AGNPH Stories

The Sycamore Tree by tateroks


Story Notes:

I do write short chapters, but I update as often as I can but its hard to do with work and all right now.

Chapter 2: Taylor's past

The Sycamore Tree Chapter 2: Taylor's past

Taylor lay awake early the next morning, awoken by the horrible dreams that seemed to never go away, just wanting to forget about his childhood. He often awoke overcome by the depression that had ruled his life for many years that several doctors had tried, and failed, to help him overcome and was only held somewhat in check with daily meds. He was forced to relive the most horrid moments of his childhood in his dreams.

Like when his parents got divorced.....

*incoherent yelling*Taylor hid his head under his pillow trying to drown out the noise. He was young, not yet 8 years old, and his parents were fighting again. They always fought at night, it never got physical, and Taylor and his sisters never saw it, but they heard it and it was there always in the background as they pretended to sleep.

The next morning, an overcast Saturday with the chance of rain looming overhead, Taylor's parents got he and his three sisters together on the couch in the living room where they sat in order from oldest on the right to youngest on the left with Taylor one over from the right being the second oldest.

His mother "I know you are all very smart so you have probably guessed that something is wrong."

His father "None of this is your fault..." an uneasy feeling made its way into Taylor's stomach, "and we both love all four of you very much."

"But there is something that you need to know"

"Your mother and I have decided that it is best for all of us If..." his voice cracked, having to tell his children something that he never wanted to have to say "If I move out of the house."

"When are you coming back?" Taylor's little sister asked, just being 6 years old and not understanding what was happening.

"That's the thing" his mother answered "Your father is not going to move back in."

"But I will never be far off" he interjected.

"That's right; you will get to see him all the time. It's just that we are getting a divorce." Divorce, that word stung with every syllable, meaning the end of their family's normalcy causing tears to build up in the eyes of all that understood. Never again would they be the normal happy family going on bike rides in the park, grilling out on the weekends, and going on vacations in the summer.

The next several days went by in a blur. Taylor's father already had loaded up his truck with his clothes and many of his belongings and left to take them to the only place he had to go, his gym on the mountain. He made several trips to get everything that he owned; books, movies, tools, pictures, and at last his favorite mug.

Taylor and his older sister Kel, the only other one who really realized what was going on, were both distraught. Although their parents had told them that it wasn't their fault they couldn't help but feel like they should have done something different, been better children, something to make their parents stay together. Often when their mother would leave Kel would break down and weep, trying to figure out why she alone had ruined the family to no avail while Taylor took the time to try and comfort her without success.

That time sparked the beginning of Taylor's downward spiral into depression causing him to look for a source of comfort and finding it in food making for the groundwork of his next nightmare....

By this time Taylor was nearly eleven years old and taking classes beyond what most did and in that time he had comforted himself thoroughly to nearly twice the weight a boy his age should ideally be at. This caused for further troubles because kids at that age, especially the girls are viscous. One group of girls in particular took special interest in Taylor and one or two other of the few friends he had. They liked to play what they called human pinball which is where they got in a big group and repeatedly pushed, shoved, and punched the boys from one of their group of girls to another causing pain for the boys physically and to a greater extent, emotionally. These actions lead to Taylor's best friend Matt moving away to another region in order to escape the torment and the memories which left Taylor as the focus of their so called game.

The last and likely the most humiliating event that haunts his memories is that of the day that his onetime girlfriend Sheila. Sheila and Taylor made quite an interesting couple; she was very loud and opinionated, while he was quiet and compromising. They had been together for about a month when the story of Taylor's nightmare begins....

"Aw shit! Just my luck to get stuck in the middle of the forest in a thunderstorm" Taylor mumbled to himself as he ran through the undergrowth while trying to shield himself from the downpour. He had left earlier that morning in search of a Lucario that was rumored to live in the valley. Down the trail in front of him Taylor could make out the large Sycamore tree that he had spent many an hour under and knew from experience would shelter him from the rest of the onslaught of rain, he felt his legs weakening as he neared the haven and nearly collapsed onto the ground when he reached it.

*KABOOM!!!!* Lightning struck the tree above his head.

"Thank Arceus that didn't hit me!" *Thunk*His body crashed to the ground under the limb that had fallen.

-Everything went black-

Two days later

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"It appears that he is coming to now."

"will he be ok?"

"He should be, it was not too serious of a hit....."

"But he will be in pain won't he?"

"Yes, for a couple more days at least."

I opened my eyes and saw my worried looking mom talking to a doctor in a white lab coat and to my happy surprise Sheila! But my excitement was to be short lived as she walked over towards me and I saw the angered expression on her face.

"You Moron!" she yelled at me, "Do you know what shit I had to go through with your mother deciding to call and update me every hour and then people at school bugging me!" she scowled at me and raised her had *POP* the red welt she left on my face was not nearly as bad as what she said next. "Fuck you! No, scratch that, don't fuck you. You never were good enough for that, Evan on the other hand.....yeah, you know what? Im going to go fuck him! See you later bastard." My world was shattered. Sheila, my Sheila was leaving me for the guy I thought was my best friend.

Taylor shook his head as if to relieve himself of his past as he got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. He pulled out his pill bottle and threw back two chased down by a swig of Pecha berry juice and headed back to bed. "Man, my life sucks."
Chapter End Notes:Disclaimer monkey says put this here-
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. If any author feels that the author of this fictional work is infringing on there rights (story, character, etc) don't hesitate to say
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