AGNPH Stories

Rescue Me by treacherousvixenn


Rescue Me

"Harder... For God's sake, Minun, harder!"
"I'm trying! I'm really trying!"
"Oh please, master, she's had too much..."
"Try harder!"
A savage, beige paw smacked the Minun; sending her tiny body flying across the small, cramped cave. She whimpered as her fragile frame hit the stone-grey wall; before she sank to the ground, her body covered in oozing crimson blood.
A tiny yellow Pokémon tried to run to her friend; her bipedal form crouched slightly, cuts and bruises decorating a pitiful picture across her body. On the tips of her paws and legs, natural red fur shone a less vivid red than the rest of her once daffodil-yellow fur; and her two large, rabbit like ears shared the same tainting. On her cheeks, two yellow rings sparked with violent jolts of electricity; each holding a positive plus sign within them. The main feature of her rump was her tail; it was small and stubby, and shaped in the same cross-like way that the markings on her cheeks were. Her fallen comrade was similar; only what was red on the Plusle was a deep blue on Minun; and her stubby tail represented a negative minus symbol.
Tears ran down the little Plusle's face; as she tried to push her way to her friend - but she was restrained by thick, feline paws. Wincing as she was dragged backwards, she found herself faced with the same task that her comrade had failed; the cat's long member, which was still glossy with the Minun's saliva, pushed its way through her clenched teeth and into her mouth - gliding past her tonsils, and into her throat. Choking violently, the Pokémon tried to pull herself back; the harsh, clawed paws holding her firmly in place.
Setting to her sins, the Plusle slowly wrapped her tongue around the Persian's cock; gently licking and tugging at it; her face slowly turning a deep shade of deathly purple as she fought her gag reflex. The feline's savage maw curled into a grin, the crimson jewel that adorned his forehead glinting devilishly.
As far as Pokémon went, Master Persian was just an average cat. His coat didn't shine; the black tips of his ears added no mysteriousness to his persona what so ever, and the curl of his long, feline tail simply reminded those who looked at it of a pig.
Minun tried to pull herself up; the splitting pain which ran the length of her spine causing her to cry out in pain. She saw the lump in Plusle's throat; the intruding member stretching out the tiny Electric-type's throat. Minun whimpered gently; the pain causing a thick blackness to wash over her. As unconsciousness crept across her body, a sick smile also crossed the Persian's.
Ripping his cock from the Plusle's maw, and tossing her to the ground, he approached the vacant body. Covering her eyes with her paws, Plusle began to cry; thick, salty tears which washed across her cheeks - mingling with the blood and falling to the dark caves floor in pink droplets.
Ignoring his 'pet', Persian pulled Minun onto her back. Pulling her legs out for him, he displayed her dry pussy to himself; the only part of either female he kept in good, 'working' condition. Lining his head with her entrance, he slid himself in, moaning in pleasure as the tight walls gripped to his shaft; attempting to push him out. Disregarding the Minun's insides, he began to thrust; pummeling into her in such a way that if she had been awake, she'd of been screaming for mercy. As he hit into the lifeless creature, feeling her instinct moisten her for him, the Persian purred to himself; feeling his climax approaching.
Plusle held her head, sobbing violently into her paws.
"Persian?" The voice, thick and male, rang around the small cave in which the trio lived. The cat didn't cease his thrusting; and instead looked to the distraught 'slave', anger sprawled across his face.
"Go and get him. Be nice. I'll come through when I'm done with this rag."
His last words tore through her chest, but Plusle nodded. Clambering to her feet, she walked through the small division in the cave; and through the front area to the opening. She tried to clear herself up a little; the age-old blood and cum that matted her fur pulling as she rubbed against it.
Shielding her eyes from the sunlight, she ventured out to their guest. He was tall, of canid physique; dark blue fur covered his body - with yellow feathers around his thighs and front ankles. His head was tall; two proud eyes watched the pitiful creature as she scurried towards him; the same yellow fur covering his head like a vice.
Plusle bowed to him; her voice kept low as she apologized for her lateness to answer. "Master Persian will be with you soon..."
The Manectric could only stare at the tiny lump of fur that was standing before him; her body battered, blood-stained and reeking of old musk.
"Manectric!" Persian's voice was different; warmer now, more inviting. The tall guest's eyes moved to the cat; tainted with disgust as he smelt the musk that hung to him. Persian kept the fake grin across his face; his eyes darting from Manectric to Plusle.
"Who's this?" Manectric demanded, swaying his head to the tiny Electric-type mouse.
"Just a friend."
"Funny way to treat friends."
"She deserves it."
A growl echoed from the Manectric; his eyes narrowing at the feline. Persian shifted; clearly nervous. Plusle could tell that the newcomer was of a distinct high level; whereas her Master had only ever trained enough to evolve. The Manectric was toned; thick muscles bulged slightly from his flesh. His chest was held proudly; while the cat's scrawny assets were pushed out from him in some pathetic attempt at macho.
"Did you want something, or will you be leaving now?" There was a false edge to Persian's voice; he knew Manectric wasn't going anywhere.
What he didn't expect was the massive jolt of electricity that hit him; square on the forehead, crushing the jewel. The cat shrieked; pulling himself backwards, his body trembling under the huge voltage that had just coursed through his body.
The smell of the lightning bolt excited Plusle; she gasped as her Volt Absorb ability drew in some of the power - a strange tingling sensation now coursing through her veins. She giggled; watching her Master fall onto the floor, screeching in pain.
"Come on. You can come with me." Manectric's voice was calm; but there was an edge to it that didn't allow disobedience. Plusle whimpered as the Pokémon turned to lead her away, her tiny paw raising to point in the direction of the cave.
"My friend - my best friend - she's still in there. Oh, please can we go and get her?"
The tall Electric canine turned; almost offended by the tears that the Plusle was shedding; her face telling him she was awaiting her punishment. He nodded softly, sending the tiny creature wheeling into the cave. He followed, the stench of the home almost draining his hit points completely.
As he passed the division, the stench intensified. His graceful gaze fell on the lifeless Minun, her body on the floor; sprawled out in an unjust position. Sickness dwelled in his stomach at the blood-stained floor beneath her; evidence of the rape so obvious. Trying his best to ignore it, he plucked the tiny body from the floor with his front teeth; avoiding letting his canine fangs dig into her flesh.
It was a short walk to the Manectric's den; which was a small hut, built from nothing but twigs and leaves. He told the Plusle that it was built by human children; as part of a group project or something.
On entering, a strange odor hit the Plusle; the smell of earth. The insides of the little hut was bare; but clean. Manectric laid the little Minun down; nuzzling her face gently as her eyes began to open.
Plusle ran to her friend, wrapping her two little arms around her as the two nuzzled into each other. Looking around, the Minun cocked her head at the stranger; his tall, handsome form igniting a gentle blush across her nose.
After the two Electric bunnies had been fed, watered and dunked in a river, the three settled down on a mesh of hay and leaves. The two little Pokémon snuggled besides the Manectric's large form; his head bowed beside them to talk. Plusle explained to Minun what had happened; the little creature taking much glee in what had become of Persian.
As the night fell over them, and the light in the hut died, Manectric rested his head; ignoring the frantic whispers of the now polished twin-Pokémon. Eventually he heard one of them move; before a tiny voice whispered gently in his ear;
"Manectric... We have something we need to give you..."
His eyes snapped open; the pupils sliding to watch the little figure that stood over him. Minun lent down and pecked him gently on his cheek; the blush that secretly shot across his maw mirrored on hers. He giggled softly, and opened his mouth to speak, before two little paws ran themselves along his sheath.
Jumping up, the canine laughed awkwardly. Two paws become three, and three became four paws; all caressing his sheath expertly. Manectric tried to slide away; stuttering something about the two not needing to do anything, but it was too late.
His canine shaft had already tried to escape him; the thick, pink meat gliding out of its hiding place. The four paws started to caress his head instead; small whimpers of satisfaction escaping his throat, before something made him yelp softly.
Minun's tongue had slipped onto his head; coiling itself skillfully around the tip. Manectric gave up his fight; letting the two creatures lick at his thick cock as it hardened; his knot slowly swelling at the base.
Plusle giggled gently, rubbing his balls with one of her paws; never noticing how big they actually were. Minun's maw closed around the shaft; Plusle's tongue still licking at it as her comrade gently pushed the canine's thick meat into her mouth. She suckled on it; letting her saliva dribble across it and roll down - only to be lapped up by the Plusle.
Long, needy howls were escaping the Manectric now; his eyes clamped shut in the darkness. Removing her mouth from his shaft, Minun attempted to climb up his body; aligning her entrance with his tip. Slowly, she slid down his head; feeling the meat fill her sore insides. A gentle paw caught her; holding her behind up from sliding down him any further. Manectric shook his head; a pout forming on the little Pokémon's face.
"It doesn't hurt, I'm fine."
"It will hurt though, and you know it will."
He had a point. Reluctantly pulling herself up, the little Pokémon sat and watched her friend take the same climb; roughly forcing the canid penis inside of her tight, Plusle pussy. Whimpering in pleasure, Manectric thrust into the Plusle; feeling her tight walls give way to him. She whimpered in pleasure; the first sign of enjoyment she'd ever given during sex, and shut her eyes.
A warm muzzle gently felt its way around Minun's neck; breathing soft air into her fur. She giggled as the Manectric's tongue lapped at her cheek, sending short spasms of electric pulse across all three Electric Pokémon. Minun fell to her back as Manectric's tongue started to explore her body; first her thighs, working up to her nether-region. She gasped as the cold, pulsating tongue hit her sore spots; the pain disappearing as he caressed her. Minun let out her first sigh of pleasure; the lapping tongue fiddling gently with her as it rolled across her lips.
Sliding herself further down Manectric's thick shaft, Plusle began to pant - her eyes shut and her paws resting on her stomach. Pushing himself upwards, the canine felt his knot slam onto the Plusle; the thickness forbidding him from entering anymore. He thrust his tongue into Minun; feeling her writhe beneath him, before he pushed upwards. Plusle moaned loudly; the knot of the canine entering her for a second; then pulling out. Manectric pushed upwards again; grunting in pleasure as he felt his knot slip into her for the second time; before it fell out once more, now covered in the little Plusle's juices.
Minun was whimpering in pleasure now; the tongue that explored her depths sending shivers down her tiny body. The electric charge that flowed across the trio was glowing; their fur standing on end, and the mixture of cum and saliva that was flooding the little Minun's depths was forming its own positive charge.
Pushing himself upwards again, Manectric hit his goal. His knot slid into the Plusle, her tight walls clasping around it. Manectric flew off the edge; howling into Minun as his load shot into Plusle; his cum easily overflowing her tiny pussy. The Plusle giggled, feeling his softening cock pop out of her; her body falling to the soft floor.
Manectric was strewn out, panting heavily; the mess of cum around his muzzle and thighs giving him a rough look.
Plusle went to sit beside him; but a paw stopped her. Savage fangs glinted in the darkness; and the twin-Pokémon cocked their heads.
"What is it?"
"You're not finished yet."
Plusle looked to Minun; confusion wrapped across her maw. She walked to her friend, knowing what Manectric wanted to see. Lowering her muzzle, she deftly poked her little tongue into Minun's depths; and Minun craned her neck - giving Plusle the same treatment.
As negative electrons hit the positive, mixed with the liquid cum that was overflowing both of the little Pokémon, a strong jolt of electricity surged through the pair. They screamed in unison; the lightning thrusting itself into their depths, and igniting both climaxes at once.
Writhing in pleasure, the two felt their walls clamp manically; before the air left their lungs, and they were left panting on the floor. Manectric giggled gently; and nuzzled the pair softly.
"Can we be your slaves forever?" Plusle asked softly; the innocence in her voice so clear, yet still a pang of pain struck the Manectric's chest.
"Definitely not, Plusle... But if you want... You can stay with me forever."

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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