AGNPH Stories

The Sycamore Tree by tateroks


Story Notes:

I do write short chapters, but I update as often as I can but its hard to do with work and all right now.

Chapter 5: A New Friend?

TST Chapter 5: A New Friend?

(From the point of view of Heather)

"Yo, Taylor, Taylor, Tay, Hey Buddy, Hey, HEY! Hey, Hey Taylor, Hey man, Get Up! Taylor WAKE UP!!!" Z yelled as he shook Taylor trying to wake him up.

Taylor had not been sleeping well and it was probably due to all of the wild Pokemon in the barn we had camped out in so I thought it was best to get up and leave as soon as possible and of course my darling Z agreed with me. We had already gotten our stuff all packed up and were ready to go, we let Taylor sleep as late as possible so maybe he would have the energy so we would be able to make it to the airport before nightfall so we could fly back to Hoenn.

"Damnit Z get off of me! Im up, im up!" Taylor replied as he groggily woke up to Z nearly shaking him to death.

"Come on get up and get all your stuff packed so we can go, we might be able to get to the airport today if we hurry. We're all packed and heather has a cup of coffee for ya" he said as he gestured over his shoulder towards me. As he mentioned the airport Taylor immediately perked up knowing that it meant not having to sleep near wild Pokemon for a night; a fear that he greatly needed to get over if he wanted to succeed in life.

"so it's a few miles to the ferry to Sinnoh and then just to find the airport?" Taylor asked Z as they were going over the plans.

"Yep, now grab your coffee and lets go!" Z yelled enthusiastically as he threw Taylor's pack at his head.

Dodging getting hit by his pack Taylor grabbed the coffee from me with a quick thanks, grabbed his pack from where it landed, and took off towards the door of the barn. I watched him chuckling at how easy it was to get him excited when I noticed I wasn't the only one watching; over in the corner was the old lucario pretending to sleep but not doing a good job of hiding his interest in watching the young man as he left. I threw aside the thought, the lucario was just ready for us to leave, yes, that's it he is tired and he has to have been traveling for awhile. His kind is not from anywhere around here or even from this region.

Z and I took off after Taylor yelling at him to slow down but he was too excited to listen so Z called out Ellie and told her to give Taylor a little zap to get his attention. Trying to prove herself and the fact that she is still young she overdid it a bit knocking Taylor senseless off of his feet and into the brush beside the road. Since Taylor would be out of it for a little while and we had ran halfway to the city we decided to take a break and I went into the woods to look for another Pokemon.
As I wondered through the forest I came to a clearing that was surrounded by berry bushes, there were dozens of types of berries many of which I had never seen before in my life. I decided to collect as many as I could and take them into town to find out what they all were. As I was picking the berries I noticed a movement out of the corner of my eye that startled me. Right beside me in a tree was a Pachirisu that was staring at me that reminded me that I should let Perry out of his ball so he could get some exercise; as I pulled out his poke ball the wild pokemon got scared and hurried off into the trees to who knows where. Perry was very happy to be let out of his poke ball he explored the clearing eating almost every ripe berry he found but avoided eating some after he realized they were really sour.

A minute or so later as we were going back to the road we heard a rustling which turned out to be the same Pachirisu as before but this time he brought backup. It was a Ralts, now most of you wouldn't be scared of a Ralts but the only Pokemon I had with me was Perry and well lets just say he is not very reliable in a battle.

Suddenly the Ralts used a confusion attack which Perry easily dodged "Perry, use quick attack on that Ralts!" he ignored me and kept running around the Ralts who continued firing off one confusion after another but was quickly getting tired having to follow around the little guy as he ran with endless energy. "Ok perry just keep doing whatever it is you are doing it is tiring the Ralts out." not long after I said that a confusion attack clipped Perry knocking him off of his feet and the Ralts moved in for the win. "Pokeball go!" I yelled throwing an empty ball off of my belt hoping to distract the Ralts long enough to get away. The small capsule hit the Pokemon on it's head snapping open and engulfing it in a read light before sucking it it and snapping shut. One..... Two...... "Perry! Are you ok?" I yelled as I ran to him picking him up. As I started to leave *Ding!* "I... I caught a Ralts? But Perry never even attacked it. Oh well, no time to ponder it I gotta go in case there are any other heroes around." I thought out loud before sweeping up the poke ball which now contained my Ralts and clipping it onto my belt and running to the road.

As I got back to the road Z had propped up Taylor on our packs and was trying to wake him back up with a worried look on his face.

"Where have you been? I think....Do you think that Ellie's attack hurt him?"

"Look he is coming to now, don't worry he will be fine, im sure of it. And ill tell you what I was doing when Taylor fully comes to so I don't have to repeat myself."

"Tell us what?" Taylor asked as he woke up "And Z, if ellie ever shocks me that bad again im going to sic Johnny on ya." he finished woozily.

"Nothing much, just that I caught a Ralts." I replied offhandedly as if it was something that happened on a daily basis shocking both of the boys causing a round of questions from the two prompting me to retell my adventure to them...

After I finished my story I released the Rats from it's ball. It glared up at me and turned away. "I guess he isn't happy I caught him." I glanced at Johnny who seemed to be laughing as my Ralts looked madder than before.

"You mean this lovely little LADY isn't happy you caught her right?" Taylor managed to say as Ralts blushed.

I was dumbstruck "But she was so strong....and"

"Ive said it many times, it doesn't matter what gender they are, male and female Pokemon can both be really strong."

"I'm sorry Ralts" I said looking down to her "I just didn't expect that." she looked a little less mad at me but still was obviously not in a good mood.

"OK" Taylor said happily, "Lets get to that Ferry!"

Once again he took off running as Z and I both yelled "It's the other way!"

Chapter End Notes:Disclaimer monkey says put this here-
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. If any author feels that the author of this fictional work is infringing on there rights (story, character, etc) don't hesitate to say
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