AGNPH Stories

The Sycamore Tree by tateroks


Story Notes:

I do write short chapters, but I update as often as I can but its hard to do with work and all right now.

Chapter 3: The Start of the Journey

Chapter 3: The Start of the Journey

*Sputter sputter Rearrr* A chainsaw roars to life. "Piece of junk..." Taylor mutters to himself as it dies once again. For the last hour he had worked on getting this thing to work. "Oh well, they can't say I didn't try...." and he threw it into the pile of other nonworking junk that could not be auctioned off before the property that they were on was sold.

Taylor was working at a camp in the middle of nowhere, it was a peaceful place where he had spent may years working and maintaining the property as he decided on what to do with the rest of his life and just two weeks prior the decision had been made for him.

In only a matter of days he would head out to face his fears and join the ranks of the traveling trainers. He planned to start his journey traveling along with his coworkers Z and Heather but he did not know how long he would bee able to remain with them, being with people just wasn't his thing which is to be expected when looking at his past. When Taylor was but a child he had often dreamed of becoming a trainer but the dream was lost when he was younger and learned of his mother's death due to a large and scarred rampaging Rhyhorn that ran out in front of her car on the road. The thought of such creatures causing the loss of somebody he loved made him shy away from all Pokemon except for a few like the Igglybuff that had followed him since he moved from Johto and the Shinx who he had found starving by himself in a hollow of a tree. They both followed him everywhere even though neither one of them were caught by him and he had nicknames for them; Billy and Johnny, respectively. They were lounging in the shade of a nearby Sitrus bush nibbling on different berries while they watched Taylor work enjoying their time relaxing.

-----Several days later-----

Taylor, Billy, And Johnny were gathered in Taylor's room the day that they were due to leave. The Pokemon were sitting on the boxes of stuff that Taylor was not able to take with him on his journey and was sending back home. Taylor had dressed in attire appropriate for a traveler he wore thick cargo shorts, a heavy t-shirt, and his Brocko sandals.

"Ok you guys I know that we have been friends for a while but im about to travel to places where, if you aren't caught by me, somebody might try and take you away."

"But we don't want to go away" they both replied quickly which due to his gift Taylor was able to understand.

"I understand, and I don't want you two to have to leave but that means that I will have to catch you in a Pokeball. It won't hurt but then you won't be able to go where you want, you will have to stick with me unless I release you."

"If I don't like it will you release me from the ball and let me go?" Johnny asked.

"Yes I will release you if you ask me to and another thing is that I will be training you so that we can compete in the league."

"Do you mean the battles in those big rooms in the tv that you watch all of the time?" Billy asked confused.

"Yes, that would be it."

"Sounds good to me, what do you think Johnny?"

"Im ok with it if I don't get hurt....." Johnny replied worriedly "I really don't want to get hurt badly."

"Don't worry, I will never let you get hurt, I care too much for you my friends." Taylor replied caringly.

"I don't want to leave you, but I really don't want to get hurt..." Johnny said still pondering his options


"That should be the truck here for my stuff, I will leave you two in here to decide, I hate to rush you but I just kept putting this off and Z, Heather, and I are leaving this afternoon." Taylor told his two young friends.

"I'll be right out!" he yelled to the squat balding man driving the yellow moving truck as he began to pull the boxes out into the hall.

Taylor returned twenty minutes later to his two Pokemon friends talking quietly between themselves.

"Alright guys everything is gone except for my backpack full of stuff I need for the trip." He said motioning to the new green backpack filled to capacity with camping supplies that he had bought with most of his savings as he had sold the supplies he had originally been given when he was younger after his mom died. Not that most of it would be big enough for him now anyway, he had to pay extra and special order his tent due to being twice the size of a normal beginner trainer. "What have you decided about being caught and going on a Pokemon journey with me?"

"Well..." Billy said as he moved closer to where Taylor had crouched "we have decided that we will go with you if"

"Yay!" Taylor exclaimed.

"If we get to have special poke balls and don't have to stay in them at night."
"Well both of those are very doable," Taylor said as he reached into the front pocket of his backpack. "I already got special poke balls just in case you two would join me, you have no idea how happy I am that you are willing to do this for me." He showed them the poke balls; one was light blue and covered with musical notes with a flowing script forming the name Billy, the other one was sky blue on the top half, black on the bottom, and had a big gold star with the name Johnny inscribed on it.


I was so relieved that they had decided to come along with me, im not sure that I could make it to even the beginning of the journey without my two longtime friends. It had been several months since I had gotten the poke balls made on a whim since they were having a sale at "Big Al's Custom Ballz." (Yeah I know, who in the world would be dumb enough to call a shop that.....I guess apparently Big Al.)

They Looked up at me smiling as I reached down with their poke balls in either hand (sounds a bit perverted doesn't it) and they reached out to push the buttons. As the red lights enveloped them Johnny yelped but was cut off as he was pulled inside.

"The balls didn't shake at all. Either they are both really weak or they really want to go with me..."

I released them to give them a final speech before I grabbed my bag and left my home for good.

"Ok you two! Our destiny awaits up out on the road, we might not be strong now but if we work at it im sure that we can succeed!"

As I finished my speech I slung my backpack over my shoulder, recalled my friends into their balls, and took off to meet Z and Heather to find out what life was waiting for me to do!


"Z....." Heather said exasperatedly "Where is he? We were supposed to be meeting up with him twenty minutes ago!"

"Well honey," I replied slightly agitated at having to go through this again, "you took an hour to put your stuff in the truck so he had to wait for longer for the truck to get to his place. I might still be a while."

"Hey! don't leave without me!!" I heard off in the distance "Im almost there"

"Don't worry;, we won't leave you. Sorry it took so long with the truck. Somebody cough cough Heather"

*GLARE* from Heather.

"I mean, the truck driver was very slow and had to put everything in just the right place and in just the right order." I quickly wiped my brow.

"Ok BOYS.....lets get this thing going!"

"Johnny, Billy lets go!" two streams of red light gave way to the Shinx and the Igglybuff who took their respective places at his side and on his shoulder.

"Come on out Perry!" heather yelled throwing her poke ball revealing her overly excited Parichisu.

"Come on out Ellie!" Z yelled as a young Electrike appeared.

"Dude when did you catch that Electrike?"

"You're not the only one who wants to be the champion. I found her the other day and she let me catch her."

"lucky you, ok you love birds it is time to begin our trip to the top!" Taylor yelled as he began humming the original Pokemon theme song.

Our three young trainers began their journey towards their destinies but will they remain as a group or will their differences divide them?

"I wana be the very best!" He began to sing.

"SHUTUP TAYLOR!" Z and Heather yelled together.
Chapter End Notes:Yay, they finally are starting their journey! please rate and review. i hope to have the next chapter out within a week because i want to get as many out before i start work at one of the happiest places on Earth where i don't know how many hours they will have me working.

Disclaimer monkey says put this here-
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. If any author feels that the author of this fictional work is infringing on there rights (story, character, etc) don't hesitate to say
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