AGNPH Stories

Following Fenix by shapeshifter_productions


Story Notes:

I do not own Pokemon but that'd be cool if I did...

My Precious Ami



“Origins: On controversial issues, some may say that a certain individual’s past may be crucial to his or her future. How they came to be and the challenges they were forced to undertake to get so far play a massive role in shaping a legend… and what better way than to be assisted by those you love? To a Pokemon Trainer, this truth would lie in his Pokemon; a bond that some people would argue is a clear representation of the Trainer him or herself. Their Pokemon being a part of them.”


The words spoken by the World Champion Pokemon Trainer, documented the day he became a successor. Fenix, being his alias for undetermined purposes, was born in the Sinnoh Region, dominated it, then repetitively repeated this cycle, applying it to all other Regions which eventually led to his Champion status. He would mostly be remembered as “That guy with the deformed Glaceon” but will always be one of the best Trainers out there because of the love of he exhibited for his Pokemon and his dedication; training for months just to be absolutely certain of victory. He was a truly diligent trainer.

He died on his 39th birthday, September 15, 2041… leaving a legacy behind him while preserving his legendary status through the Pokemon who fought with him from hard to damn-near impossible situations. However, he would be most remembered by his Glaceon… his starter Pokemon in which he nicknamed “Ami” for his dying grandmother.

Now, all we have left are the countless stories and tall tales devoted to his Pokemon journey; such as how he was so great that he never needed to train… that he was always as magnificent as he was when he became the Champion… and that he was the coolest person anybody had ever seen…


“Hey, Ami!” an 18 year old Fenix shouted as he and his Pokemon, Ami, stood in the middle of a meadow after a recent thunderstorm. A completely peaceful scenario with the smell of soaked grass and the sound of chirping Pidgeots. “I just learned a way that we can talk to each other without anybody knowing what we’re talking about!”

“…Really?” the Glaceon half-heartedly responded, knowing this was most likely going to be another full-on display of his silliness.

“Yes!” he declared, raising his extended index finger into the heavens. “Ow-nay, e-way can peak-say ithout-way osy-nay eople-pay istining-lay when e-way ont-day ant-way them to!”

Ami sighed, her ears lowering in embarrassment. “Pig-Latin?” she thought. “A lot of people can speak Pig-Latin… what makes him think that-”

“O-say, what do ou-yay hink-they?” he queried, showing off his perfect teeth with a wide smile.

She laughed at his pure stupidity, always thinking it was embarrassing but also very charming. She mimicked his wordplay. “It eems-say lawed-fay…” she giggled.

“Wait a second,” Fenix tried to piece it all together, acting as if the letters were spread out before him in an imaginary chalk-board. He tried to connect it all but… “I have no idea what you just said… could you run that by me again…?”


…Though, perhaps those stories may have been just a little farfetched.

~Following Fenix: Chapter 1 (July Bring the Heal Contest Entry!)

September 3, 2020 (21 Years Ago)

“Sandgem town!” Fenix enthusiastically cried, dispersing the Pidgeot in the area. He licked his right index finger and stuck it up in the air while his Glaceon, Ami, watched his childish behavior in embarrassment. “The breeze seems nice and cool, also, it isn’t too hot!” he turned to his companion. “How’s the weather for you, Ami?”

“It’s fine, it’s fine.” She seemed hesitant. “Don’t worry about me.” Ami was a self-conscious little Pokemon for she carried a deformity. Her fur color was abnormal, the normally light blue pigmentation of her fur was silvery and that Sherpa cap-looking feature on all Glaceons was black along with her tail and two rhombus-shaped markings on her back.

However, what was really the culprit of her subtle self-loathing were the demonic eyes she was cursed with. Blood red they shined, tempting pedestrians to engage in a staring contest with her. More than enough times other Pokemon or humans would joke with her, calling her some sort of spawn from satan. All joking aside, it did hurt her and she hated to be out for too long.

She had this abstract fear of being chased out of a town with pitch-forks and torches.

Her Master, Fenix, was a tall boy with moderate-length red kempt hair, wore a one-strap brown backpack with a black vest, white shirt, and gray pants. His eyes, however, were the most interesting about him: Amber they were colored, like the sun, such an enthralling effect he had on some people, especially Ami. He could stare at her and she would get lost in his eyes.

“Well then! Let’s get to it!” knowing his Glaceon for quite a while, Fenix was aware of her self-conscious behavior but, at the time, he only saw it as a cute character trait. Every time his little Glaceon got embarrassed or blushed, he would think it was the most adorable thing in the world.

“Yes, Master.” She responded shyly, keeping up with Fenix’s unnecessarily goofy walk-cycle. She always kept low to the ground when she trotted along, always in an alleged hunting position which did not decrease but actually added more intimidation to her appearance. Ami always tried picturing herself in a third-person view; how frightened would she be if she saw somebody else like her? Would babies cry when she approached?

Ami gradually slowed down until she had halted completely.

“’A’ to the ‘M’ to the frea-king ‘I’ … could you please ‘H-U-R-R-Y’?” oh, what a dork. Fenix had this thing for randomly rhyming. It was one of the only traits Ami really loathed about him but she would never express that irritation. She would only cringe.

“S-sorry!” she had started walking on a dirt trail which, to her, felt like she was walking on little sharp pebbles. Oh, wait, she was. “Wah!” she cried and hopped back to the grass. Fenix took a fighting stance, preparing for a kidnapper or something along those lines but only turned to see his disgruntled Glaceon. “Sorry!!” she exclaimed. “I can’t walk on the dirt path… it’s… it’s pretty painful.” She sheepishly giggled.

“Ah, come on Ami!” Fenix crouched down to her level and continuously poked her on the forehead. “We don’t have time for this!”

“… but-”

“Okay, okay!” he stood up, giving the most “heroic” voice he could muster. “Your words have swayed me! I shall carry you!”

“Huh?” she tilted her head, perplexedly blinking. “I didn’t say to-” interjecting, Fenix handled her by her little paws and lifted her over his shoulders.

“Pokemon-Trainer Man, away!” he darted off towards the town, clenching on to both of her paws over each side of his shoulders as if she were a second little backpack… except that backpack was full of ice.

“Wait, wait, wait! Fenix!!” she whined, burying her muzzle into his kempt hair. “Don’t drop me! Don’t drop me! Don’t drop me! Don’t drop me!” she repetitiously pleaded, knowing that plummeting from a 6’1 boy probably would not have the best aftermath.

“Don’t worry! Pokemon-Trainer Man is here!” he reassured.

As soon as Fenix reached the Pokemon Center, it was time to let Ami go. She was gently placed on the cold tile floor where she turned to her master and gave a stern “I don’t like that!!” look, but it was a lie. She loved being on her Master’s back, lazily relaxing as he did the travelling. Such a lazy Pokemon she was.

The complaining was just a cover up so people wouldn’t think of her as lazy. Funny, she wasn’t so lazy that she did not go out of her way to make sure other people did not think she was lazy. Confused yet?

Crawling with Pokemon Trainers, the interior of the Pokemon Center was like a busy as a department store on a Saturday. It had this faint orange scent and the tile floors were constantly cleaned, always being capable of creating reflections. There were built in hotels in Pokemon Centers for Trainers around 2014, it was for Trainers who were going to spend a few days in one city. Fenix deeply inhaled, his fists clenched, then exhaled. “Hello-o-o Nurse~!”

Ami blushed. “Wha…?”

Assumingly fond of that line, Nurse Joy, sitting behind the main counter with her outfit pressed to perfection greeted him with a welcoming smile. Fenix, as he approached the counter, gave a coy look. He inquired “You got a temporary room for me and my little friend here?”

Nurse Joy leaned over the counter, beholding the defected coloration of his Glaceon. However, she was not as warped as Ami was expecting. “That’ll be one room for two? Correct?”

“Yes, ma’am!” he flashed a Thumbs-Up to Ami as if he had doubts about getting that room in the first place. He lovingly petted his Pokemon while he waited for the keys for his temporary room. Ami stood in disbelief. The Nurse Joy had not even shown a hint of concern or anything. She felt the entire room of Trainers’ eyes encroaching upon her but Nurse Joy’s… none.

“…And here you go!” she handed Fenix the keys and waved him goodbye as he and his Pokemon headed upstairs. Ami, smiling to herself, lifted her left ear to try and eavesdrop on Nurse Joy’s conversation with the next trainer in line. “Hello, um, did you see that…?” Nurse Joy questioned.

“No, what?” the Trainer asked.

“The… odd-looking Glaceon over there.”

Ami expressed notions of disbelief. She turned to look at whom she thought was… really an accepting person besides Fenix. Tears attempted to form in her eyes, but she blinked them away.

“Yeah, I saw it. Damn… looks like a demon or something, why would that Trainer keep that thing? It’s pretty scary,” the Trainer reciprocated. “It sort of startled me when I came in.”

Ami turned away, incapable of hearing more. As the escalator elevated to the second floor for the Pokemon Center, Ami retained this apathetic look as other citizens and Trainers passed her by, all staring at her unique appearance.

“Demon…” the word repetitiously cycled over and over again in her mind, building up more anger every time she heard it.

As soon as Fenix unlocked the door into their room, she rushed into the bathroom, her excuse being “I’ve been holding it in for a long time!” unluckily, however, her voice quivered and cracked as she forced the tears back, constantly chanting within her mind “I will not cry! I will not cry!”

Fenix, suspicious, knocked on the door, and asked if she was alright. There was no response, she knew that if she spoke… she would be choked up. Ami unraveled a few squares of toilet paper and lay them on the tiles, lowering her face onto it so her tears on the tile wouldn’t be evidence of her depression. Tears began running down her face, trying so hard… so hard to not make a sound. Her face, warped and cringed, fought back her urge to just bawl her eyes out, screaming at the top of her lungs to the world that shunned her. To the god that created her to resemble a demon.

“Um… okay Ami,” Fenix announced, his soft voice muffled by the locked, wooden door. “I’m going to get some something to eat, did you want me to bring something back or do you want me to wait for you to… finish?”

Ami inhaled deeply, hoping that she could just get a few words in without choking up. Please… Please… Please don’t choke up. “Bring me back some Oran Berries, please.”

“Sure!” Fenix responded, his happy-go-lucky voice showing itself again. “I’ll get a bunch of them, okay?”


Ami’s willpower was nearing failure. She waited for an opportunity, for a chance to cry and she was rewarded. Barely being able to hold her pain back anymore, she started gasping as soon as Fenix opened the door and exited. She wanted to wait a little longer until he was far away until she…

“Aaaaaah!!!” she cried with all of her fury, boiling up to one point and then exploding in a fit of rage. Her frozen quills of fur jumped up on end like a porcupine. Her red pupils dilated as the sclera puffed up, veins expanding.

“This always happens.” She seethed. It was true. Ami and her Master trained around Twin Leaf town for a few months to make sure that they would be ready for their first Pokemon Gym Battle. They were to continue their training over in Sandgem town but Ami foresaw the same pattern repeating itself: They would wake up, get some breakfast and have the residents gawk at Ami… train hard, go to eat lunch and have the residents gawk at Ami… prepare to go to sleep, a day of training completed, but while they go to their room, the residents gawk at Ami…

Those eyes, those horrible, judgmental, ever-observant eyes stalked her everywhere… wherever there was a human or even a Pokemon for that matter. “Why…?” she shivered. “Why is appearance such a factor in having a normal life?!” In her infuriation, she attempted to smash her head against the porcelain toilet. Luckily, she pulled herself back, shouting “No! No!”

Fenix’s smiling face entered her mind, such a sweet image to behold in a time of crisis.

Ami, alone in the bathroom, sniffled and wiped her eyes with the back of her paws. Her icy quills had reverted back and her pupil dilation had ended. “I can’t keep crying like this every time I hear that word.” She said to herself. “It’s so hard though… it hurts and I hate it.” She hopped up on the counter top and posed for herself. “My body is like a normal Glaceon’s…” her tail wagged as she bent over, checking herself out. “…But, my discoloration is unattractive?” she whimpered. “It’s not fair.” She stared at herself, into her blood-red eyes and did not see the satan-spawn everybody else did… she just saw herself… a lost and scared Pokemon with a Trainer that she doesn’t deserve. She wasn’t as strong as those other Glaceons by heredity and she was just this… demonic-looking creature. Why did Fenix keep her?

She hopped off the counter top. “I remember the first time I saw him and he saw me,” she smiled. “He never judged me by my color… and the first thing he said to me was ‘We’re going to be the best Pokemon Team ever!’, what a charismatic boy he was, what a charismatic boy he is…”

As she escaped her intended seclusion, she jumped on the two-person master bed with a flat-screen TV looking down upon her. She lay sprawled out, suddenly in content with herself. “I’m so glad to be with him though… even if he is the biggest dork on the planet... though I wish I could be better for him.”


As soon as Fenix came back to the room with a blissful Ami, his spirits rejuvenated themselves. He carried the Oran Berries in one hand and his take-out dinner in the other. He had some French Fries and he tossed them one-by-one at his Glaceon, watching her catch each and every one skillfully. “Boom baby!” he cheered. “Awesome!” he began to mimic a certain somebody. “Master the art of catching fries with your mouth, you have! Skillful student, I have acquired!”

Ami laughed; a little bit of salt on her lips.

He searched the room for anything he and his Pokemon could do together and found a game console in which he, as typical as a teenager would react, gave a squeal of joy. “Look, Ami!” he grabbed the console and waved it in her face as if he was teasing her with it. “It’s an S-Box 690!”

He fumbled through the games available on the system. “Hmm… Pokemon Black and White? Nah, we’re already living that game.”

Ami giggled.

“Hmmm… ‘The Black Mercury’…” he stared at it for a few moments. Ami, thinking something was wrong, nudged him a little until he finally continued. “…well that just sounds silly.” He flipped to the next game. “Holy crap!” he chose a one-on-one fighting game: “Spirit Calibur 5”. He fumbled around through the drawers to see if there was a Pokemon-Compatible controller and, luckily, there was. “Hey Ami! Do you want to play? I mean, you don’t have to, but if you do then sure!”

She nodded.

“He’s a man when he needs to be.” Ami, travelling in her self-conscious, evaluated. “He acts silly like this to make people laugh. He’s very mature around most other people, but with me… it’s like he knows I like class-clowns.”

They played games for hours. Ami really got into it, especially after she destroyed Fenix so many times oblivious to the fact that he was constantly allowing her to win. He would scream: “Damn it! I thought girls weren’t supposed to be good at games! Gyaaargh!”

It worked, Ami truly had a great time, but that came as no surprise for every second they were alone… she felt so good, so accepted and her self-conscious behavior vanished. They have been together for nearly 3 months now and she felt so close to him but… she always thought “Pfft, he could never love me… I’m a Pokemon, he’s a human, it just won’t work.”

After playing games, they feasted on the food Fenix had previously brought. Oran berries always had this mystical effect on Ami; it was like alcohol mixed in with a ton of sugar. They made her forget about most of her problems and induced hyperactive behavior.

They went out to the Pokemon Center’s recently added pool in the middle of the night when it was the coldest. Of course, Fenix was forced to stay out while his Glaceon paddled around in circles as if she had just learned how to swim. She was humming to herself with a dazed look in her eyes. “Hey, haha, you alright in there?” Fenix called.

“Ye-e-eah! Hehe, I’m making a whirlpool!” she responded in a sing-song voice. “La-la-laaa~”

Fenix, deciding to go along with it, agreed. “Yes, yes Ami, that is a mighty fine whirlpool,” he pointed his index finger into the heavens. “Truly you are worthy of becoming Kyogre, Lord of the Ocean!”

“Yeah! That’s me!” she squealed in a daze. “I’m… Kai… ooh-grr.” She started playfully growling as she crawled out of the pool and approached Fenix. Having this devious look, she, dripping with water, splattered it all over the place by shaking.

“Damn it, Ami!” Fenix laughed, shielding his face with his palms. “Get the hell over here!” he got up and chased her around the pool, obviously outmatched by her fox-like speed and accuracy.

Eventually, she was playing around with him, waving her ass at him while chanting: “You can’t catch me, you can’t catch me!” she trotted along with her eyes closed, confident, until she felt her right paw dip into something. She opened her eyes to see the steaming Jacuzzi before her. “Nyaah?” she tilted her head, trying to remember why this was a bad thing. Finally, the pain caught up with her and she lunged into the air screaming at the top of her longs. The Pokemon Center’s hotel windows began lighting up with numerous pedestrians shouting complaints.

“Ami, are you alright?!” Fenix rushed over to his allegedly injured Pokemon only to see her laughing her ass off, rolling on the cement and everything. “Dang, Ami, you scared me there.”

“That was hilarious!” she responded. “Oh man, oh… can we go back inside?” she was still laughing. “I wanna get dried off.”


They spent most of the night together, laughing it up, playing games, watching TV and just fooling around. This was the biggest high-light for travelling with Fenix: he was always such a fun person to be around and he really knew how to make Ami feel special. She sometimes wished that he would never get another Pokemon and it could just be him and her together.

However, as the night rolled by and her anti-depressant/sugar-high faded away, she began recalling everything she and Fenix had done together prior to this day. When he first caught her by accidentally rolling a Pokeball off of elevated land and it miraculously enclosing her within. How horribly she sucked at fighting when he first trained with her and how horribly she sucks while he’s still training her. Also, how he would show her off to everybody else completely oblivious to the fact that people were remotely intimidated by her at the time.

“3 months.” She thought. “We’ve been together for 3 months and Fenix… he’s such a wonderful Trainer. I just know he’ll be great one day. However… he can’t be marked as a legend with a deformed Glaceon like myself… he deserves so much more than me… he’s being shunned by other Trainers and he doesn’t even know it. He has no idea how they ridicule him for catching a ‘defective’ Pokemon like me.”

As their antics came to an end, Fenix lay his Glaceon down by the air conditioner; leaving it at the coldest temperature while he put on some heavy clothes to withstand the climate.

“He knows that a Pokemon’s happiness really effects their performance… and I’ve felt compelled to train my hardest for him but I still fail… and he never gives up on me.”

Fenix patted her head, sporting his white sweater and red sweat pants. He crawled into his bed, and with a final yawn, was out-cold in a matter of seconds.

An hour had passed, Ami had not slept a wink with her mind racing all over the place. “Well…” she thought as she climbed up into his bed. “…I’d might as well feel you against me for now.” She cuddled up with her Master, hoping her freezing body temperature would not penetrate his sweater and sweat pants. “After all,” she closed her eyes, embracing the heat only from the will to be by her Master. “This is the last time you’ll ever see me…”


Morning rolled along as a Dodrio atop the Pokemon Center let out its shrill call, inevitably leading to somebody opening up their window and attempting to throw their shoe at it from an angle.


Fenix lay sprawled in his bed, awoken by a loud slamming noise. He stretched out, then by instinct, glanced at the clock. “What the heck?” he muttered to himself, holding the clock up to his face to make sure he read it correctly. “It’s 6:30am? Hmm… and I fell asleep at 3:45 I believe, how the hell did I-” he cut himself short when he noticed his little companion’s absence. As he set the clock down, he felt a cold spot on his bed. Instantly, he rubbed his hands on the pillow he laid out for her near the air conditioner. It was surprisingly not as freezing as he suspected.

“Did she sleep with me last night?” he asked himself then went on a search for his Glaceon in the tiny hotel room, calling out her name at random intervals. He searched the bathroom, the closest, under the bed… she was nowhere to be found. “Wait a second…” he thought, recalling the slamming noise that had awoken him. “Did she…?” he cut himself off as he rushed through the unlocked door only to find a sloppy, crumbled up note slid by the door’s threshold.

He picked it up and quickly realized it looked like it was written by a 5 year old; this was absolutely unreadable but it was made by a Pokemon. Normally, after they are medically tested for positive genes to acquiring a certain human comprehension function, they learn how to read and write then send them back out into the wild or with a Trainer if they prefer. This is what a Pokemon who never fully comprehended writing wrote like.

“Ugh, Ami…” he groaned. “…You never make sense. One second you’re embarrassed to be by yourself and now you’re going out to get something to eat or something…? Hmm, though that doesn’t really sound right.” He glared at the poor hand-writing once again. “And if you’re going to go somewhere, you should tell me instead of writing… this!” he wasn’t really mad, just slightly irritated, though he was curious to find out what the note really stated.

Conveniently, he found a female Trainer and her male Ninetales walking along; talking and giggling to one another. He stopped them, hoping to borrow her Ninetales for a while and see if he was able to speak English and was able to decipher poor Pokemon writing skills.

“Aha!” he exclaimed. “I haven’t seen this kind of writing in a long time! A very… very long time!”

“What are you talking about?” his Trainer interjected. “You still write like that-”

“Shut up, woman!” he seethed, trying to preserve whatever dignity he had. “Hmm… let’s see, I can’t fully understand what this is saying but I can make out some parts of it.”

“Please do.” Fenix responded.

“Hmm… I see… huh?”

“What? What is it?”

“I can make out: ‘I don’t want to be a burden to you anymore’.”

“What?!” Fenix thought, his eyes widening in disbelief.

“The note also says ‘I want you to have normal Pokemon and become powerful in your own way, but I…’ um, I missed that part but the next part says ‘…I don’t want you to pretend to not have some sort of problem with my defection. You don’t have to worry about me anymore’. Um… then, after the message, it shows a little heart but… what was that all about?” the Ninetales interrogated.

“That was… my Glaceon!” he replied. “Tell me, have you seen a Glaceon around here?!”

“Wait a second. THAT thing was a Glaceon?” the female Trainer asked. “The white and black thingie with the red eyes? Huh… that’s an odd looking Glaceon, isn’t it?”

“Hey!” he shouted. “Don’t you dare make fun of her… she’s the most beautiful and unique Glaceon in the world and she doesn’t deserve the shit you people put her through!” he turned and sprinted off in the hallway, his flip-flops instantly flying off of his feet.

“Wait a second!” the Ninetales called, attempting to help out. “The note is still cold! Perhaps it was just recently made! You can still catch her!”

Fenix, before turning the corner and heading downstairs to the main lobby, thanked the Ninetales right before he leaped up into the air, intending on clearing the escalators. “I don’t have time for escalators!!” he roared. He rolled over the tile as he landed, all pedestrians in the area letting out frightened shrieks.

“Hey!” Nurse Joy yelled. “Are you crazy?!”

“Shut the hell up, bitch!” was his retort. “I’m going to find my Glaceon!” he was out the exit in a matter of seconds.

“Hey, hey, hey!” two bald men sitting near the Pokemon PC stood up in outrage. “Nobody calls Nurse Joy and bitch and lives!”

“Oh no!” Nurse Joy tried to calm them down. “It’s okay, it’s okay, he must be distressed is all!”

“Nope, that bastard is dead!” they rushed out of the Pokemon Center as soon as they ripped off their shirts for no apparent reason, showing off their built, tanned bodies.

“Must move faster! Must take bigger leaps!” Fenix chanted to himself. “Must move like Sonic the Hedgehog! Gyaaargh!!”

“Hey!” called one of the random antagonists. “Nobody treats our precious Nurse Joy like that!!”

“Dammit!” Fenix responded, out of breath. “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something?!”

“Welcome to ‘Who Gives a Shit’ land, population: Us!”

“That was the worst joke I’ve ever heard in my li-i-ife!” thus begins an intense chase between Fenix and these two men. However, they outmatched him greatly and speed but that was also their downfall. He would swerve randomly and change directions to throw them off. It was an effective strategy but proved more and more difficult to accomplish as time passed by. He was becoming exhausted, trying to dodge these assholes and look for Ami at the same time while making tricky maneuvers.

“Son of a bi-i-i-itch!” he screamed at the top of his lungs as his last remaining bits of energy wore themselves out. “Ami…” he thought as he felt himself slowing down. “…why would you ever think you were a burden to me? I know that I’m being ridiculed for having a discolored Pokemon but… I don’t care… you’re MY Pokemon… and… I never once thought of you as a freak.”

Ami, secluded in the edge of the forest overlooking Route 201, heard a bunch of commotion along the road. Curiously, she poked her head out of a bush only to see… Fenix? “Huh…?” she thought as those two men neared him. “No… no… what are they trying to do to him?!” she lunged out of the bushes.

With Fenix’s last strain of power, he stopped dead in his tracks to the first man he saw out of the two, hopping in the air with his right leg extended outward. The man, having little to no time to react, could only watch the leg collide with his face, sending him into a backwards spiral as the second man watched in awe.

FATALITY. Fenix Wins!

“Ah!” Ami had stopped, realized what happened, then leaped back into the bushes; running farther away. “Why?!” she cried to herself. “Why are you so persistent?! Just let me go! I’m making a mockery of you! Just turn back, damn it!” she tripped on a branch, sliding against the dirt face-first. “Why… why do you have to make this whole situation harder…?”

“Ho-o-oly shit-knockers, how did I do that?!” was Fenix’s first thought when he witnessed the devastation he just caused this man. As the man’s partner was in awe, Fenix took that chance to get the hell out of there, hoping he would not be suicidal enough to follow.


With that nuisance out of the way, Fenix, trying to catch his breath, slowed to a halt near Lake Verity. He searched the area, hand squeezing at his cramped stomach. With every breath he searched a different area until he saw something shiny and red towards the lake. Instantly, he rushed over there screaming “Ami!!” sadly, only realizing that he had found a ruby lying on the ground.

He picked up the jewel. “What the hell am I going to do with this?!” he threw it into the lake. “I just want…” he collapsed to his knees. “…my Glaceon…”

Then, he heard a low whimpering noise. He sensed it, quickly scanning the point of interest until… “Ami!” he saw her teary, blood red eyes glaring at him from behind a tree.

“Ah!!” she screamed, dashing off as fast as she could.

“Oh, no you fucking don’t!!” he hollered, getting up and sprinting; adrenaline suddenly building up within him again. He ran fast… faster than he thought was possible; rushing through the bushes and dodging trees like it was the easiest obstacle course in the world.

“Since when could he move so fast?!” she saw his figure slowly catching up to her, the fire in his amber eyes exploding with rage and frustration. What a frightening sight. “Okay!” Ami thought. “Now all I have to do is NOT get caught on one of these branches and - Wah!” she tripped on a tree root. “I’m such a klutz…”

“Ami!” he stopped, instantly calmed down, and helped her up, checking her for any scrapes or bruises. “Are… are you okay?” he wiped the dirt off of her face.

“Get away from me!!” she squirmed, trying to break free of his overpowering grip. “You deserve better than me! You deserve better than me! I wrote it to you! You deserve better!!”

“How were you expecting me to read that ancient Egyptian hieroglyph?!” he gripped tighter on her paws. “Ami! Why?! Why do you think like that?! We’ve been together for 3 months and that thought has never occurred to me!”

“Of course it hasn’t! You don’t know what people say about you behind your back!” tears flooded her face, soaking up her frozen quills of fur. “They ridicule you! They never take you seriously! They know I’m not a shiny Pokemon, they just think I’m defective and that you’re a pushover because of it! And I am! I’m not at all as powerful as those other Glaceons! Why would you want to keep a weakling like me?!”

Fenix, hoping he wasn’t going to regret it later, had to blurt out what he had been thinking for so long. He had to calm her down, he had to make her stay… and he was willing to reveal anything for that to happen… even the forbidden bond between Pokemon and humans, the bond that so many Trainers and so many citizens strongly disapprove of. “Fu-uck! It’s because I love you, Ami!!”

With those words, the struggling stopped. Ami froze in disbelief, her lips pursed as she gulped; losing herself in her Master’s eyes. There were a million things she wanted to say, but as soon as she opened her mouth she uncontrollably asked: “R-Really…?” the tears had stopped.

“Of course! I’ve always loved you but…” he paused, trying to summarize his feelings without giving an inaugural speech. “…today I really figured out what it was like without you and… now I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be able to survive.”

Once again, she repeated: “Really…?” she was having difficulties saying anything else, she was just too shocked.

“Yes, and I know all about what people say about me, Ami.” He gently placed his palm at the side of her face. “I… I don’t care. I don’t care what they say about me, you are my Pokemon… my love… and I won’t part with you just because of what they think!”

Her head lowered as she gave off a subtle whining sound. She began to shiver. “Are you okay?” Fenix queried, ducking down to see her face which resulted in her quickly kissing him.

She shivered some more which is pretty ironic because she is a Glaceon. “H-H-H-How w-w-was it…?” she was expecting a reply regarding how cold her breath was and how cold her muzzle must have felt against his lips but his response was giving her a kiss as well.

“Wait!” she protested, blushing like crazy. “I… I… I still hate how those assholes make fun of you all the time for having a Pokemon like me! You’re such a great person and it really makes me feel horrible when-” she was interrupted by a sudden jolt of pleasure coming from her crotch area. While she was busy speaking, Fenix had moved in on her.

“Well… does that make you feel better?” he smiled as he ran two of his fingers into her wet and cold vagina. She fought back the urge to moan but was greatly overpowered.

“But I… ah!” he increased his speed, forcing her into a silent state where she was lost in her own pleasure. She bit her tongue and spread out her hind legs, fully embracing this feeling. He moved his lips downward along with his fingers, licking her soft, delicious pussy.

“Aha!” she moaned. “That’s… that’s… too good! Ah… ah… ah… stop!” she ordered, Fenix obeyed.

“What? Did I hurt you?”

“No!” she quickly replied. “You’re not feeling good too!” she lowered her head, as if she was ashamed of her greediness.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m-”

“No! I don’t care!” she turned around, lifting up her ass to greet Fenix; her tail covering everything. “Please…” she lifted her tail, revealing her dripping wet pussy. “…Do me… as hard as you want…”

Once again she bit her tongue, awaiting her lover’s member’s arrival. She heard him unzip his pants, she cringed, hoping to Arceus it wouldn’t hurt when he put it in. Then, abruptly, she felt it slide it. Such a wonderful feeling it was, devoid of pain or discomfort… just pleasure. “Please…” she whined, barely able to speak. “…Tell me… is it too cold?”

He felt the chill surround his cock but considering the warm temperature outside and the fact that he had been running all that time… her cold pussy was perfect.

“Hehe, always so worried about the coldness.”

“Answer… me!”

“It feels great, like nothing I’ve ever felt before…”

“You mean… you mean you’ve had another?!”

“No, no! That’s not what I meant, Ami.” He laughed. “Such a silly girl.”

“Hey! I’m not the one that - Ah!” he shoved his member deeper within her. That definitely shut her up.

As he began to thrust forward and pull back, Fenix gradually increased in speed, trying to conceal his moans of pleasure by replacing them with short grunts while Ami was letting loose… screaming in orgasmic pleasure.

“Yes!” she screamed. “Please… please… more!” her tail, with every pound, fired up as if she had been startled. She clawed at the ground, running her paws deep down as her tongue lazily dangled out; caught in between her fangs. It felt so good, so perfect.

With every pound, she felt herself slide forward. Such force he used… she loved it. She loved that feeling of his pelvis slapping against her ass, his dick within her, both of them being connected. Truly together.

“So good…” she constantly repeated.

Soon, she would keep begging him to go faster and faster until she had brought down the thunder. Such hard and quick thrusts and all of this right after he had that race with those two men and tracked her down. Such stamina.

Fenix, with no warning, grabbed her waistline and lay her on her back; his cock still penetrating her.
She had leaves all over her chest and dirt on her chin.

“Nyaa!” she squealed. “That’s embarrassing!” she tried covering her face but Fenix grabbed her paws, forcing them downward.

“I want to see your face, Ami.” He whispered into her ear, then, with a slight smile, he continued his ravaging.

She lay her head back, taking everything he had to give her. One eye closed and one eye open, loving the look her Master gave her as he fucked her. The look of a real man. “Ah! Ah!” she noticed him slowing down and with good excuse, he must have been exhausted from all that running in the first place… poor thing.

She broke free of his grip on her paws and pushed on his stomach; gesturing for him to lay on his back. He agreed and did what she suggested. She placed her paws on his chest and took a few deep breaths before moving her waist.

“Want me to help?” Fenix chuckled.

“No!” she blushed. “I can do it…” she slowly lifted up, feeling Fenix’s member slide against her vaginal walls.

“Damn…” Fenix groaned, grabbing at her chest and massaging it.

“Mmm~” she began a slow, consistent motion up and down. She grew in balance, using her hind legs to flatten out the dirt under and create a leveled supporter which resulted in her unleashing everything on Fenix.

Fenix, no longer being able to suppress his pleasure, let out a loud moan as Ami rode him like a Rapidash. He looked down just to see a little sparkle of blood. “Looks like… I’m her first…” he smiled. “Awesome.”

They both loved that rhythm of their private areas intertwining, that sound it made, that feeling it created. This was like… a dream come true.

“I’m just a defect… no… love is no defect, therefore, you are not. Not everybody is the same.” These thoughts raced through Ami’s mind as she was experiencing the most pleasurable… and happiest moments of her life. “Fenix… is using you. Fenix loves you! He did so much for you, he has never used you. Fenix truly loves you. How does it feel to be loved?” as she felt her climax approaching she looked down to Fenix with that trademark smile on his face. She could tell his climax was approaching as well.

“…It feels great.”

Both Fenix and Ami bit on their own lips as they sustained an orgasm at the exact same time, watching the residual liquid puddle around his balls. They both sat there, panting at 30 miles an hour… Ami getting lost in his amber eyes once again. Fenix rolled on to his side, his dick still connecting the two of them together.

The Pidgeots in the area had resumed chirping… as if they were eavesdropping.

Fenix embraced his Pokemon as she purred in delight. “Hey,” Fenix whispered. “You never said you loved me…”



“Wait… yeah I… oh!” she giggled. “I’m sorry… I love you, Fenix.”

“I love you too, Ami… with all my heart.”


“Yeah, Ami?”

“Could you do me a favor?”

“Sure… anything…”

“Don’t take it the wrong way but…” she paused.

“What is it?”

“Could you please stop that rhyming thing?” she giggled.


Chapter End Notes:*Just a little conversation I made up with Fenix and Ami arguing about if humans could have babies with Pokemon*

Fenix: You know what’d be weird?

Ami: Huh?

Fenix: If… hehe… if you got pregnant and it came out as this anthropomorphic Glaceon / human thingie?

Ami: No! It couldn’t-

Fenix: Except it had like… the head of a Glaceon and the body of a human? Haha

Ami: It could never-

Fenix: It’s like a… Glacehuman?

Ami: Listen to me, damn it! You can’t have babies with me!

Fenix: It’d be hilarious if we created one of the first anthro-babies out there, hehe…

Ami: But it’s not possible! I’m not capable of turning your sperm into a baby!

Fenix: I’m just saying… that would be so weird! Wouldn’t it?!

Ami: That means… that would mean I would have to have the exact same genetic materials as you!

Fenix: But here’s the thing *dramatic pause* what if you doooo?

Ami: NO! NO! Listen to me! First off, we are different species! There’s geographic isolation and…

Fenix: Oh, now you’re just throwing random theories at me?

Ami: Nuh-uh! I’m being serious! I-

Fenix: Nope, you’re making shit up!

Ami: Fine! If there was a possibility of me having your baby, it would be infertile!

Fenix: Pfft… you probably don’t even know what “infertile” means!

Ami: I… don’t know! Look it up on Wikipedia!!

Fenix: Then like… imagine that my sperm is so strong that it makes a bunch of eggs inside of you!

Ami: That… that doesn’t even make sense! How would I be able to carry all of that?!

Fenix: Because you’re so obviously Super Glaceon Carrier in disguise! You can hold up to 50 eggs in your stomach!

Ami: … are you implying that I’m fat?!

Fenix: Haha… no! No! Of course not! How did you even come to that conclusion? I…

Ami: You totally just did!

Fenix: I didn’t! I swear!

Ami: You’re dead! Rawrrr!!
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