AGNPH Stories

At First Sight by galalithial


What We Don't See

Have you ever locked eyes with a stranger? What happened in that single second? Did you continue on your way, not paying it a second thought? Did you engage them in riveting conversation, and in doing so found a life-long friend? Did you get sudden chills, like someone was walking on your grave? Did you connect with that person on any level? No? But, what if you were psychic?

Miranda was always a civilized gardevoir in a city of idiotic morons. She always held herself with the utmost regard. A saint, never a sin crossed her mind. Her mind, but what of the mind of others? It was true, she was attractive, ravishing, truly. Many a man has been seen seeking her bed and time. Not one had succeeded. Well, not to her bed per say, not even taking but a second of her time, but, of course, that is the way of those who traverse the mental barrier.

Octavius was never a civilized mewtwo. Being of the self sufficient breed, rare in the modern pampered society, he learned quickly that certain releases were necessary to function in daily life. He made himself a vigilante of the saints, those who had forbidden themselves acts that every creature craves. He, of course, was handsome, as handsome as his species could be, and was quite the heart breaker. He never truly meant to leave his patients in love; it just seemed to happen that way. It was as normal as gravity and breathing. It was only a matter of time until his gravity was offset, and he ceased breathing.

The two never came into contact, not once, the only interaction, a meeting of gazes. Two souls locked in the embrace of a glance, forever intertwined from the single look. It was not even at proximity, but from across a malls food court. Miranda was getting food, Octavius was meeting friends, but the meeting of eyes between psychics is far more powerful than our simple looks.

When the two met from feet apart, it was magic, a new world was created, their world. They found themselves wrapped in the complex folds of the mind. Miranda waited patiently, knowing the encounter would end soon enough. Octavius, on the other hand, began to dig. He reached into Miranda's mind, deeper than she could consciously comprehend. He found her desires, suppressed feelings of lust, fantasies beyond belief, kinkier than any creature had the right to think.

Octavius drug them all to the surface, to the forefront of Miranda's thoughts, and immediately, in their world of their own imaginations, that which she wanted became reality.

The two found themselves in a basic room. Simple bed, lamp, closet, chains, and other tools of enjoyment, all very basic in the mind of Miranda. Without a word, she shoved her victim onto the bed, grabbing a roll of tape from a nearby pile. In moments, she had him held down, silver binding each of his limbs to a bed post. Octavius didn't fight it, merely allowing himself to go along for the ride. Miranda's thoughts shifted, she was clad in skin tight leather, Octavius in his birthday suit. Strapped to the bed by duct tape, he was helpless under the treatments of the stranger. He had no objections.

She crawled up the bed, making slow, tantalizing progress to him. As she went, she subtly unzipped the leather with her power, savoring the experience. She stopped over him, panting with excitement and need. Her now freed breasts bounced with each breath, luring Octavius' eyes to the motion. Grinning, Miranda stroked his already hardening member. Octavius groaned, but did not stop her. Miranda worked him slowly, feeling each throb. She gripped him tightly, but being gentle at the same time. With each tug she attempted to pull forth her prize while resisting the demands of her own body. Soon her own need was too great and she moved herself over Octavius, pressing his face to her wetness. She lowered her mouth to his member as Octavius began to work her opening. The two continued, effectively raising the temperature in the room. Octavius slid his tongue slowly along her flower, savoring the taste. He smiled at the taste of licorice, an odd, yet pleasing flavor. Octavius teased her, poking his tongue inside her, then pulling out before she could fully enjoy the sensation. Miranda didn't hold back, with each bob of her head, she swirled her tongue, testing the endurance of her current male treasure. With each rise, she paused at the head, giving it a small kiss before dropping on it again. She shivered as Octavius moaned into her sex. Both were soon panting, need filling them like air, pulsing in their veins. They could feel each other growing closer to their own climaxes, and rushed to not be the first to finish.

It was a tie. They screamed out in pure ecstasy, never before feeling such power behind the actions they had committed. They lay on each other, slightly exhausted by their orgasms, but both still needing more. Miranda was first to recover, again grabbing the duct tape and stretching it across Octavius' chest, making sure her captive would not escape. Pleased, she lifted herself over Octavius' still hard member. With a wink at the exhausted male, she dropped herself, moaning out as pleasure rocked her body. Octavius moaned out as well, too tired to move of his own accord, but his hips bucked at the feeling. Miranda started slow, grinding up and down the length, feeling every inch of him stretching her insides to their limit. She swiveled her hips as she bounced, screaming as her walls were forced to expand, adding to the experience. Miranda tried her best to maintain control of herself as she made slow, passionate love to this stranger, but it was becoming more difficult with each passing second. The pleasure was a wonderful torment. Each slight movement made Octavius' hips buck more violently, adding more depth to what they both were feeling. Miranda lost control in one of his jumps, dropping down hard, lifting herself up, and dropping again. She brought the pace up, pounding furiously on the cock between her legs. Octavius met her each time she dropped, not wanting to seem lazy, and started thrusting up halfway. They moaned their enjoyment; both were lost to the mindless, wonderful task they had set out to complete. Octavius began to sweat from the friction of the lovers. He watched as salty water traced itself down Miranda's delicious curves. Moisture dotted his brow as he grew nearer to his next climax. Miranda was equally strained, her pounding had reached a frantic peak. She moved faster than physically possible, and was still accelerating. Her mind wished it and made it so, faster and faster as time went on. Their second orgasms hit like freight trains, quick and powerful, yet lingering for a time. Octavius stretched his binds, arching in the moment, and roaring at the rush of raw feeling. Miranda leaned onto Octavius' stomach, unable to hold herself upright any longer, and grasped the bed. She pulled at the sheets, but couldn't find release from the searing joy. They came down slowly, both panting. Miranda sunk down to relax, stretching her wonderfully sore muscles. Octavius took the moment to catch his breath.

This time, Octavius was first to recover, having more energy from lying on his back. He flexed his arms, breaking the bonds that no longer had the strength to hold him, forgotten and weakened in Miranda's lust. In a quick movement he flipped himself over, turning Miranda with him. She gasped when her back landed against the bed, smiling up at him and enjoying the rough treatment. He smiled in return and lifted a leg over his right shoulder. Octavius grabbed another roll of duct tape and grinned down at Miranda. He pulled a long piece slowly, letting the loud, ripping sound fill the air. He could smell the adhesive mixing with sweat as he bound his partner's wrists together. He then did her ankles, tying them to the bed posts behind Miranda. Her flexibility allowed her minor comfort, but she was trapped to the desires of Octavius. He smiled again, almost menacingly, but still seductive. He leaned over his hostage, forcefully grabbing her waist, and positioning himself above Miranda. He rubbed his member along her opening, coating his shaft in her juices, and teasing the poor girl. Miranda's back arched in pleasure, groaning as Octavius tickled her opening. Octavius smiled as he slid himself into the needy cunt. He gripped Miranda's bound thighs and smiled, giving a reassuring squeeze before dropping his weight. A light push and he had access, slowly at first, he slid his full length into the gardevoir. Once hilted, he pulled out and thrust back in as fast as he could, shaking the bed the two were on. Miranda lunged forward, grasping Octavius' shoulders, begging assistance to handle the pleasure. He kept the pace slow, but powerful, forcing Miranda to cry out at the feeling. With each forceful pound, the two could themselves feel themselves nearing yet again. Octavius slowed, trying to make the feeling last, but only made it end all the quicker. With the slower thrusts, he hit Miranda's G-spot over and over again. Octavius' heart began to pound, threatening to burst from his chest, over-excited in his frenzy. As he leaned over Miranda, he could feel her heart as well, beating just as fast, if not faster. She screamed loud from the wonderful sensations running up her spine, her third orgasm hitting harder than either before. She jumped, screaming in the moment and managing to break the duct tape holding her down. She threw arms around the male, clawing at his back, hugging his form, and clenching her muscles. The sudden tightness forced Octavius over his own edge. He shoved hard, pushing Miranda's back to the headdress of the bed. He continued his assault, using the leverage he now had to force his dominance. Each thrust spilling more of himself into Miranda, filling her with everything he had, and causing the excess spill to the sheets.

The two collapsed again, finally unable to move from the sheer force of their actions. The two looked at each other, smiled, then laughed. Two strangers had just become more intimate than any couple ever could.

When their minds separated, the pair didn't give each other a second glance, both going about their business as if nothing had happened. And as it was, to you and me, nothing had happened. From the outside looking in you would have seen two complete strangers catch each others eye, pause for a brief moment, then continue on their way.

We would never know the complexity of a simple glance.
Chapter End Notes:I hope you enjoyed my entry. I spent more time on it than I usually do for contests, and I think it showed this time. I'm regarding this as one of my best works. Thanks for reading, please review
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