AGNPH Stories

The Sycamore Tree by tateroks


Story Notes:

I do write short chapters, but I update as often as I can but its hard to do with work and all right now.

Chapter 7: Professor Birch

Chapter 7: Professor Birch

---February 9, 2018---

*Flop, flop, Flop*

"What the hell is that !?!"

"Feebas-Ridiculed for its shabby appearance, it is ignored by researchers. It lives in ponds choked with weeds. " the automated voice of Z's pokédex recited as an anime style vein popped out of his forehead.

"Oh...well I guess its kind of cool" Taylor told his friend, trying to be encouraging

"'Kinda cool?' what the hell is kinda cool about that!?!? It is a flipping, flopping, grey, bony, nothing of a fish!" with Z's outburst the fish Pokemon stopped its flailing and laid still a sad look upon its face.

" looks like that old man used you to get rid of a shitty Pokémon he didn't want anymore" Taylor said to Z before getting slapped across his face by Heather.

Z hung his head and recalled his new acquaintance. "Well... what should I do with this thing then?"

"Well," Heather replied still glaring at Taylor, "we can take it with us and when we visit Professor Birch in Littleroot Town we can ask him what he recommends to do with it."

"ok, well... lets get the tents set up, we still have a few hours worth of hiking until we get to the airport" Z replied to his girlfriend with obviously less than normal enthusiasm.

"Yeah, if somebody wouldn't of had their Pokemon electrocute me we would be there already...." Taylor said looking at Z with mock anger.

"Boys do I have to separate you two?" Heather stated plainly, obviously ready to sleep.

"No ma'am" They replied in unison.

---Two mornings later---

"so what you three are saying is that you want to begin a Pokemon journey?" Professor Birch asked the three young adults that had just arrived in his lab. "You do realize that most beginning trainers are half your age being only ten years old."

Z, being the most mature, acted as spokesperson for the group. "Yes sir, we do know that we are older than most but recent events have led up to us making drastic changes in our lives and we decided that becoming trainers would be best."

"I see" The elderly man said as he took off his glasses "well I guess you should be better off than most beginning trainers but I have one more question. Why are you three starting here in Hoenn Instead of your home region?"

"I guess I can answer that one" Taylor said stepping forward, "Hoenn is my home region, my hometown is Oldale town, but I left several years ago due to emotional distress that I was going through and that is how I met Z and later Heather. We decided to start here since It is a region that Z has not been to, it is where Heather's grandparents lived, and it is where the rest of my family is."

"I see" Professor Birch looked up at the trio of aspiring trainers, "I would be glad to sign you up to participate in the Hoenn League but it will take until morning as with the last batch of young trainers I ran out of unregistered pokedex units (I was unsure how to say pokedex in plural...) but I am expecting a shipment of them to arrive in the morning. If you would like I can Provide a few rooms for you to stay the night and one of my assistants can help you figure out where you want to go on your travels in our beautiful Hoenn."

"Thank you Professor, if it is not too much we would be honored to stay here with you, and we would be glad to have the help of one of your assistants to plan out our trip. " Heather replied politely.

"Ok then, just let me get my assistants in here so we can get ready for your stay." the Professor smiled "Eve, Adam, could you two come in here please?"

*thump* *trample* *slam* *trample* *thump* *thump* the two assistants slid into the entryway from the room next door.

"Yes Professor?" A red haired lady wearing stylish glasses and sporting a cleanly pressed lab coat answered.

"Ah, thank you Eve, I need you to prepare a couple of rooms for our three guests for the night, and after you are finished I need you to check experiment 121a again, can you do that?" she nodded before the Professor continued "and Adam, I hope I didn't disturb your observations on 121c"

"No Sir." The squat brown haired man replied.

"I need you to help these three plan out their travels here, and since you have traveled all over Hoenn I knew you would be the perfect choice to help." The Professor gloated over his assistant's accomplishments.

"Sir, I would be glad to help out these new trainers however I can." the short man looked embarrassed at having his past as a traveler brought up.

"While yall work on all of that I will try and figure out where that driver is with my shipment of poke gear units, and I will see you three in the morning." the looked at Taylor, Z, and Heather.

"Oh Professor, wait I have one more question" Z stepped forward.

"Yes Z?" Professor Birch turned around smiling at the young man.

"Well on the way over here I was given a water Pokemon that I honestly have no idea what to do with it." Z told him somewhat headedly.

"Well come on out back and lets see what you got!" the Professor hurriedly ushered the trio out the back door of the lab and towards his pond behind the building.

When they got to the pond Z pointed the poke ball towards the pond and pushed the release button. Once the red light faded revealing the Feebas Professor Birch was by its side taking measurements, murmuring to himself, and giving the Pokemon a thorough examination. Once he finished he took off his glasses and turned back towards Z "Well it looks like you have a fine example of a young Feebas that has been well cared for."

" looks so...useless" Z stammered trying not to sound mean.

"It might look like it now, but it is a strong Pokemon and when it evolves it gets exponentially stronger, not to mention a whole lot rarer." The Professor explained, "Its not unusual for trainers to underestimate Feebas, most don't even know what they evolve into."

"What..." Z started to say.

"No, if you are going to raise this Pokemon im not going to ruin the surprise for you" Professor Birch said Sternly "It is something you need to do."

"Yes sir, I guess I have a new little friend" Z knelt down and petted the Feebas who beamed up at him looking positively excited.

"Ok Z, you should get back in there before they plan it all out without you!" Professor Birch Chuckled at the retreating figure before murmuring to himself "whomever gave him that Feebas knew how to raise it, I just hope he can do as good of a job."
Chapter End Notes:The monkey ran away so in memorial- Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended
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