AGNPH Stories

An Unexpected Twist in Life by feign12


Story Notes:

This is the hottest RP between BlazerRaylock and I. If anyone wants to RP with me, go and add me. Note to reviewers, please don't flame and please be honest in the reviews. The chapter below is partial but I'm adding content as soon as possible. School is really killing me at the moment so pardon the others. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author.  The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise.  No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 1: A Change of Heart Followed by A Shower of Love

In a faraway forest, there lived a lonely Swampert. Ever since he was a Mudkip, he had been alone. His friends had left him, his parents were captured by trainers and he was left to fend for himself.

He learned how life can be cruel and the time he lived by himself made him cold, irritable and cynical. He didn’t trust anyone, even a fellow Pokémon’s help. But there will be someone that will change his life forever.

One day, an Ampharos was just passing by through his territory. She was just looking for a shortcut on her way home from a visit to an adjacent forest. She walked and walked until she reached a river. As she bent to get a drink from it, a pair of angry eyes silently watched her every move.

The time her head actually touched the surface of the water, the unknown being jumped from behind the bushes and landed a few feet from her, his expression was that of rage. The Ampharos turned around and was immediately struck with fear and surprise.

What are you doing here?!” The Swampert growled, his body was readying itself for battle. “Who gave you the right to trespass on my territory?!

The Ampharos knew that picking a fight was a bad idea due to type advantage. She was going to talk her way out of her situation, if she could.

“I did not mean to trespass. I was just passing through.” She thought she could talk to this Swampert but he had a better idea.

I don’t care!” He yelled at her, surprising her and snapping her out of her thoughts. “You’re an intruder! I’ll take care of you, for you might be hostile!

His glance soon started to fleet from her hind legs and past her belly towards her head. In his mind, he craved for her, a lust for someone who’s been alone

She was vying for instant freedom but if this ‘way’ could help her achieve it, then she would.

To her joy and surprise, his anger slightly subsided as he said, “There’s only one way out of this and probably, it could save your life.”

The Ampharos’ eyes lit up in high expectation. But she never knew that those high hopes would soon be dampened and dashed into bits.

“And what is that way?” She asked softly, her voice was meek.

He gave an evil grin and said, “If you want to get out of here alive, you have to mate with me.”

Her jaw dropped at the suggestion. “W-what?” she stuttered, her fear and anxiety getting evident in her tone.

Without warning, the Swampert pounced on her, catching her off-guard.

You can’t object! This is my territory so I get to do what I want!” Using his large hands, he grabbed each of her fore limbs and pinned her to the ground.

She shrieked in pain, as the force was painful. But that pain was just a pebble compared to what will happen next.

Please! Stop!” she pleaded, her eyes becoming wet with tears.

He didn’t heed her warning and, to the Ampharos’ shock, his monster cock was already at its full length and was throbbing in the morning air. It was rubbing her virgin lips, causing her to involuntarily coo.

(Please….not that….) she cried mentally, hoping someone would save her but it was too late.

He thrust hard into her vagina, ripping her hymen in the process. She screamed in pain, a scream so loud that the Pidgeys in nearby trees perching flew away. The Swampert didn’t care; all he thought about was he alone. The Ampharos was crying but soon, her cries became moans as he thrust into her.  A trickle of blood was trickling down to the sodden ground, taking along some of her juices. All the pain was soon transformed into pleasure.

(G-god, it f-feels good. But I m-must resist…) A mental struggle was happening inside her head, whether to surrender to his ‘rapist’ or to continue the futile resistance. Her body was telling otherwise. She wanted it, she couldn’t deny.

“Y-you’re so t-tight…” he moaned, his eyes closed in ecstasy.

Finally, she surrendered.

“P-please….harder and faster….” She pleaded; her body was quivering under his pounding. Her nether area was red from the pain but she didn’t care. Her breasts were bouncing up and down as he ravaged her flower. He was rough, very rough. She wanted this to end so feigning was needed. Her walls were already secreting lots and lots of her juices, easing his work on her needy womb.

The Swampert knew he was close as he was breathing erratically; his thrusting began to become frantic as he tried to make himself orgasm. The Ampharos was already sweating due to the pleasure and the previous pain she experienced.

“I-I’m close…” he moaned, his legs soaked in her juices.

“M-me too!!!” she screamed in ecstasy as he hit a spot deep within her. It was the last strike, as the last thrust sent her over the edge.

She let out a shriek of pleasure as her walls constricted violently on the Swampert’s tool, causing him to tumble altogether. As her womb poured out her liquids, his seed was spread by an explosive orgasm. It twitched violently as he poured wave after wave of his semen inside her, some of it settling in her inner depths while the others combined with the love juices. The cocktail of love then gushed out of her, soaking both their thighs even more.

Her head collapsed on the soft, wet ground. Her mind was removed of all rational thought as she panted softly, slowly regaining her composure. The Swampert, however, slipped out of her and stood up, his flaccid dick now retreating to its home.

“You can get out of here.” He said, turning his back against her. “If you don’t go soon, then I might really harm you.”

She just weakly stood and, out of the blue, she asked, “Do you live alone?”

Emotionless, he answered. “Yes.”

In the back of her mind, she wanted him. She wanted him to fuck her again. Oh, how she wanted him ever since he raped her. Suddenly, a bright idea hit her, an idea which would allow her to be with him.

“Would you like to come to my home?” she asked her face a bit flushed. He was speechless at her question. The female he raped, invite him to be at her home?

“I don’t want to leave.” He couldn’t dare face her, his guilt was overwhelming. He couldn’t dare face her in shame. “Besides, I couldn’t look at you.”

She just laughed and replied, “I forgive you. But will you promise never to do that again?”

He nodded awkwardly, his back still turned against hers. “Fine. I’ll be more gentle.”

She squealed as she jumped on his back, snuggling against him. A few minutes later, they started to walk towards the home of the Ampharos.

What he didn’t know that a disastrously beautiful situation will await him.

As night fell, they soon arrived at the cave.

“That was really tiring.” She slumped herself at a nearby rock. The Swampert just wheezed, sitting at another nearby rock, this time opposite hers. The cave was her home and it was conveniently located near a lake but was situated at a plain. Inside it, there were two straw matting, one on other side, and there was also a bunch of berries that lay on top of a leaf.

They were very tired from trekking from the forest for hours. But the Swampert had other things in mind. He looked up into the sky and began to frown. He missed his home and he sighed in misery.

In a flash, the Ampharos asked him. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.” He replied, sighing once more.

The Ampharos became angry at this and this time, she pinned him to ground. He was caught off-guard and he tried to evade her angry gaze.

What’s the matter?! Why wouldn’t you want to talk to me about it?!

Now, it was the Swampert’s turn to get mad. “It’s none of your business! It’s my own life so butt off!”

She let go of him and still stared angrily into his eyes. “In this place, you cannot ever be sad!

He didn’t care about anything, he was mad. “I don’t care! It was a bad idea following you here in the first place!” He immediately stood up and began to stomp away from her.

From behind, he heard a call from her, saying, “Venus! Come and help me bind this lawbreaker!” He instantly froze in his tracks as the ground shook and trembled under him. The small rocks and pebbles seemed to dance from the force.

He turned around and yelled, “Who’s Venus?! And what the hell did you do?!” He was panicking, his mind was not thinking straight.

Suddenly, his fears began to seemingly materialize before him as a Venusaur walked inside the cave. He gulped and he became silent.

“Did you call me, Fel?” she asked the Ampharos, who was snickering evilly.

“As a matter of fact, I did. This lawbreaking male just violated me and dared to break the rule.” The Swampert bit his lip in order to contain his anger against Fel.

In a blink of an eye, many vines wrapped around him and bound his limbs so that he was immobile. “Let me go, you bitch!

“Venus, hold him down for me. Will you?” She requested, approaching the paralyzed male at a tantalizingly slow pace. Minutes of painful waiting ended when she was face to face. She put a paw on his chin and asked him softly, “Tell me, why are you depressed?”

He forced himself not to answer by shaking her paw off of him. (This is bad. It can’t get any worse, can it?)

“A feisty male, are you?” She snickered. “Venus! Punish him!

His eyes went wide-eyed in shock as a vine suddenly reached to his sheath and began to apply pressure to stimulate it. “W-what are y-AH you d-doing to me?!” he groaned in slight pleasure.

“Now, tell me. Why are you depressed?” She asked again.

“I d-don’t want to t-talk about it.” He stuttered, his pride coming out of its sheath, slowly getting erect. After a few minutes, he was already rock hard.

“Venus, would you kindly clamp on him?” She then laughed sadistically. Fate had changed for the two. The rapist became the raped.

Venus gave a small yip of joy as she walked in front of him. “N-no….p-please.” He begged, pretending to be sorry. She just gave a little shake of her giant head before engulfing his member.

He gave a loud gasp as his member was subjected to the warm and moist aspects of her mouth. “Oh!

As he was clamped, Fel whispered in his ear, “I know you’re hiding something and I’m going to make you spill.”

The Swampert, after a strong yet futile resistance, began to speak. Yet it was a lie. “I j-just OH miss m-my AH home!” He gasped in between his statement, due to the fact the Venus started sucking on him

Fel looked at him suspiciously and suddenly, and painfully, clawed his chest. He winced in pain at what she did. “You’re lying! You’re not telling me everything I need to know!”

Sighing in defeat, he slowly replied, “I d-don’t want to t-talk about it a-anymore.”

She released her hold on him and ordered Venus, “Go and use Mega Drain!” She watched in sadistic joy as she watched him get drained of his energy. She shone a bright, green light as she sucked him dry of his strength, and his consciousness.

With the last parts of his flickering mind, he growled angrily, “Y-you bitch……” His head drooped slowly, signaling his knockout.

After he passed out, Fel said, “Venus, you can stop now.” But she continued to suck on his hard cock. “Venus!”

“What?” Venus replied, removing her mouth on her gift. “I like his cock. It’s the only big one in this plain.” Fel just slapped her forehead, knowing how horny Venus could get when a well-endowed male comes by.

The next day,

“Uhhhh….where am I?” he woozily asked, his head and his brain a bit messed up. His memory was a bit wiry and weak.

“I see you’re awake.” A female voice said, surprising the immobile Swampert. Out of a nearby rock appeared Fel. She was blushing furiously and she was shaking.

When he saw her, his mind practically jerked itself awake and he remembered everything that happened the previous night.

You!!” He practically yelled, struggling to get free of his bind but failed.

“I’m  really s-sorry for yesterday.” She bowed her head in apology; her sudden change of personality shocked him.

If you’re so sorry, why won’t you let me go?!”

“I want to but I can’t. Venus is a heavy sleeper and I think she would be hard to wake. My leader also wants to see you later.”

He panicked and, aiming his head against Venus, launched a flurry of Ice Beam and Water Gun. It seemed to fail, miserably. She didn’t even stir from her slumber.

She then walked closer to him, her footsteps alerting him. “Uh…I was thinking if….” She began to play with her paws as she blushed furiously. Her body shook violently in embarrassment.

“If  what?” He asked, his eyebrow rising in suspicion.

“I w-was wondering….if you c-could….rape me a-again?” She stuttered, the blush now very evident in her voice.

What?!” His mind suddenly stopped thinking at her words. The one he raped actually likes being raped.

“Would y-you….do it…a-again?”

He was about to answer when loud footsteps was heard. “My leader’s here. Shush!” she put a finger on his lips.

Fel! Where are you?!” another feminine voice was heard through the cave. Her tone was commanding, fit for a leader. He gulped in fear. Was she going to eat him? Or worse, would she kill him.

In a few minutes, the leader arrived. It was a large, female Tyrannitar. She was just like any other Tyrannitar, large and powerful. “So this is the mate you’ve told me about?”  She looked at him straight in the face and asked, “Do you take Fel as your everlasting mate?”

Fear had completely overridden his sense of control so he simply answered, “Y-yes! I do!”

In his inner mind: (Fuck! I’m going to spend the rest of eternity with that bitch!)

The leader looked at him with suspicion before saying, “Fine.” Looking to Fel, she said, “Fel, meet your mate.”

The Ampharos female squealed in glee before giving the Swampert a big, crushing hug. Her breasts were pressing against his forearm, causing him to blush. (Maybe this could end up well…)

The Tyrannitar soon left the cave, smiling behind her back. She chuckled, “I’m so jealous of you, Fel.”

In all the commotion, Venus started to wake up, her grip on the Swampert loosened. He noticed it and he smiled widely. “You know what? I have something to tell you.”

She pulled away slightly and looked him eye to eye. “What is it?”

Her face was so innocent and playful. It entranced him completely. She was like a teenager sick with a first crush. “I love you, ever since you arrived.” He blushed deeply, trying to avoid eye contact with her.

“I love you too.” She replied before pulling him for a kiss. He was caught off-guard by her aggressiveness but soon surrendered to the sweet affection she was giving him. Their tongues swirled against each other, feeling each other’s features. They both blushed deeply into the kiss, their newfound love giving them motivation.

For what seemed like an eternity, they broke the kiss. In its wake was a long trail of saliva. They looked at each other affectionately, their fire of lust and passion burning high and mighty.

Unknown to them, Venus was watching the entire debacle and she commented flirtily, “That was some kiss, right Fel?”

The two immediately looked at Venus; her grin was something between lust and jealousy. The vines that held him loosened before retracting back to Venus’ flower bulb at her back. She stood up slowly on her four legs and said, “I’ll leave the two of you lovebirds alone.”

She flashed a flirty wink at him before walking out of the cave. The two were astounded at her sense of privacy and they blushed. It was an awkward moment for both of them as they were a bit shy. But Fel was the more aggressive so she pounced on him, causing him to fall towards the floor.

“I-I’m sorry….I really need you….very badly!” She emphasized the last word as she started licking his chest, causing him to shiver in pleasure. Her breasts were pressing against his side, giving a message across to him.

“I-I’m not s-sure…” He was nervous. He had a hard time talking to her, especially since she loved him and he loved her. But his embarrassment almost disappeared when she licked him again on the chest. But this time, she wanted the real thing.

“Please….do me….Now!” He was startled at her playfully angry yet lustful statement. He decided to do what she wants, to be her mate and to be a father to their offspring.

“Okay…” The minute that word came out of his mouth, she positioned herself immediately. She laid down, her tail to his direction. Her pussy was slightly wet, as he observed some glistening near her organ. She was tensing up in anticipation.

But there was one thing that made him curious. The orb that shone on her tail, it always seemed to gleam when she would be happy or excited.

What’s taking you so long?!” she growled at him, her patience was running low. But suddenly, she let out a gasp and a moan as the Swampert gave a long, slow lick on that orb. Apparently, it was the second most sensitive part of an Ampharos’ body.

“N-not ahhhhh there!!” She practically pleaded at him; her mind was clouding at an incredulously fast rate. She was moaning loudly, her flower was now expelling more of her sweet nectar. He was beaming at her moans and gasps; it only motivated him to go on with his job of pleasuring her.

He loved it, every single agonizing second of it. He loved her cute moans and her feminine gasps when he would suck on her orb. She was now panting loudly; the pleasure was numbing every nerve and fiber in her body. All rational thought disappeared except for one thing, to be fucked senseless by her beloved mate.

After a while, his licking turned into sucking, which increased the amount of pleasure she was feeling.
“A-aaaaahhh!!! HAAAAA!!!!” she yelled, her scream of ecstasy was music to his ears. He estimated she was close.

He stopped his oral treatment and playfully asked, “Are you having fun?”

Fel was overwhelmed with joy and pleasure so much so that she didn’t respond to his question. She was catching her breath, the pleasure was still in her but she was looking for that last bit that could propel her to orgasmic bliss.

Unknowingly, the Swampert put his hand on her rump and began to rub her lips with one of his fingers while he was at it.

She felt her nether lips slightly part due to his finger and she moaned. “Y-you….bastard…Y-you l-like teasing….m-me….don’t y-you?” she weakly asked, in between her slightly loud moan and a pant of happiness.

“Am I really teasing you? I know I’m not teasing you.” He smirked, giving a quick lick on her tail orb. She yelped in surprise as another wave of pleasure reached her cloudy brain. It was enough to send her over the edge. With a loud cry, she came.

Her juices overflowed from some unknown spot inside her uterus, her vaginal walls constricting on some inexistent object. She let out so much of her juice that the ground beneath her became sodden with it. She was convulsing as she came, causing him to worry.

“Are you alright?”

She weakly replied with a slight nod of her head before falling asleep in exhaustion. The Swampert smiled at what he did and he moved closer to her. With a bit of maneuvering, he was at a position where he was being hugged by her. He smiled as he saw her peaceful sleeping face. He had fallen in love with this girl, the one that made him change.

(Tomorrow, we’re going to have fun.) He thought before falling asleep in her arms. But tomorrow, an even greater surprise awaits him as he will not have just one mate but three.






Chapter End Notes:

Sorry to the fans of some of my stories. I have been idle because of school work so any assurance is I'm always online so any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Domo Arigato~! :3

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