AGNPH Stories

The Sycamore Tree by tateroks


Story Notes:

I do write short chapters, but I update as often as I can but its hard to do with work and all right now.

Chapter 1: The Beginnings

The Sycamore Tree Chapter 1: The Beginnings


---January 07, 2018---

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* *Slam* Oh great another day... sometimes I wonder why I continue at this place, I am getting too old to work here, almost everybody else I know has gone off to their own lives around the world and left me here with a bunch of noobs (new counselors who had no idea what the hell they were doing or how to do it )....well everybody that is except Z and his fiancé Heather. It seems like only yesterday that they met....

Z and I were working on maintaining a trail at the camp about half of a mile out from the main section where the housing and all where we lived was and out of nowhere a poke ball flew out and hits Z in the head as we hear a loud girlish Shriek "I Gotcha!" when the ball didn't try to catch Z we heard the voice continue "Oh please don't eat me Mr. Pokemon! I'll do anything!" Hearing that caused both of us to fall over clutching our sides in laughter.

I was the first to get over my fit of laughter and looked up to see that Z's attempted captor had stepped out of the underbrush. She was a pretty young girl about 16 years in age. She was wearing a snug fitting blue Parichisu shirt that complimented her shining, long, blue hair which was done up in a ponytail except for a few tufts that flowed freely down into here face partially concealing her deep brown eyes. Her petite frame was farther accented by bark blue Capri pants. She was staring at her feet shifting from side to side uncomfortably as she held her hands behind her back.

"What the hell was that for?" Z yelled before looking up.

"I-I thought you were a...a........a midget Ursaring" she said sheepishly glancing up.

"Ha-Ha ha!" Z continued laughing even harder.

I took a proverbial step back and looked over the whole situation. Here we were nearly 50 miles from the nearest town, hacking our way through the thick undergrowth, and I have to admit from a distance Z could be mistaken for an animal. Z is a 5ft 6 hairy man; he doesn't have just a little hair, he is covered in enough hair he might as well be covered in scraggly brown fur. Z and I were dressed alike both wearing brown camp staff shirts, cargo shorts, and beat up leather work boots; where we differed was where he had no hat I had my favorite tan cowboy hat with a black band. I chuckled looking at the two of them. Z was a messy, brown hair covered, blue eyed wild man and our little intruder looked like his opposite with her blue hair, brown eyes, and strangely neat appearance even in the middle of the underbrush.

After the girl retrieved her thrown poke ball we introduced ourselves as Taylor and Z while we learned that her name was Heather. She came from a small town on the coast to our south and had been traveling for several months now wandering through the woods with only her first Pokemon that her mother had given her for company. Now most people, after a while on their journey will catch other Pokemon and will start getting badges, but Heather well....Heather still only had the one Pokemon and no badges; not that she wasn't trying but after her attempt at catching Z we realized she had no idea what she was doing. Being the gentle men that we are we politely invited Heather to lunch with us and as she began to reply she saw something in the corer of her eye, yelped, and jumped into Z's arms causing me to chuckle and both Z and Heather to blush. What startled our new friend was none other than our bosses Lucario Jay one of the only other companions we had left at the camp from when we started.

Most people have a favorite Pokemon, and I too had one but the only difference was that I got to work on a daily basis with it whereas many have to work hard to get one. I would do anything to get a Lucario or their unevolved form of a Riolu. Something about the way they looked made them seem elegant, almost beautiful, but they're Pokemon and that isn't right. Right?

"Oh yeah Heather" I said "this here is Jay, he never talks but is the hardest worker you will ever meet and as strong as a Nidoking to boot." Jay bowed as he was introduced a light blush appearing through his fur, whether from the compliment or being ogled at by the pretty human girl in front of him we didn't know. Heather introduced us to her only companion and traveling partner an easily distracted shiny parichisu with blue and brown fur.

The rest of the day went on with out much trouble, Heather joined us for lunch back at the camp and then announced that she would stay with us for a while and help us work in sort of an apology. Heather got along with all of us and it wasn't long until the days turned into weeks and then months as Z and Heather grew close and finally became a couple.....

Gotta love the winter months! Most days I don't even leave the house, I just stay in and get on the computer since nobody comes to the camp and the grass isn't growing, but things are pretty lonely now, Z moved into another staff house on property that we fixed up and im stuck in here by myself with only the occasional company of the others when the weather isn't too bad.

I booted up my computer to see that I had only one message from my boss.

ATTN: Camp Property Staff

Unfortunately for us all it is time for us to part ways as I can no longer afford to keep the camp open and pay you. Due to a recent Illness I have moved into the city with my brother and I am sorry that I couldn't tell you in person but it was an emergency and they had to get me out in a helicopter. I hate to do this but in one month from today (on Feb 6) you will need to vacate the property as it will be sold to a developer. I know this is sudden but you can take the next month to just relax or leave, I will make sure that you are paid for the month of January and the first week of February.
Thanks For all of your hard work and I wish you well in your lives,

"NO!" I was lost the camp was my life, I was not ready to move out, I had nowhere to go! As I pondered what I was to do with my life my phone rang, it was Z.

"Hey, what's up Z?"

"Did you check your e-mail yet today?"

"Yes, I can't believe it, I don't know what to do"

"Well... Heather and I are Going to travel, we've been saving up and we are going to try and become Pokemon trainers like she was trying to do when we first met her. If you want, you can travel with us?" he asked in a questioning tone.

"I...I don't know, this is all too much for me right now."

"Well tell us when you decide, we plan to leave on the 30th that way we should make it to the city in time for our second anniversary."

"ok, ill talk to ya later"



I was in shock, all these years I had taken my job for granted but now I only had a month to decide what to do with my life. That night I had the oddest dream-

I was in a field at twilight, my heart fluttering as I turned around to the being behind me....she was beautiful. We both leaned in towards each other, her intelligent ruby red eyes twinkling as she whispered I love you and we kissed an epic kiss of legend, easily one of the top 3 in history. As we kissed and held each other tightly the sky turned to a deep blue as the moon came to be the most prominent source of light shining off of her blue fur as my hand snaked its way down into her shorts and towards her wet slit....I remembered no more of the dream.
Chapter End Notes:Disclaimer monkey Strikes Again!
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. If any author feels that the author of this fictional work is infringing on there rights (story, character, etc) don't hesitate to say
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