AGNPH Stories

The Sycamore Tree by tateroks


Story Notes:

I do write short chapters, but I update as often as I can but its hard to do with work and all right now.

Chapter 6: Sailing Away

Chapter 6: Sailing away

(From Z's point of view)

"Hey! Slow down." I yelled as Taylor started running for what seemed like the twentieth time since we restarted our journey after his little mishap. He had his Shinx johnny running excitedly along with him while Billy, his Igglybuff, rode on his shoulder. Heather was walking along side me along with Charlie, her Teddiursa that I had caught and given to her while she held tightly onto her Pachirisu, Perry, who was doing his hardest to get down; and on her belt, in her ball, was Heather's newly caught Ralts who refuses to do anything Heather tries to get her to do. By my side was my little girl Ellie, an Electrike that I caught right before our adventure began. We were headed to the ferry which would take us north up the river and out into the ocean to the Region of Sinnoh where we were catching a flight to the Hoenn Region to start challenging the gym leaders to become the champions!

We finally mad it to the ferry it was GIGANTIC. It stood taller than the 4 story buildings in the harbor around it and was at least one hundred and fifty yards long. We boarded the ship and were given the keys to two cabins, Heather and I were sharing one (obviously) and Taylor had His own. The cabin was about the size of my bedroom back at the camp with a bathroom and a kitchenette. There were two twin bunk beds along side the wall which Johnny immediately raced over to and claimed the nearest one for himself as Heather and I moved on to find our cabin which was down the next hall and was back to back with his.

That night we were all out on one of the lower decks looking out at the sea as nearby an old man was fishing with a pile of poke balls alongside him on the deck.

"Hey you, Young man." The young man yelled over towards us

"Who me?" I asked pointing towards myself.

"Yeah, come over here I need your help!"

"Ok" I said jogging towards the man.

"My arms are about to give out. If you help me reel in this magicarp I will give ya something."

"Ok, no problem" I said grabbing the rod from the man struggling not to drop it. "Dang this sucker must be huge" I said towards the man as he watched on.

"Yep, the biggest in the world live here" he said beaming "Im hoping to get the biggest one ever!" he continued sounding like a little kid.

I finally got the large Pokemon to the surface, it was twice the size as a normal magi carp and the old man proceeded to jump up and down before fling ing a lure ball at the giant fish capturing it near instantly.

"Thank you young man and here is your reward as I promised" the old man said pulling a poke ball out of his pocket "She doesn't like being around a bunch of people so you might want to wait until after you get off of the ferry to bring her out."

"Ok thanks man" I said as we walked away

"well that guy was crazy wasn't he?" Heather asked.

(Taylor's point of view)

I had been running for what seemed like forever although the ship was still in sight, then...."Holy SHIT!!!" a Riolu right there in front of me on the trail. It was a dream come true, a wild Riolu, I had to catch it. The rest of the group caught up to me before I had time to react.

"Oh my" Heather gasped when she saw what had me stopped im my tracks. "Are you going to catch it?"

"Hell Yes, Go Johnny!" I had made a point to keep Johnny in his Pokeball for the last few days. I tossed his ball out onto the path in front of me towards the Riolu who had taken up a defensive stance. Out of the poke ball popped something that stunned Z and Heather It was my Shinx Johnny only he was no longer a little Shinx he had evolved into a Luxio!

"When did that happen?" Heather inquired

"Damn dude, way to go Johnny, but when, where, and most importantly how?" Z exclaimed.

Johnny beamed in pleasure at their excitement roaring as he got down into his stance.

"Not now guys, after I catch this Riolu!"

"Ok Johnny, use charge and get ready for a spark attack." The Riolu moved in fast charging a force palm as he moved in behind Johnny.

"Johnny watch out, he is trying to get in behind you. don't let him get out of your sight" but it was too late, Johnny was hit in his left hind flank which sent him sprawling as the Riolu came in for another attack.

"Johnny, when he gets close use tackle and then the strongest spark you can manage!"

"Ill do my best." he replied tracking the Riolu the best he could as it came in to try and finish him off. It maneuvered itself so it could strike his left flank again and charged, Johnny waited until it was right on top of him before he jumped to his right, pivoted around, and tackled the little blue Riolu. With his forepaws on the Riolu's shoulders he glared down at him "Goodnight you little..." he was cut off as he was thrust skyward by the Riolu's legs.

"Fuck it Johnny, use Spark!" I yelled tired of fooling around.

Johnny's body whipped around as an electrical glow surrounded him and he bolted down towards the earth and the surprised Riolu. As their bodies collided a plume of dust enshrouded them and all went quiet.

"Come on...come on...." I murmured to myself as the dust cleared. "Yes!" Johnny was standing proudly above the defeated Riolu. I pulled out a poke ball and tossed ti at the Riolu who was engulfed in the red light as he was sucked into the poke ball. Once, twice, FLASH. Dangit the Riolu escaped, the little guy still was fighting but I couldn't risk getting Johnny attacking him again, he could get hurt. I didn't want to use this just yet but its worth it. I reached down into my pack and pulled out the great ball that I had gotten a long time ago for a special occasion. I tossed the great ball at the Riolu who tried to dodge it but was just too tired to get away. Once, Twice, Three times, DING!

".....I did it......I GOT A RIOLU!!!"

"Good job Taylor" Z said congratulating me on Johnny and mine's success, "But just when and how did johnny evolve?"

"Well it happened when you were dealing with that crazy old man. Johnny and I had gone to the top deck on the ferry and trained, he evolved in the middle of a battle with another shinx."

"I wondered why you had disappeared during all of that." Heather said "and then when you had been keeping him in his ball I just figured that he had done something stupid and that was his punishment."

"Nope, that was actually his idea. He wanted to surprise you guys with his new form."

"That reminds me, I never looked to see what Pokemon he gave me." Z said intrigued "Go poke ball!"

There was a flash of red light "What the hell is that ugly thing?!?"
Chapter End Notes:Disclaimer monkey says put this here-
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. If any author feels that the author of this fictional work is infringing on there rights (story, character, etc) don't hesitate to say
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