AGNPH Stories

The Sycamore Tree by tateroks


Story Notes:

I do write short chapters, but I update as often as I can but its hard to do with work and all right now.

Chapter 4: The Storm

TST Chapter 4: The Storm

(In a very dramatic voice) It was just after 8:00 pm one stormy evening; the wind was howling through the trees as the rain beat harshly upon a derelict barn that had been long abandoned by humans.

Taylor and the couple he was tagging along with had taken shelter in the barn which was just barely visible from the path that they had been following for the past three days. Their small group had taken temporary residence in a walled off loft in the northeast corner or the building which was filled with many wild and feral Pokemon.

Not much had happened in those few days; the most notable thing was Z catching a Teddiursa that he gave to Heather as he joked about the first time they met and how she had tried to catch him thinking he was a midget Ursaring. Heather named him Charlie after the main character in her favorite book as she was growing up.

The wild Pokemon taking shelter in the barn where the trio of humans were staying were very varied and represented a cross section of nearly all of the local land dwelling Pokemon. The rafters were covered with flocks of Starly and Pidgey whose homes were unsafe in the heavy winds and driving rains, in one area there was a small group of Chatlot who were keeping to themselves. On the ground were many more Pokemon; there was even a ragged, aging Lucario clutching an egg close to his chest while suspiciously eyeing the humans who were there. Dozens of Zigzagoon wondered about on the ground level looking about and smelling everything they encountered. There were many grass Pokemon also filling up the floor, several Oddish were grouped around a small Gloom, and the many Lotad amused themselves by poking fun at the Shroomis while attempting to avoid the Breloom that was looking out for them. Wrumple and Caterpie hung on the walls by the hundreds, a few of which were enveloping or had already enveloped themselves in cocoons on their way to evolving into their final forms.

Taylor, and Z were in the corner of the room working on building a fire in a stove with some wood that had been left in the room while Heather got to work feeding the Pokemon that the trio had. Her Parichisu, Perry was running in circles around the Charile her Teddiursa who was trying to have a conversation with Z's Electrike Ellie while Billy and Johnny sat and watched.

"Gah, I'm exhausted" Heather exclaimed turning towards the guys once she finished filling up the Pokemon's own dishes.

"All we did today was walk through the forest, there were not even any big hills....."

"I know Taylor, but im not used to this kind of exercise......"

"Yeah, all she does is stare at a computer screen and tie knots!"



"You deserved it, you know ...."

"Well it's the truth...?"

"So. You know I do my job and I do it well."


"Taylor just shut it and make me something to eat!"

"Yes ma'am your majesty " Taylor said with mock respect and a bow. "Anything you desire your majesty!"

With that Z fell off of the log he was sitting on in yet another fit of laughter.

Heather- *Face Palm* "It was NOT that funny."

-- later that evening --

"There is a limit to the number of times I can eat your noodle special Taylor, and im at that point. Make something else will ya?"

Mumbled under his breath "Your mom can eat my noodle special all day...."

"Come on ..... Really man? .... Really?"

"ha ha ha, but it's not that bad.... If you would have bought something other than noodles then you wouldn't have anything to complain about.... then again you could cook for a change instead of complaining."

"Yeah Z, why don't you cook? You can cook some pretty good stuff when you want to."

"Eh, I don't feel like it." Z replied to Heather nonchalantly.

*Face palm while glaring at Z* Taylor retorts "Well I guess then you will be ok with this until you buy something besides noodles for me to cook."

"Ok boys. I think you two need to give it a break and calm down. All of us are tired and need some sleep. Go To Bed!"

"Yes Ma-am" Z replied snapping into a mock salute before climbing into his and Heather's tent while Taylor lazily got into his sleeping bag by the wall.


I rolled over in my sleeping bag having been unsuccessful in going to sleep for at least the last hour. Z and Heather had long been asleep in their tent not even bothering to try and wait for me to fal asleep so they could be intimate with each other.

As I looked out down below our loft through a hole in the rotted wood I examined the many Pokemon sleeping innocently nearby but one in particular caught my eye. It was an aging Lucario on the far side of the building. He was a scraggly fellow whose coat was missing several large tufts of fur; in his arms which were tightly clutched to his body was an egg. I studied the creature, his unkempt fur had lost it's shine and was graying in places. His body was lean and scarred, it very apparently was that of one who was once or might still be a skilled fighter with much experience.

As I examined him my gaze eventually drifted away from the egg he was clutching and towards his face which was when I realized my examination had not gone unnoticed. He was staring right at me his stare seeming to peer into my very essence as if he was trying to figure our who I was by sight alone. His eyes..... His eyes were a slightly milky red instead of the brilliant ruby color that most Lucario's have; could he be....blind? I then noticed that every Pokemon in the building was asleep with the exception of him staring at me, he proceeded to squint as if to better see something even though nothing had changed and I was frozen in place by the sheer intensity of the look I was getting from that aging lucario who was clutching that egg to his chest as if there was nothing else in the world that mattered other than the safety of that which it was holding close.

As I drifted off to sleep a short while later I could almost swear that I heard a voice saying give it time, decisions have not yet been made that are needed to determine the future, nothing that can or will be is set in stone. Give it time and trust your young companions, they know best."

Chapter End Notes:Disclaimer monkey says put this here-
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. If any author feels that the author of this fictional work is infringing on there rights (story, character, etc) don't hesitate to say
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