting it softly and inspecting the bump on it's head. "You poor, poor thing ..."

The girl looked scared as she checked the bear for any bruises or blood, but it seemed fine. She sighed in relief, hugging the Pocket Monster close to her chest, snuggling it against her. Teddiursa struggled a little, but eventually just accepted it and nuzzled the Trainer, sighing happily.

"Teddi ..."

-Back to our usual point-of-view: Dawn!-

Dawn smiled, placing the Pokemon on the ground. It looked up at her, tilting it's head in confusion.

"You're looking for food, right? I'll go away so you can get back to that." She smiled at it again, turning and walking away. The Pokemon followed her, sniffing the air.

"Teddi ... Ursa ..." It detected some kind of scent ... But it just couldn't figure out what.

Dawn was almost back to Campsite, not noticing her little stalker. The only reason she had found the Pokemon was that she was deep in the forest with Mightyena. Dawn made sure he was back in his ball before she approached the little bear though, making sure the Wolf Pokemon wouldn't frighten it.

Unfortunately for her, her panties were still slightly wet from thinking about Mightyena before the sex even started - Teddiursa was picking up the scent. It quickly ran to her, tugging on her skirt to stop her.


Dawn turned, looking down at the Pokemon. She bent down, petting it on the head.

"No-no, you have to find food, remember?" It was unusual that she didn't try to catch the Pokemon, but for some reason she didn't feel like she needed to - It seemed a little young, and should probably stay with it's family. Maybe by the time the Trainers left their camp, she would change her mind and go look for it. "Go ahead, I won't bother you."

Teddiursa frowned, tugging on her skirt as hard as it could, slowly pulling it down. Dawn noticed this and started blushing, quickly pulling it back up.

"Teddiursa! What do you want?" She looked a little angry, but was more surprised than anything. Teddiursa didn't reply - It walked around her to the front of her skirt, slowly sticking it's paw up and rubbing her panties with one of it's claws, feeling the wet area on the clothing. Dawn jumped a little, a pleasured sigh escaping her lips - She snapped back to normal a moment after, picking up the Bear and looking right in it's eyes.

"Teddi?" It blinked, confused.

"Teddiursa! I'm not food, I'm a person!" She sat it down on the ground, looking at it. The bear seemed to ignore her as it continued it's previous action, looking up at her to see her reaction. Dawn closed her eyes, accepting it - The little animal didn't know it was really doing anything wrong, and she didn't plan on telling it otherwise.

"G-Good little Teddiursa ..."

It smiled, continuing, moving the little claw around a little faster. The human seemed to enjoy it, and the little bear loved seeing happiness. As it's claw moved, Teddiursa felt something strange, like a small opening. It quickly tried to stick the claw inside of it, the force from it making a small rip in Dawn's white panties. Dawn jumped back as she felt this, her face now much redder.

Teddiursa saw a small amount of liquid fall from her, slowly running down her body. It quickly ran over to her, rubbing it's claw over her leg to get a small amount, and licked it. It was rather sweet - Did this Human actually ... Make honey? Dawn smiled at what the bear did, pulling her panties down completely and opening her legs slightly.

"Did you like that, Teddiursa? You can have more, if you want ..." The Pokemon nodded, quickly moving closer to her and directing it's face right between her legs, licking every drop of the sweet honey that he could. It felt Dawn gently touch the back of it's head, pressing it's face closer. "That's it ... Lick up all the honey you want, you cute little bear ..."

As Dawn watched the Pokemon do this, she thought she saw something come from the lower part of it's body ... Yes! The little bear was a male!

(Finally ... I hate typing "It" over and over again ...)

She smiled at the bear, gently pressing his face closer, opening her legs wider so he could go as far in as he wanted with his small tongue. He seemed to love the sweet liquid Dawn was making ... Did he actually think it was honey? No time to think about it now ... She could feel her orgasm coming ...

"Teddiursa! This is so good!"

The bear looked up at her, looking rather confused until his eye caught a much bigger amount of liquid come from her hole, which he quickly licked clean. He smiled, looking up at her again.

"Teddi! Teddiursa!"

Dawn wasn't sure why just licking her juice made the little bear hard - Maybe it was the scent? She picked him up, looking down at his erection. It was kind of ... Well ... Cute.

"Teddiursa ... I'm going to teach you a fun game, alright?" She smiled at the bear, placing him on the ground. The Pokemon nodded, clapping his paws together happily. Dawn placed a few fingers around the bear, jerking him off until she saw him grow a little harder. She quickly pushed the bear forward, right in front of her still wet hole. "Teddiursa, in this little game, you take this ..." She rubbed his small erection again before pointing to her wet hole, "And put it in this. It's called mating."

Teddiursa pondered this for a moment. His parents were both Ursaring, and had taught him very little about the mating process, but he knew enough to perform it if he ever needed to. He smiled at Dawn, walking closer to her and sliding his erection inside of her, holding her thighs as he began to thrust. Dawn smiled, watching him - He was the size of Piplup, but this strangely felt pretty nice.

"Teddi ..." The little bear let out a cute moan as his movements sped up. Dawn was taken off guard by his speed, and a small moan escaped her lips.

"Teddiursa ... Move faster ..." The Pokemon nodded at these words, moving inside of her as fast as he could, almost losing the energy he had. Dawn's small moans continued as she slowly moved her hips, allowing the bear to move even faster. Since she had came just moments ago, she decided she would let him enjoy release - Maybe then he'd agree to join her. The little Pokemon kept moving as fast as he could, until a rather loud moan came from him.


Surprisingly, a rather large amount of cum shot out of him, and it was very warm. Dawn sighed in pleasure - The warmth of his liquid quickly relaxing her. It was a little strange that the little Pokemon could even do this deed at all, but she wasn't complaining. Dawn stood up, putting her panties back on and smiling at the little bear.

"Would you like to travel with me? You can have all the honey you want!" The bear quickly nodded as Dawn pulled an empty Poke Ball from her bag, pressing the button as the bear was pulled inside. The three shakes of the ball went by rather quickly, the small light fading and the Pokemon becoming hers.

"I caught a Teddiursa!"

Dawn smiled, placing the ball at her waist, walking back towards camp.

" ... All the honey he wants."

Chapter 14 - Cat Nip

"Hmph ... I don't need those two buffoons, I can swipe Pikachu all on my own ..."

Meowth, the Scratch-cat Pokemon of Team Rocket, was talking a long walk through the forest. It had been another unsuccessful attempt to capture Pikachu, and the argument that happened afterwards between the evil trio was especially tough today. Jessie had insulted James' poor battle skills, while James shot back with how she had terrible, un-trained Pokemon. The two agreed on something though - If Meowth would give an effort once in a while and act like a real Pokemon, the group might have a chance.

"I never battle, because I always lose! Fury Swipes can't even touch Pikachu!" He sighed, looking down at his paws, his small claws shining in the sunlight. "That, and I still can't learn Pay Day, no matter how much experience I get!" As he continued his self-pity conversation with no one inparticular, he heard a very familiar voice.

"Pi ... Ka ... Pika ... CHUUUU!"

It was the same loud yell that came from Pikachu whenever it released electric from it's cheeks. A smirk crossed the Pokemon's face as he quickly began to plan.

"Pikachu's all alone? I can't believe the twerps would leave Pikachu like that ..." He thought out loud as he quickly ran towards the source of the noise. He pounced, his claws barred. "I've got you now, Pika-" He paused at the sight.

He had walked in as Dawn and Pikachu finished their afternoon session. Pikachu was pulling out, small sparks coming from him. Meowth wasn't sure what gender Pikachu was. He assumed male - Now he knew. Dawn was smiling, pulling her panties up from her ankles, picking up the Pokemon and hugging it. Pikachu smiled, nuzzling the girl's cheek.

"Another great time ... You're so good, Pikachu."


"Uh ..." Meowth stammered, just staring at the two. Pikachu quickly turned, glaring at the other Pocket Monster and jumping from Dawn's arms, sparks flying from his cheeks.

"Pi ..."

"What's Meowth doing here?" Dawn's eyes grew wide, wondering how much the cat had seen. She wasn't sure what to do, so she did the first thing that came to mind.

"Pikachu ... THUNDERBOLT!"


Sparks flew from the yellow mouse, hitting Meowth and giving him a very painful shock.

"Me-OWWWWWW!" Meowth screamed, falling to the ground, smoke coming from his charred body. "I'm sorry ..." He sighed, standing up and dusting himself off. "What in the world were you two doing?" He stared at Dawn, looking very puzzled.

"We were ... Um ... We weren't doing anything! Now go back to Jessie and James before Pikachu sends you more pain!" She said, glaring at the cat Pokemon. He quickly nodded, turning and running quickly deep into the forest.

Dawn and Pikachu looked at each other, shrugging and turning to walk back to the campsite.

Later that night ...

"Mightyena! Good boy!"

"Mi .. Mighty!"

"Mmmm ... So good!"

Mightyena was releasing his 3rd stream of cum deep into Dawn's soaking hole. He pulled out slowly, looking at his Trainer. Dawn smiled, petting him as she returned him to his Poke Ball.

After the ball was put away, Dawn laid down on the grass, looking up at the stars. "I wonder if Meowth told Jessie and James ..." She paused, blushing. "That's gonna make tomorrow really awkward."

"No, I didn't tell them."

Dawn gasped in surprised, sitting up and turning to the source of the voice. Meowth was standing there, blushing.

"I always wondered why you caught Mightyena ... I guess I know now."

Dawn blushed, turning away from him.

"Why ... Why are you still here? Don't you have planning to do?" She looked at him, blinking. Something was ... different about the cat ... but what? Her eyes had to focus, then she saw ... "OH. MY. GOD!"

Meowth must have picked up her scent during being with Mightyena ... The cat was hard! But it seemed he didn't notice. It was white, brown-ish at the tip ... It looked kind of like his tail, just without the curl at the end. Her eyes were huge, and her eye was twitching. This was very, very disturbing. Meowth turned his head, confused.

" ... What?"

Dawn pointed, stammering. "You ... You're ..." Meowth looked down at this, his eyes also getting bigger.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?" He quickly hid behind the nearest tree, shaking nervously. "I can't believe this ... Why is this happening? I'm supposed to hate her!" He looked at the girl from behind the tree, staying silent. Dawn was slowly walking closer, bending down to his eye-level.

"It's alright ... Come out here." She smiled, motioning for him to walk out. The Poke shook his head.

"No way!"

Dawn paused, thinking about what to do ... A-ha!

"Well Meowth ... Don't you know what Pikachu and I did? And as a male Pokemon, I'm pretty sure you have those kinds of needs too, right? I know Jessie would never, and no female Pokemon travel with you ..."

Meowth paused, thinking about this. The girl was offering something like that, even though he tried to steal her Pokemon every day! Hm ... When would he ever get this chance again? No use letting it go to waste ...

He slowly walked out, his erection sticking out. Dawn smirked at him, running her fingertips down his furry stomach, grabbing his length. Meowth jumped, shivering.

"Oh ... Whoa, I've never had this feeling before!" Meowth said, both a little pleased and scared. Dawn was quiet, just giving him a smirk as she moved her hand up and down on the creature's member, slowly jerking him off.

"Just enjoy it ... And forget we're enemies for now, okay?" She blushed, continuing this. It was completely against her morals, considering he was her enemy, and she hated bad guys, but ... He WAS a Pokemon, and she loved doing anything with the Pocket Monsters ... She bent down, giving his member a very long lick. The cat shivered again, growing harder in the girl's hand.

"Wow ... This is perfect ... Twer ... Um ..." He paused, unsure of what to call her. She giggled, looking at him.


"Okay ... This is amazing, Dawn. This is just so-" He was stopped by the girl taking his hard member into her mouth, her head moving slowly. The Pokemon instincts in him took over now, sighing happily. "Meowthh ..." He rarely said his name anymore, so this was strange to him.

Dawn was silent, her head moving faster and faster, looking up at the cat. Her tongue was dancing around his member, licking every sensitive spot. Her hand moved up and began stroking what wasn't in her mouth.

"Somethin's happening!" Meowth moaned slightly as he thrust forward once, streams of liquid pouring into the girl's mouth. He blushed as he saw her gulping it down. She looked up at him, smirking.

"How was it, kitty cat? Did it feel good?" She smirked, looking into the cat's eyes. Meowth gulped, nodding.

"Uh ... Yeah."

Dawn smirked, laying on her back and looking at the creature, pushing her panties down slightly.

"Meowth ... Let the male in you do what it wants." She winked at him, smiling. Meowth walked forward slowly, positioning himself between her legs, looking at her for approval. Dawn nodded, and the Pokemon slowly slid his member into the girl, moving very slowly.

"Meowth ... You're good for a first time!" Dawn said, soft moans already coming from her. The cat was completely red, his blushing getting deeper every time he moved deeper into her.

"Good Kitty, Meowth! Go on, more!" Dawn moaned loudly, her eyes closed tight. Meowth nodded, moving faster, grabbing her thighs for support. As he slid into her faster and faster, he felt his release coming. This fast? Well, it was his first time.

"It's happening again!" He said, moving as fast as he could, thrusting deeper and deeper. Dawn nodded, tightening up around him.

"Cum in me, Meowth! Now!"

Meowth paused, one last thrust sending streams of warm cum into the girl. The cat moaned as this happened.

"Meee-owwwth! This is so good!" He said, finally stopping after his release was done, breathing heavily. Dawn smiled up at him, holding the cat close to her as he pulled out and she sat up. She kissed the charm on his forehead, causing him to blush yet again.

"If only you were mine ..."

The next day ...



"Meowth, now that's a name!"

The Rocket gang had stopped Ash and his friends yet again, reciting their motto while standing on top of another random robot. As Jessie and James recited the last lines of the motto, Meowth's eyes locked with Dawn's. The girl winked at him, blowing a kiss. Thankfully, neither Ash nor Brock saw. Meowth blushed, smiling at her. He quickly regained himself just in time to finish the motto.

"Team Rocket! We're in your face!"
Chapter End Notes:I was out of ideas for 14, okay
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