AGNPH Stories

The Sycamore Tree by tateroks


Story Notes:

I do write short chapters, but I update as often as I can but its hard to do with work and all right now.

Prologue, The Forbidden Love

The Sycamore tree

Prologue, The Forbidden Love.

-March 1536 Fernova, a rural agriculturally based village-

Panting heavily with a drop of sweat dripping off of the end of his muzzle; a strong young male Lucario is speaking to one who until scant minutes before he never thought would share the same feelings he felt for her, the forbidden love he believed doomed to wither away unnoticed. "I will always love you my darling mate."

As she watches him a smile creeps its way upon her young, flustered face and as he says that one forbidden word the lovers lock eyes. He stares deeply into the loving brown eyes that even in the dim light of a single small candle twinkle as if they contained all the stars in the heavens, she stares back into his brilliant red eyes which are filled with a loving kindness she has never seen from him before as she replies "And I you. my dear"

"And you're sure you want me, I am but a lowly Luc.."

Swiftly she interrupted him, "No you are not, I am sure you are the one for me. if only the others could understand how I feel about you , but alas those narrow hearted beings could never understand, as much as I hate it we must keep our love a secret."

"If only we could leave, but your father..."

"Yes, my father would be furious and he would think that
you took advantage of me, tried to take me away from him; he would most certainly get the villagers to track us."

As the two gather in a loving embrace a loud noise is heard at the entrance of the hut *BANG* *Bang* the door was being beaten harshly upon.

"My daughter! are you in there!?! Is something the matter, we heard noises coming from inside, are you hurt, is someone with you?"

"NO!" they both gasped simultaneously as the noises continued and the door groaned, with one final mighty crash the door flew open and the worried man entered.

"You animal what have you done to her! I swear if you so much as touched her you wont leave this room alive." The man yelled as he drew his knife; the worn, jagged edge of the dark grey almost black blade showing years of use and the obvious skill of its owner.

"Father No!"

As the young maiden ran forward towards her father the Lucario jumped in front of her, "No, Don't, in the state he is in he might harm you, I don't want to see anyone else I lov-"

As the maidens father heard this beast talking to her he realized he was too late the Lucario had taken his daughter's innocence. "You Beast!" he yelled, "You die now!" as his blade flashed through the semi dark room and through the chest of the one that had taken his daughter's virginity, before she could act she saw, in the flickering candle light, the blade protruding. Having surely pierced the Lucario's heart the man lifted his foot and kicked him in the gut removing his blade and throwing the dieing
being to the floor.

"Noo! Guthrie, my love" the maiden wailed as she threw herself onto the floor grasping her dieing lover, cradling his head in her lap.

With his final breaths the young lucario named Guthrie stuttered "I-I'm so-orry my Dear....I, I Love y-" and before he could finish the Lucario's body gave out and began to grow cold.

"Don't worry my dear he won't ever hurt you again." the father said loudly with a strange pride in his voice, "I'll have his pelt made into a coat for you"

"How-how could you, I l-loved Him" she wailed loudly standing up and furiously throwing herself at her father intent on making him pay for taking away her mate "I loved him and you killed him!" he father backing up now with a somewhat confused look on his face as she yelled

"Guthrieee, i'll be there soon my love" and tried to pull the knife from it's resting place at her father's side.
"I don't know what he did to you but I promise you this" the man said as he restrained the maiden pulling her into a hug as she struggled, her tear streaked face with a look of pure agony. "you will get better, I will make sure of it."

--------- 9 months later - December 1536 -----------

"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" The piercing scream meant through the whole village as it had for the last few hours. The maiden's labor had been long and intense; beads of sweat pouring down her lovely face as the midwives tried to convince her to bite down on a leather strap to reduce the pain. As if from nowhere the screaming stopped, her body went limp, and all were quiet as they all stared aghast upon the newborn.

The head midwife, being most experienced in birthing and in life quickly took charge of the situation as outside of the hut the maidens father could be heard yelling "Where is my Daughter! what have you done to her!?!" the yells increasing in volume as he neared the back room. The man entered into what was his daughters last moments in life yelling "Where is the bastard son of that beast? If he dares take my daughter I will tear him limb from limb!" he stops noticing that the midwives were all staring, staring at the remains of his beloved daughter "NO!!!! IT CAN'T BE!!!!!"

No one seemed to notice the absence of the youngest midwife, one who the maiden had confided in privately just in case something went wrong, and indeed something had gone terribly wrong.

----------- Spring of 2018 -----------

"Taylor Wait don't forget your extra Pokeballs!"

Taylor, an eighteen year old young man turned back to face his mother, his 6ft 2 300lb body easily towering above her. She hurried up to him, a kind smile on his face thanking his mother for remembering (although ha had a sneaking suspicion that she had removed them during breakfast as he remembers packing them).

"Love ya mom!" Taylor yells as he turns and he begins his journey into the world.

Taylor woke with a start, these dreams of leaving out on a pokemon journey with his mother waving him off had been plaguing him incessantly for the last few days "...if only the world was so kind." he murmured to himself and then drifted back to sleep.
Chapter End Notes:This is my first chapter of my first story ever, I know its a bit short but it serves it's purpose. I would greatly appreciate any feedback (that isn't just eff you, you suck, etc) and thank you for reading my first chapter!

Disclaimer monkey says put this here-
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. If any author feels that the author of this fictional work is infringing on there rights (story, character, etc) don't hesitate to say
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