AGNPH Stories

Some Like It Pokemon by dusk


Purification Through Love (Rui)

Girl: Rui

Game: Pokemon Colosseum


Night was beginning to fall on the Orre region - More specifically, on Pyrite Town. It wasn't the safest place to be, but it was the nearest spot with a hotel.

It was this very hotel that Wes and Rui were staying for the night. Wes was a teenage male, an ex-member of a criminal group known as "Team Snagem." He was on the run after stealing a piece of very advanced machinery from them - A snag machine. It was this machine around his arm that let him steal Pokemon from other trainers.

Wes and Rui were on a mission - To help rescue Pokemon had had their "hearts" closed by a gang of criminals led by some weird person known as "Miror B." The two teens didn't know much about the man or his plans, but they did know that it was their job to rescue these "Shadow Pokemon" and "purify" them, restoring their original, peaceful selves.

Wes met Rui during his travels, and rescued her from two thugs that had kidnapped her for her power to point out which Pokemon had their hearts closed. Miror B's group wanted to kidnap Rui and make sure she couldn't damage their plans - Of course, that little scheme failed. After being saved by Wes, Rui decided to stay with him, at least until they met her grandparents.

"What are you doing?" Rui asked Wes as she walked into their hotel room. Wes was sitting on one of the two beds, looking through a small book. "Oh, that's my journal. I'm using it to keep track of the Pokemon we find." Wes gave her a nod, smiling at her as he got up and headed for the door. "Going out again, huh?"

Wes nodded, staying silent as he left. Rui listened, hearing the hotel's door close behind him. This was her chance! She had never been able to actually see Wes' Pokemon up-close, since she always watched him battle from the sidelines. Lately, the boy had only been taking a few certain Pokemon out with him for battles, since some seemed to come to their senses faster than others.

"I wonder what he's left here ..." Rui thought out loud, looking around the room. Seeing the nightstand between the room's two beds, she opened the drawer and saw three Poke balls inside. "I know these 2 are empty ..." Rui said - The Poke balls with Shadow Pokemon inside had a purple glow around them. Wes couldn't see this, and she really never bothered to tell him. It didn't seem too important. She grabbed the one with purple light surrounding it, holding it up and pressing the button to release whatever creature was contained.

"Quilava?" It was the fire Pokemon that Wes had "snagged" back in Phenac City. The Pokemon had black fur on its back, with red spots up and down where spouts of fire would fly out when it attacked. The remainder of its body was a tan color. The Pokemon's red eyes scanned the room, spotting Rui. It growled at her, barring its teeth.

"Calm down, Quilava." Rui said, patting the Pokemon's head and narrowly avoiding a bite. Wes had only recently obtained the Pokemon, and hadn't had too much time to work on purifying it. Maybe she could help? "You're kinda cute, you know?" Rui smiled, pulling the fire Pokemon into a hug. Quilava was more surprised than angry - It had just threatened this human, yet she didn't seem scared at all. What was wrong with her?

Rui sat on one of the beds, pulling Quilava up with her. The Pokemon looked around from this new height, staying quiet and sniffing the air. It looked around for the source of this scent, looking up at Rui, who blushed lightly.

"Oh, that? You see Quilava, I kind of have a thing for Wes, so sometimes I think about him in ways that I shouldn't." Rui completely opened up to the Pocket Monster, pouring out all kinds of feelings that she couldn't bear to mention to Wes. "When I think about him, I get this funny feeling and I guess you can smell it. I'm sorry if it's bothering you."

Quilava shook its head, pushing Rui down and sniffing the blanket under her, eventually moving so close that its head poked under her skirt. Quilava sniffed at the girl's white panties, finally realizing that the scent was coming from under this piece of clothing. Rui grabbed Quilava's body, pushing it away from her as she sat back up.

"Quilava, get out of there!" Rui said, giggling. "You don't need to be in there, that's not a place you need to worry about." She smiled at Quilava, but didn't get a happy response - The Pokemon's red eyes were glowing with rage, and the purple aura around it was beginning to become a very dark purple. "Is something wrong, Quilava? Are you okay?"

Quilava jumped at her, knocking her over once again and clamping its mouth down on her skirt, ripping it off and tearing it to shreds. It looked at Rui, who looked positively terrified, and Quilava somehow enjoyed that. It loved the fact that it could bring fear to others.

"Quilava, this is bad ... You shouldn't ..." The Pokemon ignored her words, tearing her panties off and revealing her bare slit. Quilava leaned close, sniffing at the liquid dripping down her body. It smelled sweet - And it had smelled that scent before. The Pokemon stood, watching as Rui's eyes grew wide - Quilava's erection had appeared from his sheath. "You're a boy?" Rui said, her voice filled with both fear and surprised. Quilava nodded, pouncing at her.

The more Rui tried to push him off, the higher Quilava's flames shot on his back. Her struggling was beginning to become annoying. Quilava watched her body - The second the girl's legs spread from her resistance, he shoved his erection inside of her barely-open whole. Rui screamed - Quilava couldn't tell if it was from pain or pleasure, but he didn't care. He began to thrust into her, going slow to enjoy the human's warmth.

"No, Quilava! That hurts, stop it! Get off of me!" Rui yelled in protest, feeling the Pokemon take her innocence. A small amount of blood hit the blanket under them - She had just lost her virginity to a Pokemon. Instead of yelling, Rui could only make very un-pleasured sounds - Quilava responded to this by growling at her and barring his fangs.

So this was it - She lost her virginity from rape, and by a Pokemon at that. If she tried to push away, she was threatened - What's left to do besides try and enjoy it? Trembling, she wrapped her arms around Quilava's body and gave him a forced smile.

"G-Go ahead, Quilava ... I'll let you ..." Rui said slowly, her voice soft. The Pokemon nodded, beginning to pound away at her; Rui's voice went from sad sounds to loud, pleasured moans in mere seconds. "Quilava, that's good!" Rui yelled, her insides tightening around the Pokemon's erection. Quilava nodded at her, continuing to thrust into her, his penis getting warmer as his speed increased - Hot enough that it was becoming pure heaven for Rui. "So warm inside of me ..." Rui moaned softly, hugging the creature close to her.

Quilava leaned his head down, tearing her purple shirt to reveal her breasts - She wasn't that well-endowed, but she was by no means flat. He moved closer, using his tongue to flick at the girl's left nipple, getting another moan from her. He continued using his tongue to play with her nipple, feeling himself begin to throb inside of her.

"Quilava, please! More!" Rui yelled, her moans becoming louder as the Pokemon continued moving. "I'm gonna cum, Quilava! Please go faster!" Rui said, looking at Quilava as he looked back at her. Quilava took in all the energy he could, beginning to thrust away at her as fast as he could, the flames on his back roaring from being so strong. Rui couldn't speak anymore - Only let out pleasured shrieks and moans while Quilava pumped inside of her. "I'm gonna ... Quilava, I'm gonna ... I'm cumming!"

"Quilavaaaaaa~!" The Pokemon yelled his own name, shooting even warmer cum from his already hot erection inside of her. The feeling got one more scream from Rui as she tightened around Quilava's penis, reaching climax herself. She closed her eyes tight as she moaned loudly. Rui was breathing heavily as she watched the Pokemon pull out of her, semen dripping from the head of his erection.

"Let me take care of that for you." Rui moved close to Quilava, who was standing up instead of on all four legs. She reached out and grabbed the Pokemon's length, stroking it with her index finger and thumb, smiling as she watched it start to throb. She looked up, smiling once again at seeing Quilava's eyes were closed, the Pokemon emitting light growls of pleasure. Rui leaned in and took Quilava's still-erect member into her mouth, slowly moving her head up and down it. "Come on Quilava, I think you have some more in you." Rui said quietly, placing her head back down and continuing to suck the creature off.

"Quil ... La ... Va!" The Pokemon growled, his penis beginning to throb as he shot more warm cum into Rui's mouth. Rui pulled away after a moment, grinning as she felt Quilava's warm cum hit her face, slowly running down her cheeks. The Pokemon panted heavily, the flames on his back still burning, although much weaker than before. Rui took some of Quilava's cum onto her finger, licking it clean and licking her lips. Moving a hand down, she realized that she still had some of Quilava's cum running down her thighs and some covering her pussy.

"I'd better make sure everything looks normal again before Wes gets back." Rui said, turning around to pick the bed's pillow up from the floor - She didn't get far. As soon as Rui turned around, she felt claws grip her ass. Not even a moment later, Quilava shoved into her from behind - But not like before. She was also losing her anal virginity to this Pokemon. "Quilava!" Rui yelled, this time in real pain. "Be gentle!"

For some reason, Quilava obliged and moved very slowly, his cock entering the girl's tight asshole. Rui's sounds of pain turned into a sigh of pleasure soon after, Quilava's thrusts still slow as he moved inside of her.

"I never thought I'd do this Quilava, even with a human guy ... It's not that ... Mmm ... B-Bad ..." Rui wasn't lying - This actually felt pretty good. She really hoped that after Quilava was purified, Wes wouldn't have to give him away. If not, maybe she could take him off his hands. "You can go a little faster, if you want to ..."

Quilava nodded, beginning to speed up slightly, also enjoying the feeling. This hole was tighter than the other one he used, and it felt a bit better. He wanted to go wild and move as fast as he wanted, but somehow his mind wouldn't allow it. Rui's small sounds of pleasure made him continue to speed up, but only slightly each time.

"Quilava ... This is ... R-Really good ..." Rui moaned, feeling herself become wet again. She also forgot what happened when Quilava picked up the scent of her arousal. "Just keep being gentle, okay ...?" Rui spoke quietly, wondering when Wes would return - Usually the boy was out for hours battling, so she shouldn't need to worry anytime soon.

Quilava, still moving slowly, began to pick up that same scent from before. It was Rui's arousal smell again, and something in him decided to drop the whole "gentle" thing. He knew he shouldn't do any harm to her, and that it was wrong for some reason to rush it, but ... He didn't care! Quilava began to quickly thrust into Rui's asshole, smiling at the scream that she gave.

"Quilava, it hurts! It hurts, it hur- ..." She paused, feeling the thrusts inside of her - This didn't hurt anymore. As a matter of fact, the faster he went, the better it felt! "Go ahead, Quilava! Do whatever you want!" Although she couldn't see the Pokemon, she could feel the heat from his body getting stronger. Quilava must've went wild on her again - His thrusting got much faster, to a point where her body was being pushed forward as he moved. "Quilava! Fuck my ass! Harder!" Rui yelled, screaming as her asshole was fucked rough by the Pokemon's warm dick. "Faster! Faster, Quilava!" She continued yelling, and Quilava continued to give in to his primal urges.

Rui felt the room become warmer - Quilava's flames were roaring once again as he continued to fuck her in the ass as fast and as rough as he could manage. Rui's screaming only served to make him go even more wild, his claws digging into her sides as he gave a loud roar of his name.

"I'm gonna cum again Quilava! Cum in my ass!" Rui yelled, feeling her climax approaching. She had surprised herself by saying such things to a Pokemon, but the moment was just too hot. She couldn't control herself or her mouth. "Fuck me Quilava! Fuck me!" The Pokemon did just that, going as wild as he possibly could on the girl, eventually thrusting in one last time and growling his name, his hot, thick cum gushing out of the girl's asshole and hitting the blanket under them. Rui screamed in pleasure, hitting climax herself and cumming once again, making quite a big spot on the blanket.

The Pokemon was silent, the purple aura around him beginning to fade. Did she do it? Did Rui purify this Pokemon by having sex with him? She didn't have time to think - She heard the hotel's door slide open.

"Oh, no! Return, Quilava!" Rui recalled the Pokemon, tossing the ball back into the nightstand's drawer and pulling on her torn clothes the best she could, closing her blue jacket to cover her chest. "What am I going to do ... I'm practically bottomless ..." Rui dived for the bed, covering herself with the cum-soaked blanket, praying Wes wouldn't notice. The boy walked into the room, raising an eyebrow at the sight of the worried girl. "Wes! I didn't notice you walk in, I was ...I was napping." Wes shook his head, smiling as he showed her a Poke ball, pressing the button and releasing yet another snagged Pokemon. Rui grinned at the sight of the creature, looking up at Wes.

"Can I help with this one, too?"
Chapter End Notes:I know Wes needs Rui to snag any Pokemon, but I forgot that when writing this. Sorry
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