AGNPH Stories

Quint and Lilly by quilavalava


Chapter 1 - They Meet

Lilly + Quint - Chapter 1 - Meeting

A scream in the forest. Once again, Lilly Blackwood found herself naked in the forest. She relized this, and started running toward town. Meanwhile nearby, A morphed Umbreon by the name of Quint is looking through his bag. Lilly passes him, fleeing to behind the Pokecenter, Quint only seeing a flash of long red hair. Quint looks momentarily, and then returns to looking through his bag

The girl knocks and tries to open the door to no avail. She peeks around the corner to see the Umbreon. Quint hears her knocking and turns to face her, saying "Excuse me, do you need any help?" She leans out farther, the side of the building hiding her breasts. She nods yes.

"I might be able to do something, what is it?"

She quietly says, stumbling on her words "Can.. you go in and tell Joy?"

Responding to her question "Well uhm... You see, I'd rather not go in public heh, I'm sorry."

"Al...Alright." She goes back behind the building, and thinks. She rationalizes and remembers. There is a burst of light, and the girl is gone.

Quint looks in the direction of the light and then goes back to looking through his bag, looking for some food. A few minutes later, the redhead returns, coming from the front doors of the building. She has a long red dress on and a bag over her shoulder. With a thud, she places money on the table, and sits down. Quint, seeing that he didn't help her "Oh, uhm... I'm sorry" he smirks at the girl as if he was about to get punished for something "I... if that's for me, I can't take money from people. It just doesn't feel right."

"I insist. Really..." She pushes the money his way, and it seems to be a very small amount.

"N,no I'm alright I can manage." He begins to eat small pieces of leftover berries and food remains from his bag. Slowly taking the cash back, the girl watches him. She plays with her long red hair. After it seems as though he couldn't find anymore, he stands up and says "Well... I should probably be going, I need to find something to eat."

"No... No... Please.. I don't know anyone here..."

"Neither do I"

"I... Do you want to get something to eat? Nothing fancy."

"I don't want to make you pay for anything, I haven't done anything to deserve it."

"Please? I just think... We... Can you keep a secret?" She backs away from the table, shaking slightly from nervousness.

"Uh... sure?"

Another burst of light, irradiating from the girl's figure shrinks down, to the size and shape of a Quilava. The light goes away,to reveal a shiny Quilava.

"Uhh... woah, I've never seen anything like that."

The quilava gives a small squeak, and hides it's face.

"Why are you hiding? I already saw what you just did..."

The pokemon runs off, behind the building, "What's the matter?" Quint stands up and begins to follow the Quilava. He catches a burst of light, and he sees her naked, human body. She screams at him. Quint covers his eyes with a forearm and replies quickly "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know you would do that..."

She puts her panties and bra on "I... Sorry" she gives him a nervous look.

He looks away, saying "Don't worry, I'm not a dog like the other males, I won't do anything."

"I don't mind though." She gives him a smile as she gets the dress.

"That was interesting."

"I just... since we're both 'different'" She looks away, embarrassed.

"Well, I promise not to tell anyone what you're able to do."

"Thanks." With her dress now on, she hugs him from behind, giving him a smile.

"Urk, I'm not used to people touching me..."

She kisses him on the cheek.

"...... Hehhhh." Quint lowers his head by his shoulders.

"What's wrong?"

"You're making me a bit nervous, I haven't been in contact with anyone for months."

"Let's talk about it over food then..."

"You're sure? I can't pay. I'm sorry."

"I've gotten enough money from odd jobs as a pokemon" She throws her bag over her shoulder, and takes his hand, "Come on..."

Quint sighs and tells her "Wait, I need something to cover my ears." The redhead reaches in her bag, grabbing a hoodie to put on him. She glances at the Umbreon's cat-like ears, very odd for an Umbreon. She shrugs it off and puts the hood over his head. "Thank you."

"I'm Lilly Blackwood" She speaks as they reach the cafe.

"I'm Quint Raeyo."

Lilly orders a bit of a large meal: three sandwiches, and a coffee. Quint orders a small sandwich. She scarfs down her food "...I have no idea why I can do that, I figured it out when I was 13... at the orphanage."

"huh," Quint removes the pickles from his sandwich before eating it.

"I could've left the orphanage when I was 10, but for some reason I felt like staying. I left when I was 15. I never checked out though."

"didn't they look for you?"

"Not that I know of." Taking a bite out of her third sandwich. "So what are you doing in Blackthorn?"

"I live here."

She is quiet for a bit, ".......So do I. Where are you staying?"


After a giggle, "Here? In the cafe?"

"Here in Blackthron."

"I know that, silly, where do you sleep?"

"Well, there's this clearing over by the lake, hehhh."

"I"ve been, uhm..." She chokes on her words a bit, "sleeping in a motel", shaking her head, not believing the lie she told. "You should stay with me."

"Are you sure? I'm too *cough* poor to really pay anything."

A smile, "I don't mind."

"Okay then, if I wont be much trouble."

Later, after some shopping (getting Quint some new clothes), they meet at the motel. Lilly runs over to the room she told Quint she had. "Ahem... sorry, they, uh, checked me out.", she says nervously.

"That's fine. How did you afford that clothing?"

"I do a lot of jobs as a pokemon" opening the room "The moo-moo ranch pays a lot."

"The small amount I have came from fishing. There hasn't been a lot of fish in the lake lately." Lilly puts down her bag. Quint sets his pack by the door and sits on the bed saying "It's probably due to the pollution."

He watches her take off the red dress.

Quint looks away, saying "Oh sorry, are you changing?"

"It's fine" She giggles, sits by him in the bed, with her black, frilly underwear.

"I thought you were changing." Quint, uneasy slides a bit away from Lilly.

"No, just getting comfortable..." confused, watching him scoot away.

"Why are you here, Lilly?"

"I've been traveling."

"me too..." He notices a smell in the air, and catches a glimpse near her area, her panties wet. "Uhm... You sleep in clothes, right?"

"That's no fun" She gets closer to him.

Quint, turning away "What are you doing?"

"Well, uhm.." she turns away "It's my heat..."


"Like, uhm" she becomes quiet "mating season"

"Let me guess, side effect of having a Quilava form?"

"Once a month" Her face turns red

"That must stink, considering a pokémon's 'heat' is much worse than a woman's period."

"...Luckily, can't get pregnant... the doctor said so..."

"I bet that's good for you then." She sits, confused. Any other male would be all over her by now. Human or pokemon.

"They messed up my hormones..."


"Team Rocket, if you're wondering why I'm not turned on."

"Oh, well that is too bad."

"I'm not sure if it's possible for me to do anything..."

"Why don't we see if you can?

"Uhm, I'm fine."

"Really?" She puts her hand on her leg, sitting next to him once more.

"Yes..." Her hand starts to draw close to his zipper. "You're kind of making me uncomfortable." Zip. He begins to pull away slightly, while she slides off his pants. "h, hey uhm, I barely met you today... sigh."

"Please? You'd really help me..." She tugs at his undies.

"Are you... pardon my rudeness, clean? No disease?"

"My pokerus was cured. That's why I was at the doctor..." She lightly touches his member.

"... See, nothing's happening."

Getting off the bed, with a devilish grin, Lilly puts her mouth near his dick. Quint remains silent as he begins backing up onto the bed further. She gives a lick down his length. Quint turns his head as he seems to be getting excited unintentionally. She giggles, taking a break to strip down. Quint seems to be a bit scared as he backs further onto the bed. Lilly rubs her slit a little. "My, my... I don't know I was that wet..." She jumps on top of the humaniod.

"I've never done this before..."

She just gives a devious grin, postioning his member.

"Uhm... does this...hurt?"

"Not at all" giving him a kiss on the cheek, she slips him in. Showing signs of nervousness, Quint closes his eyes. Lilly moans as she slides his member deep inside of her, her walls moving around it "Mmm... Quint..." Quint remains silent, slightly moving from adrenaline. She starts to move up and down, moaning as his thick cock moves within her. Quint grabs the bed sheet tightly with his claws. "R.....ready?"

"Ready for...what?" She slams his dick into her womanhood..

Quint, now panting "This hurts... just a, a bit"

"S...S....Sorry" She lightens up on him, but moves his dick quickly between them, squishing sounds made when he is deep in her folds. Quint unintentionally purrs under the pleasure. "Y....You like.....Mmmmm" She moans loudly. Quint, not listening is purring and tilting his head back. Her walls move faster around his dick, "I....I'm closeeee" Quint begins breathing heavily as she moves quicker. She closes her eyes, overwhelmed by the pleasure. Quint's claws rip the sheet as he goes off. She screams in pleasure as her walls clamp down on him. While Quint's breathing slows down, he begins to fall asleep rather quickly. She catches her breath, then giggles at the sleeping Quint. She pulls him out, then falls asleep next to him.
Chapter End Notes:Thanks for reading/fapping! :D

My partner in crime and I roleplayed it first, then we re-wrote it in Google Wave.
Tell us how we can get better!

AIM: Quilavalava

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.
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