AGNPH Stories

True Love Never Fades by feign12


Chapter 3

In her dream, Latias saw nothing but a heavenly blue in all directions. She could tell that her psychic abilities were at work while she slept something that rarely happened. She felt really alert and knew that something momentous was about to transpire.

As if to prove her right, she spied a figure in the distance slowly coming toward her. Squinting to make out the outline of a Latios coming toward her, she gasped when he finally came close enough to see his face.

“Brother,” she managed breathlessly.

“My sister, it has been quite a long time,” Latios said in a deep comforting voice that sent nostalgic shivers down Latias' spine and caused her eyes to well up for the second time that day. “I saw what you did for that Raticate earlier today and I'm so very proud of you. You have grown into a very responsible and caring adult Latias.” He smiled at her, seeing how much she improved after his passing. But he sensed some sort of emotional discomfort with her, especially in her heart. It had sorrow, loneliness and a bit of hope left that her love would soon return to her arms.

Flattered, Latias vocalized and flew up to nuzzle the aura of her dearly departed brother. He craned his neck around hers. “It's my duty to protect Altomare and its inhabitants,” she said simply.

Latios nipped at her neck lightly. “Oh, sister. I've seen you unhappy for far too long. It's that boy Ash, isn't it? I saw the way that you looked at him and sensed how you felt when close to him. I'm psychic too, don't you remember? You had never been happier in your life when with him. You were even stronger and braver around him. I could see that he had a very positive influence on you, turning you from a playful hyper girl into a woman that could sacrifice it all to protect the ones she loved when called upon. Now you seem to have retained that maturity, but you just aren't the happy or playful Latias you were before. I didn't like you associating with him at first, but I came to see how pure of a soul that human has and started to secretly hope that you would stay with him and be happy.”

Latias gazed up at him with sparkling tear-filled eyes. She couldn't believe that he knew the secret of her love that she had been hiding for so very long. She should have known, as he had pretty much raised her himself. Also, she was in shock that she had had her brother's blessing all along. She thought that his brother would object or would deny her right to love someone, especially a human like Ash.

She decided to finally let it all out as she choked back sobs. “Oh brother, how could I have thought you didn't know? It is him. He is the love of my life. He had such an incredible impact on me. The way he smiles, the way he cares, the way he walks, everything about him just felt so right when he was with me. When we touched, I felt safer than I ever had before in my life. He sent sensations through me that felt so out of this world that I was convinced that we were connected psychically.”

“But now... it's too late. I blew it. He left and I couldn't find a way to tell him how I felt. I was too scared and confused by my own feelings. When they didn't go away, I realized that I was stuck. I had to be Guardian of Altomare until someone was willing to take my place. By the time someone offered, I was so wrapped up in my own sorrow and fear that he'd not even remember me, I just gave up. And now it's too late. Far too late.” She held on to her brother and finally broke into loud dragon sobs. She couldn’t stop herself in her brother’s presence. Her sorrow was now too much to bear any longer.

Latios wrapped his arm around his sister and let her cry for a while, gently rubbing her back. When she finally stopped and looked at him embarrassed and miserable, he spoke. “It's never too late. I don't think there's any kind of chance that he has forgotten about you. You saved his life and he yours. You are connected through that. He is coming back to Altomare for a short time. It is a sign that you were meant to be together. I came tonight to encourage you to take advantage of your one opportunity to be truly happy. You deserve that and so much more.”

Latias blinked a few times and gazed at her brother with love and appreciation. “Thank you so much, brother. You have given me hope whereas I had only given myself despair. I will find him when he comes and discover a way to finally profess to him how I feel.” Latias nodded with determination as she spoke.

Latios grinned proudly. “Now that's the Latias I've always known.” He gently lifted up his clawed blue arm and carefully wiped away the remnants of her tears. “I'm sorry my dear sister, but I'm afraid that now I must part from you once again.” His image broke and slowly his aura began to separate and glisten into a mist.

His sister whined. “No, brother, please! I still need you. Don't go!” She frantically flew around the mist, trying to put it back together.

“Fret not, Latias. We will be reunited again someday. Until then, enjoy your life to the fullest. Be with Ash. Fulfill your inner purpose. I love you always,” Latios whispered from seemingly faraway before drifting away into nothingness.

Latias whimpered for a moment in the dark, but quickly regained the bravery and determination her brother had restored. She had decided to wait for her love and she was going to confess to him. She then awakened.

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