AGNPH Stories

The Sycamore Tree by tateroks


Story Notes:

I do write short chapters, but I update as often as I can but its hard to do with work and all right now.

Chapter 8: Troubles With Ralts

Chapter 8: Troubles With Ralts

---February 12, 2018---

"Goodbye Professor Birch and thanks again for all your help!" Taylor yelled as he waved goodbye to the Professor and his assistants as he followed behind Z and Heather on their way to Oldale Town. "So guys I was thinking, and I bet we could find some cool Pokemon in the woods between here and Oldale town, so if ya'll don't mind I would like to stop for a few nights to go out and train and try to make a new friend or two." he looked up towards his two friends while making his best puppy dog begging face.

Z rubbed his chin, "I like that idea, besides none of us have really done any training... What do you think sweetheart?" he then turned to heather.

--Point Of View Change, Heather--

I knew this was going to happen, they always made me make the decisions " *sigh*, I guess a day or two would be fine, I need to se what that Ralts I caught can do anyway."

The boys cheered and then took the lead chatting with each other about what they planned on doing for the next forty-eight to seventy-two hours with their Pokemon. Before I realized it a couple of hours had passed and we were already in the forest; the boys hastily threw together camp before taking off to work on some training schedule they had concocted. I yelled after them "Be back in a few hours, I don't want either of you getting lost out there by yourselves in the dark!"

The boys had scampered off into the woods to do whatever it is that they had planned and left me by my lonesome so I decided to get some training in too. "Come on out Ralts!" I threw the red and white poke ball into the air and from it materialized my green haired mon'

"Raaaalts" it yawned loudly and then stared at me as if waiting on me to do something of interest.

"Come on Ralts, were going to go train." I motioned to it and it followed reluctantly. We entered the woods and were searching for Pokemon to battle when I was startled by a rustling in a nearby bush, I was getting ready to yell at whatever it was to come out and show itself when out popped a brown quadruped creature I knew to be a Zigzagoon. "Ok girl, we can do this!"
The Zigzagoon noticed us and got into a defensive stance. "Ralts attack with confusion!"

"Raa-" Ralts was cut off as she was knocked over by a head butt attach from the wild Zigzagoon.

"Zag-Zag-Zagoon" The Pokemon seemed to be taunting my poor Ralts which only served to make her more determined.

"Come on girl, use confusion on that little devil!" My Ralts started moving forward in an offensive stance trying to get a hit in against the other 'mon. She charged up and fired off a confusion attack and nearly missed but she scored a hit!
"Ok Ralts, now you are getting the hang of it, use double team." Before she was able to do so the Zigzagoon, which had been forgotten in the quick celebration of the hit, charged in and hit Ralts in the side sending her flying into a tree.

"Raa..." she struggled to get up before collapsing to the ground in a heap. The Zigzagoon, who seemed barely phased from the fight, stood triumphantly above it's bested foe for a moment before scurrying back off into the woods.

---Point of view change, Narrator---

Heather was, to say the least, devastated by the quick loss at the hands of the Zigzagoon. What little faith she had had in her newly caught Ralts was gone.

---That evening by the campfire---

Z yawned and looked towards Heather, "Look at that Taylor, your Riolu sure seems to like Heather." he gestured towards the two who were on the other side of the clearing that they were camped out at. Heather, her shiny Parichisu Perry, and Taylor's young Riolu were engaged in a lively game of zigzagoon tag, all of them thoroughly enjoying it. Taylor looked over to his left where Heather's two other Pokemon were. Her Teddiursa was on its side sleeping, and her ralts was leaning against a tree glaring intently at the base of the crackling campfire where the coals were glowing white in the moonlight.

Heather plopped down on the ground between Taylor and Z while sighing contentedly. "Well that was fun..." she said. The guys both looked at at her and just as Z was about to say something "Oomph!" Taylor's Riolu jumped into Heather's lap, the little dog Pokemon curling up, relaxed, where he landed causing Heather's Ralts to eye the duo evilly. The green haired Pokemon then proceeded to stand up and stomp over to her trainer causing the three humans to tense up apprehensively. She reached out towards where Heather was sitting causing the girl to shrink back into the shadows as much as the log behind her would allow thus awaking the Riolu who began growling protectively. With nothing more than a sideways glance the Ralts reached into Heather's bag and pulled out it's poke ball, she was enveloped in a red light which she caused by recalling herself letting the now unsupported poke ball to fall lightly to the grass on the ground below it.

"What.... What just happened? Why did she do that?" Heather asked looking back and forth like she was lost while cradling the Riolu who had fallen back to sleep.

"Isn't it obvious?" Z stated, "She is jealous. You caught her but you don't train with her much at all, play with her, hell you don't spend any time with her outside of at meals; when you have time that you can spend with her you instead choose to play with Taylor's Riolu!" he gasped in air having not planned on that outburst.

"But she and I don't get along..." Heather tried to defend herself.

"You never immediately get along with a Pokemon you caught, it takes work. Work that you have not done any of." Taylor finished off.

Chapter End Notes:Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

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PS my new droid 2 kicks butt
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